Theory of Gaia

Last updated 

About James Lovelock
A Call for Mother Earth and Humanity - Analysis of "Military Geoengineering"
Detailed Biography of James Lovelock
Earth Chakras - The 7 Key Energy Vortices of Mother Earth
Earth's Core has been Growing Unevenly for 500 Million Years
Fallen Goddess Scenario - The Sophianic Myth
For The Love of Gaia
Gaia in Ancient Greek History
Gaia's Dance - A Vision of Wholeness
Gaia Thoughts - Is Gaia Here
Introduction to The Gaia Hypothesis
James Lovelock and The Gaia Hypothesis - Main File | 
Philosophical Implications of The Gaia Theory
Science of The Living Earth - The Gaia Theory
The Breathing of The Earth - Dr. Vladislav Lugovenko
The Earth is a Sentient Living Organism - It's Time to Stop Living on The Earth and Start Cohabitating...
The Gaia Hypothesis
The Global Brain Awakens - Excerpts
The Origin of The Gaia Hypothesis
The Perceptual Implications of Gaia
The Rising of Gaia Consciousness 

Additional Information

About the Oklo Natural Uranium Reactor in Gabon
African Smoke is 'Fertilizing the Amazon'
Against Nature - The Television Program
A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field
Amasia, 'Pangaea Proxima' - Next Supercontinent will appear and form One Continent on our Planet
Ancient Trees - Woman Spends 14 Years Photographing World's Oldest Trees
A New Form of Space Weather - Earth Wind
A Pulse of the Earth - A 27.5-Myr underlying Cycle in coordinated Geological Events over the last 260 Myr
A Rapid Biological Assessment of Ciudad del Jaguar, Ciudad Blanca - La Mosquitia, Honduras
Are these 100 People Killing the Planet?
A Safe Operating Space for Humanity
A Timely Fix for a Grand Theory of Nature
Atlas of Earth History - by Christopher R. Scotese
Atmospheric 'Phenomena'? - Main File
A Universal Law for the 'Blood of the Earth'
A Vast Reserve of Pristine Brazilian Amazon Rainforest has Just Been Saved from Mining Operations
Big Brother-style Surveillance' gives New Insight into Amazon's Hidden Wildlife
Butterflies and Plants - A Study in Coevolution
Carbon Dioxide is Life - Not a Pollutant
Carbon on Earth originates from Interstellar Medium - Researchers Say
Cetacean Beachings Correlate with Geomagnetic Disturbances in Earth’s Magnetosphere - An Example of...
Climate Changes - Main File
Coco de Mer - The Triple World System 'Sophia' Originally Intended to Emanate
Collapsing Cities - The First Wave of World’s Collapsing Cities
Continents of the Underworld come into Focus
Corporate Greed, Intellectual Property Laws and The Destruction of Human Civilization
Could Earth have a 'Shadow' Biosphere?
Death of a Planet
Deep Fracture Fluids Isolated in The Crust since the Precambrian Era
Deep Green Resistance - Strategy to Save The Planet
Dehydration Melting at the Top of the Lower Mantle
Destruction of the Environment - Gold Mining in the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest Surges 400%
Did the Birth of the Himalayas Destroy an Entire Continent?
Does One-Third of The Human Race Have to Die to Have a Sustainable Earth?
Dozens of 'Extinct' Creatures found Alive in 'Lost City' Deep within Rainforest
Dynamic History of the Inner Core constrained by Seismic Anisotropy
Earth as a Dynamic Body - Electrically and Electromagnetically
Earth Changes - Main File
Earth has a 27.5-Million-Year 'Heartbeat' - But we Don't Know what Causes It
Earth has a Secret Reservoir of Water - SayScientists
Earth is an Oil-Producing Machine - We're Not Running Out...
Earth's Groundwater Basins are Running Out of Water
Earth's Heavy Metals Result of Supernova Explosion - University of Guelph Researcher Discovers
Earth's Hum Sounds More Mysterious Than Ever
Earth's Quarantine Force Field Discovered by NASA
Earth Wind as a Possible Exogenous Source of Lunar Surface Hydration
Environmental Defenders Being Killed in Record Numbers Globally - New Research Reveals
Evidence for H²O-bearing fluids in the lower mantle from diamond inclusion
Forests - Regrowing in Size
Fossil Discoveries Challenge Ideas about Earth's Start
Generic Indicators for Loss of Resilience Before a Tipping Point Leading to Population Collapse
Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others - Main File
Giant Impact Origin for the Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces
Global Species Extinction - Humans are Now the 'Asteroid Hitting the Earth'
Global Warming - An Official Pseudoscience - Main File
Green is Gold - The Strategy and Actions to China's Ecological Civilization
How a Tiny Central American Country is Getting Richer and Saving the Environment
How Earth's Magnetic Fields and 'Human Aura' carry Biological Information connecting All Living
How Earth's Orbital Shift Shaped the Sahara
How the Media Prevents Meaningful Discussion About the Condition of Our Environment
Human Domination of the Biosphere - Rapid Discharge of the Earth-Space Battery Foretells the Future of...
Humans just 0.01% of All Life but have Destroyed 83% of Wild Mammals - Study
I, Holobiont - Are You and Your Microbes a Community or a Single Entity?
