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View full-sizeDownload Albert "Bert" Newton Stubblebine III (February 6, 1930 – February 6, 2017) was a United States Army major general whose active-duty career spanned 32 years. Beginning as an armor officer, he later transferred to intelligence. He is credited with redesigning the U.S. Army intelligence architecture during his time as commanding general of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) from 1981 to 1984, after which he retired from active service. Over the course of his retirement, it became widely known that Stubblebine maintained a keen interest in psychic warfare throughout his service. He sought to develop an army of soldiers with special powers, such as the ability to walk through walls.
Former head of the U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Command (INSCOM) 1981-84.
Masters degree in chemical engineering from Columbia.
(Porter, Tom, Government Research into ESP & Mind Control, March, 1996)
Soon after becoming head of INSCOM, Stubblebbine began a program called the "High Performance Task Force", a series of methods to improve his officer's performance.
These ranged from the neuro-linquistic programming of Tony Robbins to the hemisynch tapes of the Monroe Institute, where Stubblebine often sent his officers. (Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg. 276)
"Laibow, Stubblebine and ufologist Victoria Lacas (with [C.B. Scott] Jones in the shadows) toured Europe and the Soviet Union, where they have established a prodigious UFO/Psi network."
(Durant, Robert J., "Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?")
Stubblebine gave a lecture at the International Symposium on UFO Research, sponsored by the International Association for New Science, in Denver, Colorado (May 22-25, 1992).
This gives a good example of Stubblebine's coherence (or lack thereof) and paranoia (he often threatened to destroy the tape).