We will start with the photo above, which was published widely when it came out and has been in many history books and textbooks.
Amazing then that no one ever noticed it was fake.
One of the worst fakes I have ever seen.
Surely you see it.
You will say they just retouched the sign so you can read it more easily, but that isn't what I am talking about.
I am talking about his legs and the lighting.
The story is, this guy, Dr. Michael Siegel, a prominent Jew in Munich in 1933, was also working as an attorney, and he went to the police station to file a complaint for a Jewish client who had been arrested.
There the sign looks somewhat more real, but the lighting is even more obviously a problem, since you have to ask why all the light is falling on him.
The other figures around him are too dark, if anything, their faces going to black, so why is the pavement around him blown out to such a marked degree, and why is the top of his head bright white?
It is like a million-watt bulb is shining directly down on him.
This makes the tops of his feet go bright white as well, making it look like he is wearing white socks when he isn't.
So, what is going on?
Well, I will just tell you: they are trying to drown out the problem area in this photo, which is his legs.
They figure if they can blow that area out enough, you won't notice how ridiculous it is.
They got lazy, and rather than actually rip his pants at the knee, they simply painted a line there, and made the pants white below that.
See how it looks like he is wearing white Longjohns?
Except that, if you look closely, you see that the outside line of his pants at the knee and the line of the Longjohns is the same.
The pants fit tight at the knee like the Longjohns, with no flare, which is not how pants fit in 1933.
These weren't pencil leg jeans, you know.
They were trousers.
Plus, we have a second obvious problem in that regard.
Look at where the pants end on the far leg.
There is no leg below there, because the leg is back behind him.
Making it look like the trousers are VERY loose at the knee, blooming way out in front.
But it can't be both ways.
The trousers can't be both very loose and very tight at the knee.
Another reason they would have to blow out that area around him, making it bright white, is that they probably had to make room for him in the photo before they pasted him into it.
They probably had to remove a cop or two, and in removing those figures they created dead spots in the photo.
To remove all cut and paste lines, they boosted the contrast in that area, turning everything to bright white.
It is a very common trick, which is one reason I spotted it immediately.
And yet more problems:
if you compare his stride to the police around him, you realize that he would be outpacing them by a huge margin.
They are shuffling along with short strides and back heels on the ground, while Siegel seems to be nipping along.
This is so bad in so many ways.
I wasn't even researching Nazis when I ran across this photo.
I was researching the Genovese crime family for a previous paper and ran across Bugsy Siegel.
Bugsy was part of the Jewish mafia, and they admit that, so I thought I would do a quick search on “Siegel Nazi”, to see if I could find any Nazi generals or other officers of that name.
We will get to that in a moment, but I found more obvious fake photos on Bugsy's Wiki page.
Lots of things are wrong, but the first thing to notice is that he is wearing a hat.
You don't wear hats in mugshots, for obvious reasons.
And what about the plaque?
How is that attached to him?
And why is he so much grainier than the plaque?
Plus, he is lit from your right side, throwing a dark shadow to the left.
They don't light mugshots like that.
They either light it from the front or from both sides, so that there are no shadows.
They do the same thing with passport photos to this day.
The government doesn't like shadowy photos, again for obvious reasons.
Which means. . . there are no real mugshots of Bugsy.
If there were any real ones, they wouldn't need to publish a fake one.
Which means, Bugsy was never once arrested.
Which means, his entire life story is fiction.
As I have told you, the mafia is just a colorful front for the usual suspects in the Phoenician Navy, with people like Bugsy being rich actors from the Families.
Same as the Nazis.
They aren't Jews from the poor side of town, they are rich Jews from European nobility, usually with ties to banking and government. It is a diversion to make you think these rackets are run by mobsters, when they are really run by the banks and the usual billionaires.
These guys were allegedly bootleggers and drug suppliers, so you can compare it to the drug trade now, which you are also supposed to think is run by private cartels headed by low-class crime families in Sinaloa or somewhere.