Indigenous Peoples, 'Guardians of Nature', under Siege
Inside the Garbage of the World
Intelligent Design in Tiny Creatures - Small Wonders...
Interviews with The Crystal Skulls - Part Four: Earth
James Lovelock - The Prophet of Climate Change
Leonardo da Vinci and the New Biology
Letting Go of a World in Collapse - The Conversation We're Too Afraid to Have
Life in Deep Earth Totals 15 to 23 Billion Tonnes of Carbon - Hundreds of Times More than Humans
Living Planet Report 2012
Living Planet Report 2018
Maps - Past, Present and Eventual Futures - Main File
Marine Litter Distribution and Density in European Seas, from the Shelves to Deep Basins
Mega-Canyon Discovered Beneath Greenland Ice
Much of Earth's Water is Older than The Sun
Nature's Critical Warning System
On this Earth Day let's Remind Ourselves that We are the Most Destructive Species on Earth
Open Season on Predators
Order of Magnitude Increase in Subducted H²O due to Hydrated Normal Faults within the Wadati-Benioff...
Or Ever the Earth Was" - A Planetary Myth from the Pagan Mysteries
Our Great Mother - What Does She Require of Us?
Our Oceans' Changing Electromagnetic Environment
Pistis Sophia
Planet Earth - We Have a Problem - Feedback Dynamics and the Acceleration of Climate change
Planetophysical State of The Earth and Life
Possible link Between Earth's rotation rate and Oxygenation
Primary Water can Solve the 'World's Water Crisis
Researchers Discover an Ocean 644 km Below the Surface of Our Planet
Respect Nature - Don't Bite the Hand That Feeds
Scientists baffled as two Mysterious 'Continent-sized' Blobs found inside Earth's Core
Scientists discover an Invisible Shield Surrounding Earth - Baffled at How it Formed
Scientists discover 'Massive Biosphere' miles below Earth far Outnumbers and Outlives Life on the Surface
Scientists find Huge Underground River Below Amazon
Scientists observe First Signs of Healing in the Antarctic Ozone Layer
Scientists recommend Having Earth Put Down
Schumann Resonances - Main File
Signs that The West Coast is Being Absolutely Fried with Nuclear Radiation from Fukushima
Smarty Plants - Inside the World's Only Plant-Intelligence Lab
Soil's Microbial Market shows the Ruthless side of Forests' Fungi
Sophia-Christ Consciousness Creating Global Transformation
Stunning Photos Capture Devastating Worldwide E-Waste Problem
Sulfur Isotope Variability of Oceanic DMSP Generation and its Contributions to Marine Biogenic Sulfur...
Terra Non Firma - Earth - Main File
Terrestrial Habitats Decouple the Relationship between Species and Subspecies Diversification in Mammals
The Anthropause is here - COVID-19 reduced Earth's vibrations by 50 percent
The Apollo-Gaia Project
The Biggest Attack on the Amazon in 50 Years - Has Just Begun in Brazil
The Biomass Distribution on Earth
The Coming Water Wars - Searching for a Way Out
The Curious Case of Earth's Leaking Atmosphere
The Earth Charter and The Ark of The Gaia Covenant
The Earth's Magnetic Field and Consciousness
The Evolution of Consciousness on Earth
The Evolving Story of Our Evolving Earth - For the Foundation for The Future Workshop on How Evolution...
The Fallen Goddess Scenario
The Global Warming Scare
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch - We are Literally Filling Up the Pacific Ocean with Plastic
The Hamza - A Subterranean River to Rival The Amazon - 6,000 Km Long, 4,000 m Down
The Hopi - Main File
]The Hum - A Legacy from Nikola Tesla
The Hunt for Earth's Deep Hidden Oceans
The Lately Tortured Earth - Exoterrestrial Forces and Quantavolutions in The Earth Sciences
The Myth of Planetary Overpopulation
The Relationship Between Trees and Human Health
There May Be an Ancient Earth Inside Earth - Say Harvard Scientists
The Size of Our World
The Terma of Gaia Awakening in Practice - A Mystico-Ludic Experiment in Nine Parts
The Theory of The Hollow Earth - Main File
The Unsolved Mystery of the Earth Blobs
The Venus Project and the New World Order - A Critical Review
This Infographic Shows How Much of the Ocean We Don't See
This Time We're Taking The Whole Planet With Us
Three Times as Much Water as All of Earth's Oceans Found Trapped Underground
U.S. Addicted to Oil - An Ominous Drilling Sign for The Truth
U.S. Navy Attacking Earth’s Life Frequency - Destroying Dolphins and Whales
Various 'Thought Provoking Images' Show what Humans are Really Doing to the Planet
Weather Warfare - Main File
We're Running Out of Time to Reverse Desertification
What are the Benefits of Volcanoes
What is an Equinox? - Some Need-to-Know Facts
What is the End of an Age? - Understanding the Precession of the Equinoxes
What is the Terma of Gaia Awakening? - Overview of A Mystico-Ludic Experiment
What's to Blame for Our Dying Planet?
When we Grow Up, We will Fall in Love with Earth
When will the Earth come to an End?
Where have All our Insects Gone?
Why Mars Matters, or how "Homo Martis" may evolve to Care for Earth in a way "homo sapiens" Never Have
Wisdom of The Elders
World's Biggest Trove of Gold Built by Ancient 'Secret Agents'
Zealandia - Study confirms Earth has Hidden Continent 


