Research on Consciousness, PSI Effects & Precognition

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By Dr. Dean Radin - June 2011, from MatrixWissen Website

Dean Radin holds a master's degree in electrical engineering and a doctorate in educational psychology.

Dean Radin – Library of Rickandria

He has done extensive research in the field of:

  • parapsychology
  • psi phenomena
  • exceptional human capabilities

In this interview he shares some of his insights about consciousness and psi effects.

Time stamps for this interview

0:00:10 - Why do you research anomalies of consciousness?
0:01:08 - Why are psi effects on random number generators significant?
0:02:55 - What are remote staring experiments about?
0:04:35 - Why are psi phenomena ignored by mainstream science? (interesting answer)
0:10:30 - Why is there a taboo about researching extended properties of consciousness?
0:12:40 - What are presentiment / precognition experiments about?
0:21:40 - Do experiments show that participants have awareness about the future?
0:24:10 - Where do you see the future of psi research? (interesting answer)
0:27:10 - What are the philosophical implications of consciousness research?
0:28:20 - Is there an observer effect to the manifestation of physical reality?

Dean Radin on Consciousness -Interviewed by Adrian David Nelson