What religious person or spiritual teacher, or channeler or yogi has ever answered this question satisfactorily:
Why don't we remember our past lives?
The answer may be chilling.
It is described in Vedic and Puranic texts that humankind lived very long life spans during the golden age.
They spent their lives in deep meditation and were in balance and harmony with Mother Nature.
Then something happened.
In ancient legends, myths and texts, there is described the fall of man.
"Man is perfect at his origin, a divine being who has degenerated into what we are." - R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz (Egyptian Miracle)
"…primeval man was the truest model and representative of man, and that all human progress since, though upward in some things, has been in the main an unceasing deterioration…
All the world that came next after primeval man honored and even worshipped their first fathers as very gods of light, knowledge and greatness." - Joseph A. Seiss (Gospel of the Stars)
"Then she added a prophecy in which she foretold the approaching end of the Divine Age and the beginning of a new one, in which the summers would be flowerless, the cows milk less and women shameless and men strengthless, in which there will be trees without fruit and seas without fish, when old men would give false judgments and legislators make unjust laws, when warriors would betray one another and men would be thieves and there would be no more virtue in the world." (Prophesy of Badb, War Queen of Ireland)
We can see that at one point, gods from the sky came, and humans were taught about agriculture and animal husbandry, which is the enslavement of animals.
With that knowledge came the cities, the kings, the hierarchal systems of control, armies, war, slavery and the worship and sacrifices of gods.
This was the fall of man.
Mankind fell out of balance and harmony with Mother Nature and thus began losing virtue.
So, who were these gods that came and gave humankind this knowledge?
From where did they come?
They are not of the Earth.
They came to enslave humankind, to demand flesh and blood sacrifices, including human sacrifices.
They demanded to be worshiped.
And, as we read in the Old Testament, Jehovah would destroy entire races, or have his "chosen people" destroy them for him.
This is our plight, where we are born, and we die in a matrix as food for evil entities.
And of course, they have their minions here on Earth that keep the herd in line.
So the next question is:
What happens when we die?
When we die, we enter the Cosmic Matrix, another false light construct which we call heaven.
Our souls are trapped within this prison of the gods.
After some time in the false heavens, we return again in the same cycle.
This is called the wheel of samsara, the cycle of birth and death.
The only escape from this prison is to awaken to who you truly are.
By letting go of all of the:
false beliefs
etc., and stop feeding these false gods with our worship, our blood, our negative emotions and thoughts, and moving out of the whole game.
"To see the universe as it is, you must step beyond the net. It is not hard to do so, for the net is full of holes. Look at the net and its many contradictions.
You do and undo at every step.
You want peace, love and happiness, and work hard to create pain, hatred and war.
You want longevity and you overeat.
You want friendship and you exploit.
See your net as made of such contradictions and remove them - your very seeing will make them go away." Nisargadatta Maharaj
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View full-sizeDownload Nisargadatta Maharaj (born Maruti Shivrampant Kambli; 17 April 1897 – 8 September 1981) was an Indian guru of nondualism, belonging to the Inchagiri Sampradaya, a lineage of teachers from the Navnath Sampradaya.
See the Matrix for what it is.
It seems all powerful, without any way of escape, but it is full of holes.
If you have an open mind, discernment and the eyes to see, this whole game is nothing more than a house of cards.
In Ask Simple Questions I showed many examples of how this entire matrix is falling apart at the seams.
The question is, will you wake up, or be dragged away in the net, to continue on the wheel of birth and death?
Imagine how fortunate you are to come into contact with the keys to escape this prison.