Who or What is Killing the Bees?

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Albert Einstein speculated that,

"If the bees disappeared off the surface of the globe, man would have left only four years of life.

No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."

Did Einstein Say Without Bees, Mankind Would Soon Perish? | Snopes.com

347 Bee Species Dangerously Close to Extinction
  |  -  Bacteria from Bees Possible Alternative to Antibiotics
  |  -  Bayer CropScience and Bee Deaths
  |  -  Beekeepers Expect "Worst Year for Bees" | 
  |  -  Bees absolutely Love Cannabis and it could Help Restore their Populations
  |  -  Bees - Biological Geiger Counters
  |  -  Bees Dying by The Millions - Canada | 
  |  -  Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm
  |  -  Cell Phone Radiation Could Be Killing Bees
Italiano |  -  Centinaia di Api muoiono intorno a Antenne 5G in California
Español |  -  Cientos de Abejas Mueren en torno a Antenas 5G en California
  |  -  Colony Collapse Disorder
  |  -  Colony Collapse Disorder and Genetically Modified Crops
Italiano |  -  Come attirare più Api nel Vostro Giardino e perché è così Importante
  |  -  Death of The Bees - GMO Crops and The Decline of Bee Colonies in North America
  |  -  Death of The Birds and The Bees Across America
  |  -  Decline of Honey Bees Now a Global Phenomenon - Says United Nations
  |  -  Department of Agriculture Secretly Destroys Beekeeper's Bees and 15 Years of Research - Proving...
  |  -  Devastating Honeybee Loss Reported Across United States Expected to Impact Food Prices
Italiano |  -  Dieci dei Fatti Più Interessanti su Api e Miele
  |  -  Disease and Weather Kill Vancouver Island Bees
Español |  -  Einstein Tenía Razón - La Muerte de Abejas Amenaza La Seguridad del Alimento Global
  |  -  Einstein Was Right - Honey Bee Collapse Threatens Global Food Security
Español |  -  Emergencia Mundial Por Las Abejas - Actúen Ahora! | 
Italiano |  -  Emergenza Mondiale Per Le Api - Agite adesso! | 
Italiano |  -  Fin del Holocausto de las Abejas - Una Empresa de EE.UU. Retira sus Productos con un Químico Mortal
  |  -  For the First Time Ever, Bees Added to the Endangered Species List - "Alarming"
Español |  -  Fumigar Matando a las Abejas para Combatir a los Mosquitos
  |  -  Further Information - External Links
  |  -  Give Bees a Chance
  |  -  Give Bees a Chance - The Bee Friendly Initiative
  |  -  Global Bee Emergency - Act Now! | 
  |  -  How Mushrooms can Save Bees and Our Food Supply
  |  -  How to Attract more Bees to Your Garden - And Why it's so Important
  |  -  Investment Launches Coalition to Research the Challenges Facing Honey Bees - Monsanto's Desperate...
Español |  -  La Abeja es Declarada el Ser Vivo más Importante del Planeta
Español |  -  La Extinción de Las Abejas - ¿Un Presagio de Crisis Alimentaria Mundial?
Italiano |  -  L'Ape è stata dichiarata l'Essere Vivente Più Importante sul Pianeta
Español |  -  Las Abejas Aman el Cannabis y esto podría Ayudar a Restaurar sus Poblaciones
Español |  -  Las Abejas Caen en Picada - ¿Hacia un Apocalipsis Agrícola en EE.UU.?
  |  -  Lead Researcher and Bayer Exposed in Biased Study on Bee Colony Collapse Disorder
  |  -  Leaked Memo Sheds Light on Mysterious Bee Die-Offs and Who's to Blame
  |  -  Loss of Wild Pollinators Serious Threat to Crop Yields - Study Finds
  |  -  More than 50 Percent of People in Developed Nations may Soon Suffer Malnutrition if Bees Continue to...
|  -  Radiation, Robot Bees and 5G - The Nightmare Unfolds
  |  -  Saving Bees - What We Know Now | 
  |  -  Scientists create First-Ever Edible Honey Bee Vaccine to Protect Bees from Disease
Italiano |  -  Se le Api Scomparissero ci Rimarrebbero solo 4 Anni - Einstein lo Predisse
Español |  -  Si las Abejas Desaparecieran, sólo nos Quedarían 4 Años - Einstein lo Predijo
  |  -  Single Bee is making an Immortal Clone Army thanks to a Genetic Fluke
Italiano |  -  Sono Tornate Le Api - Ora Lasciamole in Pace
  |  -  Suddenly, The Bees Are Simply Vanishing
  |  -  Teenage Bee Keeper on A Mission to Save the Bees from Colony Collapse Disorder
  |  -  Ten of the Most Interesting Facts about Bees and Honey
  |  -  The Bee is Declared the Most Important Living Being on the Planet
  |  -  The Bees' Needs - It's the Physics, Stupid! | 
  |  -  The Global Bee Death
  |  - "The Pollinators" - New Film Shows how 'Decline of Bee Colonies' could mean Collapse of Food Chain
  |  -  Unprecedented Scientific Report says Bees and other Pollinators are In Dire Need of Help
  |  -  Using Probiotics to Protect Honey Bees against fatal Disease
  |  -  Washington Beekeeper Reports State's First Case of 'Zombie Bees'
  |  -  'What Are The Bees Telling Us?' - Industry's War on Nature
  |  -  What is Killing Bees Most of All? | 
  |  -  Will the Extinction of Bees Really Mean the 'End' of Humanity?
  |  -  Worst Bee Die-Off in 40 Years