Avatar' Also Story of Deep DNA Within Many Americans
Avatar - American Terrorists Invade a New World
Avatar" - Delivers a Powerful Message of Connectedness with Mother Nature
Take Back The Planet" - A Review of James Cameron's Avatar (2009)
The Avatar Fractality Effect - From Deep Science in The Avatar Movie or How Biology Finds Shareable...



Vietnam Mammoth Cave - Hang Son Doong Cave
Worlds Biggest Cave 

Earth Core 


The Consciousness of Nature 

Animals' Emotions - Studies in Sheep using Appraisal Theories
Architecture of the Wood-Wide Web - Rhizopogon spp. Genets link Multiple Douglas-fir Cohorts
Are Fungi The Earth's Natural Internet
Assessing Nature's Contributions to People
Disturbing Aerial Photos Show what Killing Billions of Animals for Meat is Doing to The Environment
Eating Someone
Giving a Voice to Trees
How Forests Attract Rain - An Examination of a New Hypothesis
Humanity is Waking Up to the Intelligence of Nature
Networks of Power and Influence - The Role of Mycorrhizal Mycelium in Controlling Plant Communities...
Mineral Evolution
Plant Consciousness
Plants 'Talk' to Each Other Using Nanoscale Sound Waves to Help Them Grow - Study Suggests
Rainforests May Pump Winds Worldwide
Rocks Evolve Too - Geologists Claim
The Dignity of Living Beings with Regard to Plants
The Health of Trees and The Natural World is Closely Linked to Our Own State of Health
The Intelligence (...and Consciousness?) of Plants
The Memory of Water - Main File
The Origins of the Spirit Animal, Totem and Power Animal
The Relationship Between Trees and Human Health
The Whispering World of Plants - "The Wood Wide Web"
They're All Part Fungus - Grass Blades, Coffee or Cacao Leaves… Probably All Plants
Tree and Human Health May Be Linked
Why the Modern Day View of Wild Animals is Wrong
Wild Mammals are making a Comeback in Europe thanks to Conservation Efforts 



Cycles - The Mysterious Forces That Trigger Events - by Edward R. Dewey with Og Mandino
Sacred Economics - by Charles Eisenstein
The Sizes of Life - by Malin Pinsky, Eden Tekwa 


Apollo-Gaia Project
Blue Planet - Seas of Life
Call of Life' - Facing the Mass Extinction
Dirt! The Movie
Drain The Ocean
Earth Is In Fact Growing - Conspiracy of Science
Geoengineering and The Dying of The Trees
Graveyards of Trash in Ocean Ridges and Canyons
Home" - We All Have a Date With The Planet!
Living Soil
Nature Is Speaking - Conservation International
One Breath Around the World - Ethereal Underwater Vistas
Planet Earth - As we Eat our way to Extinction...
Resonance - Beings of Frequency
Sea The Truth - In 2048 the Oceans Will Be Empty! - Overfishing and More...
Stephen Harding, Author of Animate Earth, with Gaia Theory
Strange Sounds' Heard Worldwide - What Is It
The Birds of Paradise
The Equator 12,500 Years Ago
The Living Planet
The Mountain of Mystery
The Rainbow Warriors
The Song of The Earth
The Superior Human? - Animal Rights and Speciesism
This Has the Capacity to Tremendously Alter Life on Earth
Tomorrow - A Film by Mélanie Laurent and Cyril Dion
Where did Earth's Water come From 

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