by Jamie Lee on July 04, 2014, from TabuBlog Website
The United States is a Private Corporation Not a Public Government
Dear Fellow Country Men, Women & Children,
We all have been lied to, deceived and mentally manipulated for over two centuries in this country.
It is imperative that we all must learn, then educate others, the true meaning behind who and what the Federal government that rules us really is and why it was created.
Through using old Roman Latin in our court systems to enslave the masses in perpetual debt servitude, they created artificial legal instruments, backed up by en-force, meant to keep us all enslaved and ignorant as to the real owners of this country and their means of rulership.
The Declaration of Independence document declares that we have a right to abolish a government that no longer serves our needs.
It then goes on to say, in the very first paragraph of this first document, that we shall follow Earth's Laws and Natures Ways because they did not want to be ruled by:
any longer in the new country.
They, our Founding Fathers, learned from the Iroquois Nations that we should honor and follow the Natural and Cosmic laws of:
Father Sky and Mother Earth.
We then honored these Native Indians by wiping out nearly 96% of the some 20 million by the end of the 19th century.
From our "Bombs bursting in Air" of our country's national anthem, and since the early 19th century, we have been a nation of war and aggression where the bankers and wealth elite have prospered mightily.
Only through truly understanding how our country's history and our legal system has been manipulated by the wealthy elite can we understand the forces behind the system of our ruler ship.
The 4th of July is acknowledged as the founding our country.
We are a Cancer nation (feminine, environmental, magnetic) and also the first nation to declare equal rights and freedoms for all under the U.S. Constitution, yet declaring those rights on a paper contract and actually having the rights of freedom and equality for all has never occurred, by design.
Consider the following:
The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union was the first constitution of the United States.
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View full-sizeDownload The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union was an agreement among the 13 states of the United States, formerly the Thirteen Colonies, that served as the nation's first frame of government. It was debated by the Second Continental Congress at Independence Hall in Philadelphia between July 1776 and November 1777 and finalized by the Congress on November 15, 1777. It came into force on March 1, 1781, after being ratified by all 13 colonial states. A guiding principle of the Articles was the establishment and preservation of the independence and sovereignty of the states. The Articles consciously established a weak central government, affording it only those powers the former colonies had recognized as belonging to king and parliament. The document provided clearly written rules for how the states' league of friendship, known as the Perpetual Union, would be organized.
Other countries, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand, and other Commonwealth countries, have constitutional provisions such as the Bill of Rights 1689, among other statutes, that are older than the United States Constitution that are still in force to this day.
The Articles of Confederation & Perpetual Union was drafted by the Second Continental Congress from mid-1776 through late-1777, and ratification by all 13 states was completed in early 1781.
Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government's power was kept quite limited.
The Confederation Congress could make decisions but lacked enforcement powers.
Implementation of most decisions, including modifications to the Articles, required unanimous approval of all thirteen state legislatures.
Two parties soon developed, one in opposition, the Antifederalists, and one in support, the Federalists, of the Constitution, and the Constitution was:
clause by clause.
Hamilton, Madison, and Jay, under the name of Publius, wrote a series of commentaries, now known as the Federalist Papers, in support of the new instrument of government; however, the primary aim of the essays was for ratification in the state of New York, at that time a hotbed of anti-federalism.
These commentaries on the Constitution, written during the struggle for ratification, have been frequently cited by the Supreme Court as an authoritative contemporary interpretation of the meaning of its provisions.
The closeness and bitterness of the struggle over ratification as a result of the conferring of additional powers on the central government can scarcely be exaggerated.
In some states, ratification was affected only after a bitter struggle in the state convention itself.
In every state, the Federalists proved more united, and only they coordinated action between different states, as the Anti-federalists were localized and did not attempt to reach out to other states.
The Continental Congress - which still functioned at irregular intervals - passed a resolution on September 13, 1788, to put the new Constitution into operation with eleven states.
(Ritchie, Donald. "Bill of Rights". Annenberg Classroom—Glossary. Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved September 21, 2014.)
North Carolina and Rhode Island ratified by May 1790.
So, our Constitution was really established in 1788.
The Constitution was so flawed it has required 27 Amendments since its inception.
Once the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1788, only 7% of "We the People" were allowed to vote.
White, Male, Land Owning Puritans only need apply.
"Formally An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia, is an Act of Congress that repealed the individual charters of the cities of Washington and Georgetown and established a new territorial government for the whole District of Columbia.
Though Congress repealed the territorial government in 1874, the legislation was the first to create a single municipal government for the federal district".
The new government consisted of an appointed governor and 11-member council, a locally elected 22-member assembly, and a board of public works charged with modernizing the city.
The Seal of the District of Columbia features the date 1871, recognizing the year the District's government was incorporatedthat created the (All Capital Letters) "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" thereby creating a private U.S. corporation which is its own city-state of its own country with its own:
police force
post office
pays no taxes and is not beholden to any other country.
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in all capitals, represents a fictitious corporation.
birth certificate
driver's license
bank statements
are all written in capital letters, which means you have registered, submitted and/or applied to be a part of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, corporation as a fictitious character.
