Black Budgets & Black Projects

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Table of Contents:

What's Up with the Black Budget? - The $64 Question

Some Thoughts on Keeping It Secret

Extraterrestrial Technology, the Black Budget, & International Politics

Black Budget' Revealed - A Detailed Look at US 'Espionage Empire

What's Up with the Black Budget? - The $64 Question

by Catherine Austin Fitts on 23 September 2002 from Scoop Website

"Engrave this upon my heart: There isn't anyone you couldn't love once you've heard their story." - Mary Lou Kownacki
"What is relevant is what solves the problem. If we had thought through real relevancies, we would be on Sirius by now." - Peter Medewar
It is time to deal with the 64 dollar question - the biggest crazy aunt in the living room.
The questions that need to be raised in any effort to find the truth about a significant event related to power and money in the US - and answered if we are to ever find the truth of how our world works - are:


I do not know the answer to these questions. 

What I do know is that asking these questions brings up a whole pile of challenging uncertainty.
(For background on my experience dealing with black budget/slush fund operations at FHA and Ginnie Mae at the Department of Housing and Urban Development - HUD - Justice, Treasury and the New York Federal Reserve Bank, see my article, "The Myth of the Rule of Law.")

The Real Deal: The Myth of the Rule of Law | Scoop News
When dealing with challenging uncertainty, I find that many researchers simply delete the existence of such uncertainty from their reality. 

That is a big mistake - again pretending that we do not have a very big crazy aunt sitting in the living room.
George Orwell once said that,

"Omission is the greatest lie."

Hence, our crazy aunt has to be dealt with.
If you listen to the Ferdinand video/audio depositions in the Carone/Tyree lawsuit, what you will hear is something I have heard many times.

Black Op Radio
Carone Ferdinand gives his family the sense of all of the organized crime operations by CIA, Army and Mafia through the 1970's as legitimate for national security purposes that then got out of hand and turned bad in the 1980's.
That is, what started out as justifiable got out of hand.
This begs the question,

Why Were Such Activities Considered Justifiable?

The way to deal with uncertainty is with scenario design and probability - i.e. to create a framework of the possible explanations with your best estimate of the plausible scenarios and the probability (all adding up to 100%) of each one being true based on intuition.
Maintaining such a framework allows data collection on key variables and assumptions and an evolution to occur that can enlighten - even determine - concrete questions and answers over time.
So, let me tell a story, give you my framework that I use to handle the fact that I do not have the answers and invite your framework.
I am not looking to hear only what is wrong with my framework. 

I am looking to improve mine or find a better one. 

Or better inform my estimate of the probabilities that this one or that one is true.

Hence, I invite you to put forward your framework for managing this uncertainty. 

If we had the truth of the issue I am going to introduce, I dare say we could get to the bottom of 9-11 faster.
In 1998, I was approached by John Peterson, head of the Arlington Institute, a small high quality military think tank in Washington, DC. 

I had gotten to know John through Global Business Network and had been impressed by his intelligence, effectiveness and compassion. 

John asked me to help him with a high-level strategic plan Arlington was planning to undertake for the Undersecretary of the Navy.
At the time I was the target of an intense smear campaign that would lead the normal person to assume that I would be in jail shortly or worse.

John explained that the Navy understood that it was all politics - they did not care.
I met with a group of high-level people in the military in the process - including the Undersecretary. 

According to John, the purpose of the plan - discussed in front of several military or retired military officers and former government officials - was to help the Navy adjust their operations for a world in which it was commonly known that aliens exist and live among us.
When John explained this purpose to me, I explained that I did not know that aliens existed and lived among us.

Aliens Among Us – Library of Rickandria

John asked me if I would like to meet some aliens. 

For the only time in my life, I declined an opportunity to learn about something important.
I was concerned that my efforts with Arlington could boomerang and be connected with the smear campaign and the effects that I was managing.

I regret that decision.

At John's suggestion I started to read books on the topic and read about 25 books over the next year on the alien question, the black budget, and alien technology.
I had to drop from the project due to the need to attend to litigation and the physical harassment and surveillance of me and some of the people helping me.
This process - which turned out to be incredibly time consuming - I now believe was connected with the black budget/slush fund activities connected with FHA and Ginnie Mae at HUD. (See, "The Myth of the Rule of Law") John then asked me if I would join the board of the Arlington Institute.
When I attended one of my first meetings, I joined in discussion with about 10 people which included James Woolsey, former head of the CIA in the Clinton Administration, Napier Collyns, founder of Global Business Network and former senior Shell executive, Joe Firmage, and other members of the Arlington board.
The main topic of discussion was whether or not the major project for the coming year should be a white paper on how to help the American people adjust to aliens existing and living among us.
I said nothing - just listened. 

