Libraries of lies. - A Word About Occultists. - The Medzamor's discovery. - A metallurgical complex of the third millennium. - The Brucelles gripper. - There was a scientific prehistory and industrial. - Two imagination exercises. - First exercise: the fairy tale of the Solar Wind. - The fable and its moral. -The Justifications for the dream. - Second Exercise: The Fairy Tale of Phaethon. - So that History remains open.
As you can see, this book doesn't want to teach a religion. No We have a vocation for it. We also don't have access to the sciences Secret. We don't even have flying carpets. Just a rug small for gymnastics.
As you can see, this book doesn't want to teach a religion. No We have a vocation for it. We also don't have access to the sciences Secret. We don't even have flying carpets. Just a rug small for gymnastics.
Consequently, no revelation came especially for We, from a Tibet will, authorize us to sing:
On a certain green island in the ocean
where the dark coral grows to-day,
full of pride, pomp, and majesty,
stood the palaces of ancient Atlantis.
where the dark coral grows to-day,
full of pride, pomp, and majesty,
stood the palaces of ancient Atlantis.
But, as no historical certainty has yet come to prohibit It smashes the idea of an unknown Humanity, which flourished and extinguished in the remote past, we can afford the exercises of imagination. On condition that they are presented as such. And from perform them correctly. Choosing the right footholds, breathing deeply, tensing the muscles.
Do you want to make a Are you a little bit of gymnastics with us?
Here are two exercises to our style. Two hypotheses. The first was suggested by two engineers Americans, lovers of anthropology-fiction: Walt and Leigh Richemond. The second, by a Soviet writer: Rudenko. Two hypothesis. Or, rather, two fairy tales. We'll call the first, Tale of the Solar Wind. To the second, Tale of Phaethon.
All traditions evoke this ancient human world and its catastrophic disappearance. Naturally, it may be nothing more than a myth. But we might also ask whether the idea of a Humanity that creates myths to express its deep psychology, not It will be a modern myth. Perhaps these are doctored accounts of objective facts, of external and concrete realities.
Occultists, who passionately hold that the Golden Age is behind us, and that a catastrophe -of which there is an annoying precedent in the past—will come to justly punish the world They have not stopped providing us with data. But their information They come from mysterious sources, so lofty and secret, that We, wretched infidels, were soon discouraged.
When the sleep grip is so high, it's hard to hold on to Or is it that these people naturally have legs? so short that they don't touch the ground? Madame Blavatsky receives the "revelation" of the existence of Lemuria, where "the third mother race."
Submerged in Lemuria, a "fourth mother race" appears in Atlantis. Scott-Elliott, heir to the visions of Madame Blavatsky and Annie Besant, describes a "Toltec civilization," the of Atlantis, as well as its cosmic forces and their spaceships. Rudolf Steiner (in the most debatable part of a immense and often brilliant work) adds to the epic of Scott-Elliott details whose provenance, he says, could not be to divulge without committing an abominable sin.
Colonel James Churchward claims that a Hindu sage sent him some tablets written in the language of the Lemurid continent, which he calls Mú. At the age of seventy, this American soldier began writing the four works on the civilization of the Great Ancients, with a luxury of details that will excite the crowds. How to write Seriously, four volumes of fallacious dreams? Naïve asks. In In reality, there are "monuments of imposture and entire libraries of lies."
Parallel to the occultists, some theorists, mixing the legends, astronomy, geology, climatology, botany, Zoology and Anthropology, tried to establish the place and explain the existence and disappearance of a high civilization paramount. Ignace Donnelly's Atlantis, published in 1882, It achieved prodigious success.
Starting "from a pile of facts and a mountain of conjecture," Donnelly situates Paradise Lost in the place occupied by the current Atlantic Ocean. The Godis of the Antiquity they are, the Lords of the submerged continent. As your Donnelly, the psychoanalyst Velikovskv, starting from a debatable astronomical thesis (Venus was, at first, a comet detached from Jupiter, which twice brushed the Earth), explains Genesis and Exodus, and justifies Scripture by the remembrance of A tremendous physical catastrophe.
Could it not be hypothesized that, without being less fantastic, dispense with the implausible a little more? Let's give it a try.
Ever since, at the dawn of industrial society, the astronomer Jean-Sylvain Bailly thought that other men, in very remote times, were able to possess a technical know-how, this idea has opened up road. Not only in the field of fantasy, but also in the field of the facts exhumed. "Man did not wait for the 20th century to draw for the benefit of the Earth," says Korium Meguertchian, Ph.D. sciences of the Armenian Geological Survey. You've just discovered (in 1968) the oldest factory in the world in Medzamor, on the glacis Armenian-Soviet.
