The story of Abraham going out from the city of Ur and coming to Canaan is really telling the story of the Reptilian hybrids leaving Sumerian territory and colonizing other parts of Central Asia and the Middle East...
The Annihilation of Sodom & Gomorrah & the Creation of the People of Anu – A History of Sumerian Origin – Library of Rickandria
The Middle East became a focal point for the Sirians (from Sirius Star System) and their Reptilian allies. Together, they generated a new version of religion and culture for ease of global control and domination.
Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict & Creation – Chapter 9: The Ancient Hebrews – Library of Rickandria
There will be power shifts to and from various countries to suit the aliens. Consciousnesses will be moving around. Many Reptilian consciousnesses currently in Europe, the Middle East (including Israel) and other parts of the world will be re-locating to China before the year is over.
America and Israel will decline as the power shifts.
Anunnaki Chess Tournament – Library of Rickandria
The Babylonian Brotherhood and its reptilian bloodlines expanded across the Middle and Near East, especially to Egypt, and eventually into Europe and the Americas.
Babylonian Brotherhood: Ancient Great White Brotherhood – Library of Rickandria
BOOKS, REPORTS & TREATISES: Middle East – Library of Rickandria
Anunnaki Chess Tournament – Library of Rickandria
The Babylonian Brotherhood and its reptilian bloodlines expanded across the Middle and Near East, especially to Egypt, and eventually into Europe and the Americas.
Babylonian Brotherhood: Ancient Great White Brotherhood – Library of Rickandria
BOOKS, REPORTS & TREATISES: Middle East – Library of Rickandria
Multimedia: Middle East – Library of Rickandria
AFGHANISTAN – Library of Rickandria
BAHRAIN – Library of Rickandria
Iraq: Destroying Our Past – Library of Rickandria
Iraq Deaths | Just Foreign Policy
ISRAEL – Library of Rickandria
AFGHANISTAN – Library of Rickandria
BAHRAIN – Library of Rickandria
Iraq: Destroying Our Past – Library of Rickandria
Iraq Deaths | Just Foreign Policy
ISRAEL – Library of Rickandria
Rise of the Climate Oligarchs
The History of the Islamic State
The Midas Disease - Corruption has Shaped History - Why do we still Ignore it?
Two Births - A Gilded Arrival and a Poisoned Legacy
Additional Information
A 'Holy' War
Alex Jones on Arab Spring & Globalism - An Exopolitics Perspective
Alleged '9/11 Mastermind' could blow Saudi Role Wide Open in Lawsuit Testimony
Al Qaeda to ET's - The Search For Bogeymen
Al-Qa'ida, The Second Act - Why the Global 'War on Terror' Went Wrong
America - Death by Terminal Madness and Stupidity
America Is Falling Into An Illuminati Trap
Americans and Northern Alliance “Friends”… - False Flag Terror, Drugs, Staged “Taliban” Attacks
America's Chemical Weapons - Hypocrisy, Conspiracy and a Forgotten History
America's Complicity in Evil
An Open Book... and The Pages Are Turning
Another War Crime Surfaces - Expulsion and Massacre of the Bedouins - Ariel Sharon
Apocalyptical Cult Groups Seek the Destruction of New York City and Toronto - 9-11 Viewed as the "First Step" Toward a "North American Union" in 2007 and a Sought New World Order
Arab Spring - Revolutions, Lies, and Intervention
Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real Unrest or A Manufactured Crisis?
A Return to Monarchy Could Solve the Afghan Conflict
Are We Witnessing The Start of A Global Revolution?
Baalbek: A Colossal Enigma – Library of Rickandria
Blackwater Troopers Replacing Emirati Forces in Yemen
Blackwater – War Mercenaries Inc. – The Privatization of War – Library of Rickandria
Britain's May Eyes the GCC as a Surer Bet for Trade Ties after Brexit
Order Out of Chaos - 04 - Building Your Own Enemies - by Paul Joseph Watson
Cables Reveal Saudi Royals' Money Grabs - U.S. Messages Detail Royal Welfare Program and Royal Schemes
Clinton and al-Qaeda - The Propaganda Wars Continue
Clinton Sends Lackey to House Committee to Cover Her Involvement in Benghazi Attack
Columbia a High Profile Victim of Proxy Clandestine Government War?
