Superficially portrayed by most politicians and corporate media as a war between Russia and Ukraine, many thoughtful analysts perceive some of the deeper strands of what has occurred:
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and NATO commitments made at the end of the Cold War, NATO has consistently violated those commitments and there has been routine Ukrainian attacks on Donetsk and Luhansk over the past eight years.
These and other events have ensured a long but steady 'lead time' in the final build up to the war, precipitating the military response of Russia, as intended.
Obscured by the war, however, the leaderships of both Russia and Ukraine are heavily involved in the World Economic Forum and both have been heavily committed to imposing the elite agenda on their populations.
In short,
the Russia-Ukraine war serves elite purposes well with consequences including even greater disruption of food and fuel supply chains than the 'Great Reset' was able to achieve alone.
Given that the sabotage of these two pipelines is seriously exacerbating the energy crisis in Europe, while displacing people's anger onto one or other parties in the war, as always the elite forces driving destruction of the world economy escape scrutiny.
Beyond this, on 7 October 2022 the Biden Administration dealt a 'nuclear' strike to the hi-tech industry by imposing onerous new export rules that cut off supply of essential technology (advanced semiconductors, chip-making equipment and supercomputer components) to China, immediately and adversely impacting Chinese production.
'Implementation of Additional Export Controls: Certain Advanced Computing and Semiconductor Manufacturing Items'
But whatever pain this will inflict on the Chinese, it will inflict far more pain on ordinary people who will be required to deal with the outcomes of this latest supply-chain disruption: higher prices, more battered household budgets and fewer families able to scrape by on shrinking wages.
In any case, the ongoing destruction of the global economy will continue even while, apparently, considerable effort is being made to restructure key elements of it, such as those in relation to:
trade relations
trade routes
and international banking being undertaken in various international fora.
But, again, how serious are these efforts when all governments are collaborating closely on the fundamental Elite program?
At one of these meetings, recently concluded, the G20 Summit in Bali - see 'G20 Bali Leaders' Declaration' - Moscow, Beijing, Washington and all other governments present, agreed to,
'the creation of a global health-preserving Pandemic Fund sponsored by the WHO, the World Bank, Bill Gates, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
The fund will ensure there is plenty of money for experimental genetic vaccines in the weeks, months, and decades ahead.'
Beyond this, however, the Declaration contains,
'purple prose' about 'digital transformation', 'interoperability of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) for cross-border payments',
...and other elements of the Elite's technocratic program.
As Riley Waggaman observed:
'It's truly heart-warming that even amidst ceaseless geopolitical squabbling, Moscow and the Collective West can sit down at the negotiating table, break bread, and agree to cattle-tag the entire world.'
And while a recent World Economic Forum report, based on the views of 50 chief economists from around the world, sanitized economic prospects by simply referring to a likely forthcoming 'recession' either in 2022 or 2023, spokesperson Saadia Zahidi couldn't avoid mentioning the heavy consensus that real wages will decline, poverty will increase and 'social unrest is expected to continue to rise' in response to rises in the cost of living, particularly due to production and supply chain disruptions in fuel and food supplies.
Taking a similarly 'moderate' stance, in its recent 'World Economic Outlook', the International Monetary Fund warned that 'More than a third of the global economy will contract this year or next, while the three largest economies - the United States, the European Union, and China - will continue to stall.
In short, the worst is yet to come, and for many people 2023 will feel like a recession.'
Summarizing his own extensive research on the subject over the past three years, in a recent interview Professor Michel Chossudovsky simply explains what triggered the economic collapse, referring to the origin of the crisis with decisions made in early 2020:
'This is really Economics 101:
... the announcement of the lockdown... implies the confinement of the labor force on the one hand and the freezing of the workplace on the other...
What happens?
The answer is obvious:
Economic and social collapse on an unprecedented basis because it was implemented simultaneously in 190 countries.'
