The Shift

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40 Years as a Diplomat in a United Nations 'Secret Space Program'
2012 - Ascension, Rebirth and The Dimensional Shift
5D Shift - Dealing with the Influence of Ancient Entities in the Field
5G/5D - An Illuminating Synchronicity signaling the Time of our Ascension
5G - The War on Earth's Natural Ecosystems and Human Consciousness
Are we Shifting into Group Consciousness?
Are you Unknowingly Part of the "Cosmic Call to Action
As we Shift - The Ascension vs. The Event
A Word of Encouragement during this Shift
Beyond the 3rd Dimension
Consciousness & the Conscious Universe ( - Main File
Creating a Positive Future - Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space...
Critical Mass Approaching - The Shift Has Hit The Fan
Dimensional Shifting Process - Commentary
Earth Planetary Pole Shift that drives Dimensional Consciousness Shift
Experiencing a Collective Shift through Personal Transformation
Fear Based Energy on Your Lightbody
Forget Doomsday 2012 Forecasts - They're Already Here, But the Shift is Up to Us
Global Transmutation is Here - Let's Make Our Lives Epic!
Has Something Shifted? Entering The Twilight Zone
Higher Vibrational Light is 'Cleansing the Collective'
How Consciousness and Energy facilitate Evolutionary Development
How the Pole Shift is affecting Humanity and the Planet
How to Know if You are a Lightworker or a Lightwarrior - And What They Are
Lightbody Activation, Plagues, Politics and Zoning
Making the Next Big Shift
Shifting Timelines, Free Will and the Power of Choice
Shift of Ages - The Physics of Ascension
Shift Symptoms while Going from a Carbon Base to a Crystalline Silicon Body
Six Ways to Transition from the Fourth into the Fifth World
Some Signs you are Experiencing a Recalibration of your Mind-Body-Soul System
So What the Hell is Going On?
The Event Horizon
The Great 5D Shift has Begun
The Great Awakening Map - The Great Solar Flash is Upon Us
The Passage of Change - What is Happening and What is Going to Happen?
The Skingularity is Near
Timelines Shift
We are Shifting Global Frequencies - Major Victories Await for Humanity in This Decade
We're on 'The Edge of Something Huge' and it's Not Political...!
What is Happening and What is Coming Next?
What is The "Shift
Who Lucifer Actually is and Why 'they' are Here
World Transformation - Seven Paradigm-Shifting Humanitarian Solutions!

Library of Rickandria – Mankind's greatest fears manifest due to their lack of knowledge…