Additional information, images, videos & links from LOR on June 22, 2024.
This paper is by request.
As usual, it is an opinion piece, protected as free speech by the US Constitution— which, you may be surprised to hear, is still legally in effect.
I will prove to you as quickly as possible that alleged serial killer Richard Ramirez is another fake.
Mugshot of Ramirez, taken on December 12, 1984, after an arrest for auto theft.
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View full-sizeDownload Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramirez (/rəˈmɪərɛz/; February 29, 1960 – June 7, 2013), better known as Richard Ramirez, was an American serial killer and sex offender whose killing spree occurred in Greater Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area in the state of California. From April 1984 to August 1985, Ramirez murdered at least fourteen people during various break-ins, with his crimes usually taking place in the afternoon, leading to him being dubbed the Night Stalker, the Walk-In Killer, and the Valley Intruder. He was convicted and sentenced to death in 1989 and died while awaiting execution in 2013.
Given all the papers I have written in the past couple of years, you should just assume any and all serial killers are fake until proven otherwise.
But I won't even give this serial killer a long treatment:
I am frankly weary of all the hoaxes and want to get this over with all possible efficiency.
The first clue is that his killings took place in Los Angeles and San Francisco, which, as we know, have long been centers of disinfo and faked events.
Hollywood is nearby to lend its hand in creating this fiction, so we should not be surprised to find a disproportionate number of faked events in California, and especially LA.
Given his inclusion in this paragraph, I would add to that list the possibility his death was faked.
The age 53 is always a clue to look for a hoax, and it is a clue because it is more numerology.
5+3=8, and 8 is one of the favorite numbers of worldwide Intelligence.
This may be due to the Eightfold Way, the eight seats of wealth, or the eight directions.
In numerology, eight is the number of both building and un-building, so it may be these operations like the Ramirez story are considered by Intelligence to be operations of un-building.
Still, you will ask why 8?
Eight is probably a building/unbuilding number because it is both a Fibonacci number and a perfect cube (2x2x2).
In fact, it is the only number that is both.
As a Fibonacci number it represents organic building, and as a cube of 2, it represents the quantum hierarchy—which is based on the number 2.
To see how both the number 8 and the number 9 come out of quantum hierarchy, you may consult this paper on my science site.
Remember, al-Zarqawi was used by the Bush administration as the proximate cause for invading Iraq in 2003, claiming his presence there was enough to start a war.
But al-Zarqawi was actually just another Osama bin Laden:
in other words, a fake.
A US asset and poster boy used as an actor in a manufactured series of events.
The mathematician Alan Turing also died on June 7, year 1954.
You will remember him from recent Hollywood and TV productions, including the 2014 movie The Imitation Game
Following King's death, her estate was passed on to the NAACP.
Her executor, Lillian Hellman, bitterly but unsuccessfully contested this disposition.
Her ashes remained unclaimed in various places, including her attorney Paul O'Dwyer's filing cabinet, for approximately 17 years.
For a famous white poet and screenwriter, that is beyond odd.
In the current context, you should see it as another large red flag, one we may return to in future papers.
For now it is enough that you know Dorothy Parker's real name was Dorothy Rothschild.
Given that, you can probably figure out the rest on your own.
Jean Arp was involved with Dada, which we also now know to read as a red flag.
In previous papers, I have linked Modern Art to British and US Intelligence to before 1910.
Since we have seen links to both Dadaism and Futurism in those papers, we may assume that either German and Italian Intelligence were also involved (as with the later Gladio operations), or that British Intelligence had bankrolled those movements directly, infiltrating foreign countries with the ease they have always demonstrated.
Although Arp would appear to have been an asset, and lived to age 79, this death on June 7 may still be a signal that he did not die naturally.
But again, why June 7?
Well, it helps to know something of Roman history and life for this one, since we have to go way back.
June 7 is the beginning of Vestalia, or the holidays of the goddess Vesta.
This was the door (or curtain) which hid the most sacred area of the temple.
At this time, only barefooted women were allowed to bring offerings to this goddess of the Hearth.
Also involved in Vestalia were the famous Vestal Virgins, who tended the undying fire that guaranteed the continuation of the Roman Republic and Empire.
They also link themselves to these older “Pagan” powers and have since the beginning.
The Freemasons have explicitly linked themselves to many pre-Christian gods, including those of:
and others.
See, for example, the eye of Horus on the dollar bill in your pocket.
For a more pertinent example, Francis Bacon—perhaps a founder of the Rosicrucians—linked himself to Vesta explicitly, basing his temple of philosophy on the Temple of Vesta.
My feeling is that these number references in modern faked events aren't really Pagan mock sacrifices or anything like that, they are just a residue of something the new guys don't even take seriously.
In other words, I don't believe this numerology any longer acts as an incantation to a god or gods, or to any higher power.
I don't think these people believe in a higher power.
Like so many other things in modern culture, the numerology is just the residue of something that used to have a deeper meaning, but which no longer does.
It appears that these dates like June 7 aren't used because our leaders still believe in Vesta or Agni or anyone else.
No, they use the dates only to signal one another.
The current storytellers are referencing Bacon, since they still have ties to him through Freemasonry.
And Bacon was referencing the Vestal Virgins with his numerology.
But that doesn't mean the current storytellers care anything about the Vestal Virgins.
Numerology is no longer a gematria, it is just a code.
To say it another way:
it is no longer a sacred geometry; it is only a geometry.
If our leaders were still involved in sacred geometry of any kind, our society would maintain signs of that.
Except for this stripped-down numerology, I don't see them.
But all that was just a warm-up.
I wanted to put those things in front of you, because they may interest you.
But the real proof is in the list of victims of the Night Stalker.
As usual, I will take you into the swamp on the same path I took.
The first curious thing I noticed was a victim with the name of Peter Pan.
Peter Pan?
They didn't think that was a little too obvious?
I guess we should just be gratified they didn't list one of the victims as Tinker Bell.
This led me to look more closely at the other names.
I quickly saw many peculiar names, such as:
a woman named Dayle Okasaki
a woman named Tsai-Lian "Veronica" Yu
Vincent and Maxine Zazzara
Bill and Lillian Doi
Mabel "Ma" Bell, 83, and her sister Florence "Nettie" Lang, 81 (whom he allegedly raped)
Elyas and Sakina Abowath
Maxon and Lela Kneiding
Chainarong and Somkid Khovananth
and Sophie Dickman.
We will start with the last name there.
Clever, isn't it, naming a rape victim Dickman?
That is just one more indication we aren't dealing with a deep and sacred gematria in these events:
we are dealing with arrested adolescents.
This means they probably weren't referencing J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan with that name:
they were referencing the washbasin in the men's room (to repeat an old joke).
Next, let's look at Chainarong Khovananth.
According to the Social Security Death Index, only one person with that last name has died in the US since the beginning of time. Guess who?
No other person with that last name has ever died, which I guess means Chainarong was born of immaculate conception, brought up by parents who didn't share his last name.
Either that, or all the ancestors of Khovananth back to the Mayflower or Magna Carta are still alive:
maybe we are supposed to believe they are vampires or immortals of some other stripe.
Find-a-Grave has never heard of anyone else named Khovananth, either.
Neither have the national obituaries, which list only Chainarong Khovananth.
That is curious because real last names are never that rare.
This indicates this is a fake name, used by Intelligence because it is never used by real people.
We have seen this again and again in my previous papers, where the CIA goes to a list of fake or unused names for its events.
My guess is the few people in the US with the name Kneiding are either agents or ghosts.
The same goes for the name Abowath.
Elyas is a Jewish name, a variant of Elias.
And Jacob is one of the most popular boys' names in the US, most popular with Jews.
So, it is curious that a nationwide people search on the name Jacob Abowath finds nothing.
Zero results.
No girls' names, either.
Try Helen, for example.
Zero results.
This indicates that Abowath is another fake last name.
What about the more normal names among the victims, like:
Whitney Bennett
Carol Kyle
Mary Louise Cannon
Joyce Lucille Nelson
Chris and Virginia Peterson
Bill Carns
and Inez Erickson?
It looks to me like the group assigned with coming up with fake names for this event split into two or more subgroups, each using a different method for generating names.
As we have just seen, the first group chose to fake their names entirely, using foreign-sounding names as a screen.
But the second group raided some old lists to find their names, thinking to fool most people by going back many decades.
In this way they could also have a laugh.
For instance, you may think you know where they got the name Ma Bell, but you probably don't know the whole story.
Well, Florence Lang was the wife of Peter Lang, a silent film actor.
Since Intelligence is closely tied to Hollywood, some of those working on these events know a lot about the early years of film, and they borrow names from the silent film era.
Someone in the second group apparently didn't know many historical references but wanted to include a joke of his own.
Inez Erickson was the wife of D. James Kennedy, a founder of the Moral Majority and a big TV pastor in the 1970's and 80's.
In 2011—26 years later—another Whitney Bennett was allegedly murdered in Delaware.
Either that is a really unlucky name for a girl, or the spooks are recycling names again.
The name Mary Louise Cannon was a bit harder to decipher, but I think I cracked that one as well.
It is a reference to Lou Cannon and his wife Mary.
At the time of the alleged Ramirez murders, Louis Cannon was the White House correspondent for the Washington Post.
The Post is a famous spook hideout.
Cannon has also written five books about Ronald Reagan.
So, my guess is Lou Cannon may have been one of the ones assigned to come up with this fake name list in the Night Stalker hoax.
Either that or someone on the committee knew him and thought it would be funny to reference him.
FYI, Cannon also wrote a book about the Rodney King riots, so I read that as indication those were also faked.
Something just occurred to me after writing that last sentence, so I will share it with you.
It popped into my head that Noam Chomsky dismissed all theories about 911 being some sort of hoax by saying that one could find anomalies in any event, if one desired.
We can now turn that misleading dismissal on its head by noticing that almost all famous events were faked.
Which means the fact that we can find anomalies in them isn't indication that all real events have anomalies.
Rather, it means that we find anomalies in most events because most events are faked.
More broadly, this means that the idea we all have in our heads that life doesn't make much sense isn't a natural idea.
It was planted there.
All these fake events don't make sense, yes, but they were manufactured.
So, it isn't life that is senseless, it is the story sold to you by the storytellers that is senseless.
Life beyond the MATRIX may be completely:
with very few anomalies and no bald contradictions.
Let that idea swim through you mind for a few weeks and see how you come out the other end. * Two of Ramirez's victims were said to have been killed on St. Patrick's Day, March 17.