Noting the complete failure of authorities to hold even one corporate executive to account for the financial collapse they caused in 2008 - when banking institutions intentionally sold securities they knew were bad to defraud customers and increase their own profits, as carefully reported in a 'Frontline' documentary in 2013 - Dr Joseph Mercola argues that the,
'same criminal bankers are now intentionally destroying the global financial system in order to replace it with something even worse - social credit scores, digital identity and Central Banking Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which will give them the ability to control not only your individual finances but also everything else in your life'.
Apparently unaware of the extensive lead time on what is happening, he goes on to observe that,
'We're now at the point where banksters have self-selected themselves to rule the whole world, tossing notions of democracy, freedom and human dignity in the waste bin along the way.'
According to former BlackRock manager, Edward Dowd, the outcome of what has been happening, which is being accelerated by the corruption that has plagued Wall Street since the 1990s, is that the forthcoming financial collapse is a 'mathematical certainty' and will occur within the next six to 24 months.
After listing a sequence of industry shutdowns and other measures in Europe because of energy shortages, Michael Snyder simply observes that,
'This is what an economic collapse looks like',
...notes the prospect (also predicted by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and, as we saw above, the World Economic Forum) of 'civil unrest' and warns that,
'Europe is going to descend into "the new Dark Ages" this winter, and the entire world will experience extreme pain as a result.'
According to Irina Slav, countries of the European Union have suffered a consistent decline in gas and electricity consumption this year amid record-breaking prices.
Businesses are shutting down factories, downsizing or relocating, while production of such basic products as steel, zinc, aluminum, chemicals, plastics and ceramics has been cut substantially, if not slashed dramatically.
Observing that the European Union is heading for a recession that is,
'quite clear to anyone watching the indicators' she goes on to state that 'Europe may well be on the way to deindustrialization'.
He has offered an intensively detailed critique of the economic fallout from the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and events such as the sanctions against Russia and the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 & 2 gas pipelines.
Following his careful analysis, he notes a series of conclusions including that,
'The scarcity of oil and gas, combined with the scarcity of commodities, will lead to the De-Industrialization of Europe in short order.'
Europe needs what Russia has (and what China has).
It cannot do without those things.
But Russia (and China) can do without what Europe has.
They are self-sufficient.
The financial impact of European sanctions on Russia is minimal. Therefore, economic sanctions against Russia (or China) will never work. But, because of the overwhelming dependence of Europe on Russian (and Chinese) goods, sanctions on Russia (or China) will utterly destroy Europe. The only hope for Europe to prevent a total economic catastrophe is to achieve an agreement with Russia that ends the current destructive sanctions as soon as possible, and at whatever political cost, including the abandonment of Ukraine and cession of Ukrainian territory to Russia.
The longer this is postponed, the more extensive the permanent economic damage to Europe will be….
A New World Order is taking birth before our eyes….
The sanctions on Russia will be seen in hindsight as Europe's Stalingrad as well as its Waterloo.
Commenting on the banking system, precious metals businessman Stefan Gleason warns that,
'The global fractional-reserve banking system is teetering on the brink of failure. Financial strains are exposing major banks as under-capitalized and ill prepared to weather additional strains from high inflation, rising interest rates, and a weakening economy.
Banks operating outside the United States are presently most vulnerable.
A spike in interest rates concomitant with a spike in the exchange rate of the Federal Reserve note "dollar" is wreaking havoc in global debt markets and driving capital flight.
Noting that imposition of technologies associated with the fourth industrial revolution and the war in Ukraine are impacting the labor force, among a wide variety of other impacts on society as a whole, 'Winter Oak' observes that while anticipating future employment trends is not easy,
'The combined threat of pandemics and wars means the labor force is on the brink of an unprecedented reshuffle with technology reshaping logistics, potentially threatening hundreds of millions of blue and white collar jobs, resulting in the greatest and fastest displacement of jobs in history and foreshadowing a labor market shift which was previously inconceivable.'
the nation state model is being upended 'by a global technocracy, consisting of an unelected consortium of leaders of industry, central banking oligarchs and private financial institutions, most of which are predominantly non-state corporate actors attempting to restructure global governance and enlist themselves in the global decision-making process.'
