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View full-sizeDownload Barbara Marciniak, American (North Carolina) channeled by Pleiadians from on May 18, 1988 in Athens, after a trip to Egypt and Greece.
From the texts extracted from the hundreds of recordings of the Channeled messages, he made the books:
Earth, the Pleiadian Keys of the Living Library (1997)
Exercise Manual Pleiadians (1998)
Family of Light (2000)
The It was first published in Spanish in 1995 by Ediciones Obelisco, of Barcelona, kicking off a resounding dissemination of the message in the Hispanic world, despite the resistance of many supporters of other types of cosmic messages (more "light") in which there is no mentions reptilian alien conspiracies such as those that refers to this Pleiadian source.
This message came to produce a break with the usual transmissions of other galactic sources, in which alien interventions in the were always presented as part of a planned "normal" process, in which human conflicts were "natural" and endogenous, according to the "will of God".
With the information relayed by this contactee, the process of alien interference in the story is presented as anomalous.
Human conflicts are portrayed as the product of interference aliens deviated from normal evolution, and the supposed will of God that most other sources present as determinant of world events, is placed outside the of the earthly scene by this Pleiadian source.
"Humanity is an experiment. It was designed like almost everything else in the Creation. The Creator caused energies to spring up from Himself, and endowed them with the gift of energy. of the very gifts he possessed. These energies, which we'll call 'gods', they began to test their gifts.
This planet was visited again and again by creator gods, and Various kinds of human beings have been created. They were energies awe-inspiring, and it's no surprise that humans have been worshipped as gods. They came here to practice the creativity, some overcame themselves, others made mistakes Devastating. They could change reality and rule the Spirits of Nature. The world is full of traces of the that they were.
However, those who wanted to manipulate them made them believe who were gods and taught them to worship and obey them. They may become visible, but they exist in other dimensions. This is about to be revealed, and that will completely change the way you see things.
Earth's original planners belonged to the Family of Light (which is information) and decided that the Earth would be a cosmic library. Civilizations Were Born 500,000 years ago and lie beneath the ice of Antarctica. Certain creator gods came to take possession of this Living library 300,000 years ago, there was a fight and they won. These new owners didn't want the human species to have Access to information.
There was a lot of nuclear and radioactive action.
There was great destruction. These new owners were eminent in and they knew that consciousness exists in all things, So they adjusted the electromagnetic energies of the consciousness to vibrate at a certain frequency and nourish them. The New owners thrived on fear and chaos. Restructured DNA for man to function within a scale limited, the original human being had twelve strands, contribution of twelve civilizations, these new masters reduced to two.
These filaments carry information.
The planet was surrounded by a fence from which the frequency of humans to be modified. This fence it prevented the Light from coming as before. And when they made it through There was no response on Earth, because humans they were disconnected.
The greatest tyranny in a society is not control by law But the psychological manipulation of consciousness, of In a way that those who live within that reality don't even realize who are prisoners. Nor do they know that there is anything else outside of it. they. You have been controlled like sheep in the fold by those who feel they own you, from the government and the establishment of those in space."
"Certain creator gods . . . made incursions into Earth approximately 300,000 years ago. When the Skirmish, a group of entities fought in Space and won the territory of the Earth [...]. There was a lot of radioactivity and a lot of nuclear action, and a large part of the Earth was done smithereens. The original species, a human creation, experienced a great destruction" (p. 47).
"The original Human Being was a magnificent being, whose 12 strands of DNA had been donated by a variety of civilizations Sensitive. When the new owners arrived, they worked in their labs and created versions of humans with a DNA different ones: the 2-stranded DNA or Double Helix" (p. 49).
"A Frequency Fence, kind of like an electric fence, was placed around the planet to control the extent to which the Frequencies of Humans could be modulated and changed [...]. The DNA of Humans was disconnected. The Filaments with Light Codes were no longer organized, so that the Creative Cosmic Rays that brought Light had nothing to deal with. or what to hold onto" (p. 49).
"As members of the Family of Light, you are renegades. Are against the System, ready to conquer your own fears and show the rest of the planet that there is no reason to Be afraid of anything. You love to come in and make trouble. Your branch of the Family of Light is famous" (p. 51).
"You are famous for entering into Reality Systems and altering the Frequency, getting the information [...]. You let them in the Cosmic Rays in your bodies, the bodies that you occupy as humans. You are disguised as humans and you allow that the Process takes place" (p. 52).
"As members of the Family of Light, you agreed to come to the Earth many times (under many disguises and in different to learn the Craft, to understand the character and to train you. You need to experience the Earth and prepare yourselves by the time the Frequency Alteration began to and you will incarnate in great numbers to carry out the Plan to action" (p. 52).
"There are millions of you right now in Mission in the Planet and you have agreed to carry the Frequency to realize it." (p. 53).
"As you hold these Frequencies, you will bring a information to the Planet that will surprise and scandalize the most of the world" (p. 54).
"As members of the Family of Light, you can simply to observe, knowing that chaos and confusion must come to bring down the System and so that it can be rebuilt with Light." (p. 55).
"The Truth will come to light, a truth that will change completely your Vision of the World. The reverberations of the "Shock" are they will move all over the planet" (p. 60).
