Lockdown & Quarantine

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Anti-Lockdown Protests All Across Europe
  |  -  A Science-Based Alternative to Lockdowns and Economic Destruction does Exist
  |  -  Avoiding a 'Climate Lockdown'
  |  -  A 'World Gone Mad' - The Cost of COVID Lockdowns - Analysis

  |  - 'Catastrophically Wrong' - German Court declares regional Lockdown Unconstitutional in 'Politically Explosive'...

  |  -  Children Have 0.00% Chance of Dying from COVID - But are Harmed for Life by Social Distancing, which...
  |  -  China's Dramatic Dissent
  |  -  Climate Lockdowns are Coming

  |  -  Covid-19 Lockdowns in Third World result in 'Starvation and Police Assaults'...

  |  -  Did Bill Gates just Reveal the 'Reason Behind the Lock-Downs'?
  |  -  Did Lockdowns cause Increased Mortality Rates
|  -  Did Lockdowns Work? - The Verdict on Covid Restrictions
  |  -  Digital Vaccine Certificates after Continued Lockdown - Plans for Post-Coronavirus World
  |  -  Dr. Anthony Fauci's Ties to George Soros, Bill & Hillary Clinton, the WHO, Bill Gates & the 'Big Pharma Mafia'

  |  -  Europeans are 'Waking Up' to Government Covid-19 Tyranny - Why is America still Asleep?

  |  -  Fauci Declares "You Use Lockdowns to Get People Vaccinated" - Praises China's insane Lockdown
  |  -  Gangs in Brazil Enforce their Own Lockdown after Bolsonaro writes off Coronavirus as "Fantasy"
 Gli Americani Dormono?
  |  -  Global Capitalism - "World Government" and the Corona Crisis
  |  -  How Belarus Exposes the 'Lockdown Lie'
  |  -  How Fanatics 'Took Over the World'...

  |  -  Italians 'Rise Up' against "Health Dictatorship" as Country Moves toward New Lockdown

  |  -  Lockdown One Year On - It Doesn't Work, it Never Worked and it Wasn't Supposed to Work...!
  |  -  Lockdowns have Killed what's Left of the United Nations' "Credibility"
  |  -  Looks like Sweden was Right After All - Coronavirus Policy
  |  -  Mafia 'Steps In' to Provide Food for Italians Struggling during Lockdown
  |  -  Medical Martial Law - Is this How they Plan to Lock Down planet Earth?

  |  -  One Chart Exposes the Lie behind Universal Lockdowns  due to Coronavirus

  |  -  Operation 'Lock-Step' - The Sinister Agenda behind Covid-19
  |  -  Planet Lockdown - A Documentary

  |  -  Post Lockdown - The Rockefeller Game Plan
  |  -  Prepare for the Coming "Climate Lockdowns"
  |  -  Quarantine in the Ancient World
  |  -  Quarantine - Is It Worth It?

  |  -  Swedish Health Chief said Country Avoided Lockdown to Prevent "Pandemic Fatigue" - Coronavirus

  |  -  Taiwan - No Lockdowns, No Closed Businesses, Non-WHO Member and Relatively Unaffected by COVID-19
  |  -  The China Lockdown Example - Origin of the War against the Population of Earth - Pretense of Containing a...
  |  -  The China Model unravels in Shanghai - Lockdowns
  |  -  The Farce and Diabolical Agenda of a "Universal Lockdown"
  |  -  The Fog of War - Proof Masks and Lockdowns are Worthless
  |  -  The Myth that 'Lockdowns Stop Pandemics'
|  -  The Premonition - A Pandemic Story - by Michael Lewis
  |  -  The 'Smoking Gun' - COVID Restrictions are Not about Health
  |  -  Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns
  |  -  UN Officials cite Study that finds 'Lockdowns and School Closures' are Killing More Children than COVID-19

  |  -  White House's Dr. Scott Atlas - 'Lockdown More Harmful the Virus'
  |  -  Why Lockdowns Don't Work and Hurt the Most Vulnerable
  |  -  Yet another Study shows - Yet Again - that Lockdowns Don't Work
|  -  Your Facebook Friends are Wrong about the Lockdown - A Non-Hysteric's Guide to COVID-19
  |  -  YouTube Censors epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for Opposing Lockdown - Here is the Deleted Video

Lockdown & Quarantine (basecamp.com)

Lockdown & Quarantine: International (basecamp.com)