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Due to massive destruction of spiritual knowledge, literally whole segments of meditation have been removed from the populace.

By whole segments, I mean whole categories of meditation.

Power Meditation is very important and the core of meditation.

However, there are other forms of meditation that are also equally important and have a strong direct correlation with growing the abilities of the mind and soul.

In Ancient Texts, there are leftovers and tidbits of other types of meditation, other than what we refer to as Power Meditation.

An example of these are Buddhist meditations and mental exercises.

In Buddhism, because they wanted to hide from them the Power Meditations, they have kept them only doing random mental exercises.

Yet even Buddhist texts do insist on all sorts of forms of transcendental and other meditations.

Another example is the Mandala Meditation or how you can meditate using a Mandala.

There is no real explanation for these other than "Look at the Dot" and other things like that.

Gurus in the East however know very well how to use these, and how powerful these meditations can be.

Thoth has been a master of all this, guiding humanity since recorded history [and before that], teaching humanity Satan's teachings directly.

The cumulative advancement of people and the timing is now more fitting than ever before.

Now, if one only does Power Meditation, all they will do is increase power but that is not all of meditation.

It's the most integral part, but not all of it.

By learning Power Meditation one can receive power and also their astral and material body will be strengthened.

The powerful constructed soul is to be used and utilized afterwards, and the same goes for sharpening the mind, intellect and so on.

Then, one becomes a complete "Soul".

Jewish Soul VS. Gentile Soul – Library of Rickandria

To make matters a bit more complex, next levels of meditation also deal with what we call as the "Godhead" or "Equality with God".

Becoming a God – Library of Rickandria

God here of course has nothing to do with the bullshit the Abrahamic or the Bible has ever said or implied.

Is Your God a Devil? – Library of Rickandria

This is an occult statement for discovering the Power of "God" every human being does possess.

Who Created God If God Created Everything? – Library of Rickandria

3 levels of meditations are arranged as:

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

As one meditates, they should try to do all the meditations in all the main category, mastering them, and then moving onto the next one.

These are very important to help people balance out all sorts of imbalances necessary to bring the soul higher.

The idea is to build the soul as a whole, having the mind following behind it, and the spirit.

Soul & Spirit – Library of Rickandria


3rd Eye Mirror Meditation – What Faces Will You See? – Library of Rickandria
11 Reasons to Meditate Daily – Library of Rickandria
20 Practical Meditation Tips for the Chronically Distracted – Library of Rickandria
100 Benefits of Meditation – Library of Rickandria
Add Crystals and Stones to Your Meditation Practice for an Enlightening Experience! – Library of Rickandria
Elemental Meditation – Library of Rickandria
Energy Meditation – Library of Rickandria
How to Overcome the 6 Biggest Obstacles to Meditation – Library of Rickandria
Meditating Measurably Changes the Brain Even When Not Actively Meditating – Library of Rickandria
Meditation Grows Bigger Brains – Library of Rickandria
Meditation Techniques – What to Do BEFORE You Meditate! – Library of Rickandria
Pineal Meditation – Library of Rickandria
Proof that Group Meditation Can Change the World – Library of Rickandria
Quartz Crystal Sand Beach Meditation – Library of Rickandria
Schumann Resonances Meditation – Library of Rickandria
Shower Meditation – Library of Rickandria
The Importance of Solitude & Meditation – Library of Rickandria
The Interesting Background of Meditation – Library of Rickandria
The Lighter Side of Meditation – Library of Rickandria
The Meditation & Synchronicity Connection – Library of Rickandria
What Happens to People Who Meditate for the First Time – Library of Rickandria
Why These 4 Celebrities Meditate & You Should Too! – Library of Rickandria


Books & Treatises:

Meditation Techniques - Easy and Practical Exercises to Regenerate Your Energy and Improve Your Psycho-Physical Balance

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