He was a Siegel of top Jewish lines in Europe, so he didn't need di Frasso introducing him to anyone.
He may have been nobility himself.
Dorothy was Dorothy Caldwell Taylor, daughter of billionaire Jewish dry goods merchant Bertrand Leroy Taylor, who was head of the New York Stock Exchange.
In April of 2000, the Guardian reported that her son, Alex Bruell, had just been arrested in Trieste for the world's largest ecstasy bust.
He was later sentenced to 4 years but only served six months.
In that, he was following in the footsteps of his new stepfather, the Duke, who was convicted of fraud in 1996, serving a reduced sentence in Florida.
Wikipedia now whitewashes his bio by claiming he was the victim of a confidence trick for which he took the blame.
Apparently, the jury in Florida didn't agree, sentencing him to three years.
The Duke had previously gone to trial for defrauding his bank but was acquitted for lack of competence.
We are supposed to believe the judge ruled the Duke incapable of handling his own finances, and not responsible for them.
In other words, a child.
According to his bio at Wikipedia, we are supposed to believe this Duke had previously lived in a one room apartment in Bedford, and had worked as a clothes salesman, a bartender, and a crocodile wrestler.
The Montagu fortune was allegedly destroyed by his father, who had reduced it to £70,000 by 1977.
That doesn't really explain how this moron with no money was hired as Chairman of the Tampa Bay Lightning in 1991, and Chairman of their holding company Link International.
The search on that also pulls up this 2019 report from San Diego on a huge drug bust there involving a Hiller.
That woman, Rhiannon Hiller, is sold to us as a low-life criminal with connections to the Sinaloa Cartel, but I just told you what to think of that.
That story came out on October 8, by the way, aces and eights.
I looked her up at MyLife, and she is related to a Christopher Gordon Hiller, which is of course a clue in the same direction.
The Gordons are also Dukes.
These people come from Fernley, NV, which is yet another clue, since that is the location of Naval Air Station Fallon, where TOPGUN is as well as Navy SEAL CSAR.
She also goes by the name of Loftis/Loftas, but that should probably be Loftus, of the Marquesses of Ely.
As such, she will probably be let off.
The CIA will order her release.
Confirming that guess, we find that although she was arrested during a bust that yielded 175 pounds of:
we find she was indicted on just 50 grams.
Also notice that indictment was until recently sealed, or else it has been leaked.
Why would a drug indictment be sealed?
Now you know.
Just so you know, the Hillers of the peerage are related to Hungarian royalty through the Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorkas.
See the Prime Minister of Hungary in the 1860s, who became Foreign Minister of Austro-Hungary in the 1870s.
His son Gyula became Foreign Minister during WWI, so I trust you can see the links to Hitler there.
His grandson married Renate Hiller in 1958.
She is scrubbed, but earlier Hillers in the peerage were related to the Earls of Onslow.
According to Geni.com, this Renate Hiller of Glogow, Poland, was Jewish, and after 1964 she married Clemens August Freiherr von Loe.
They were also von Tripps and von Furstenbergs.
Linking us to the Nazis again.
Von Loe's grandmother was a von Furstenberg, and the von Furstenbergs were:
but they also bankrolled the Nazi actors.
See Maximilian Egon II, Prince of Furstenberg, who in 1933 joined both the Nazi Party and the Sturmabteilung, reaching the rank of colonel.
Strangely, although this page at Wikipedia exists admitting it, a Google or Bing search on “Furstenberg Nazi” pulls up nothing.
Some like Diane von Furstenberg pretend to be a victim of the Nazis, but that is the usual reversal.
She says her mother was in Auschwitz, but we don't have to believe it.
I don't, but you are free to believe what you wish.
Let me just ask you this: does it make any sense that the great-nephew of this Nazi prince Maximilian would marry the daughter of a Jewess prisoner from Auschwitz?
The Furstenbergs now admit to being Jewish, but they have been nobles back to 1250, which means what you are told about Jewish nobility isn't true.
In various places we have seen it claimed that the first Jews ennobled in Europe were Lithuanian Jews in later centuries, but that is clearly not true.
Here's something else I tripped over today.
At Geni.com, we find an Alois Arthur Hiller, born Germany, died Pontiac, Michigan, 1955, brother of Johanna Hess, who had married Charles Hess of Buffalo.
These were Hesses of Nackenheim.
Alois was the son of Franz Hiller and Maria P. Schich of Oberstdorf, Bavaria.
Alois had a brother named Anton.
Is any of that looking familiar to you?
I think these are descendants and cousins of Hitler, since they admit many Hitlers changed their names to Hiller after the war, for obvious reasons.
However that may turn out, it is admitted here that many descendants of Hitler still survive, although we are supposed to believe they are letting the family die out on purpose.
In that article from 2017 at AllThatsInteresting.com by Katie Serena, we find what we weren't able to get from Findagrave for my earlier paper on Hitler's genealogy:
three of Hitler's nephew's sons were still alive then, living on Long Island.
They are:
Stuart-Houston, brothers of the Howard Stuart-Houston, IRS agent who allegedly died in 1989 in a car accident while serving subpoenas for money laundering in New York.
According to Instantcheckmate.com, Alexander is only 72, and although we are told he has no relatives but his brothers, we do find people on his relatives list, including an Alex Ton Hous, and a Phyllis Houston.
We also see his brother Brian listed three times, indicating Brian may have a son named Brian.
You may think Alex Ton Hous on his list is Alexander again, but it isn't.
It is Alexandra M. Houston, age 56, hidden as Alex Hous:
Just looking at the listing itself, you would have no idea Alexandra M. Houston had any links to New York or Alexander Stuart-Houston, but in the blue, you see the computer is admitting this is the same person as Alex Ton Hous.
Also, in the tiny subtext under her name.
We also get links to many more Houstons, indicating the Hitler line is in no danger of dying out.
We get confirmation again of that by searching on Brian Stuart-Houston in Bayport, NY.
One of them is 56, meaning he is too young to be a brother, and must be a son.
We also find a Juvar Houston, which is somewhat amusing, if you respell it Jewvar.
He is 39, and links us to a Mary Houston.
So that's six children so far that Katie Serena was hiding from you with her bullshit article at ATI.
That was all very interesting, but we left Bugsy Siegel hanging.
Let's finish him off before we move on.
What we found above indicates to me that Bugsy and Dorothy di Frasso probably weren't lovers, since he was gay.
They were cousins traveling together in Europe visiting the relatives, as we have so often seen before.
Dorothy's husband Carlo di Frasso was Italian, of course, but his mother was Czech nobility, being of the Grafin Chotek von Chotkowa und Wognin.
Grafs are like Earls.
This put him in the direct line of Prince Wilhelm von Auersperg I, Duke of Kocevje, of one of the ruling families of Austria and the Holy Roman Empire.
Di Frasso was also a Stuart, since his grandmother was of the Princes of Montemilleto. Bugsy's mother is given as a Reichenthal, and she probably links us to Jewish artist Frantisek Reichental, also from Austria, a comrade of Chagall.
That gives us a tight circle, since Chagall is a variation of Siegal.
These people are all the same family.
Anyway, concerning Bugsy, we may assume he faked his death to avoid debts from the Flamingo Hotel failure in Las Vegas in 1947.
We can be sure all his accounts were magically zeroed out the night before he got murdered.
It would also be interesting to know who received his life insurance policy, which was probably double indemnity.
It is also worth sending you to Martha Sharp Crawford, a cousin of Dorothy and another daughter of a billionaire, her father being George Washington Crawford of Columbia Gas and Electric.
She married Prince Alfred von Auersperg, linking us to all the same people.
Later she married Claus von Bulow, John Paul Getty's righthand man.
Von Bulow's father Svend Borberg was a Nazi collaborator in Denmark and his mother was Danish nobility.
Von Bulow is most famous for trying to kill his wife Martha Crawford, by then known as Sunny, and eventually getting off scot-free.
My guess is it was more insurance fraud.
Also remember that the von Bulows were Danish/German princes, see Bernard, Prince von Bulow, who was Chancellor of the German Empire from 1900-1909.
He also married Italian nobility, the daughter of the Bolognese Prince Beccadelli.
His brother Karl was a German Field Marshal in WWI, known for war crimes in Leffe and Liege.
His great-nephew was Otto von Bulow, Nazi U-boat captain.
Also see Nazi Colonel Georg von Bulow, adjutant of Hitler, and fake witness to the will of Hitler.
This reminds us of Nazi General Karl Max Bulowius.
Was he on Bryan Rigg's list of Nazi Jewish officers?
He should be.
See what they did there?
Did it fool you?
Do you really think he was no relation to the von Bulows?
Of course, Wikipedia scrubs his parents and early bio.
We are told he was captured as a Major General and flown back to Tennessee for the prisoner-of-war camp there.
He committed suicide there in 1945 and is allegedly buried in Chattanooga.
If you think any of that is believable, I don't know what to say.
Why wasn't he held with other top Nazi officers in Europe to be tried at Nuremberg?
Here's another question for you:
he was captured as a Major General, so how did he end up a Lieutenant General on his headstone at Findagrave?
Did we promote him in Tennessee?
Some sources say he was promoted to Lieutenant General the month before he was captured in May 1943.
But if he had been, he would have outranked his own superior officer von Manteuffel.
So, none of this makes a bit of sense.
OK, back to the Nazis.
We found Nazi links even with Bugsy, but let's find more.
Siegel is the same as:
and of course, Chagall.
Steven Seagal is a Siegelman from Belarus; also a Goldstein and Gelgasa, so we may be able to tie him to this.
540 KB
View full-sizeDownload Steven Frederic Seagal (/sɪˈɡɑːl/ sig-AHL; born April 10, 1952) is an American actor, producer, screenwriter, martial artist, and musician.
He had to be connected to these families, or he wouldn't have made it in Hollywood.
Hans Siegel is a famous Nazi major who led Hitler's 12nd Panzer division and was awarded the Iron Cross.
It is Fraulein Hess leaning in for a kiss, with Hitler's hand on Hess'. . . “hip”.
And finally, I can't leave without mentioning something I tripped over in this research.
It is an article from Haaretz in 2019, admitting the Warsaw Concentration Camp story published by Wikipedia in 2004 is completely fake.
It claims that over 200,000 Poles and Jews were gassed by the Nazis after October 1943 at KL Warschau, yet top Holocaust historians now admit it is manufactured.
Haaretz spins this, of course, telling us that Polish authorities are inflating Gentile Polish deaths and deflating Jewish deaths, while passing all blame to Germany, but the story is more revealing than they would like to admit.
It proves that stories like this can be fabricated and spread with ease, even under the nose of the ever-present and vigilant Wiki-police, and it appears to us Gentiles that the Poles probably figured that if the Jews could inflate numbers and make up stories, well, so could they.
For that reason, I have to think Haaretz made a mistake blowing the whistle on this.
They would have been smarter to stay mum.
You average news reader will get the idea that Holocaust stories are easy to fake, even today, which is not an idea Haaretz wants to spread.
I have to think the Poles were counting on that.
They were thinking the Jews couldn't blow the whistle on this fake without drawing attention to their own fakes, but as we are seeing that was eventually not the case.
Strangely, the Jewish leaders did sit on it for a while, possibly as they weighed this whole thing in their minds in just this way.
Regardless, it is curious they waited 15 years to publicize the fake.