"Your bodies carry fear and the memory of having fought by the Wisdom which these Gods represented and which was given to you raptured" (p. 62).
"When we speak, we are not addressing your logical mind, but your mind. your Memory Banks, so that you can remember having participated in this story" (p. 63).
"... It is for this reason that the collapse of your Society is inevitable: it contains no Light. Contains no possibilities Multidimensional. It has you limited and you are tired of everything that" (p. 65).
"... The Family of Light, as it has infiltrated and penetrated this Planet, you will create your own Planetary Sphere, your own Earth." (p. 83).
"You are Renegades, so your Society is not waiting for you to manifest your Gifts . . . There is no such thing as a place to put these talents to work within the Bureaucracy, no Sect in Society" (p. 121).
"Impatience is a trap for many of you because you feel like you have to move somewhere" (p. 122).
"You have to limit yourselves to working in Harmony, to support each other. and seek each other out to feel comfortable with what you are doing. you are doing because some of the things that you are going to do will be very scandalous" (p. 134).
"Not everyone wants to be free. You, as members of In the Family of Light, you will create a New Earth that will be free. Those who do not wish to be free will also have their Earth." (p. 134).
"In the years to come, there will be a great connection between the people and a huge amount of community cooperation in order to that political ideology ceases to separate you" (p. 141).
"You come out of this Central Sun (Alcyone) and take its information by various Systems of this Universe. Machines, You plan and you travel. You are unique in this regard and you know it. To the Looking at the population, you realize that you are very Different. When something says, "No trespassing," it goes to Everyone but you. You go where the doors are closed in order to open them. You operate by separating your self into many multidimensional identities and then enter the Systems and change them" (165).
"Sometimes you incarnate in these Systems for hundreds of thousands of years, preparing the moment to be called upon to dismantle the System [...]. Sometimes this doesn't happen and the Plan should be aborted for some reason [...]. However [...], when you succeed in dismantling the System, creating a New Paradigm of Light, it is like a Cosmic Orgasm for you" (166).
"You don't enter the Systems alone. You need each other to accomplish this task because you cannot maintain the Frequency Alone. By going in teams, you increase your chances of success in teams. the realization of the Plan" (p. 166).
"If you had to have a Work Card printed on it [...], It would say something like, "A member who disowns the Family of the Light. System Dismantler. Available to Alter Systems of Consciousness within the Universe of Free Will" (p. 170).
"Without you and the New Probability you are bringing, there is the potential that at some point a Great War will be waged Cosmic events occur here on Earth" (p. 189).
"As Frequency Carriers, you are bringing about this collapse [...]. You help to create this Chaos of Consciousness [...], so that the Old Systems cease to exist. In a way, that, as the Light moves forward to destroy, it also creates New systems [...]. Yes, definitely, you are destroyers. You destroy those Systems where the Dark Team prevails and Ignorance" (pp. 190-191).
"Many of you live in hiding. You are not willing to Let the whole world know what your beliefs are more intimate. You may feel safe in a room discussing a number of topics, some very distant, and without However, in your workplace or with your family or Wherever, you put a scouring pad in your mouth and you don't allow yourself to tell the truth" (p. 199).
"There is a Catalytic Energy present right now in the Planet. As all the individual structures are Start blending and merging to create something chaotic looking. Something new will be born out of all this, just as a new one will be born. cake from the chaotic mixture of certain ingredients" (p. 210).
"Changes in the Planet could play an important role in the destruction of the System. They will bring about the collapse of the Insurance Companies, which in turn will lead to the collapse of many other systems" (p. 235).
"It will seem that enormous chaos and tumult is forming, that the nations are rising up in war against each other and that Earthquakes are more frequent. It will seem like it's all coming and that it is not possible to rebuild it" (p. 240).
"It's basically that you're entering the Fourth Dimension [...]. It seems to many people that this change It's completely out of the question. But it doesn't stop you, who have studied this energy as Alchemists and ancient Atlanteans in the life of the Temple" (p. 241).
"Those who work with the Lower Fields of Vibration They will say that you are the witches or the devil because you represent something that they don't understand. You represent the Change, and remember that the most people are afraid of Death or Change" (p. 251).
"Many of you incarnated here over and over again and you You were very frustrated because in each incarnation you had the intention to do something, but most of the time you you forgot what it was about" (p. 255).
"Some of you have already risen above the sky. Planet, and you've come back to do it again and to show the way" (p. 256).
"There have been some unbelievable wars on this planet and there are still vestiges of them in the form of arid areas of the Earth. Was a time of chaos and confusion in which the Creator Gods They fought among themselves.
During the last wave of wars, 10,000 or 12,000 years ago, the Earth was sealed off because the who operated with Light lost the battle" (p. 265).
"You are here to carry out a very difficult task in a Dark system that offers very little encouragement or information about of the True History. You are here to do what you want. impossible" (p. 294).
"Before DNA was rearranged, people joined electromagnetically through Love and thus attained the highest levels of life. Higher Spheres and were able to climb their inner ladder and reach some Extraplanetary Frequencies. They created a experience similar to that of traveling in a rocket that launched them into other Reality Systems.
This has been one of the the best-kept secrets on the planet" (p. 301).