Healing Parental Problems

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Often-times it's the case that our parents in general and parents as a category are not up to the obligations of being such.

Before I try to explain the case of why this is so [not to influence you, but to give you a perspective] we have to understand that in our culture nobody is taught how to be a parent.

Now this makes sense itself, that one needs to know how to be something before one is something.

But when it comes to parenthood, most people aren't taught anything, and many are people who carry a lot of garbage but become parents anyway.

This can have an effect which we know and expect, which is to become a bad parent to one's children.

Spiritual Satanists have numerous things in their life in their overwhelming majority that makes them mature.

This maturity can come through a lot of events, some of which are very unpleasant.

Needless to say, to arrive on the island of healing and to understand this, one might have undergone great pain beforehand.

I am no stranger to this myself and indeed I can testify for what it means to be taken care of by the Gods when you are wounded.

Human beings, due to cases of inner instability or lack of understanding, do not understand how to live life, let alone how to be parents.

The Ancient Greek philosophers went to great extents to explain what this lack of knowledge means and how it affects us.

Things that we take for granted, are not for granted.

Many people are at the age to become parents [let's face it, even if you are 14, you can become a parent technically] but one can be very far from being responsible enough to take other lives on them.

Yet, parents still, mature or not, have given you your life, a life which might not be perfect or even filled with obstacles, and for this we have to be thankful to an extent.

The Gods are there with their knowledge to help us heal and put things in perspective.

Of course, the feeling of thankfulness is commonly covered by feelings of pain, resentment, abandonment or misery, which people so liberally throw on other people.

Often-times it's also the case that we find ourselves as mature and caring souls on the receiving end of this negligence.

The world isn't perfect, and your parents aren't either.

Parents also are not spiritually "perfect" mediums, and they deserve respect, while there are levels of being a parent and being completely absent.

Some parents are also so bad and negligent, that they don't deserve you.

This is not something simple to judge and you ought not allow foolishness in this judgement.

But yes, this is part of life too, unfortunately.

In the current state of understanding, one will understand later in life that despite everything, if parents were there to provide for you, they did well.

Certain parents can do greatly in their task, but children can also be harsh judges based on emotional needs.

Some people also have wonderful parents towards whom they are not casting proper judgement, and this is understood later as one becomes a parent themselves, most of the time.

So, if your parents are great, do them some justice.

Yes, they can't know many things, but at least they are doing a proper purpose, which is to grow you.

Understanding of this arrives as time goes.

The mother or father that showed you love and cared for you, might be understood only when you yourself actually saw what it takes to raise kids.

One ought does not allow ungratefulness to take over your mind, but here is one more thing that you ought to defend yourself from: Extreme toxicity.

There are certain "parents" who can behave worse than an enemy to someone, and this can come from factors not related to evil, but rampant ignorance.

Or just flat out evil.

There are literally some people in this world who only give birth to others in the idea of enslaving them, and enslavement here is literal, it's not about getting up and having to go to school in time, or telling you to do your homework, we are talking about real enslavement which you can see in documentaries online that have to do with a lifestyle of slavery.

These people, one might actually have to go back and settle accounts with them.

But these are truly evil examples, not everyday examples.

Even in these examples, you can hang in there and eventually win, so don't give up.

I wouldn't like to elaborate on stories I have heard here, there is a difference between a parent not allowing you 40 hours of playing PlayStation 5 and spoiling you, and another who rapes and beats you in eventful feats of domestic violence.

Many people actually have decent parents that they seek to "Crucify" just because of immaturity related to one's age and needs.

Try to not be one of these always ungrateful people in your life, it's very wrong.

In this case, you have to defend yourself from this by building up a powerful identity.

This identity will fulfill you and reward you over time, but eventually the question of what happens with one's parents might come in your face.

Overall, here I cannot tell you what you ought to do with your life, besides a few general ethical rules.

For one, when I really understood the level of ignorance of some people, it came to me as a normal situation to excuse certain people in my life for their mistakes, because I understood them for being less mature souls, or learners.

The people who might be your parents now, can on the soul age be way younger than you.

This can create huge gaps in what you understand and expect relative to what they understand and expect.

Things that are a given for you, might be things they never thought about.

Certain astrological aspects also, or life mistakes, might impede them from doing what they should. Ignorance isn't always people's fault.

What I mean by this, is that we don't live in a world where people are given 2-year seminars before having kids.

So, one doesn't know what they ought to do with that.

Even parents reading this, might benefit from actually reading or learning how to raise kids.

Even then, when you do your work perfectly, as certain knowledge is missing, you might be confused on what went wrong with your kids, or what went right.

So, things are up to chance a little bit.

To speed forward here is my advice for those of you who are lucky to be dedicated.

Compared to those who walk this earth without any paradigm and support, you have the Gods and Father Satan who are perfect figures of taking care of you in the emotional aspects of your being.

The Identity of Satan – Library of Rickandria

The Goddesses and the Gods can show you and guide you into repair of anything that you need in your soul, but you must let them.

First and foremost, damage must be understood as existing, and then the journey towards healing will begin.

The power the Gods teach is not a false power based on deprivation and fear, but a power coming from the deeper recess of your own soul.

Soul & Spirit – Library of Rickandria

Everything you need to heal is already inside you, but maybe due to circumstances, it will take a while to understand this.

The Gods can lead you.

If you open up to them, they will heal you and take pointless ignorance and resentment away, one step at a time, and if you are serious and insistent, you will become a new and healed being through your association with them.

There are obvious reasons on why regular people can't fill in these roles compared to the Gods, and reasons have to do with both wisdom and experience.

As a general rule, when you are a teenager especially, parents can be protective of you or caring, a care which is defined by their own standards and what they know.

This can feel suffocating at this point, and you might want to escape by creating clashes.

When we are young, we cannot always understand this type of reasoning, but one or two decades later it will become clearer to you.

So, try to get into their mind on why they do what they do; for example, if one watches TV, Satan is this sort of monster that leads people to decay [enemy perception, a lie] therefore our parents wanted to protect us from this.

Enki – Library of Rickandria

They therefore will go to appropriate measures.

Any "decent" parent won't want you to become a pariah or a danger to this world.

Your parents won't always see what you see about life, and they won't always see what you do.

One has to learn this to be true as part of being "your own person" and an individual that is growing and developing a stronger and better self.

About careless parents, there are people who simply give up their kids.

In our world that is very common, and if you are in this category, it can take a while to understand.

What is important to understand is that you are NOT responsible for this, but that in almost all cases, it's unresolved issues and problems in the minds of your parents.

The earlier one understands that one is not responsible, the better- you will heal faster.

The gaps incumbent there can be filled with the Gods.

Lastly, we have situations where fate or other problems have impeded your parents from doing their work.

Well-meaning parents might have become deceased, life might have hit them, or unforeseen events might have knocked on their door.

They are well meaning, but they aren't Gods.

So, life might have hit them, a hit that might have left you too without certain things you could have had.

In this case, one must understand life and show some sympathy on them, but then again, I am only here to relate things and not to tell you what your judgement should be.

My only comment here is to try to be just.

I'll also relate further information based on the teachings of Ancient Philosophers of the Sanatana Dharma on this, to help us all, whether children or parents ourselves.

Family has a very high level in Spiritual Satanism, and we ought to try to return to our roots.

Your first link to your roots, whatever these might be, is these two people that gave you your life, and made you who you are.

Then, our focus is and should be to look at the future: on how we can be way better and set a higher example, that will give inspiration to other people as we go.

This makes the people behind us both healed and proud for our endeavors.


Library of Rickandria – Mankind's greatest fears manifest due to their lack of knowledge…