And, according to a source cited by Anviksha Patel, executives at the giant hedge-fund firm Elliott Management Corp. recently sent a letter to investors advising that the world is 'on the path to hyperinflation' which could lead,
'global societal collapse and civil or international strife'.
Among many other commentaries offering insight into one or more aspects of what is happening, Oxfam documents the fact that 'billionaires in the food and energy sectors are increasing their fortunes by $1 billion dollars every two days' and that a new billionaire is being created every 30 hours while nearly a million people are being pushed into extreme poverty at nearly the same rate.
But perhaps the most evocative account of what is transpiring is offered by Egon von Greyerz, founder and managing partner of Matterhorn Asset Management in Switzerland, a company that has,
'always held a deep respect for analyzing and managing risk':
By the end of the 1990s, it was clear,
'That global [financial] risk was growing increasingly apparent as debts and derivative levels rapidly rose'.
Noting that laws governing the functioning of modern economies ensure that,
'No banker, no company management or business owner ever has to take the loss personally if he makes a mistake.
Losses are socialized and profits are capitalized.
Heads I win, Tails I don't lose!'
Greyerz goes on to note that 'there are honorable exceptions.'
Some Swiss banks still operate in accordance with the principle of unlimited personal liability for the partners/owners which clearly encourages a responsible, ethical approach to the conduct of business.
He observes:
'If the global financial system and governments applied that principle, imagine how different the world would look not just financially but also ethically.'
If we had such a system, he contends, then human values would come before adoration of 'the golden calf'.
And evaluation of an investment proposal or a loan would be based on a judgment about its soundness economically and ethically, as well as a judgment that the risk of loss was minimal, rather than just the size of the personal profit it might return.
Instead, since 1971 (when President Nixon unilaterally terminated convertibility of the US dollar into gold, effectively ending the 1944 Bretton Woods system),
'Governments and central banks have contributed to the creation of almost $300 trillion of new money plus quasi money in the form of unfunded liabilities and derivatives ['the most dangerous and aggressive financial instrument of destruction'] of $2.2 quadrillion making $2.5 [quadrillion] in total.
As debt explodes, the world could easily face a debt burden of $3 quadrillion by 2025-2030.'
At the same time,
'Central banks around the world hold $2 trillion [in gold reserves].'
The outcome is inevitable:
'With over $2 quadrillion (2 and 15 zeros) of debt and liabilities resting on a foundation of $2 trillion of government-owned gold that makes a gold coverage of 0.1% or a leverage of 1000X!... an inverse pyramid with a very weak foundation.'
Noting that a sound financial system 'needs a very solid foundation of real money' it is simply the case that quadrillions of debts and liabilities,
'can not survive resting on this feeble amount of gold. So the $2 quadrillion financial weapon of mass destruction is now on the way to totally destroy the system.
This is a global house of cards that will collapse at some point in the not too distant future...
No government and no central bank can solve the problem that they have created. More of the same just won't work.'
The fundamental summary then, according to Greyerz, is this:
'This system will start to implode.'...
'The whole banking system is rotten.
With the problems in Europe now it is actually a critical situation...
We have a two tier economy:
... the rich are still rich but the poor are really poor.
And you see that in every country in the world now...
People haven't got enough money to live...
This is going to be a human disaster of major proportions: it's so sad and governments will not have any chance of doing anything about it.'
In the US outside the metropolitan areas,
'the poverty is incredibly high and people live in boxes... poverty is everywhere and sadly, we are only seeing the beginning and there is no solution...
From a human point of view, we are looking at a major disaster.'
According to alternative economist Brandon Smith, it won't.
Consider this:
'What if the goal of the Fed is the destruction of the middle class?...
What if they are luring investors into markets with rumors of a pivot, tricking those investors into pumping money back into markets and then triggering losses yet again with more rate hikes and hawkish language?
What if this is a wealth destruction steam valve?
What if it's a trap?
I present this idea because we have seen this before in the US, from 1929 through the 1930s during the Great Depression.
The Fed used very similar tactics to systematically destroy middle class wealth and consolidate power for the international banking elites.'
Smith's conclusion?
'This is an engineered crash, not an accidental crash.'
