Two Three decades have passed since you first published The Gods of Eden.
Do you still take the theory seriously?
My biggest surprise is that the theory is still holding up.
When I first started giving talks about the book in late 1989-1990, the Cold War was ending, and the Berlin Wall was coming down.
It seemed like we were about to enter the Age of Aquarius.
But I noticed that some localized conflicts were being triggered by radical Islamists.
I said to one audience at the time that if the theory is true, and if nothing has changed, then we will see radical Islam replace the communist bloc as the next big faction to breed non-stop war and strife.
Sadly, the prediction proved to be true.
Although there are some details in the book that I would change today, the core theory continues to hold up in light of current events, and it continues to have predictive qualities.
Are you a member of any religious, spiritual, or fraternal organizations?
No, I am not.
I am interested in "scientific spirituality" such as studies into the near-death phenomenon, and the role of consciousness in the formation and perception of reality, but there are no groups or organized practices that I am a member of.
I just read books, have chats with people over coffee, and peruse New Scientist magazine.
There are also no religions or organizations that I support or recommend that people join--these are very personal decisions that I leave up to the reader.
As a result of writing The Gods of Eden, what is your prognosis for humanity's future?
Change is always possible, and the problems discussed in my book are capable of being solved: it is simply a question of if they will be solved.
Since writing The Gods of Eden, I have read a little more of the UFO abduction literature.
The evidence of a large-scale ET-human hybrid breeding program suggests that a big change, possibly an elimination-and-replacement scenario, is being planned for humanity's future.
I recommend Dr. David Jacob's two books The Threat and Walking Among Us for a recent discussion of some of the possible implications.
David Michael Jacobs - The threat _ revealing the secret alien agenda-Fireside (1998).pdf
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The world's foremost academic expert on UFOs and alien abductions provides the first evidence-based explanation of a mystery that has perplexed scientists for decades.
Based on more than 700 hypnotic-regression interviews with alien abductees and a Roper survey of 6,000 adults, The Threat, reveals why the aliens are here and what they want, explains why their agenda has been kept secret, and exposes their frightening plans for earth and its inhabitants.
In a direct, authoritative challenge to researchers who believe the abduction phenomenon is essentially benevolent and spiritually uplifting, Professor David M. Jacobs proves that there is a far more disturbing and potentially dangerous plan underway, with possible alien domination at its core.
In this remarkably well-researched and well-written book, Professor Jacob has added a new complexity and depth to our knowledge of the UFO and abduction phenomena.
The secret alien agenda revealed here is ominous, but it must be confronted before it is too late.
David M. Jacobs PhD - Walking among us _ the alien plan to control humanity (2015).pdf
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In his 1998 book, The Threat , Jacobs uncovered disconcerting reports about aliens' plans for the future of Earth.
He reported that a "change" is coming; a future when very human-like hybrids would intermingle with humans in everyday life.
"Soon we will all be together," the aliens said.
"Soon everyone will be happy and everyone will know his place."
This book examines a disturbing phenomenon that Jacobs began noticing in 2003.
The alien integration action plan has kicked into high gear.
The incidents of alien abductions have accelerated as have occurrences of alien involvement in everyday human life.
A silent and insidious invasion has begun.
Alien hybrids have moved into your neighborhood and into your workplace.
They have been trained by human abductees to "pass," to blend into society, to appear as normal as your next-door neighbor.
This book illustrates in detail the process of alien integration into society and the strategy and support structure that has been developed to make this happen seamlessly.
While he is not certain why they are doing it, the final chapter of the book will provide some chilling possible answers as to why they are here and what they want to accomplish.
Jacobs is a careful researcher who has investigated more than 1150 abduction events experienced by more than 150 abductees.
This book focuses on the experiences of thirteen abductees.
In light of what you have written and said in interviews, what can people do?
Pray that the debunkers are right, and that there is no alien presence on Earth.
If the debunkers are wrong, then humanity may be facing a big challenge.
The biggest obstacle to meeting that challenge is that too many people can be persuaded to do objectively harmful things in a sincere belief that they are doing good for the world.
Keep exploring, communicating, and living a good life.
All person's thoughts and ideas are important, and together a solution becomes possible.
There has been a little confusion between my book and two other works with a similar title.
My book, The Gods of Eden was first published in 1989.
In 1998, Andrew Collins published a book that he titled Gods of Eden which is on a different topic.
Gods of Eden_ Egypt's lost legacy and the genesis of -- Collins, Andrew, 1957- -- 1998.pdf
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