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is located in the District of Columbia.
What is the District of Columbia and what are the other Districts? (Vatican, City of London)
The Owners of the private corporation, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, are the City of London and the Vatican.
When we pay taxes, we "voluntarily" submit our tax returns to Washington, D.C. yet pay our taxes to the UNITED STATES TREASURY; A private corporation registered in Puerto Rico!
Legally, since your birth your artificial person, has been considered a slave or indentured servant to the various federal, provincial and municipal governments via your STATE-issued, STATE-created birth certificate in the name of your all-caps person.
Your birth certificate was issued so that the issuer could claim "exclusive" title to the legal person created.
This was further compounded when you voluntarily obtained a driver's license and a SSN (Social Security Number)
The state even owns your personal and private life through your STATE-issued marriage license/certificate issued in the all-caps names.
You have had no rights in birth, marriage, nor will you have them even in death unless you re-capture your straw man. (The names on tombstones in cemeteries are in all-caps.)
The STATE holds the title to your legal person it created via your birth certificate, until Jane Mary Doe, the rightful owner, the holder n due course of the instrument, that is yourself, reclaims/redeems it.
On April 5, 1933, then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, under Executive Order, issued April 5, 1933, declared:
"All persons are required to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, all Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, & Gold Certificates now owned by them to a Federal Reserve Bank, branch or agency, or to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System."
James A. Farley, Postmaster General at that time, required each postmaster in the country to post a copy of the Executive Order in a conspicuous place within each branch of the Post Office.
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View full-sizeDownload James Aloysius Farley (May 30, 1888 – June 9, 1976) was an American politician and Knight of Malta who simultaneously served as chairman of the New York State Democratic Committee, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and Postmaster General under President Franklin Roosevelt, whose gubernatorial and presidential campaigns were run by Farley.
There's something else you should know:
Everything, since June 1933, operates in COMMERCE!
Commerce is based on agreement, contract.
Government has an implied agreement with the straw man (Strawman) (government's creation) & the straw man (Strawman) is subject to government rule, as we illustrated above.
But when we, the real flesh & blood man & woman, step into their "process" we become the "surety" for the fictional straw man (Strawman).
Reality & fiction are reversed.
We then become liable for the debts, liabilities & obligations of the straw man (Strawman), relinquishing our real (protected) character as we stand up for the fictional straw man (Strawman).
The people are in the State and National government at that same time.
The public government is an artificial entity.
The government is owned and controlled by the same people.
So, the government is a sole organization, not an aggregate organization.
As long as a man is dealing publicly, he is in a sole relationship with the public.
The straw man, being artificial, lives in the artificial place called the public.
At the same time as people are acting collectively in the larger body of people called the State and National government, they maintain their ability to act individually on a private basis.
The people did not give up the rights they did not delegate to the government - they retained those rights.
Any man can contract privately as they see fit and government cannot interfere with the private contracts of men.
The straw man lives in the public side of government.
He is part of the public government, and functions under the laws of the public.
This is necessary and proper because the creator of an entity has the right to control it.
Since the government created the straw man, it is only right that the straw man live under the rules of it's creator.
But once the straw man has been redeemed, the government is no longer in control of the straw man.
He is now controlled by the man using his right to private contracts.
He ordered that the states (people) either conscribe troops and provide money in support of the North or be recognized as an enemy of the nation.
This martial law Act of Congress is still in effect today - what it means is that the President has dictatorial authority to do anything that can be done by the government in accord with the Constitution of the United States of America.
This is the foundation of Presidential Executive Orders.
The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 created a private corporation (hereinafter "Corp. U.S.") owned and operated by the actual government for the purpose of carrying out the business needs of the government under martial law.
This was done under the constitutional authority for Congress to pass any law within the ten-mile square of Washington, District of Columbia.
In said Act, Corp. U.S. adopted their own constitution (United States Constitution), which was identical to the national Constitution (Constitution of the United States of America) except that it was missing the national constitution's 13th Amendment.
The national constitution's:
amendments are respectively numbered:
amendments in their constitution.
The corporation began to generate debts via bonds etc., which came due in 1912, but they could not pay their debts so the 7 families that bought up the bonds demanded payment and Corp. U.S. could not pay.
Said families settled the debt for the payments of all of Corp. U.S.' assets and for all of the assets of the Treasury of the United States of America.
As 1913 began, Corp. U.S. had no funds to carry out the necessary business needs of the government so they went to said families and asked if they could borrow some money.
The families said no (Corp. U.S. had already demonstrated that they would not repay their debts in full).
The families had foreseen this situation and had the year before finalized the creation of a private corporation of the name "Federal Reserve Bank".
Corp. U.S. formed a relationship with the Federal Reserve Bank whereby they could transact their business via note rather than with money.
Notice that this relationship was one made between two private corporations and did not involve government; that is where most people error in understanding the Federal Reserve Bank system-again it has no government relation at all.
The private contracts that set the whole system up even recognize that if anything therein proposed is found illegal or impossible to perform it is excluded from the agreements and the remaining elements remain in full force and effect.