  | Additional Information
  |  -  51,000 New Beehive Colonies with Amazing Invention
  |  -  Anarchist Beekeepers Claim Responsibility for U.S. Drone Attack
  |  -  A New RoboBee Drone Will Navigate Using Sight and Smell
  |  -  Bee-Brained
  |  -  Bee Colonies make Decisions the Same Way the Human Brain does
  |  -  Bee Crisis Gets Extra Attention - 800 Studies Reveal Why Bees are Dying
  |  -  Bee Pollen - 50/1000th of a Millimeter Particle is a Complete Superfood
|  -  Bees and Flowers Communicate Using Electrical Fields - Researchers Discovery
|  -  Bees are even Smarter than We Thought
|  -  Bees, Birds and Mankind - Destroying Nature by 'Electrosmog'
  |  -  Bumblebees Sense Flowers' Electric Fields
  |  -  Cell Phone-Induced Bodily Harm - How The Bees Can Help
|  -  Characterization of the Honey Bee Microbiome throughout the Queen-rearing Process
|  -  Climate Change Impacts on Bumblebees Converge Across Continents
|  -  Clothianidin Registration of Prosper T400 Seed Treatment on Mustard Seed and Poncho Seed Treatment...
|  -  Conclusion on the Peer Review of the Pesticide Risk Assessment for Bees for the Active substance Fipronil
|  -  Cytolytic Nanoparticles Attenuate HIV-1 Infectivity
  |  -  Darwinian Bee-keeping - Lessons from the Wild
|  -  Do Pollinators Contribute to Nutritional Health?
Español |  -  El Mundo Entero Celebra la Cura contra el SIDA - Veneno de Abeja
  |  -  Engineers Hope to Upload Bees' Brains Into Robots
Español |  -  Estado Mexicano aprueba Ley de Protección hacia las Abejas
|  -  Evaluation of the Distribution and Impacts of Parasites, Pathogens, and Pesticides on Honey Bee...
|  -  First Evidence for a Massive Extinction Event Affecting Bees Close to the K-T Boundary
|  -  Floral Signs Go Electric - Researchers Discover
|  -  Global Growth and Stability of Agricultural Yield Decrease with Pollinator Dependence
|  -  Global Honey Bee Colony Disorders and Other Threats to Insect Pollinators
  |  -  Himalayan Bees Make Psychedelic Honey
  |  -  Honey Bees' African Ancestors may Hold Cure for Biting Mite Plague
|  -  Honey of The Queens |
|  -  Inefficient Task Partitioning Among Nonhygienic Honey Bees, Apis Mellifera L. - Implications for Disease...
|  -  Insect Management on Landscape Plants
  |  -  Is Urban Beekeeping Better Than Rural? | 
|  -  Lactic Acid Bacterial Symbionts in Honeybees - An Unknown Key to Honey's Antimicrobial and Therapeutic...
Español |  -  La Importante Razón por la cual las Abejas de Cuba son las Más Sanas del Mundo
  |  -  Losing Just One Pollinator Species Leads to Big Plant Declines
Español |  -  Los Robots consiguen que Peces y Abejas se Comuniquen entre sí
|  -  Medicine from the Hive - An Introduction to Apitherapy
  |  -  Monsanto is Killing the Monarch Butterflies - "We Have this Smoking Gun"
Español |  -  Nadie sabe porqué estas Abejas construyen Complejos y Hermosos Nidos Espirales
  |  -  New Research finds Queen Bee Microbiomes are starkly Distinct from Worker Bees
|  -  Perching and Takeoff of a Robotic Insect on Overhangs using Switchable Electrostatic Adhesion
|  -  Pesticide Relevance and Their Microbial Degradation - A-State-of-Art
|  -  Prehistoric Clues Might Offer Answers to Modern Day Bee Die-Off
|  -  Radiation, Robot Bees and 5G
  |  -  Robotic Bees are Now Being Built to Pollinate Crops Instead of Real Bees
|  -  Single Pollinator Species Losses Reduce Floral Fidelity and Plant Reproductive Function
|  -  Swedes Develop Drug to Combat Bee Deaths
|  -  Swedish Researchers Launch Drug to Save Dying Bees - A Problem that Could Wipe Out a Third of what...
|  -  Robotic Bees to Pollinate Monsanto Crops
|  -  The Bee Community of Cannabis sativa and Corresponding Effects of Landscape Composition
|  -  The Body Electric - by Robert O. Becker
  |  -  The Co-Evolution of Bees and Flowers - An Electric Symbiosis Not to Be Interrupted with Pesticide...
  |  -  The Study of Life of Bees from the Standpoint of the Soul
  |  -  The Deliberate Trashing of Earth’s EcoSystem - GMOs Are Killing the Bees, Butterflies, Birds and...?
|  -  The Link Between Mushrooms, Bees, and Mass Extinction
|  -  The Ultimate Guide to Bees - How to Protect their Declining Population
|  -  U.S. Bees Now Carry Antibiotic-Resistant Genes Due to Antibiotic Overuse - Scientists Discover
|  -  What is The Melissa Garden?
|  -  Who is Being Stung by Bees - from 'Anastasia - The Ringing Cedars Series - Book 1'
|  -  Wild Pollinators Enhance Fruit Set of Crops Regardless of Honey Bee Abundance