Connecting The Many Undersea Cut Cable Dots...
Declassified 28 Pages Reveal Evidence of Saudi Govt. Involvement in 9/11
"Democracy Now" and the "Progressive" Alternative Media - Valued Cheerleaders for Imperialism and War
“Democracy Uprising” in The U.S.A.?
Eastern Mediterranean Gas Fields Discovery Leading to Battle for Wealth in Volatile Middle East
Egyptian President Mubarak Steals 40 Billion Dollars
Endless Wars Have Cost Americans $1.6 Trillion - Report Finds
Europe's Long War with Islam
Expediting The Grand Jihad - The Muslim Brotherhood
Facebook Bans Pages Calling for Palestinian Uprising
Fall of the Arab Spring - From Revolution to Destruction
False Flag Operations, 9-11 and the Exopolitical Perspective
Five Arab Countries That The "Jasmine Revolution" May Spread to Next
Follow the Money - Senator John McCain's Ties to Saudis and Rothschilds Exposed
Geert Wilders's "Fitna - The Movie" - A Review
Global Banks Embrace Islam
HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) – Library of Rickandria
Hidden Intelligence Operation Behind The Wikileaks Release of "Secret" Documents? - The Real Story of Wikileaks Has Clearly Not Yet Been Told
History of US-NATO Military Campaigns - 1991-2023
Holy Wars in Buddhism and Islam - The Myth of Shambhala
Hoovid Branchings, Hebrew Roots and the Crescent - from 'The Only Planet of Choice'
How Islam Failed Me
How Palestine Became Colonized - The Empire Files
How the Houthis Overturned the Chessboard - Attack on Abqaiq Oil Installations
Huge Geometric Shapes in Middle East May Be Prehistoric
IAEA to Investigate Gaza Uranium Ammunition Allegations
Inside Iran's Sex Slave Industry
Introducing The Gulf Despots Supported by The West - 10 Facts About Saudi Arabia
ISIS - An American-CIA-Mossad-Saudi Intel Covert Operation
ISIS is America's New Terror Brand - Endless Propaganda Fuels "War on Terror"
Islamist Assault on The U.S. Constitution
"Is this What We Destroy Lives for?" - Iraq, Afghanistan Veterans' Guilt, Unanswered Questions Spike Suicide Rate
"It's Going to Take Years" - US Air Force Calls for Ground Troops to "Occupy and Govern" Iraq and Syria
It's Over Chaps - It's Just A Matter of When
Mainstream Media Takes Money from Foreign Dictators to Run Flattering Propaganda - Says 3 Time Emmy Award Winning CNN Journalist
Many Nations Recognize a Palestinian State - Only Obama Stands in the Way of Full Global Recognition
Middle East Madness
Middle East Undersea - Cable Cutting A Zionist-NeoCon Covert Operation?
The Gods of Eden – Chapter 15: Mohammed – Library of Rickandria
Morsi and The Muslim Brotherhood Challenged in Egypt
Mubarak's Fate is Sealed - Reflections by Fidel Castro
NATO Carnage in Tripoli
NATO’s “Operation Gladio” - Sibel Edmonds on NATO, Terrorism, 9/11 and Drug Running
New Wineskins, Old Vinegar - Mankind Doomed to Repeat Mistakes
No Time For Jihads or Crusades
Obama Moves to Make The 'War on Terror' Permanent
Obama's "Fake War" Against the Islamic State (ISIS) - The Islamic State is Protected by the U.S. and its Allies
Obama's Gun-Running Operation - Weapons and Support for "Islamic Terrorists" in Syria and Iraq, "Create Constructive Chaos" and "Redraw the Map of the Middle East"
Old Religious Hegemony & NWO – Library of Rickandria
Operation Orchard
Osama Bin Laden & the 9/11 Events – Library of Rickandria
Palestine and The Demise of Conscience
Political Ponerology - A Science on The Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes
'Political Ponerology' by Andrew M. Lobaczewski - Commentaries and Additional Quoted Material
Pope Calls Migrant Crisis 'Arab Invasion' - Says Europe Must 'Rediscover its Cultural Roots'
Putin Reveals 40 Countries that are Funding ISIS at The G20 Summit
Quotes to “Illuminate” You: A “Gift of Love” from Three Major Religions – Library of Rickandria
