Gold, for Humans & Others

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If you squint at the image above, you will see who controls the wealth...


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A Golden Parachute With a Silver Lining - An Escape Route in A Time of Disaster (

Back From The Future - Gold in January 2012 (

China's Gold Strategy (

China U.S. Trade Imbalance - Bad Policy or Payback for CIA Use of Stolen WWII Gold? (

Former Wall St. Banker Suggests Global Debt May Not be Owned by Humans (

Former World Bank Senior Council Says a "Second Species" on Earth Controls Money and Religion (

Global Debt is Now an Insane $164 Trillion but, Who Exactly Do We Owe? (

Gold and Gangster State America (

Gold Crashes Most in 30 Years… What Does It Really Mean? (

Gold Standard - Ukraine and Inflation (

Ukraine's Gold Reserves Secretly Flown Out and Confiscated by the New York Federal Reserve? (

Gold Warning - Tungsten Filled Fake Gold Bars
Tungsten Filled 1 Kilo Gold Bar Discovered in UK (

Tungsten-Filled 10 Oz Gold Bar Found in The Middle of Manhattan's Jewelry District (

Have You Caught Gold Fever? The Value of That Shiny Metal Is as Artificial as Paper Money (

It's Official! - Russia Central Bank announces Ruble bound to Gold! (

What You Need to Know About Russia, Putin, and Gold (

Masters of Metal - China, the Rothschild Fix, and the "New World Currency" (

Rothschild Emerges from the Shadows for the Centenary of the London Gold Fixing (

House of Rothschild Hoarding Gold in Face of Coming Collapse? (

The New Authoritarian Agenda Revealed - Globalism Rebranded - The Rothschild (

Signs of The Gold Standard Emerging in China? (

Switzerland and its "La Rinconada" in Peru - The Devil's Paradise (

Where Is World’s Gold (

The 80% of the Gold the World Owns Doesn't Exist (

The Assault on Gold (

The Gold Standard Manifesto (

The Secret Gold Treaty (

The Secret Gold Treaty ( - The Truth Behind World War II Gold, Nazi Plunder & Elite Plans to Control Our...

Treasury's Audit of The Federal Reserve's Gold is Pure Propaganda (

What Happened the Last Time We Saw Gold Drop Like This? (2013)


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Ancient Human Metropolis Found in Africa (

Anunnaki Structures Before the Flood - The 200,000-year-old Ancient City in Africa (

Discovering The Oldest Manmade Structures on Earth (

A New Blast May have Forged Cosmic Gold (

Currency Reset and Gold Backed Trade Note on 2014 (

De-Dollarization - Europe Joins the Party (

Did Somebody Just Try to Buy the British Government? (

Does Central-Bank Gold-Buying Signal The Top Is Near? (

Does China Plan to Back The Yuan With Gold and Make It The Primary Global Reserve Currency? (

Forget Gold - Only Food, Tools and Resourcefulness Will Matter in A Mad Max Scenario (

For One Tiny Instant, Physicists May Have Broken a Law of Nature (

Germany to Bring Home Gold Stored in U.S. and France (
The Real Reasons that Germany Is Demanding that The U.S. Return Its Gold (

Gold Manipulation and $1.2 Quadrillion in Derivatives (

Gold Mining - How Long Ago? - from "Genesis Revisited"

Mutiny of The Anunnaki - Gold Mining

The First Encounters - from "Divine Encounters - A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries"

When The Gods Left Earth - from "The End of Days - Armageddon And Prophecies of The Return"


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