Global Elite: The Transnational Capitalist Class

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  • The 1 %
  • The Ruling Elite
  • The Globalists
  • The Global Elite

a.k.a. 'The Powers That Be' (TPTB), sarcastically:

"The powers that shouldn't be."

Today (October 2011) we could start calling them...

"The Powers That Were" (TPTW)

The purpose of this Section is to alert the public of the existence, and activities of the 'ELITE,' and to encourage active participation by all concerned citizens to stop the takeover of the US, and the rest of the world by the Elite - the Neoliberal Order - in their efforts to form their

Deagel 2025 Updated - by Craig Paardekooper

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"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and Corporate Power." - Benito Mussolini

As Inequality Soars, the Nervous Super-Rich are Already Planning their Escapes

What do They Know? Why are So Many of The Super Wealthy Preparing Bug Out Locations? (

As International Trials begin against the Globalists will a 'Return to Public Executions' be necessary? (

Asking Questions the Politicians and the Press Can't Answer (

Atrocities Committed by Governments against their Citizens (

At The Point of No Return (

Big Brother Loves You – Library of Rickandria

Big Government - An Unnecessary Evil That Should Be Abolished (

The Bilderberg Group – Library of Rickandria

Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India's High Court - Death Penalty Sought (

Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for Global Takeover (

Bill Gates - Most Dangerous Philanthropist in Modern History? (

Bill Gates' Web of Dark Money and Influence (

'Billionaire Climate Elites' have their Own Rules and Agenda (

Billionaire Club in Bid to Curb Overpopulation (

Black Magic and The New World Order - Satanists Rule the World, Not Politicians, Bankers or Military Heads (

Blueprint for Total Control (

Bohemian Grove – Library of Rickandria

Bourgeois Democracy meets 'Global Governance' - U.S. Election 2020 (

Brainwashed by The 1% - Are We Merely Puppets? - Hypernormalisation, a Documentary of 'A Fake World' (

BRICS and The Mission of Reconfiguring The World (

Brief Description of The Elite Conspiracy - The Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral Commission (

Cabal Leaders' go to Antarctica to Surrender to Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance (

Capitalism for the Rich and Socialism for the Poor - The Great Reset VII (

Capitalism is Doomed - Without Alternatives, So Are We (

CFR: The Council on Foreign Relations – Library of Rickandria

Changing The President Won't Matter - Who is Really Running this Country? (

'Chipping' Humanity - The Global Power Elite's 'Product of the Future' (

Clueless Globalists Wondering Why People are Rejecting Them (

Collapse of the 2020s (

Colonial Elite Rules China for The Illuminati (

Conclusion - Private Entities are Taking Over the World (

Corrupt to the Core - The Fire Power of the Financial System (

COVID Dictators Plead for Amnesty (

Dear Neocon (

Deconstructing The Power of The Global Elite (

Dick Cheney - The Ultimate American Terrorist (

Did the Global Elite Meet in Antarctica? (

Digging Deeper Into Who Controls The World (

Divide and Rule - The Plan to Make You Disposable (

Divided Nation - President Trump "Declares War" on Ruling Elite as Media and Protesters Declare War on Him (

Don't Be Fooled by the Political Game - The Illusion of Freedom in America (

Do We Have Psychopaths Misruling Our World? - Schwarzenegger, DSK, and Gingrich (

Elite Controllers, ET/UFOs in Washington DC and Disclosure - Robert M. Stanley (

Elite is Planning Genocide of Two-Thirds of The World Population - Kevin Trudeau Personally Spoke With Bilderberg Members (

Elite Openly Paying to Ingest the Blood of the Young - No Longer a 'Conspiracy Theory' (

Elite's Depopulation Agenda is Now Irrefutable (

Elites Pushing Class Warfare is Just Another False Paradigm (

Elite Watch (

Evidence of The Old Order Collapsing Is All Around Us (

Evil Triumphs (

Exposing The Group of 30 - Rogues Gallery (

Exposing the Hidden Truth behind Global Terror, False Flags and Assassinations - Ole Dammegard (

False Flag Operations – Library of Rickandria

Fifty Ways to Starve The Beast (
Five Examples of Elite Blackmail (

Food As a Weapon - The Pyramid of Power: Chapter 8 (

Francis - A Pope of the Poor? A Pope for the Environment? Or a Pope of the Global Elite? (

From 7 Billion People to 500 Million People - The Sick Population Control Agenda of The Global Elite (

General Flynn confirms Elite did 'Dummy Run' for Covid-19 in 2017...! (

George Soros & the Rothschild Family – Library of Rickandria

George Soros on The Coming U.S. Class War (

Giants - The Global Power Elite (

Global Elite Belief in Extraterrestrial Creator Gods - Alex Jones Has A Problem

Prometheus - Are Humanity’s Creators Set to Return and Destroy Us? (

Global Elite committing Crimes against Humanity (

Global Elite Desperate as Their Plans for World Government Are Exposed and Hampered - So They Want War With Iran Now (

Global Elite taken to Guantanamo GITMO by U.S. Special Forces - Full Disclosure Implications (

Global Elitism - The Character Traits of Truly Evil People (

Global Food Crisis - Pretending has Consequences (

Globalists are Now Openly Demanding New World Order Centralization (

Globalists release 'Timeline for Health Tyranny' (

Globalists will Need Another Crisis in America as their Reset Agenda Fails (

Globalist War Against Humanity Shifts into High Gear - Cars, Cash, Literature and Independent News all Targeted for Elimination (

Globalization's 'Game of Thrones' (

Globalization: The Octopus of the New World Order – Library of Rickandria

Global Pathocracy - Authoritarian Followers and the Hope of the World (

Global Power and Global Government (

Global Power Project - Examining the Activities and Individuals Behind the Bilderberg Group (

Global Power Project - Institutions and Individuals Who Comprise Today's Global Power Oligarchy (

Global Reset – Great Reset – Library of Rickandria

Global Tax Scam Shifts From Climate Change To Poverty (

Global Uprising – Library of Rickandria

Goodbye Democracy and Capitalism - It Was Fun... (

Here is the Web of Technocrat Propagandists who Silence Truth (

Historical Analysis of The Global Elite - Ransacking the World Economy until 'You'll Own Nothing' (

History Regurgitates (

How America’s Aristocracy Extends Its Global Control - The Truth about Obama (

How a Viral Pandemic Benefits the Globalist Agenda (

How Big Tech is Becoming the Government (

How Corporate Power Killed Democracy (

How Does the Global Elite Operate in the World? – Library of Rickandria

How Fanatics 'Took Over the World'... (

How the General Public was Kept in the Dark over Covid (

How The Great Reset is 'Accelerating into Global Tyranny' (

How the Powerful Captured the Public in a 'Pandemic' (

How the Power Imbalance between Corporations, Governments and People prevents Sustainable Solutions (

How THEY Got Control (

How to Identify a Globalist Criminal (

How to Win the War Against Tyranny (

"Ice-Nine" - The Global Financial Lockdown (

In Greece we are Now Witnessing the Elites' EndGame (

"Inside the COVID-19 Global Coup d'état" (

Interventionism and The Elites - The Ideological Origins of The Military-Industrial-Media Complex (

It's Time for the Elites to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses (

It Turns out Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are Distant Cousins (

Just Who Exactly Benefits Most from the Global Giving of Billionaires like Bill Gates? (

Kennedy and The Nazis (

Klaus Schwab 'Family Values' (

Klaus Schwab's 'School for Covid Dictators' - Exposed (

Latin America & the Global Elite – Library of Rickandria

But Look Up! Wake Up People...! You are Being "Suicided in Warp Speed" (

Manufactured Dystopia - Globalists Won't Stop Hacking Humans (

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW-3? (

Masters of Deceit - The Government's Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control and Brain Warfare (

Meet The Firm (

Meet the Secretive Committees that Run the Global Economy (

Meet The Secret Rulers Of The World - The Truth About The Bohemian Grove (

Monkeypox - Technocracy's next wave of 'Crimes Against Humanity' (

More Global Elite Psycho-Attitudes (

Mubarak's Fate is Sealed - Reflections by Fidel Castro (

Named Names of the Covid-19 Bioweapon Genocidal Killers (

Navigating the 'Fourth Turning' - These are the Times that try Men's Souls (

Neo-Liberalism seems to have Reached a Dead End (

Neoliberalism - The 'Zombie Doctrine' at the Root of All Our Problems (

Never Forget - For 2 Years, Tyrants Locked us Down, forcibly Medicated us, and Destroyed our Livelihoods (

New "Dark Money" Documentary Shines Light into the Shadows Cast by the Super-Rich (

New World Order: Novus Ordo Seclorum – Library of Rickandria

New World Order - The Endgame Has Begun (

Alex Jones Presents -- Infiltration of Bohemian Grove (

One Million North American Satanists Seeking Refuge From Expected Pogrom (

On the Psychology of the 'Conspiracy Denier' - A closer Look at the Class that Mocks (

Open Letter to Warren Buffett - Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is (

Order Out of Chaos - How the Ukraine Conflict is Designed to Benefit Globalists (

Our 'Leaders' - Whose Sick Joke? (

'Our Oppressors are Very Frightened People' - Brian Gerrish's Testimony to Reiner Füllmich (

Our Ruling Elites have No Idea how much we want to See Them All in Prison Jumpsuits (

Our Society has the Same Symptoms as the Roman Empire just Before the Fall - Is a Collapse Inevitable? (

Owners of Empire - The Vatican, the Crown and the District of Columbia (

"Pandemic Treaty" will hand WHO keys to Global Government...! (

'Pandora Papers' - New Leaks reveal how World Leaders use Offshore companies to Dodge Millions of Dollars in taxes (

Plan for Mass Arrests 2012 - Memo to Wilcock, Drake, Fulford, Romanov, Daikaku (

Ponerology: The Science of Evil – Library of Rickandria

What in God's name? Pope Francis plans to 'Fix' Global Capitalism - With the help of the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and Mastercard... (

Possession is Nine Tenths of Your Soul (

Post Lockdown - The Rockefeller Game Plan (

Psychopaths & Psychopathy – A Ponerological “Branch” – Library of Rickandria

Puppets of Power (

Putin Calls Out "The Powers That Be" and the "Imaginary and Mythical" Threats they Use to Control Us (

Putin says 'The Rich Must Pay' for the Coronavirus (

Questions for Washington D.C. 'Swamp Creatures' (

Q: What's the Difference between a Politician and a Psychopath? - A: None (

Reiner Fuellmich's 'Grand Jury Court of Public Opinion' - Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity (

Reptilians & the Council of 13 – Library of Rickandria

Revealed the Capitalist Network that Runs the World (

Revealed what the 'Totalitarian Future Globalists' want for the Entire World (

Revolution or World War III - The Road Through 2012 (

RFK Jr. - Another 'Former Associate' with Jeffrey Epstein Files to Run for U.S. President in 2024 - Addendums (

Robber Barons - Revolution and Social Control (

Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal of Microchipped Population (

Rockefeller Bloodline – Library of Rickandria

Role of Secret Societies in Bringing Forth the Coveted 'New World Order' (

Rothschild Crony Capitalist Summit Plots Against Free Markets (

Sanctions - Cut the Globalists Off From Humanity (

Sanya Declaration - BRICS Leaders Meeting

BRICS and The Mission of Reconfiguring The World (

Secret Billionaire Club Seeks Population Control (

Seizing Everything - The Theft of the Global Commons (

Seven Ways Republicans and Democrats are Exactly the Same! (

ShadowPlay - 911 Puppetmasters (

"Shrink the World's Population" - Secret 2009 Meeting of Billionaires "Good Club" (

Six Manufactured Problems that are Behind Six Major Globalist Agendas (

Slavery Ahead - The Technocratic Convergence of Humans and Data (

Social Fragmentation Suits the Powers That Be (

Some Implications of the World Company - A Bilderberg Document (

Some Signs that the Global Elite's Ship is Sinking (

Spreading Fear - The Ammunition Needed to Construct a 'New World Order' (

Steps to World Rule: First, Destroy Humanity... (

"Survival of the Richest" - Researcher Douglas Rushkoff - AUDIO

Survival of the Richest - They don't believe they Can Affect the Future (

Taking a Look Inside the Secret Leftist Billionaires Club (

Technocratic Elite Domination via Mind Control and Mass Surveillance - Brzezinski called it 45 Years Ago (

Thanks to 'Swiss Leaks' we Know How Much Money Rich People are Hiding from the World (

The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis - The "Great Reset", Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, etc. (

The Acceleration of A global Gilded Age - Wealth Inequality Across the Globe (

The Anunnaki – Library of Rickandria

The Anunnaki and Their Human Hybrids - The Global Elite (

The Bilderberg Group – Library of Rickandria

The Bi-polar World of Rich Bankers - Wall Street "Take-Off" 2012-2013 (

Black Nobility – Library of Rickandria

The Brookings Report (

The Brotherhood and The Manipulation of Society (

The Building Blocks of Money (

Bush Clan & the New World Order – Library of Rickandria

The Cartels that Run the World... (

The Chaos "IS" The Plan... (

Clinton Bloodline: American Politics – Library of Rickandria

The Coming World Government - The Global Elite (

The Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy (

The Criminal Cabal is Creating Incidents Everywhere in A Bid to Start Martial Law in The West (