Russia Begins Transport of Saudi Arabia's Mysterious "Ark of Gabriel" to Antarctica
Russia is Defeating the U.S. in the 'Middle East Oil Game'
Saudi Arabia Declares Oil War on U.S. Fracking - Hits Railroads, Tank-Car Makers, Canada, Russia and Sinks Venezuela
Saudi Arabia is Building a $500-Billion New Territory Based on Tech and Liberal Values
Sex, Sharia and Women In The History of Islam
Start Preparing for the Collapse of the Saudi Kingdom
State Terrorism and The New World Order - "Man's Stupidity Has No Bounds"
Stopping ISIS - Follow the Money
Struggling With Pedophilia in Islam
Sumer & the Anunnaki – Library of Rickandria
The Actual Iran Case – The Beginning of World War III? – Library of Rickandria
The Actual Syrian Case – Library of Rickandria
The Advent of Ahriman: An Essay on the Deep Forces Behind the World Crisis – Library of Rickandria
The American Empire Is Collapsing Before Our Eyes in The Mideast
The Benghazi Talking Points and How They Were Changed to Obscure The Truth
The CIA's Creation of "Islamic Terrorism" on American Soil
The Covenant - from 'The Only Planet of Choice'
The "Demonization" of Muslims and The Battle for Oil
The Drug Catastrophe in Afghanistan
The Egypt 'Revolution' - The Manipulation of A Justified Rebellion…
The End of Days - 14 - from "The End of Days - Armageddon and Prophecies of The Return"
The Fallacy of 'Regime Change' Strategies
The Invisible Entity Behind The Global Uprising Taking Place
The Jet Fuel of Tyranny Hypocrisy
The Making of World Wars
The Master Race and the Family of Light - Conflict, Spiritual Purification and Bio-Political Agendas in JJ Hurtak's "Book of Knowledge"
The Middle East and Then The World - Globalist Blitzkrieg Signals Largest Geopolitical Reordering Since WW2
Muslim Brotherhood – Library of Rickandria
The Plans to Rebuild The Temple in Jerusalem Have Been Finalized - The Dome of The Rock Will Remain Where It
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion – Library of Rickandria
The Redirection - Is The Administration’s New Policy Benefitting Our Enemies in The War on Terrorism?
The Religion of Peace - Myths of Islam
The Roots of Islam
Secret Vatican Briefings on The Creation of Prophet Muhammad - Alberto Rivera, Former Jesuit Priest
The Root of All Evil? – “The God Delusion” – Library of Rickandria
The "Secret Society” Behind Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda
The Untold Story of The Deal That Shocked The Middle East - Revealed
The U.S. Colored Revolution User Manual for Egypt
The U.S. is Supporting The Most Violent Muslim Terrorists in Order to Wage War for Oil
The US-NATO Preemptive Nuclear Doctrine - Trigger A Middle East Nuclear Holocaust To Defend 'The Western Way Of Life'
The U.S. Policy Coup Explained by 4-Star General Wesley Clark
The Western Alliance is Falling Apart - U.S. Foreign Policy in Shambles - NATO and the Middle East - How do You Wage War without Allies
Trump Falls Into the Aramco Trap
Trump's Trip to Riyadh Offers Left and Right Common Ground
Tulsi Gabbard Slams Trump - Being "Saudi Arabia's Bitch is Not America First"
Turkey - A Criminal State, a NATO State
Uranium Weapons - Does Anyone Care About Our Planet?
U.S. Presidents Charged With Crimes Against Humanity as Universal Jurisdiction Dies in Spain
U.S. Says NO to United Nations' Anti-Free Speech Effort
West Attempts to Trigger Clash of Civilizations
What About Those Wars in the Middle East?
"...Who Masters those Technologies, in some way, will be the Master of The World" - Klaus Schwab
Why Does the "War on Terror" Serve Western Policy?
"Wiping Countries Off The Map" - Who's Failing The "Failed States"
Yemen - The Covert Apparatus of The American Empire
Zionism vs. Islam - Which is More 'Dangerous'?
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