Not that long after, I dropped from the board due to the continued demands related to litigation with the Department of Justice and their informant.
To cut a series of additional long stories short, when I talk with my few sources from the military and intelligence community, I hear the same themes:

  • Aliens exist and live among us.
  • In part for this reason as well the accumulated investment over the last 50 years, the technology we have access to through the black budget is far more advanced than is commonly understood.
  • The black budget/slush fund construct was created to deal with this issue, which is why reasonable people thought selling drugs to the children who were US citizens was the better of several options - including the option of telling the American public the truth and funding the expenses on budget.

As a result of these experiences, here is my framework for dealing with this very large pile of uncertainty.



The alien question is the single largest and most expensive disinformation campaign in the history of our race.
A portion of the human race has advanced technologically so far beyond the rest of us - and is attributing various things to aliens as a way of managing their resulting risk - that we have become as aliens to each other.
To fully understand this scenario, we need to try to understand the use of individual mind control such as criminal hypnosis to effect financial and government fraud and corruption and the truth, whatever it is, of wider subliminal programming and brainwashing.

These are slippery subjects for most people to deal with unless they have the training and ability to do so.
% PROBABILITY SCENARIO #1 IS TRUE ______ (You fill in)


Aliens exist and live among us. 

Planet earth is subject to the politics, economics and laws and/or lawlessness of a larger system or systems.
The transfer of advanced technology into a society that has not evolved governance and legal systems to manage a world with the presence of such technology and the influence of such other system(s) helps to explain current events.
To fully understand this scenario, we must also try to understand the use of individual mind control such as criminal hypnosis to effect financial and government fraud and corruption and the truth, whatever it is, of wide subliminal programming and brainwashing.
Again, these are slippery subjects for most people to deal with unless they have the training and ability to do so.
% PROBABILITY SCENARIO #2 IS TRUE ______ (You fill in)

SCENARIO #3 - MUDDLED: Some combination of (1) and (2) above.

% PROBABILITY SCENARIO #3 IS TRUE ______ (You fill in)
Could my experiences with Arlington and the Navy or any subsequent contacts fit with a disinformation scenario? 

I have no evidence to support any scenario. 

The only evidence I believe I have is my experience dealing with tremendous amounts of money siphoned off over the years, whether through Iran-Contra S&L, HUD and BCCI fraud, or the latest round of money missing from the federal government in the last five years.
This is all documented in the articles below. 

This cash flow and the operations and syndicates it appears to fund are important to what drives the governance and allocation of resources in this country and around the globe.
There is a reason that power and money are centralizing, and the rich are getting richer. 

I want to know what it is.
Whichever scenario is true - and I do not know which one is - if we had the truth, it would help us grapple with 9-11 and the War on Terrorism

It would also help us better understand all the efforts to press for centralization of economic and political power that have grown as the black budget has grown since WWII. 

The reality is the possibilities of why 9-11 occurred and how it was operationalized are impacted by the facts of the US black budget and the advanced technology it has developed.
Why would sane and even decent people think it was the best option for the good of the whole? 

We must sit in the shoes of the person or people who gave the order - whoever they may be and wherever they may be - and understand how their power and money worked.
Why would a group with the operational and financial capacity to affect a 9-11 operation give the green light to plan 9-11, finance 9-11, do 9-11, stand down so 9-11 could happen, take advantage of 9-11 or to make sure the truth was not illuminated?

My experience in Washington and Wall Street would indicate that there is a reasonable chance that all these various people and many in the food chain Are Not Bad or Irrational People.
That is, we have a better chance of finding the truth if for purposes of our explorations we assume that the people involved in all these roles were people like you and me - just with a different map of certain parts of the world and dealing with a variety of stress and pressures trying to build cooperation or achieve goals that we do not understand.
Watching the federal government contract announcements and without benefit of seeing the full budget and assuming The Disclosure Project allegations regarding the estimates of the black budget size, if I had to guess today my guess would be that 9-11 has been highly successful in permitting the black budget to be moved on budget, partly in the normal budget and partly in the budget that is only disclosed to the Congressional intelligence committees.