  | Honey
Español |  -  Algunas Cosas que Usted Quizás No Conoce Acerca de la Miel
Español |  -  B-box - La Colmena Urbana para Producir Miel Casera en la Ciudad
|  -  Beehive - Patent 2223561
|  -  Effect of Honey, Dextromethorphan, and No Treatment on Nocturnal Cough and Sleep Quality for Coughing...
|  -  Effects of Honey and Its Mechanisms of Action on the Development and Progression of Cancer
Español |  -  El Pájaro que Guía a Humanos y Animales hasta la Miel a cambio de las Sobras
Español |  -  Espectacular Sistema para Cosechar la Miel de Colmenas Sin Molestar a las Abejas
  |  -  Health Benefits of Honey - Nature’s Powerful Superfood
  |  -  Honey and Cinnamon - Benefits and Natural Cures
  |  -  Honey and Its Many Benefits to Overall Health and Wellness
  |  -  Honey - A Powerful Anti-Cancer Agent
  |  -  Honey on Tap Directly From your Beehive - New Invention: Flow™
  |  -  Honey Shown to Serve as An All Natural Antibiotic, Heals Wounds
  |  -  How Raw Honey could Save your Microbiome... and Travel Back in Time
Italiano |  -  Miele e Cannella - Benefici e Cure Naturali
Español |  -  Miel y Canela - Beneficios y Curas Naturales
|  -  Some Things You Didn't Know About Honey
|  -  There Are Shocking Differences Between Raw Honey and The Processed Golden Honey Found in Grocery...

Neonicotinoids, Pesticides and Insecticides – Library of Rickandria

  | Multimedia
|  -  A World Without Bees? | 
|  -  Beekeeper Whistleblower video proof Aussie Government is Mass Killing Bees
|  -  Honey Bees - Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) | 
|  -  NSW Australia Government deploys Fipronil Bee Killing Traps
|  - ¿Porqué se Mueren las Abejas? | 
|  -  Resonance - Beings of Frequency
|  -  Silence of The Bees
|  -  The Bees Are Gone! | 
|  -  We Have a Real Problem With Honey Bees
|  -  What is Killing the Bees? | 
|  -  Why Are Honey Bees Disappearing? | 
|  -  Why Bees are Disappearing - Marla Spivak at TED
|  -  Why We Need to Save the Bees and How Much Food they Help Produce

  | Related Reports
  |  -  A Healthier Medical and Environmental Industry - Main File
  |  -  A Healthy Way to Food - Main File | 
  |  -  Chemtrails - Main File | 
  |  -  Industry "Weapons" for Earth's Depopulation - Main File
  |  -  The Global Food Control - Main File | 
  |   | Return to The Future and Beyond - Parameters for A New Civilization
  |   | Return to The Unhealthy-Deadly Foods' Industry
  |   | Return to Cell Phones - Microwave Radiation
  |   | Return to Genetically Engineered Foods
  |   | Return to Depopulation of Planet Earth
  |   | Return to Global Food Control
  |   | Return to Temas / Main Files
  |   | Return to Earth Changes

The Sauce: