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"Lucifer" is also known by other names in his Archetype such as:

  • Wuotan-Wotan-Odin
  • Shiva
  • Apollo

and Abraxas.

LUCIFER must not be confused with any sort of "Christian Devil" or "Satan".

If anything, Lucifer is closer to the Kristos than any sort of "boogeyman" with a pitchfork, since Christ said:

"I am the LIGHT of the world."

LUCIFER is the Supreme Guide in the Kali Yuga and God of the utmost Beauty and Light.

Light in the sense of "Gnosis" or Knowledge.

Light in the sense of Inspiration and Wisdom and also Light in the sense of Spectral Light.

Initiation protects against the false light of mysticism; it will give the human mind its relative importance and corresponding infallibility, connecting it with a chain of analogies with the supreme mind.

Therefore, the initiate has neither doubtful hopes nor senseless fear, since there are no unreasonable beliefs. He knows that he can, and it costs him nothing to dare; therefore, for him to dare means to be able.

So, here is a new interpretation of the attributes of the initiate:

  • his lamp represents knowledge
  • the cloak enveloping him is modesty
  • the staff is an emblem of his strength and courage

he knows, dares and is silent.

Intuitive cognition of light led me through the darkness to the light like a Lucifer/Prometheus torch through the age of the Black Cube of Kali.

A Lucid Look at Lucifer


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