The Disclosure Project – Library of Rickandria
The solution to continued growth and funding of the black budget may have been to steal as much money and assets as possible from the federal budget and then to move the black budget on budget when control of media, Congress, Justice and Securities & Exchange Commission ensured that the legal budget was non-transparent, controlled by private government contractors and could not be harmed or fiddled with by Congress.
(See various stories on the disappearance of over $3.3 trillion from the federal government from fiscal 1998-2001)

Real Deal: Saving Tennessee | Scoop News
Grossly oversimplified, by the end of the 2004 fiscal year, covert operations and the black budget may be fully legal, run and controlled by corporations and banks without interference from knowledgeable career civil service, taxpayer funded, and non-transparent.
Why do I say all of this?
We do not have time to pay attention to people who use smears like "conspiracy theorist" to waste our time. 

  • Money
  • budgets
  • finance

these are all facts. 

If something does not work, and it continues to not work, there is a reason.
Systems have a logic.

They have a rationale.

Money helps explain and illuminate that rationale.

Anyone who would smear a serious researcher or writer for trying to understand where a great deal of money is disappearing to as a "conspiracy theorist" is someone who would never be taken seriously or associated with in the circles in which I travel.
The exception is if the person doing the smearing is a professional being paid to smear those who have the scent of "the real deal" - Cointelpro or related public relations.

COINTELPRO: Counterintelligence Program – Library of Rickandria

The number of people paid to do such things are many and growing.
9-11 was an operation that was implemented by a conspiracy. 

To get to the bottom of what happened and why one must develop and use conspiracy theories to research in what can only be described as a conspiracy reality.
We know in regard to 9-11 one of two scenarios must be true - some portion of the US military and intelligence are:

  • complicit and/or
  • guilty of criminal gross negligence

We also know that the official story is not truthful. Either scenario and the reality of the official story beg the question, "why?"
This course always leads us to consider the fact that US military and intelligence have enjoyed significant expansion of their budgets and powers as a result of 9-11.

We are rewarding failure. 9-11 was great for business.

Lockheed Martin's stock is up over 50% in a falling stock market. 

The oil companies have their pipeline.
When a system does not work and continues to not work, there is something that prevents its learning.
Ultimately what we must understand that the problem is not that the system does not work and that it is not learning. 

The problem is that the system is controlled and operated by the most powerful forces in that system and that the system is indeed working and learning in the general direction they want it to go.
This happens in a manner that is highly organic and requires lots of planning, trial and error and factionalism that involves competition and cooperation over time in the pursuit of the system's real goals. 

Hence, the system is working and is learning.

It is our construct that is wrong. 

We do not understand the system and the goals of the system.
Once we are clear that the system is working and is learning, once we stop falling back on scapegoating as a technique to explain events, we can start to understand the real system that we are a part of. 

This is how power and money work in reality.
The amount of money and power spent to keep the general population from understanding this - and focused on things like scapegoating which keep us from building a good map of "the real deal" or gaining the power to impact events by using our money and time as a vote in the marketplace in which the banks and corporations must thrive - is immense.
That is why I strongly encourage reading Jon Rappoport's back interviews on his Infomonster and becoming a subscriber for his ongoing interviews.
For those would like to know more, I would refer you to articles on all the money missing from the US Treasury and the manipulation of the gold markets as well as the Disclosure Project video of their event at the National Press Club.

Steven Greer - Disclosure Project 2001 - Aliens Secret Technology

As for me, I do not have the answers.

I wish I did.
That is why I am so appreciative of efforts like UnAnswered Questions and the effort of researchers networking and collaborating globally to illuminate, research and answer the right questions.

Let me close with the unanswered questions with which I began and which I believe are critical to our ongoing collaboration:


Catherine Austin Fitts is the President of Solari, Inc., a former Assistant Secretary of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner in the first Bush Administration and a former partner and member of the board of Dillon, Read & Co. Inc and President of Hamilton Securities.

She is a member of the advisory board of Sanders Research Associates

Anaclara Systems ( in London and publishes a column in Scoop Media in New Zealand

called The Real Deal.

Scoop - New Zealand News

The Sauce:

Some Thoughts on Keeping It Secret

by Bernard Haisch from UfoSkeptic Website

"The U.S. government secretly hired hundreds of private companies during the 1940s and '50s to process huge volumes of nuclear weapons material, leaving a legacy of poisoned workers and contaminated communities that lingers to this day. 

