When talking critically about the Anunnaki nobody really cares, but when you connect this group with the God/Allah in the bible/koran some people might not be as indifferent. I spoke about this question of possible blasphemy in an earlier article (1). I respect everybody who doesn’t want to explore the extraterrestrial nature of ‘God’ any further, but I would like to continue this quest anyway, for I think it is important to be able to think freely and unimpeded about this topic.
Especially when current sources like the ‘Keys of Enoch’ and the ‘Only Planet of Choice‘ seem to breathe a bit of this ‘Yahweh-vibe’.
ENLIL Let’s start off with Enlil, who was elaborately described by Zecharia Sitchen in his outstanding ‘Twelfth Planet’ in 1978 (2). Based on his analysis of the Sumerian clay-tablets Sitchen was able to make a case for the idea that the Sumerian Gods came from the skies. I don’t want to delve into all the drama (or should I say, the soap) involved when this family of Anu decided to enter our world. The main characters in this ‘divine’ story are Enki and Enlil. Enlil seems to play the role of the crook and Enki the good guy, to oversimplify this story (3).
Enlil was appointed by Anu, his father, as the ruler of Earth (4) and I would like to quote an excerpt from Sitchen’s book which deals with this:
“Apart from being chief of the gods, Enlil was also deemed the supreme Lord of Sumer (“sometimes simple called ‘The Land'”) and its ‘Black-Headed People’. A Sumerian psalm spoke in veneration of this god:
Lord who knows the destiny of The Land, trustworthy in his calling Enlil who knows the destiny of Sumer, trustworthy in his calling Father Enlil, Lord of all the lands Father Enlil, Lord of the Rightful Command Father Enlil, Shepherd of the Black-Headed Ones From the Mountain of Sunrise to the Mountain of the Sunset There is no other Lord in the Land, you alone are King
The Sumerians revered Enlil out of both fear and gratitude.” (2, p.97-98)
THE BIBLICAL GOD So, much for the god of the Sumerians. Let’s move on to our biblical god.
For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.” (Exodus 20: 5-6)
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View full-sizeDownload The God that we know from the Bible seems to be a bit of a strange guy to me. He says he is a jealous god, he seems to value his own people (the Hebrews) more than others. In one chapter he says that ‘thou shallst not kill’ and a few chapters onwards he goes on to advice his people to kill everyone they encounter on their path to the ‘Promised Land’ (7).
He got angry with Adam and Eve because they were disobedient to his rule and wanted to know about the difference between right and wrong and since then he thought it was appropriate to curse every woman ever since with painful labor. Obedience was very important to him and he didn’t mind flooding the complete world and killing off nearly everyone (except for the lucky few he liked) for he had come to the conclusion that nearly everyone had turned corrupt.
YAHWEH Another name that is used, especially in the Jewish tradition is that of Yahweh:
“God has no shortage of names–He is called by almost 1000 different ones in the Bible. But one of these names stands alone, and that name is Yahweh. The name Yahweh (yah-WEH) occurs more than 6,800 times in the Old Testament. It appears in every book but Esther, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. As the sacred, personal name of Israel’s God, it was eventually spoken aloud only by priests worshiping in the Jerusalem temple.” (8)
THE ENLIL-YAHWEH VIBE AND THE KEYS OF ENOCH Somehow certain acts of both Enlil and the biblical god (Yahweh/Jehova (9)) don’t feel right to me. Elements like Obedience, Punishment, Anger and his preference for his ‘own people’ are some of the reasons for this sentiment. This doesn’t mean that there is plenty of wisdom and beauty in the bible, but the way both Enlil and the biblical god are portrayed in both the Sumerian tablets and the bible is far from attractive to me.
Perhaps this sentiment is false and unjust, but there seems to be some logic behind it. Things are becoming more complicated when I come across modern texts in which these elements and even the name of Yahweh (or YHWH) is mentioned. Recently Dr. Michael Salla had an interview with JJ Hurtak and his wife (10). Dr. Hurtak is the writer of the impressive book called ‘The Keys of Enoch’ (11). When I looked at the cover of this book I got this Enlil-Yahweh-vibe, and in the first pages of the book Hurak describes his travels through the stars and finally meeting his Lord, YHWH:
Perhaps it was Hurtak simply using these terms because he was used to thinking about god like this, but you might understand why I got this ‘Yahweh-vibe’ because of this. I have only read some 10-15 pages but a bit further the 10 commandments are described as holding the keys to ‘pyramidal grid structures of Light coordinating the dynamic vibrations, the gravitational vibrations, and the vital cycles according to the divine plan of YHWH.” (p.xiv)
THE PLANET OF CHOICE AND THE YHWH-VIBE The much acclaimed book ‘The Planet of Choice’ by Phyllis Schlemmer (12) has become quite popular. In the book ‘The Nine’ communicate with all kinds of people on various topics. Gene Roddenberry was one of them and the Nine have become quite an important element in the recent developments. Elena Danaan has given beautiful descriptions of the wisdom of this group and I believe her fully (13,14), but despite all that I did get this ugly YHWH-vibe when reading certain elements in this book as well. I will get into that in a future article.
DAVID ICKE AND THE BIBLICAL GOD In November 2023 I wrote a piece (15) in which I compared David Icke’s perspective with the evolving new perspective that is being studied on this website. It is clear that Icke is not a great fan of the biblical god. Below you can watch an excerpt from a video-interview he did with True Geordie (16):
See Endnote 146 for a short video by Corina Pataki on this subject in which she compares Jesus with Yahweh from the Old Testament
LINKS (1) Is is Blasphemous to say that God is an Alien? (2) Sitchen, Z. (1978) The Twelfth Planet: Book I of the Earth Chronicles. New York: Avon Books. (3) Of course this is all grossly simplified. In reality there would have been far more nuance, but for the sake of this introduction I prefer simplicity, since things are already complex enough as they are 🙂 (4) The question is what part of Earth they really controlled. The area of Sumer (Iran/Iraq) were under their control, but it is not clear in what other areas they also interfered. They wanted to make it look as if they were the only gods, and then you’d better not mention any other ‘gods’ in other parts of the world. (5) Mighty Enlil Of The Sumerian Pantheon Of Gods (6) God’s Word Has Full Authority (7) “When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you— 2 and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally.[a] Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. 3 Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, 4 for they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. 5 This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles[b] and burn their idols in the fire. 6 For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.” (Biblegateway) (8) Meanings of Yahweh and Why It’s Such an Important Name for God (9) “Jehovah is the true God of the Bible, the Creator of all things. (Revelation 4:11) The prophets Abraham and Moses worshipped him, as did Jesus. (Genesis 24:27; Exodus 15:1, 2; John 20:17) He is the God, not just of one people, but of “all the earth.”—Psalm 47:2.” from Who is Jehova? (10) Mars, Keys of Enoch, Space Arks, Portals, Pyramids & Return of ET Seeders (11) Hurtak, J.J. (1977) Keys of Enoch. USA: Academy for Future Science. (12) Schlemmer, P. (1993) The Only Planet of Choice (free pdf) (13) THE NINE: Diving into the origins with Dan Winter ~ Feb 23 2022 (6pm EST) (14) Contact with Council of Nine & 24 ET Seeder Races (15) David Icke and the Removal of Malevolent Extraterrestrials (16) DAVID ICKE – Aliens are HERE! Exposing the illuminati Government 👽