by Robert Temple, Rider, an imprint of Random Century Group Ltda 1991, London, Sydney, Auckland, Johannesburg
Epic of Gilgamesh - Prologue
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 1
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 2
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 3
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 4
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 5
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 6
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 7
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 8
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 9
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 10
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 11
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 1
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 2
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 3
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 4
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 5
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 6
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 7
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 8
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 9
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 10
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 11
Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 11
Additional Information
Ancient Alien "Gilgamesh" found Buried in Iraq
Gilgamesh tomb believed found
Between Gods and Animals - Becoming Human in the Gilgamesh Epic
Gilgamesh - The King Who Refused to Die
The Stairway to Heaven - by Z. Sitchin
Heru-ma-neter and The Queen of The North - A Critical Comparison of The Kolbrin and Sumerian Versions of "Gilgamesh"
Heru-ma-neter and The Queen of The North - A Critical Comparison of The Kolbrin and Sumerian Versions of "Gilgamesh"