According to him, the legend of the fire priests, transmitted by the neighbours and invaders of Medzamor, is no longer than the memory of the workers of a metallurgical complex that dates back to of the third millennium. And these workers,
"Gloves on, mouth covered With a protective filter, they looked like brothers to the proletarians of Creusot, Essen or Donetsk."
In this city metallurgical plantation, built on older layers, where they are buried manufacturing facilities of prehistoric times, it was a imported ore. Science journalist Jean Vidal (Science et Vie, July 1969), on his return from Soviet Armenia, where he researched with Meguertchian and his colleagues, he writes:
'Drafting the A list of the objects found would only be equivalent to, for the time being, make a rudimentary inventory, for Medzamor still conceals many things ignored. But among these objects there is one that fills with astonished the historians of metallurgy. It's all about the gripper Brucelles, of which many models have been found in corresponding layers at the beginning of the first millennium. The Brucelles, a kind of tweezer, allows the chemist and the watchmaker to hold the micro-objects that they are unable to handle." "Medzamor," he continues, "was founded by scholars trained in the school of previous civilizations, which contributed to its construction a sum of knowledge acquired in the course of a dark and difficult period. uncertain, which well deserves the name of "scientific and scientific prehistory." industrial." The builders of Medzamor had as their masters architects, metallurgists, and astronomers of the Neolithic period, who had already a scientific culture whose reason had been kneaded with the same yeast than the sciences and techniques they mastered. Even Before history began in Sumer, man lived in a organized society, whose structures were, in many respects, just like ours."
The previous discoveries of Çatal Huyuk and Lepenski-Vir (urban civilizations of 7,000 and 5,500 years before our era) They had already posed enigmatic questions to the archaeologist Mellaert, when he found copper objects "candied" in the metal slag. Therefore, these men knew Isolate the metal from the ore and shape it with the help of fire.
Medzamor, located a thousand kilometres from Catal Huyuk, provides a First revelation about a prehistoric technology, absolutely unsuspected ten years ago.
Astonishing beginning, or vestiges of more advanced techniques, in a unknown civilization buried by a catastrophe? We have right to ask us this question. But this one brings with it another one: What catastrophe? Is it caused by God, by heaven, or by one's own people? men? This brings us to our first fairy tale, called Solar wind.
Once upon a time, twenty thousand years ago, there was an advanced civilization that he was passionately interested in the Sun. When he was gone, As we shall see, men, keeping from it a vague They worshipped the sun and offered it many Sacrifices; but the rational content of the interest of his ancestors by the star had become extinct with them.
A glance cast on ourselves can give us an idea of the titanic labors undertaken by them. With the exception of relatively small amounts of energy produced from atoms, we draw all of our energy from the Sun, either in the form of atoms. fossil fuels (coal, oil), and immediately (energy hydroelectric plant, a product of evaporation). We also manufacture solar batteries, which transform lightning into current.
And we could conceive of a more extensive uptake. For example, trying to use Thermonuclear energy by fusion of light nuclei and nuclei This would be equivalent to reproducing the sun on Earth. We could, in short, try to capture the solar wind. This is A torrent of particles discovered in 1960 by the sages. Herself It deals with atoms of solar matter that come to collide with our Balloon.
And it is thought that this wind is perhaps the one that causes the aurora borealis and determines the formation of the electric layer of the atmosphere. Shorting Between Layers electrified from the upper atmosphere and the ground, we would get a A prodigious and inexhaustible source of energy. How to do it? ¿Doing conductive atmosphere? This is what happens with lightning. A bolt of lightning A sufficiently intense laser could produce the phenomenon.
Twenty thousand years ago, a technical and scientific civilization conceived the project of taming the solar wind. They were built, in different places on Earth, monumental isolating shapes of pyramids. At its summit was something resembling a super laser. A lot Some time later, these instruments would continue to rummage through the memory of the surviving generations. Men They would build pyramids, without understanding, and sometimes place pyramids in the top, reverberating stones, set in metal.
The experiment was attempted. But the power wrested from the sun annihilated the ambitious civilization, fulminated a world that saw "the heaven above itself, like a parchment, and the moon is tinted as with blood."
The large insulators volatilized. Instead, would be found much later, in the twentieth century of our era, in different places in Africa, Australia, Egypt, projections made of glass subjected to a high temperature and bombarded by high-energy particles: tektites.
Were there survivors among the holders of knowledge?
Maybe Some of them had sought refuge in deep caverns. Or Perhaps, others were then on a journey through space. The The situation, after the great catastrophe, was not only disastrous geologically (sunken or submerged continents), but also biologically. The bombardment of the atmosphere had created a A considerable amount of radioactive carbon. By being absorbed by animals and by men, it must have produced mutations and Spark fantastic hybrids.
These hybrids -centaurs, satyrs, bird-men- survived a long time in human remembrance, up to the historical times of Greece and Egypt.
