Barbiturates can be injected into a stubborn subject that will render his/her mind open to whatever suggestions the operator wishes to instill.
This is known as "Military Psychology".
People who use recreational drugs are extremely easy to control, either psychically, as a skilled mage would do, or in an actual clinical setting.
Drug use also puts holes in the protective aura that can easily be manipulated by an adept.
Weed & Smoking – Library of Rickandria
Electric Shock Treatment works to destroy memories and can be used to wipe the mind clean by agencies within the world powers.
The mind is then reprogrammed:
- beliefs
- ideas
- thinking patterns
and habits are instilled, usually through trance induction by drugs, until the new personality takes hold, and the drugs are no longer needed.
This is known as "brainwashing" and can be done for all purposes.
Most people are unaware of what can be done to their minds by those who have more knowledge and control.
Self-hypnosis is useful in where we, ourselves, program our own minds.
Self-Hypnosis – Library of Rickandria
We can program our minds to be resistant to all unwanted influences.
In addition, others will not be able to influence our minds or establish control over us in any way.
Other Means used with Hypnosis (
Other Means used with Hypnosis – Library of Rickandria
Self-hypnosis is useful in where we, ourselves, program our own minds.
Self-Hypnosis – Library of Rickandria
We can program our minds to be resistant to all unwanted influences.
In addition, others will not be able to influence our minds or establish control over us in any way.
Other Means used with Hypnosis (
Other Means used with Hypnosis – Library of Rickandria