From mom-and-pop machine shops to big-name chemical firms, private manufacturing facilities across the nation were quietly converted to the risky business of handling tons of uranium, thorium, polonium, beryllium and other radioactive and toxic substances. 

Few of the contractors were prepared for the hazards of their government-sponsored missions. 

Thousands of workers were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation, often hundreds of times stronger than the limits of the time. 

Dozens of communities were contaminated, their air, ground and water fouled by toxic and radioactive waste. 

The risks were kept hidden. In some cases, they have remained so."

So began a lengthy expose revealing a major government secret that involved thousands of individuals.

It was published in USA Today on September 6, 2000.

The truth had been successfully kept secret for 50 years.

If the reality of the UFO phenomenon were known within one or more deep black special access programs, why might it too be kept a secret from the public?

This question was posed to a well-placed, highly educated, former intelligence officer who at several points in his long career with one of the agencies had been briefed and asked to assist in evaluation of certain UFO material

I obtained his reply through an intermediary.

"The elite involved in the black programs are among the smartest people on the planet, but even so remain deeply puzzled by much of what they've learned.

They tend to regard the public with disdain, like undisciplined and unruly children incapable of handling information of extraordinary complexity.

While officially
supporting democracy, the black program elite in reality espouse a kind of benevolent dictatorship or enlightened oligarchy by those, such as themselves, who have earned the right to know and to make decisions in the best interest of civilization, to which the ordinary person, being lazy and easily distracted, is not motivated or qualified to contribute anyway.

The average American cares more about the
Super Bowl than about life elsewhere in the Universe.

The intellectual mentors of those with clout and power are Plato and Machiavelli, not Aristotle and Jefferson.

Over the past 50 years, the highest courts have accepted and upheld the precedence of national security
over the First and Fourth Amendments.

So even if the public wanted to know, that would not constitute a legal need or right to know.

The elite are doing their
patriotic duty by trying to control the situation within the established rules of national security."

My impression is that, if the above is true, there may be more involved than simply the knowledge that intelligent beings exist on other planets, and that some are able to come here to observe us.

I think that at this point in our development, most of the world's cultures could accept such information without catastrophic societal consequences.

I conjecture that what is at stake has to do with the possibility that reality may be far more complex than our modern scientific notions of space and time and matter.

Mystics might be quite happy with other levels of reality, but for civilization built around commerce and technology entirely grounded in physical reality, news of other realms that intelligences beyond our own may be adept at manipulating could be quite disruptive.

Too great a shock to our collective reality could lead to chaos, and this justifiable fear could be a rationale for decades-long secrecy.

On the other hand, the facts, whatever they prove to be, will have to come out sooner or later, and the global problems facing humanity and the ecology of our planet argue -- in my view -- for access to whatever new knowledge there might be for us to use.

Perhaps "disclosure" did once pose an unacceptable risk, but there are good reasons to think that the opposite is true today.

Moreover, the current administration would appear to offer an especially friendly environment for any disclosure coming from the military and/or intelligence agencies.

While some of the individuals read in on deep black programs may be among the smartest on the planet, so are many scientists. (I do have a bit of a prejudice here.)

If deep puzzles exist, why are the vast capabilities and talents of the mainstream scientific community not brought to bear on them?

The problem, I believe, is that the view of reality of modern science is extraordinarily blinkered.

In my 12-year tenure as editor of the Journal of Scientific Exploration, I was often dismayed at the unwillingness, sometimes amazingly hostile unwillingness, of mainstream scientists to consider what seemed to me credible observations of psychic functioning, or the ability of mind to control matter under certain circumstances, or evidence that we are beings of transcendent consciousness incarnating into physical bodies, not merely short-lived products of biochemistry.

I have the impression that we may be confronting intelligent consciousnesses with vastly more developed abilities to control and shape physical reality.

Modern science has painted itself into such a materialist reductionist corner that it could not, at present, deal with that.

Having set itself in such opposition to what it disparagingly labels "the supernatural" it would have a very hard time coming to grips with a reality in which the natural and the supernatural are just the red and the violet ends of a vastly rich spectrum of creative potential for consciousness to use (see The Metaphysical Interpretation).

UFO Skeptic

In conclusion though, I must add the disclaimer that perhaps I am over extrapolating from the things I have heard, or that seem plausible to me.

