Life on Mars

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1976 Life on Mars Controversy Resurrected in New Scientific Report (
'Curiosity' Lands on Mars - A Step Forward or Backward in Finding Life? (
Dissident Scientists Reveal That Intelligent Life Has Been on Mars (
Insects on Mars? - Ohio Scientist claims NASA images show Life on Red Planet (
Is That a Lizard on Mars? - Why is NASA Silent? (
'It's 99% Certain There is Life on Mars' - Shock Finding as Scientists Re-Analyze Soil Samples from Seventies Viking Lander (
Law of Evidence Support View of Mars Having Indigenous, Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life - New Data (
Life on Mars? - Amazing Photos From NASA Probe Reveal Image of Mystery Figure on Red Planet (
Mars Forest Life - Bio-Diversity-6 - Report #115 (
Martians Among Us (
Microbes or Aliens - The Case for the Existence of Life on Mars (
More Evidence of Life on Mars? (
NASA Scientists Reveal Four Mayor Facts about Extraterrestrial Life on Mars (
Remote Viewing 'Ceres Super Soldiers' and Mars Insectoid War (

Search for Past Life on Mars - Possible Relic Biogenic Activity in Martian Meteorite ALH84001

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The Chiral LR Experiment - "I'm Convinced we found Evidence of Life on Mars in the 1970s" (
The Discovery of Life on Mars (
The Mars Records ( - Main File

The Martians - from 'Cosmic Explorers'
Cosmic Explorers - 05 (

The Massive Cover-Up of "Alien Civilizations" on Mars (
Trees on Mars? (
Two Whistleblowers Independently Report Teleporting to Mars and Meeting Martian Extraterrestrials (
U.F.O. And Reported Extraterrestrial On Moon And Mars (
We're About to Find Life on Mars but the World is "Not Prepared" - NASA Scientist Warns (
Will NASA Soon Announce Discovery of Martian Fossils by Curiosity Rover? (
World-Class Astrobiologist Says "NASA's Hiding Current Life on Mars!" (

Additional Information

Ancient Martian Civilization was Destroyed by a Nuclear Attack from another Extraterrestrial Race - Physicist Says (
Andrew Basiago Is Predicted "'Planetary Level' Whistleblower for Mars Life and Time Travel" - Web Bot (
Andy Basiago - Life on Mars Whistleblower or Crackpot? (
Basiago and Eisenhower Reveal “Marsgate” and Make Case for “Alternative 4” (
Big News From Mars? - Rover Scientists Mum For Now (

CIA Mars Exploration - May 22, 1984

mars-exploration-may22-1984.pdf 77.1 KB View full-size Download

Complexity Analysis of The Viking Labeled Release Experiments

analysis-viking-experiments.pdf 1.06 MB View full-size Download

Enki's Chronicles - Mars (

Evidence of a Massive Thermonuclear Explosion on Mars in the Past

evidence-massive-thermonuclear-explosion-mars.pdf 6.5 MB View full-size Download

Life on Mars was Eradicated by Nuclear War - Says Expert (
On Mars Things Only Get More Weird (

Physicist Claims Life on Mars Eradicated by Alien Nuclear Attack
Life on Mars was Eradicated by Nuclear War - Says Expert (

Revealing Mars' True Colors of NASA (

The Discovery of Life on Mars

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The Science and Spirituality of looking for Life on Mars (
Were Ancient Martians murdered by Nuclear Bomb-Dropping Aliens? - An Investigation (


Cosmic Voyage - A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth - by Courtney Brown
Life and Death on Mars - The New Mars Synthesis - by John Brandenburg
Mars - As The Abode of Life - by Percivel Lowell 


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