The expert survivors were faced with a technical problem Urgent: Eliminate Carbon 14. This led them to organize a gigantic washing of the atmosphere, by artificial rains, while they were striving to preserve a sufficient number of beings humans and animal species, which had not undergone mutation. Protective methods included, above all, circumcision. Hemophilia, the product of a harmful mutation, is transmitted by the female, while circumcision had a selective. And this practice, instituted as a sanitary measure genetics, continued to be carried out for millennia, without knowledge of the cause, by numerous peoples scattered throughout the world...
Here is a small attempt to decipher the traditions and explain things without resorting to the occult. Is it a good track? We're not too sure. But we are confident that a future will come. a man who, with the faith of a Schlieman and the synthetic genius of a Darwin will gather the scattered elements of truth and write the history before history.
If you say to us, "This is a tremendous, childish hypothesis, do you believe in we will answer that we do not believe in the fable, but we do believe in its truth. moral.
Moreover, we have chosen this fable, because it illustrates the way in which realistic and realistic approach to these problems, and points to the direction in which many questions must be sought Current.
Moreover, we have chosen this fable, because it illustrates the way in which realistic and realistic approach to these problems, and points to the direction in which many questions must be sought Current.
If we place the great catastrophe at a date that goes back twenty years, A thousand years ago, certain anomalies that occur can be explained when trying to establish the age of something by carbon 14. When the carbon-14 method was discovered, there was reason to to believe that archaeology would become an exact science. His refinement made it possible to establish dates of seniority up to fifty thousand years ago.
The funny thing is that we can't no object between twenty thousand and twenty-five thousand years, whereas we can do it before and after. So far, there has been no found no explanation for this anomaly. Therefore, you can It is to be supposed that, during that period, some event occurred which It changed the concentration of carbon-14 in the atmosphere.
Our fable suggests a possible real content of the innumerable legends referring to beings that are half man, half animal. Objection: No bones of this kind have been found. Answer: Yes, it is Find; But the archaeologist imagines that he has discovered, in Tombs consecrated to some totemic religion, a man buried with an animal.
Our fable has the advantage of proposing the use of methods taken from physics to try to determine the date of a possible great catastrophe. If it was due to a short circuit in the Earth's atmosphere, such a short circuit no doubt disturbed the magnetic field and even shifted, perhaps, the magnetic poles. Specialists could investigate in this regard.
Tektite fields could help identify places in that the catastrophe began. Examination of the nuclear composition of The tektites show that they did not travel long through the space. It must be presumed, then, that they were formed on Earth or in the United States. the Moon. Their training seems to have developed such an energy. Obviously, one can refuse to admit an origin technological. However, the catastrophe of our very hypothetical At the same time, he was able to create and project the tektites around the point at which the discharge occurred that would have Originated. It has been shown that tektites had traveled through the atmosphere at a considerable speed.
This looks like demonstrate, in turn, that either they came from the Moon, or were created on Earth as a result of some event catastrophic. It is equally possible that traces of This catastrophe, consisting of trajectories formed in certain minerals by the passage of high-energy particles. It would be enough to that the scientific circles would retain the hypothesis of a great catastrophe, so that physical investigations could be initiated. Perhaps then we would obtain information capable of upsetting our ideas about the history of humanity.
Finally, our fable implies that the use of the mythology as a basis for research into reality, such as Schlieman brilliantly understood it, it is only in its infancy. All the catastrophic myths, especially those in which fire From heaven falls upon men, and all the legends they describe non-human beings derived from man, they should be systematically studied.
In this fable we have not attempted a description of the contemporaries of the great catastrophe. Maybe a certain racism, consciously or unconsciously, influenced research to this day On the origin of man. This question arises from the famous Sheikh Anta Diop's thesis on "Black Nations and Culture", aimed at proving the black origin of ancient Egypt.
In Prior to the black civilizations, Anta Diop writes:
"The results of archaeological excavations, particularly Dr. Leakey's in East Africa, allow us to situate each time Farther away, in the mists of time, the first sketches of the Mankind. However, it is still accepted that homo sapiens It appeared about forty thousand years ago, in the Upper Paleolithic. This first Humanity, which corresponds to the lower strata of the Aurignacian, resembles morphologically the black type of the Aurignacian Humanity. Today's Humanity (...) We are inclined to admit, with absolute objectivity, that the first homo sapiens was "Negroid", and that the other races, the white and the yellow, appeared later, due to differentiations whose physical causes are still beyond the control of the science. (...) Everything indicates that, at the beginning, in prehistory, In the Upper Paleolithic, blacks predominated. And they went on predominating in historical times, for millennia, in the field of civilization, of technical and military supremacy."
It turns out, then, that the Great Ancients of our Tale of the Wind Solar were black. Did they live in a harmonious synthesis of religion and religion? science? Had they given a high meaning to their destiny? When the Sun swooped down on their smart, curly heads, what courage, What faith, did the best show?
If the Bible retains a distant echo of their tragedy, it was these thieves of the Sun who uttered, For the first time, the sublime phrase:
"The Lord gave it to us; the Lord takes it away from us. Blessed be the name of the Lord."
Let us now turn to the Tale of Phaethon.
This, too, evokes a discontinuous evolution. But, in him, the Catastrophe is not of human origin.
"The key to the door that It separates us from the inner nature is moldy from the very beginning. Deluge," says Gustav Meyrinck.
But, according to Ukrainian Nicolai Danilovich Rudenko is not our fault. It was a mistake of the Intelligences of the planet Phaethon. And now, they don't care anymore they hurt, and we can win the game.
We had others civilizations, knowledgeable in science and technology. They were destroyed by Phaethon's explosion.
But, from now on Going forward, we will be free from the threat of these apocalypses. ¿Was ends of the world? There won't be any more. Our civilization is the good. It's not deadly. Or, at least, it's just up to us to do it. Be.
In 1959, astronomers in Czechoslovakia were able to determine the origin of a meteorite that fell in his country. The Cosmic Projectile it came, according to its trajectory, from somewhere between Mars and Jupiter. It came to join the thousands of asteroids that fell in the those places since the beginning of the nineteenth century.
It was, as it turns out, A tiny fragment of the planet Phaethon, which disappeared from the Heaven in ancient times.
Our Ukrainian thinks that a few tens of thousands of years ago. On the other hand, Astronomy much further down the time than Phaethon, according to the Russian scholar V. G. Fesenkov, "exploded like a bomb."
If this planet was inhabited, could it be the Akpallus, strangers of whom the Babylonian Berose speaks (see Part Three of this Book), survivors of that They traveled through space, visited Earth, and On the shores of the Persian Gulf, they taught men the rudiments of their knowledge?
And if fragments of Phaethon fell into huge Avalanches repeatedly in the course of time, couldn't they. destroy, each time, flourishing human civilizations? Behold, a cosmo-history that would come to replace History. Rudenko abandons the delights of this dream in what he calls a Tale of cosmic fairies.
It's a book, half novel, half essay, what about it? He himself considers it dangerously "idealistic." And, in his story, some students, who have come together to study the problems stirred up by cosmo-history, they are arrested by the police by the attempt to create a new religion...
For this dreamer, as for C. S. Lewis, Jupiter is the center of the solar system, the place in the Universe where life It took on its fullest forms. The beings of Phaethon occupied, in hierarchy, an intermediate place between the inhabitants of Jupiter and those of Earth.
Thanks to this indirect contact, he was born between we have the idea of God.
But Solon, repeating what he had learned from the Egyptian priests of Sais, he tells us:
"Phaethon, Son of the Sun, he could not control the chariot of the Sun and burned all that was there. on Earth; Then he perished, a victim of the fire. He fell wrapped in flames on the earth."
"The earth shook. And there fell a shower of fire and ashes, and Rocks. And the waters rose and delivered a terrible blow. And in a At that moment everything was destroyed."
Why man, whose antiquity is doubtless several millions? years ago, he did not build a high civilization until very recent?
Because the remnants of the planet Phaethon only ceased to be fall a few thousand years ago. Now, we just receive, all of us the years, a little dust, a few specks of mud, and maybe This fine meteoritic matter still contains fossil remains of life. as some researchers claim.
Such are the last Fantastic messengers from the dead planet, whence came the who molded us, those who adored the "great brains of the world." Jupiter." "There is no dead matter, no living matter," writes Engels. Quoted by Rudenko - but phases in the existence of matter, where life is born, to disappear and reappear again.
Like this For Phaethon transmitted to the earth reason, which is the source and source of the protection of life, and we preserve in our memory, older than we think, memories that make us link to the Shooting Star Show, the idea of mortal danger, and the desire to make supplications to the benevolent celestial powers.
We have also retained the confused awareness of the presence of life and intelligence in the constellations.
Now we're possessors, like the Ancients of Phaethon, of a power which, if unleashed, it could blow up our own planet.
"I write this fairy tale," says Rudenko, "so that my children, Yuri, Oleg and Valeri may live, and so that we don't commit the same mistake as the beings of Phaethon. So that, mastered the fire From heaven, let us not also be annihilated by the celestial flame and let us all float We, in the millennia to come, turned to dust in the immensity."
We trust that we have been understood. Our goal, by letting us To carry you through these dreams is not to impose on the reader this or that theory. always incomplete. "Cooked" halfway. Half-cultured.
Treat only to suggest the possibility of different conceptions of the History of Men. So that "there will always be a flag at the same time." wind on the sands of sleep."
And for History to Remain open.