I am accurately reporting what I know, but I cannot guarantee that I have not been misled -- accidentally or deliberately -- or perhaps have fooled myself.

See also On Materialism as Science Dogma by Prof. Neal Grossman.

UFO Skeptic

(There is a strong hint of a much richer potential reality in the mathematical ideas of Goedel and Turing -- two of the most influential mathematicians of the 20th century -- and, most recently, in the discovery of the infinitely long, utterly incalculable number called Omega by theoretician Gregory Chaitin who took up over 20 years ago where Turing had left off -- see also the New Scientist article The Omega Man, by science writer Marcus Chown. As Chown puts it:

"Chaitin has shown that there are an infinite number of mathematical facts but, for the most part, they are unrelated to each other and impossible to tie together with unifying theorems."

In other words, mathematically, there is no single, preferred set of fundamental truths. 

The mathematics that describes our reality is just one archipelago of self-consistent postulates and theorems in a limitless ocean with infinite islands bearing no relationship to ours. 

Since physics is described by mathematics, this may imply that what we perceive with microscopes and telescopes and particle accelerators as ordinary physical reality is also but one tiny subset of an infinitely greater reality. 

Alternate realities created by other consciousnesses could be equally real yet radically different from ours.)

The Sauce:

Extraterrestrial Technology, the Black Budget, & International Politics

by Jackie - Exopolitics Graduate Paper #1 (Fall 2004) from Exopolitics Website


Black budget operations have produced weapons and other experimental technologies that can be used in military operations or civilian control activities.

According to Dr. Michael Salla, every year billions of dollars of Congressional appropriations are diverted from their congressionally sanctioned purposes to the CIA and DoD based intelligence agencies without knowledge of the public and with collusion of Congressional leaders.

Exopolitics and Michael E. Salla – Library of Rickandria

This paper will discuss the latest Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) weapons and other experimental technologies, some of which originated out of these black budget projects.

With much of this technology, there are official, public descriptions of what these weapons or other technologies are used for, and then there are potential covert uses for these technologies that could have exopolitical significance.

EMF weapons, by their nature, are the most insidious type of weapons, because the victim can’t visibly see them coming, nor necessarily immediately feel any adverse health effects from exposure to them. 

I will discuss both types of uses and their overall exopolitical significance.


The “official” information on the HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) Program is that it is jointly managed by the US Air Force and US Navy, and is based in Gakona, Alaska.

It is designed to “understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes that might alter the performance of communication and surveillance systems for both civil and defense purposes.” 

It intends to beam 3.6 Gigawatts of effective radiated power of high frequency radio energy into the ionosphere for these purposes:

  • To generate extremely low frequency (ELF) waves for communicating with submerge submarines.
  • To conduct geophysical probes to identify and characterize natural ionospheric processes so that techniques can be developed to mitigate or control them.
  • To generate ionospheric lenses to focus large amounts of high frequency energy, thus providing a means of triggering ionospheric processes that potentially could be exploited for Department of Defense purposes.
  • Electron acceleration for infrared (IR) and other optical emissions which could be used to control radio wave propagation properties.
  • To generate geomagnetic field aligned ionization to control the reflection/scattering properties of radio waves.
  • To use oblique heating to produce effects on radio wave propagation, thus broadening the potential military applications of ionospheric enhancement technology.

There is much speculation that this technology is being used for other and possibly more sinister purposes.

One of the main “unofficial” uses for HAARP is as an incoming missile defense shield that is effective against missiles from Russia or China.

It is believed that the decision to build HAARP was one of the major reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Jews & the Takeover of Russia – Library of Rickandria

HAARP works by knocking down missiles and aircraft by affecting their guidance systems and creating atmospheric disturbances that lead to them crashing.

At lower power levels, it has the ability to look down from the ionosphere and detect cruise missiles and other incoming objects.

The shield can be put down to fire weapons, and then put back up to defend against incoming missiles.

On the morning of February 1, 2003, the morning of Space Shuttle Columbia’s re-entrance into the Earth’s atmosphere over California, Marshall Smith, ex-NASA engineer/scientist, logged HAARP transmissions in the missile defense mode from 4:15 am to 7:20 am PST.

These were the first HAARP transmissions since late 2002.

He believes that Columbia was hit by the shield that heated up its left side and caused it to turn into a fireball.

He also believes this was a terrorist act performed by Al-Qaida through a graduate student with an F1 student visa.