All that any thoughtful observer needs to do is consider history, listen to what the Global Elite is telling us they are doing, observe them doing it, and then simply inform people what is at hand:
The destruction of the global economy, as part of the fundamental reshaping of world order.
After all, the Elite has been crystal clear.
Its fundamental aim is to kill off a substantial proportion of the human population and reduce those humans and transhumans left alive to slavery while confined in their technocratic prison; even wealth concentration is ancillary to that, although a product of it.
And if you crash the global economy denying people regular food, energy to stay warm and the capacity to communicate effectively, most of those left alive will be inclined to submit to whatever conditions they are offered in order to survive.
How bad does your technocratic prison sound now?
Even if you are eating insects?
So, to reiterate a vital point,
the Elite agenda in relation to the economy is intimately related to its wider agenda in relation to eugenics and technocracy...!
'we are being herded into a techno-feudalism, slavery... there's a lot of different names for it going around but it's not good and it's organized crime running the show'...
Elaborating, Webb explained that,
'They're looking at feudalism and how do you create a class of slaves that cannot even cognitively rebel ever again.'
While it will obviously require several of the range of measures being introduced, particularly including the deployment of 5G, the digitization of your identity and the utilization of a range of other technologies such as artificial intelligence and geofencing, here is what Clive Thompson, retired Managing Director of Union Bancaire Privée in Switzerland, believes might happen:
I think it's quite likely that the CBDC will arrive, and it will also be the subject of the currency reset at the same time.
At some point the world is going to go into a crisis or a country is going to go into a crisis...
When that happens, I think they will close the banks, you will wake up on a Sunday morning and hear the news that they've shut the banks, they're not going to open on Monday.
Then by Monday evening or Tuesday you'll get the announcement that we're having a new currency - the CBDC - and don't worry it will be one-to-one against the old currency but there will be some restrictions on your ability to convert your old money into the new money.
So, if you're poor and you have a small bank account it will be converted one-to-one straight away, and you'll probably even find that you get a free gift from the government to kickstart the system, maybe three or five thousand pounds will be given to every citizen gratuitously to kickstart the new system to the new CBDC.
But if you have a hundred thousand or a million in the bank you're going to be told,
'Yes, it's one-to-one but you're going to have to wait to convert it to the new currency.'
Now "wait" means "never", we all know that.
But they won't tell you that.
They'll say it's a temporary suspension because we're in the middle of a crisis, the people are rioting in the street, we need to calm the system so,
'Here's some free money everybody, go and enjoy yourselves.'…
So, I think the CBDC will arrive as a consequence of a crisis and when that happens there will be a limitation on how much of your old currency you can convert, at one-to-one, with the new one...
But the advantage of this, from the government's point of view, is it's to all intents and purposes wiping the slate clean because all their liabilities will be denominated in a currency that nobody can use, nobody can spend.
In preparing to cope with the disruption this must inevitably cause, among other assets that would be critically useful while retaining value, such as,
open-pollinated (non-hybrid) seeds.
Thompson suggests gold and silver (including gold and silver coins).
Of course, Thompson might be wrong in his prediction of precisely how the technocratic state will ultimately be imposed.
But imposed it will be, one way or another, unless we are effectively resisting the foundational components of the Elite program.
Is cryptocurrency part of the answer?
Many people are suggesting cryptocurrencies as one way around some of the problems we face.
However, the very basis of sound economy for any world that is unfolding is self-reliance, particularly in relation to essential needs around:
and energy within a local, sustainable community that is as self-sufficient as possible, and able to nonviolently defend itself.
Complemented by use of local markets and trading schemes - whether using local currencies or goods and services directly - this will maximize economic survival prospects for those participating (and no doubt some others besides).
Anything that is internet-based will become increasingly vulnerable, and there are definitely plans to shut down some/all of it, depending on the scenario.
And unless a currency is backed by something with genuine value - as currencies were backed by gold or other metals in earlier eras - or there is widespread confidence in a currency for another reason (as currencies around the world have been backed by their governments until now), it can become valueless very quickly.
Moreover, the big banks are heavily invested in cryptocurrencies: