First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer
Truth when broken down into its basic elements comprises of:
Common Sense
Circumstantial Evidence
Logic is the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning.
Common sense is sound judgment.
Circumstantial evidence is relating to, or dependent on circumstances or physical evidence.
All three elements have to coincide with each other for it to be the truth.
The Gods of Eden is a book which was published over 10 36 years ago.
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View full-sizeDownload Arthur Schopenhauer (/ˈʃoʊpənhaʊər/ SHOH-pən-how-ər,[9] German: [ˈaʁtʊʁ ˈʃoːpn̩haʊɐ] ⓘ; 22 February 1788 – 21 September 1860) was a German philosopher. He is known for his 1818 work The World as Will and Representation (expanded in 1844), which characterizes the phenomenal world as the manifestation of a blind and irrational noumenal will. Building on the transcendental idealism of Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), Schopenhauer developed an atheistic metaphysical and ethical system that rejected the contemporaneous ideas of German idealism.
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View full-sizeDownload Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei (15 February 1564 – 8 January 1642), commonly referred to as Galileo Galilei (/ˌɡælɪˈleɪoʊ ˌɡælɪˈleɪ/ GAL-il-AY-oh GAL-il-AY, US also /ˌɡælɪˈliːoʊ -/ GAL-il-EE-oh -, Italian: [ɡaliˈlɛːo ɡaliˈlɛːi]) or simply Galileo, was an Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer, sometimes described as a polymath. He was born in the city of Pisa, then part of the Duchy of Florence. Galileo has been called the father of observational astronomy, modern-era classical physics, the scientific method, and modern science.
Galileo had proof the earth orbited the Sun, but the church refused his information and tried him for heresy because his findings contradicted those of the church.
The church later reversed the charges in light of the truth.
A Purpose for War
William starts his book by questioning why humans go to war.
Human psychology
political leadership
economic conditions
and natural surroundings have to be taken into consideration.
"Many thinkers, however, have erroneously equated all human motives with motives found in the animal kingdom.
This is a mistake because intelligence breeds complexity."
Motivation becomes more elaborate with the rise of intelligence.
"It is easy to understand the mental stimuli in two alley cats squabbling over a scrap of food, but it would be a mistake to attribute as simple a state of mind to a terrorist planting a bomb in an airport." (PP 2)
In other words, you must raise your level of thinking/awareness to a higher level in order to see the truth.
War is an effective tool for political and social control over a large population.
If a people are divided, they are less likely to realize the truth.
Conflicts and turmoil cover earth’s history like a rash. But very few even realize who started these wars and for what purpose simply because they are not looking at the world from the proper perspective.
In 1990 I started studying UFOs.
I came home from work one evening, turned on the Television like most other people do and airing on the FOX Network was a show called, "Sightings".
A couple years went by and in those I managed to collect an impressive store of UFO video footage from television.
I would listen to UFO "experts" such as Stanton Friedman talk about the U.S. Governments involvement in the secrecy of UFOs.
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View full-sizeDownload Stanton Terry Friedman (July 29, 1934 – May 13, 2019) was an American Canadian nuclear physicist and professional ufologist who was based in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
As time went on, I realized that individuals like Stanton were part of an evil scheme.
I listened to Art Bell late at night every night gathering as much information as I could.
When my level of awareness rose to a certain point I had to write about it.
I’m not the type of person to sit on something so awesome.
I had to tell others of the things I was realizing.
In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.
So, I am doing just that.
Bramley mentions the conflict in the Bible between "God" and the Serpent.
"God" was trying to keep a certain type of knowledge away from Mankind and the Serpent was trying to teach Mankind that knowledge.
The victor of that conflict would be the ones (yes plural!) who controlled earth.
In Eden the members of "God" made it a sin to eat of the fruit.
The fruit is an apple, and it is symbolic for a certain kind of knowledge.
To help keep Man away from that knowledge they taught that if Man learned it, he would die.
Asking the question,
"Why should learning knowledge be a sin?"
(the original sin) and comparing it to modern day observations ought to wake you up to the fact that you live within societal system that was engineered by the members of "God" to empower themselves while keeping those who live within it ignorant.
Do you want to test this theory?
Write down on a piece of paper all the things that you own.
Next, for each item ask yourself,
"Did I design and manufacture this item?"
A majority of things within your home you purchased and have no knowledge of how they were designed or built.
"The Custodians [God] clearly did not want mankind to begin traveling the road to spiritual recovery." PP 48.
One sure way is to keep knowledge away from the human race.
The information they do not want you to learn however is not of the technological kind, it is The Forbidden Knowledge.
Methods used to control an entire world and to keep the personalities who live in that world spiritually ignorant and unaware of the prison system they are caught in.
Did you learn anything about Freemasonry’s dominate presence on earth in grade school?
The bible says Satan is a destroyer, it also says in II Corinthians 4 that he controls earth.
This should be of no surprise to you with what you just learned because it coincides with modern day observations.
The Custodial-designed societal system includes an education sub system that produces robots, people who all think the same way and an employment sub system which furthers that robotic behavior.
This makes it easier for them to control the people because a robot never questions authority and does what everyone else does.
Bramley’s book reveals that Satan traded places with God in Eden and fooled the human race.
Modern day observations prove this.
The Custodial Creators - Adam, a slave to the gods
Creation stories from all around the ancient world all have a common theme, where mankind is created from dirt, mud or clay by a divine being.
These stories are all similar to the biblical Adam & Eve story.
This similarity extends to the Tower of Babel and the Great Flood stories as well.
Alaskan Eskimos
ancient Egyptians
and South Americans all tell us that their ancestors either were transported by their gods, or their gods taught them their languages or writing.
One place where you wouldn’t expect a creation story to be similar to the Adam & Eve epic, is Australia.
The Aborigines in Australia tell of a creator being named Indjuwanydjuwa.
He then told the man and woman to make more people to fill the country.
This creator told the Aborigines they could eat the:
fruits of the plain
"It tasted good," He said.
The tale of how Mankind (Adam) was created is a difficult one to believe at first, however, extensive research will reveal the truth to you.
The above-mentioned similarities within the creation stories of mankind, The Flood and the Tower of Babel all have a common root, Sumeria.
The editing and summarizing by the compilers of the Book of Genesis have left us dumbed down versions of the events.
Earlier texts offer more detail.
If Christians were to study the Hebrew bible, which is the ORIGINAL, they would discover that, first of all, the creative act is attributed to a certain ELOHIM - a plural term that at the least should be translated as "gods," not "God".
"God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."
"And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them."
The suggestion originates from a plural entity who addresses a plural audience.
And second, Christians would become aware that the quoted verse also explains why "The Adam" was created:
"For there was no Adam to till the land."
These are two important - and unsettling - hints to who had created Man and why.
Bramley refers to the creators of Mankind as "Custodial gods".
That term can be safely interpreted as the biblical Elohim/modern day Elite Freemasons because of their occultic signature they encoded within human DNA.
These are the same individuals who were part of "God", the very same who control the world (II Corinthians 4).
Genesis 6:3 also says they are flesh and blood beings just as you and I are.
The Details
Ancient Mesopotamian tablets say there once was a time where there were no humans on earth at all.
When properly researched one would discover it was the learning of certain types of knowledge that was made a sin.
The Elite Masons (Elohim) didn’t want Man to learn that knowledge.
Knowledge that when studied, leads to the realization that earth is a prison where spiritual beings can get trapped and that unless they study this knowledge they would be forever controlled by evil and never be free.
Freedom is something they do not want you to have that is why they designed an education system that produces individuals who all think the same way.
It is much easier for them to control a robot then it is to control a rebel.
Ancient Mesopotamian texts reflect that the gods (Elohim) were fully clothed while being served by nude humans.
Adam & Eve were mortified by what their nakedness represented.
It represented slavery.
These texts also reflect that the gods had male and female bodies, and they bred by sexual intercourse.
Ancient Mesopotamians even state that they provided these ruling gods with human prostitutes.
That is reminiscent of the way modern day politicians in Washington D.C. behave.
Bramley’s book introduces you to The Brotherhood.
Some people mistakenly think the term "Big Brother" refers only to the U.S. government when in fact it refers to something much bigger.
Today the Brotherhood is a world-wide network of secret societies which do evil to Mankind.
A group of evil individuals both male and female who hide behind the good works dimension of Freemasonry.
They plot and scheme for their own amusement and benefit.
The Brotherhood was formed to teach Man spiritual truth (the forbidden knowledge).
Prince Ea was the individual who founded the organization.
"God" was clearly not Christ’s father because Christ’s father would not lie and deceive to prevent knowledge from being known to the human race.
Ea was later known as the Serpent in Genesis.
You see him in the bible trying to teach the forbidden knowledge to man while Satanic forces took on the image of God and taught that it was sin to learn that knowledge.
Mesopotamian texts portray Prince Ea as an advocate who spoke before the council of the gods on behalf of the new earth race.
Ea opposed many of the cruelties that other "gods," including his half-brother, Enlil, inflicted upon human beings.
Many people are unaware of the sudden extinction of the Neanderthals and the sudden appearance of human civilization.
Evolution isn’t that fast!
Howell and White pondered this question and concluded:
...the utter, almost abrupt disappearance of Neanderthal people remains one of the enigmas and critical problems in studies of human evolution.
Encyclopedia Britannica concurs:
"The factors responsible for the disappearance of the Neanderthal peoples are an important problem to which there is still no clear solution."
When the idea of creating a primitive worker made it to the council of the gods, they wondered how can you create a being intelligent enough to use tools and to follow orders?
A Sumerian text has immortalized the answer given by EA to the assembled Anunnaki, who saw in the creation of an Adamu the solution to their unbearable toil:
The creature whose name you uttered... IT EXISTS! All you have to do, he added, is to Bind upon it the image of the gods.
These are the words which hold the key to mankind’s creation.
The bomb which blows both Creationism (as taught by the church) and Evolution out of the water.
They talk of a creature that already exists on earth.
What is this creature?
The process envisioned by Ea was to "Bind" upon the existing Apeman/Apewoman through genetic manipulation.
In other words, they combined their genes with that of the Neanderthals, upgrading Neanderthals to human beings.
The ancient Sumerians saw with their own eyes the Neanderthals, they called them "Apemen/Apewomen."
They also considered them to be a totally separate species, unrelated to humans.
The term Adamu, which is clearly the inspiration for the biblical name "Adam," and the use of the term "image" in Sumerian text, which is repeated intact in the biblical text, are not the only clues to the Sumerian/Mesopotamian origin of the Genesis creation of Mankind.
The biblical use of the plural pronoun and the depiction of a group of Elohim reaching a consensus and following it up with the necessary action also lose their enigmatic aspects when the Mesopotamian sources are taken into account.
The verse,
"God said, Let us make men in our image, after our likeness",
reveals not only God in the plural but it also reflects that we humans are genetically connected to the Elohim.
So, here we have a bible stating that "God" is plural and he addresses a plural audience, and we also have Sumerian texts which tell us the gods upgraded a primitive creature.
Primitive Creature | God/Elohim | Slave
This strange creation story answers the riddle of the of the sudden disappearance of the Neanderthals.
It also answers the riddle as to why we see VERY hairy people in the modern world.
Ever seen actor/comedian Robin Williams with his shirt off?
The Phoenix has been a Brotherhood symbol since ancient Egypt.
The Phoenix was adopted by the Founding Fathers (Freemasons) for use on the reverse of the first official seal of the United States after a design proposed by Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Continental Congress.
Both these seals have more than one instance of the number 13, an important number within Freemasonry.
The eye of Horus (below) is a symbol found in ancient Egypt, the modern equivalent is the Illuminati symbol, the All-Seeing Eye of God seen on the reverse of the American one-dollar bill.
The gods of ancient Egypt were portrayed with the heads of animals.
The Pharaohs and priests of ancient Egypt acted on behalf of the "gods" and were unpopular with the Egyptian people.
The Old Kingdom (ca. 2685-2180 B.C) was followed by a period of weakness and unrest.
Even the Great Pyramid of Cheops had been broken into by unhappy Egyptians.
According to historian Ahmed Fakhry:
The Egyptians so hated the builders of the pyramids that they threatened to enter these great tombs and destroy the mummies of the kings.
Today we share the same HATRED for our government leaders as the ancients did for their "gods."
There is NO difference between the ancient gods and certain modern leaders whether they be:
We have come to know them as the gods of war or the War Pigs.
Bramley does an excellent job in tracing The Brotherhood all through history.
If you want to further your research into The Brotherhood, I highly recommend you add the book to your library.
You will most likely have to read it four or five times to absorb all the information.
My first copy is falling apart, so I bought a new copy.
Bramley will teach you that members of The Brotherhood were in Germany and were part of the Nazi hell in World War II.
Any opportunity they had to create war they did it.
When you compare modern day observations (such as the Luciferic design of Washington D.C.) with what transpired in Eden and how they relate to each other you will realize it is based on actual events.
The modern-day Elite Freemasons were busy all through history taking truth, mixing it in a blender with falsehoods and letting man drink.
Unless you take on the job of righting these wrongs within your mind you will not recover spiritually.
Take their falsehoods and pour them through a filter (which prevents them from passing through) into a glass.
Then drink the contents of the glass so that it becomes a part of you.
"They came to earth millions of years ago to spread the poison of hatred, war and catastrophe... they are with us still..."