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The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes (including the historical universe we consistently experience) that together comprise everything that exists and can exist: the entirety of:

  • space
  • time
  • matter

and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them.

Multiverse - Wikipedia

Anthropic Bound on The Cosmological Constant
Before the Big Bang, There Was... What
Creation of Universes
Exploring the Unum - The Building Blocks of the Multiverse
Multidimensionality - Main File
Multiverse Cosmological Models
Multiverse or Meta-Universe
Multiverses and Cosmology - Philosophical Issues
New Physics Complications Lend Support to Multiverse Hypothesis
Our Metaphysical Multiverse
Our Universe May Exist in a Multiverse - Cosmic Inflation Discovery Suggests
Scientific Theories About the Multiverse and How It Works!
Scientists Discover that Our Brains can Process the World in 11 Dimensions
Testing the Multiverse - Beyond the Limits of Science?
The Multiverse
The Multiverse is Inevitable and We're Living in It
The Nature of the "Multiverse" - Stephen Hawking's Last Words
The Structure of The Multiverse
The Theory of Parallel Universes is Not just Maths - It is Science that can be Tested
The Universe and Multiple Realities
The Universe is Obsolete" - A Gallery of Multiverse Theories
This is why Physicists suspect the Multiverse very likely Exists
Three Scientific Theories about the Multiverse and How It Works!
Time Travel - Main File
Time Travel and The Multiverse - Many Worlds, Many Timelines
We May have Uncovered the First Ever Evidence of the Multiverse
Why Comparable? A Multiverse Explanation of the Dark Matter - Baryon Coincidence

Additional Information 

A Modified Naturalness Principle and Its Experimental Tests
Anthropic Arrogance
A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation? - Stephen Hawking
Astrosciences - Exploring the Mysteries of The Universe - Main File
Defend the Integrity of Physics - Scientific Method
Design and The Anthropic Principle - The Universe as a Fit Habitat
Did 'Someone' place us in a 'Holographic Universe' and give us 'Simulated Life' we consider as Reality
Evidence against a Supervoid causing the CMB Cold Spot
Is Death an Illusion? - Evidence Suggests Death Isn't the End
New Science's Paradigm
Quantization of Four-form Fluxes and Dynamical Neutralization of the Cosmological Constant
Scientists see 'Two Versions of Reality' existing at the Same Time - A Quantum Experiment
Search for The Mind of 'God
The Expanding Materials Multiverse
To Infinity and Beyond - Transcending our Limitations
Where did the Universe come from? - And other Cosmic Questions... - by Chris Ferrie and Geraint F. Lewis

Parallel Worlds and Universes

A New Hypothesis Suggests that Parallel Universes Might Interact after All
Can Parallel Universes Explain the Déjà Vu Phenomenon?
Could there be a Parallel Universe identical to Our Own?
Crossing Between Parallel Realities and Timelines - Entertaining a Wild Possibility
Death is Just an Illusion - We Continue to Live in A Parallel Universe
Dreams, Timelines and Parallel Worlds
Mystery of the Mandela Effect - Are 'False Memories' Proof of Parallel Universes?
OBE and Parallel Worlds
Parallel Universe Proof Boosts Time Travel Hopes - Science Fiction Looks Closer to Becoming Science...
Parallel Worlds Exist and Interact with Our World - Say Physicists
Parallel Worlds Exist and Will Soon be Testable - Expert Says
Parallel Worlds - Physicist Spins Latest Theories for University of Delaware Crowd
Quantum Phenomena Modeled by Interactions between Many Classical Worlds
Quantum Physics - Our Study suggests Objective Reality Doesn't Exist
Scientists Propose Existence and Interaction of Parallel Worlds - Many Interacting Worlds theory Challen...


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