Almost simultaneously with the last fact (also in 1913), Corp. U.S. passes and adopts (as if ratified) their own 16th amendment.
It must be noted that this amendment has nothing to do with our nation, with our people or with our national Constitution, which already had its own 16th amendment.
The Supreme Court ruled that it did nothing that was not already done other than to make plain and clear the right of the United States (Corp. U.S.) to tax corporations.
We agree, considering that they were created under the authority of Corp. U.S.
Next (also 1913) Congress passed and entered the 17th amendment as ratified, even though the states had no opportunity to ratify the same.
This amendment is not only not ratified, but also not constitutional; the Constitution forbids Congress from even discussing the matter of where Senators are elected.
In 1914, the Freshman class and all Senators that successfully ran for re-election in 1913 by popular vote are seated in Corp. U.S. capacity only.
In 1917, Corp. U.S. enters WWI and passes their Emergency War Powers, and Trading with the Enemies Acts.
In 1918, President Wilson is re-elected by the Electoral College, but their election is required to be confirmed by the constitutionally set Senate; where in the new Corp. U.S., only Senators were allowed to participate in the Electoral College vote confirmation.
The only authority that could possibly have been used for electoral confirmation was corporate only.
Therefore, President Wilson was not confirmed into office for his second term as President of the United States of America and was only seated in the Corp. U.S. Presidential capacity.
Therefore, the original jurisdiction government's seats were vacated because the people didn't seat any original jurisdiction government officers.
In 1933, the Trading with the Enemies Act is adjusted to recognize the people of the United States of America as enemies of Corp. U.S.
In 1944, under the Bretton Woods Agreement, Corp. U.S. is quit claimed to the International Monetary Fund and becomes a foreign controlled private corporation.
Sometime after 1935, you ask Social Security Administration for a relationship with their program.
They create an entity with a name (that sounds like your name but is spelled with all capital letters) and a depository account number in the Social Security General Trust Fund (GTF).
They give you the Social Security card which identifies you as the single person with authority to control the entity they created (on review: you may notice that the Social Security Administration was the creator of the entity, the GTF is its beneficiary, and you were made its Trustee.)
More importantly: this capacity does not limit you or your capacity to act in your sovereign capacity in any way.
In 1968, at the national governors' conference in Lexington, Kentucky, the IMF leaders of the event proposed the dilemma the State governors were in for carrying out their business dealings in Federal Reserve Notes (foreign notes), which is forbidden in the national and State constitutions, alleging that if they did not do something to protect themselves the people would discover what had been done with their money and would likely kill them all and start over.
They suggested the States form corporations like Corp. U.S. and showed the advantages of the resultant uniform codes that could be created, which would allow better and more powerful control over the people.
By 1971, every State government in the union of States had formed such private corporations (Corp. State), in accord with the IMF admonition, and the people ceased to seat original jurisdiction government officials in their state government seats.
Now, having stated these historical facts, we ask you not to believe us, but rather prove these facts for yourself.
We then ask you to contact us with any evidence you find that proves or disproves these facts.
When you find there is no error, then remember these simple facts and let no one dissuade you from the truth.
The Bottom Line:
When you speak about these private foreign corporations, remember that is what they are and stop calling them government.
Further, it is very important that we cease to attempt to fix them.
It is far more important that we learn how to reseat our original jurisdiction government and spread the word about the truth.
By reseating our State and national governments in their original jurisdiction nature, we gain the capacity to hold these private foreign corporations accountable.
They owe us a lot of money; in fact, they owe us more money than there is available in the world.
The fact is that it is impossible for them to pay and that gives us the leverage we need to take back our nation and put things right.
The process is a simple one.
The difficulty is in getting our people to wake up to the truth.
That's why we ask you to prove the truth for yourself and contact us with the evidence you discover.
That means that you must stop acting and communicating like you are anything other than the sovereign that God created you to be.
And stop referring to Corp. U.S. or the STATE OF ‘X' asanything other than the private foreign corporations that they are.
And, finally, stop listening to the Bigfoot Patriot mythology that is espoused by those that only give these facts lip service.
It is time that we all start to wake up and follow the truth, that is to repent and become a moral and honorable society instead of lauding our Christianity while we stand guilty of:
Not knowing the truth.
Not living the truth.
Believing that God will save us even though we have the tools to know the truth the ability to use the tools, but we refuse to live by the truth and use the tools we have to save ourselves and thereby become free.
The biggest problem with the so-called Patriot Movement is that its proponents are all excited about uniting against the tyranny of Corp. U.S. even though they are blind to the truth, have no remedy, and bail out of "the system" hell bent for a rebellion that even the scripture says cannot be won.
Would that we could instead unite with truth and legally, lawfully and peacefully reseat our original jurisdiction government to take back control our nation.
Creation of the private corporation, THE FEDERAL RESERVE, that is no more "federal" than Federal Express, was created in 1913 of which our currency is issued and under no oversight by Congress.
So, why would they then design their breakaway flag in the exact same colors as the monarchy they were fleeing? (note that the "new" Soviet Union also has the exact same colors)