Another suggested use for HAARP technology is to detect and image subterranean features such as tunnels, bunkers, and other potential military targets.

Research into the feasibility of using HAARP for this purpose is still underway.

HAARP has also been associated with the ability to control global weather and use it as a weapon. 

This includes:

  • climate modification
  • polar ice cap melting
  • ozone depletion
  • earthquakes

and ocean wave control.

There are health concerns associated with the use of radio frequency and microwave radiation (as in HAARP) in the form of chronic, nonthermal effects

These effects include behavioral aberrations, neural network disturbances, birth defects, cataracts, altered blood chemistry, and changes in the endocrine and immune systems. 

More insidious than these effects are the concern that this technology can be used to manipulate and disrupt human mental processes (mind control) of a very large population in selected regions over an extended period of time. 

The frequency needed to detect subterranean features is within the same range that is disruptive to human mental functions.

HAARP and Montauk

One of the most intriguing pieces of recent news with respect to HAARP is that it is speculated to be operating at Montauk!  John Quinn, in his article entitled HAARP’s Covert Agendas – The Big Picture talks about the evidence to back up this assertion.

HAARP's Covert Agendas - The Big Picture (

I would like to talk about the evidence in some detail, as I think there is a significant exopolitical side to this development.

The story starts with the change of directorship and direction and focus for Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL) on Long Island.

Several of the Navy’s key HAARP personnel are now stationed at Brookhaven. Brookhaven has been associated with the Montauk Project and has a reputation for participating in clandestine projects. Particle accelerators are also known to underlie much of the area and are in use.

The Montauk Project – Library of Rickandria

John Quinn’s allegation is that the photos taken of the HAARP complex in Gakona, Alaska that appear on the Navy’s official HAARP website have been doctored and that the REAL location of HAARP is in the Westhampton pine barrens on Long Island!

Why Montauk?

It is a major earth grid hot spot where various EMF, radio frequency, and gravitational processes all link together and can be amplified.

This has been confirmed by Preston Nichols, author of several books on the Montauk projects and a participant in some of its operations, and another independent source.

Nichols also confirmed that he had been working with an Air Force contingent at Camp Hero’s subterranean complex when they were working with particle beam technology in planetary defense operations against the Hale-Bopp comet and an object claimed to be traveling in its wake.

Hale-Bopp: A Sign of the Times – Library of Rickandria

Since then, the Air Force contingent has moved out and been replaced with the Navy contingent associated with HAARP.

Preston is not absolutely sure what these particle accelerators and beam weaponry is being used for. However, on April 18, 1998, he received a FAX that he does not think is disinformation.

It contains a lot of classified information that, in his opinion, could only come from deep within the U.S. Navy.

The FAX reveals another agenda for HAARP that is more secret than the mind control and weather manipulation agendas.

The document indicates that the particle beam accelerators are being used to effect interdimensional and time manipulations!

The author speculates that because the time portal apparatus that was used during the Montauk project back in the late 1970’s-early 1980’s was destroyed in 1983; this is another chance to generate the portals.

There is some evidence that the Navy has been experimenting with bringing various creatures through the portals such as seals and Macrihanish Chinook.

It is speculated in Puerto Rico and Brazil where there are a number of “Chupacapra” sightings that these creatures are being brought through a portal into our dimension.

Microwaves Used as Weapons

Microwaves are key in the evolution of a new series of non-lethal weapons that the Military is interested in developing. These weapons could be capable of:

  • preventing voluntary muscular movements
  • control emotions (and thus actions)
  • produce sleep
  • transmit suggestions
  • interfere with both short-term and long-term memory
  • produce an experience set
  • delete and experience set

Microwaves used at low power densities can be used to induce sounds and words within a person’s head so that it appears that the person is hearing voices. 

This technology can be used in isolated individuals either to send instructions to soldiers in the field who are in combat situations, or it can be used on the enemy to scare and/or disorient them (one of the non-lethal weapons being developed). 

There is also some evidence to suggest that this technology has the capability of remote mind reading.

Microwave Cell Phone Towers

Cell phone towers are popping up all over the US terrain.

Because it is a multi-billion-dollar industry, there is concern that the health effects from being exposed to the microwave radiation are not being addressed. 

It can cause body tissue to heat up and possibly alter DNA. 

This can lead to the development of pre-cursors for cancer. 

Common sources of microwave radiation include:

  • cell phones
  • cordless phones
  • garage door openers
  • wireless PDAs

and notebook computers

and microwave alarm system sensors.

Ted Twietmeyer, in his article ‘Dangerous Radiation from Hidden Cell Phone Towers” speculates that the proliferation of cell phone usage will force companies to add more microcells, thus many of the existing towers will become obsolete because they serve too large of an area.

Dangerous Radiation From Hidden Cell Phone Towers (

He thinks these towers will most likely be converted to other mind control and tracking activities.

Ken Adachi, in his paper “Mind Control – The Ultimate Terror” says that other towers whose antennae look like four slightly curved vertical plates about 2 feet in length and located in either 3 or 4 quadrants around the tower are being constructed.

It is presumed that these are for cell phone usage, but they produce power levels that far exceed cell phone requirements.

He believes these towers are being used for mind control purposes as the frequency bandwidth chosen for cell phone use matches the second order waves that Wilhelm Reich discovered in the late 1940’s to effect thought transmission and allow the mind to be manipulated without the victim realizing it.

Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy – Library of Rickandria

Exopolitical Issues Associated with the Use of This Technology

I think there is a real story here if we look at the combination of the HAARP’s use to open portals to other dimensions and time, and the race to find stargate technology in Iraq and other locations around the world.

Stargate – Library of Rickandria

Various scenarios come to mind that have exopolitical meaning.

Searching for ways to use HAARP to open up portals is consistent with Michael Salla’s assertion that a motive for driving the Bush administration to invade Iraq was to control ancient stargate technology that could be found there.

If the goal for the US is to be the “unofficial” greeters of the Anunnaki when they arrive, then it makes sense that the US would want to offer the Anunnaki portals to come through that are controlled by the US.

This includes both the ancient stargate technology as well as new portals that can be opened.

If the US can’t figure out how to “restart” the ancient stargates, then they still have these new portals to use.

This will give the US the edge in being the first to deal with the Anunnaki, find out what their intentions are towards humanity and Earth, and then make the appropriate “deals”.

Another scenario is one in which the US knows that if the Anunnaki come back, they may decide to destroy humankind because they want to end the experiment or they want to upgrade us and cull the population down to a useful number.

In that case I would see the US wanting control of the ancient stargates to STOP the Anunnaki from entering into our dimension & time, especially if there was a concern that Saddam Hussein would let them in.

Additionally, HAARP technology could then be used as a shield to destroy any incoming spaceships of the Anunnaki, since it is thought that there are two forms of transportation that the Anunnaki use: stargate technology for the Anunnaki “elite” and spaceships for the “rank and file” Anunnaki.

The HAARP portals could be used to allow helper ETs in, who could help us fight the Anunnaki.

It is not only in the interest of humanity that we not be completely destroyed, but it is also in the interest of the Reptilians, since they use our emotional and psychic energy to feed off of.

Making the assumption that the shadow government is the one supporting the grey/Reptilian presence on earth, these portals can be used to bring more Reptilians into our dimension and time to, perhaps, stop the Anunnaki from destroying us.

Occult Reptilian Saga – Library of Rickandria

If the main goal for use of the portals and stargates is to bring in more Reptilians for a complete take-over of the planet, then using as many portals as possible to bring in these Reptilians seems logical.

I am assuming that each type of being has its own frequency and that these frequencies can be controlled at the stargate or portal so that a frequency can be set to allow in entities of that particular frequency.

At the same time, HAARP can be used to “keep out” the helper and watcher ETs by destroying spaceships as they arrive.

Another scenario is that the US does not want ANY Reptilians coming in through the portals and stargates, so they want to again ensure that they are in control of who comes through and use HAARP to find portals for the helper/watcher ETs to come through. HAARP’s shield would be used to keep the Reptilians away.

In the scenario where there could be a take-over of the planet either by the Anunnaki or the Reptilians, these EMF weapons and mind control mechanisms could be used on the general population to control them so the take-over would be relatively easy.

Control can take many forms.

Microwaves can be used to give commands to individuals to do something by disguising the voices as

or the higher self or whomever the person would listen to. 

On the other hand, microwaves can be used to render an individual in a zombie-like or confused state so they cannot fight back. 

I can imagine an easy take-over of major cities within the US just by turning on the microwaves that are broadcast through the cell phone towers to render the population harmless. 

Any resistance could be met with the use of the non-lethal weapons.

To conclude, I hope that our country is taking the high road and intends to use this technology to help us understand our origin and where we are going as a civilization. 

If the intent is to use this technology to help us communicate better with the helper/watcher ETs, it would be a goal worth pursuing. 

The use of non-lethal weapons is preferable to the use of weapons that kill, but we need to get to a place where weapons are altogether unnecessary.


The Sauce:

Black Budget' Revealed - A Detailed Look at US 'Espionage Empire

August 29, 2013, from CommonDreams Website

Latest revelations made possible by Edward Snowden give unprecedented view of
how taxpayer funds are used to "collect it all". Jon Queally staff writer

In the latest revelation made possible by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the Washington Post on Thursday published an investigative analysis and interactive map of America's so-called "Black Budget" which details the $52.6 billion allotment of taxpayer money that funds the government's "intelligence-gathering colossus" that has previously remained insulated from the eyes of the American public.

Though a series of revelations have flowed from the Snowden leaks over recent months, this is the first detailed financial picture of how public monies are used to fund programs that Americans still know very little about.
Critiqued as a "collect it all" strategy by those concerned about Constitutional and privacy violations, the vast surveillance network has been slammed at home and abroad.

According to the Post, the "Black Budget,"

...maps a bureaucratic and operational landscape that has never been subject to public scrutiny.
Although the government has annually released its overall level of intelligence spending since 2007, it has not divulged how it uses those funds or how it performs against the goals set by the president and Congress.

The 178-page budget summary for the National Intelligence Program details the successes, failures and objectives of the 16 spy agencies that make up the U.S. intelligence community, which has 107,035 employees.

The summary describes cutting-edge technologies, agent recruiting and ongoing operations. 

The Washington Post is withholding some information after consultation with U.S. officials who expressed concerns about the risk to intelligence sources and methods.
Sensitive details are so pervasive in the documents that The Post is publishing only summary tables and charts online.

A view into what the newspaper terms the US "espionage empire," the blueprint and summary documents obtained by the Post,

"Provides a detailed look at how the U.S. intelligence community has been reconfigured by the massive infusion of resources that followed the Sept. 11 attacks" in 2001.

According to the reporting, the $52.6 billion far-exceeded estimates about the amount of money being spent on clandestine spying and surveillance operations and that figure does not even include an additional $23 billion specifically geared to CIA and NSA operations done in direct support of the U.S. military.

In addition to providing what is repeatedly referred to as an "unprecedented" look inside the financial operations of the both the CIA and the NSA, the summary report leaked by Snowden also shows the enormous rate of operational growth at the CIA in the last decade, including a,
surge in resources for the agency funded:

  • secret prisons
  • a controversial interrogation program
  • the deployment of lethal drones
  • a huge expansion of its counterterrorism center.

In an additional and ironic twist, the documents trace the development of internal counterterrorism efforts at the NSA and how to prevent sensitive leaks from occurring "from within" the US intelligence system.
As the Post reports:

The document describes programs to "mitigate insider threats by trusted insiders who seek to exploit their authorized access to sensitive information to harm U.S. interests."

The agencies had budgeted for a major counterintelligence initiative in fiscal 2012, but most of those resources were diverted to an all-hands, emergency response to successive floods of classified data released by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.

Wikileaks: International New Media Non-Profit Organization – Library of Rickandria

For this year, the budget promised a renewed "focus... on safeguarding classified networks" and a strict "review of high-risk, high-gain applicants and contractors" - the young, nontraditional computer coders with the skills the NSA needed.

Among them was Snowden, then a 29-year-old contract computer specialist who had been trained by the NSA to circumvent computer network security.
He was copying thousands of highly classified documents at an NSA facility in Hawaii, and preparing to leak them, as the agency embarked on a security sweep.

The Sauce:


Brotherhood of the Bell (
Funding Covert Government Projects - The Masters of Magic (
In search of the Pentagon's billion dollar hidden budgets (
Philadelphia-Montauk: Black Projects – Library of Rickandria - Main File
Snowden Reveals First Ever Public Disclosure of Secret Black Budget Programs (
The Black Budget Report - An Investigation Into the CIA's 'Black Budget' and The Second Manhattan Project (
Underground Infrastructure - The Missing Forty Trillion Dollars (
The Octopus, Black Projects and the Dulce Facility
The Dulce Book (
Trillions of Dollars "Lost" by US Politicians-Bureaucrats? (
USAPs - Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (

Additional Information



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