Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict & Creation - Chapter 2: The Transparent People

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By Stewart A. Swerdlow

When I worked at Montauk, I encountered an occasional alien species known as a Reptilian.

They seemed to pop in and out of physical reality.

The Reptilians primarily use the lower astral realms as their reference point, or point of entry, into physical reality.

This is the origin of the legends of astral demons.

My Montauk controllers explained that these beings were brought to the Draco star system eons ago by another group unknown to anyone.

Further, they explained, no one knew anything of their true origins.

Communication with me was entirely telepathic (the Draco reptilian).

Mentally, it told me that it came from the far future where humans no longer existed, and that its species was not from this reality.

Continuing, it said that its species had traveled back into the distant past to create a race of beings, which I knew as the Reptilians, to antagonize and test humans.

It also told me that they were assisted by the Sirians of Sirius A in the creation of the Reptilians and their placement in the Draco star system.

For the Reptilians to function in physical reality, they needed physical genetics.

The transparent people took genetics from the now physical Lyraens, who had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes.

These genetics were mixed with the transparent peoples collective energy, thus manifesting physically as the Reptilians.

This is why the current Reptilians need the energetics from Aryan-type people to survive on the physical plane.

Once the Reptilians were created in the astral, they needed a physical home base from which to accomplish their task.

For this, they were taken to many different physical realities in which they could become the dominant species.

Mentally, they were programmed to conquer and absorb all of the races and species that they encountered.

Those that could not be absorbed were to be destroyed.

The purpose of all of this is to determine the most perfect form in physical reality that can exist in any environment.

Think of it as a gigantic, cosmic Survivor contest.

The Reptilians are programmed to believe that they are the superior physical form.
Scientifically speaking, Reptilian DNA does not change very much over eons of time.

It basically remains the same.

For them, this is their proof that they are already perfect, without any need to adapt. 

Mammalian life, on the other hand, evolves and changes form constantly to survive.
To the Reptilian mind, this denotes weakness and inferiority.

Reptilians are also androgynous, meaning male and female in one body.

This is comparable to all non-physical forms that have no gender like God-Mind.

For this reason, the Reptilians believe themselves to be more godlike because of their androgyny.

Due to their ethnocentric values, they also consider it their right to control and conquer all of space and time.

Although the Reptilians operate out of a general group mind, they are separated into seven different Reptilian species, each created to perform specific functions.

This is their hierarchy and is based on the nine level Angelic Hierarchy that I discussed in The Healers Handbook - A Journey into Hyperspace (Sky Books, 1999).
As an aside, the Hindu caste system is a direct replica of the Reptilian hierarchy.

Commentary from Winter:

The politics of the interventionist Draco trading colonies (see Dune - whose Arrakeis - the home star of Dracos and Dune - is correctly located in Alpha Draconis) - definitely became represented by Enlil/Yahweh/Michael side of the An - Anunnaki family.

Also should be seen as the roots of insurance and banking on Earth.

The templar followers of the
MAG (draco matriliny) line are often credited with ’inventing’ insurance and banking for the west.

This is absurd - since they had already installed such industry - so close to fear and extortion - to HARVEST COLONIES on hundreds of planets.

"skull and bones" - Orion- origins of the Piracy and Extortion story is an example of insurance and banking that loses its public relations budget.

More on the skull of the Mag below.

Later - as
Enlil/Yahweh under the name of "God" Michabo (Michael) installs genetic rules in Aboriginal Australia and the America’s he is following the Drac tradition entirely focused on preventing change - and facilitating harvest of colonies- like forests whose only purpose is to be cut down.

At a deeper level we should investigate the connection between loss of DNA implosion - the physics of loss of soul & access to BLISS - called
NEPHILIM which befell these Draco (lost Seraphim) families.

Loss of fire in the blood created loss of lucid dreaming, loss of
"ensoulment" and LOSS OF LONG-TERM MEMORY.

Part of their problem was loss of ability to navigate in time travel (’`Guild Navigator’ in Dune - star navigating time travelers, able to warp space from within) - due to this loss of DNA coherence.
Not unlike one of their resultant cultures - TIBETAN - who are intensely aware that their is no steering their collective cultural direction (time travel) without a leader who IS able to remember past lives.

This is exactly what
Draco lost.

It is profound to compare this to Zulu shaman leader last week bemoaning to us how his grandchildren lost the ability to lucid dream just after they suffered being immunized.

This is an example of how
borg - fallen Drac empires - treat DNA.

By not loving their genes enough to set them free - they blind their children.