From legendary John Ward, also known as Birdy or later as Yusuf Reis, was an English pirate who later became a Corsair for the Ottoman Empire operating out of Tunis during the early 17th century.
Immortalized in fiction as Jack Sparrow,
Immortalized in fiction as Jack Sparrow,
and Francis Drake; an English explorer and privateer best known for his circumnavigation of the world in a single expedition between 1577 and 1580. This was the first English circumnavigation, and third circumnavigation overall. He is also known for participating in the early English slaving voyages of his cousin, Sir John Hawkins, and John Lovell. Having started as a simple seaman, in 1588 he was part of the fight against the Spanish Armada as a vice-admiral.
Branded Pirates by their enemies but heroes by their comrades, to the notorious Pirates of the Caribbean shrouded in myth.
Season 1, Episode 01 – “The Tale of Francis Drake”
Circumnavigation is the pinnacle of Drake’s career, cementing him in history as the world’s most controversial pirate.
Season 1, Episode 02 – “The Tale of Grace O Malley”
Grace O’Malley, (Irish: Gráinne Ní Mháille, pronounced [ˈgˠɾˠaːn̠ʲə n̠ʲiː ˈwaːl̠ʲə]; c. 1530 – c. 1603), the Pirate Queen of Ireland also known as Grace O'Malley, was the head of the Ó Máille dynasty in the west of Ireland, and the daughter of Eóghan Dubhdara Ó Máille.
Her rise from wanted pirate to Chieftain is won through a warrior’s sword and a woman’s grit.
Season 1, Episode 03 – “John Ward”
The Englishman turned Algerian pirate became ruler of the Tunisian empire.
Season 1, Episode 04 – “Henry Morgan”
A brilliant strategist, Morgan takes humans, treasure and Spanish colonial towns with no mercy later becoming Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica.