Jorge Mario Bergoglio a.k.a. Pope Francisco

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A Dozen times Pope Francis has Openly Promoted a One World Religion and a New World Order (
Archbishop warns of 'Collusion between Deep State and Deep Church' to overthrow Trump and bring in New World Order (
Care for Our Common Home - Pope Francis (
Evidence Suggests Pope Francis might help facilitate Vatican Pedophilia and Satanic Rituals (
Francis - A Pope of the Poor? A Pope for the Environment? Or a Pope of the Global Elite? (
German priest says New Papal Encyclical has 'Masonic' tone - Links it to St. Gallen group (
How Pope Francis is Changing our Definition of Success (
In "Historic Bombshell" Vatican Official accuses Pope Francis of Covering-Up Sexual Abuse - Calls for Resignation (
Is Pope Francis Laying The Groundwork for A One World Religion? (
Is the Pope Being Positioned as the Head of a Planned "One World" Religion? (
'Libera Nos A Malo' - Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order (
One World Religion - Pope Francis says All Major Religions are "Meeting 'God' in Different Ways" (
Pandemic could be 'Nature's Revenge' for Ignoring Climate Change - Says Pope Francis... (
Petrus Romanus Arrives on 3/13/2013 at 20:13 Hours! (
Petrus Romanus - The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here (
Pope Acknowledges Thousands of Cases of Priests Raping Kids with No Recourse (
Pope Calls Migrant Crisis 'Arab Invasion' - Says Europe Must 'Rediscover its Cultural Roots' (
Pope Doubles Down - Pushes Zika Virus and Birth Control Psyop as Necessary "Lesser Evil" (
Pope Francis I - The Black Pope (
Pope Francis Calls for A "New Global Political Authority" to Save Humanity (
Pope Francis calls for 'New World Order' after the 'Pandemic' (
Pope Francis Exposed Quietly Letting Pedophile Priests Off With Little or No Punishment (
Pope Francis goes 'Full Communist' - Says Sharing Property is Not Communism but “Pure Christianity” (
Pope Francis' New World Order - The Vatican is using a 'Rothschild Initiative' to reform Capitalism (
Pope Francis orders Holy See to transfer All Assets to Vatican Bank to protect the Church's Finances - Collapse Incoming (
What in God's name? Pope Francis plans to 'Fix' Global Capitalism - With the help of the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and Mastercard... (
Pope Francis to Announce Extraterrestrial "Savior" According to New Book (
Pope Goes Full Doomsday - "For those Who Celebrate Christmas… It May Be their Last" (
Pope Says Not Right to Identify Islam with Violence (
'Sacred Betrayals' reveals Web of Financial and Sexual Abuse by top Vatican Cardinal protected by Pope Francis (
The First Jesuit Pope (
The Green Pope and the Catholic Rebellion (
'The New World Order Agenda requires that Italy should Perish' - Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (
The Pope is Going to Tell You what Lies in Your Future and 'You Better Listen' (
Two Things the Pope Will Never Tell You about "Hell" (
'Unholy Alliance' - Exposing the Radicals Advising Pope Francis on Climate - Special Report (
United Nations 'Agenda 21' Still Advancing Worldwide (
Vatican Preparing Statement on Extraterrestrial Life (
Who is Pope Francis? - Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Argentina's "Dirty War" (