The Cults of Empire (

The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism and Open Borders (

The Dark History of the Vatican – Library of Rickandria

The Debts Are Finally Being Called in and Those Who Thought They Were Gods Fall to Earth (

The Documentary the 'Elites' Hope You Never See - 'Uninformed Consent' (
The Doomsday Bunker for Billionaires (

The Economic-Corporate Oligarchy of the World (

The Elite are Mutants (

The Elite Coup to Kill or Enslave Us - Why can't Governments, Legal Actions and Protests Stop Them? (

The Elite Have a Great Fear of Death (

The Elite Plan for A New World Social Order (

Elite’s Drug Management – Library of Rickandria

The Elite's Flawed Depopulation Agenda is Quickly Morphing into Genocide (

The End of Excesses - The Collapse of Everything (

The End of Kings (

The Federal Reserve Cartel (

The Fight For Health Freedom - Why Focus on Health Freedom? Because Our Future is Worth Protecting (

The Final Battle for Humanity - It is 'Now or Never' in the 'Long War Against Homo Sapiens' (

The Fruits of Elite Immunity - Fear That One Day Someone Will 'Pinochet' Dick Cheney (

The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play - The Road to World War III (

The Global Elite is Insane (

The Global Elite - Jeff Rense and David Icke (
The Global Elite’s Digital Agenda Played Out as Censorship and Cyber Warfare (

The Global Elite's Plan for the Future - 4IR and the TransHumanist Endgame (

The Global Elites' Secret Plan for Cryptocurrencies (

The Global Elite - Who Are They? (

The Global Hoax is rapidly Unraveling - HHS Documents admit the CDC has Never Isolated any "Covid-19 Virus" (

The Globalists (

The Globalists are Openly Admitting to 'Their Population Control Agenda' - And that's a Bad Sign... (

The Globalists have a Major Problem - Behind Bilderberg, Trilateral, WEF... (

The Graveyard of the Elites (

The Heart of Darkness - The Sexual Predators within America's Power Elite (

The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition (

The History of The Powers And Authorities - Of His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam (

The Hunt Is On - Cabal Arrests Accelerating (

Illuminati: Order of the Illumined Wise Men – Library of Rickandria

The Kissinger Continuum - The Unauthorized History of the WEF's 'Young Global Leaders Program' (

The Left's Descent to Fascism (

The Nexus of Evil - A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity (

The Oil-igarchs - How and Why Big Oil Conquered the World (

The Original Pioneers of Mind Control on 'Why You Must Protect Your Mental Sovereignty Now' (

The Origins of The Overclass (

The Orsini Family - The MAXIMUS Clan (

The Parasitical Elite - Defining the Shifting Enemy of The Common Man (

The Prince of Darkness Meets His World Elite (

The Propaganda System that has Helped Create a Permanent Overclass is Over a Century in The Making (

The Psychopathy of Greed (

The Rapid Destruction of Countries (

The Real 'Reset' is Coming (

There are No Solutions - Impossible to Change the System from Within (

The Reasons Why the Globalists are Destined to Lose (

There is a 'Deafening Media Silence' on Global Protests (

There is No Difference Between Psychopaths and Politicians - The Pathocracy of the 'Deep State' (

Rothschild Bloodline – Library of Rickandria

The Rulers of The World - A Project Avalon Video Interview (

The Ruling Elite's Control System versus Our Awakening - Which One will Win? (

The 'Science of Fear' - How the Elitists use it to Control Us and How to Break Free (

"The Secret Group of Scientists and Billionaires pushing a 'Manhattan Project' for COVID-19" - A Look with a Critical Eye (

The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO - These 13 Families Rule the World (

Secret Shadow Government: Deep State – Library of Rickandria

The Shadow War is Escalating Between the Banking Cabal and the Global Alliance (

The Slithering Stealth of the Serpentine Invaders (

The Source of our Rage - The Ruling Elite is Protected from the Consequences of its Dominance (

The Tools the Elites Use to Manipulate People (

The Trials of Henry Kissinger (

The Truth Behind Capitalism (

The Truth behind the Coronavirus Pandemic - Covid-19 Lockdown and the Economic Crash - David Icke (

The Tyranny of Modern Scientism (

'The Ultimate Doomsday Escape' - California Entrepreneur Builds $1 Billion Bunker for Millionaires (

The United Kingdom and Brexit - El Reino Unido y el Brexit (

The Vulnerability of Elites - Geopolitical Risk in 2013 (

'The Washington Post' told America of Globalist Plan to be Implemented by 2025 (

The World's New Order (

The World's Richest 8% Earn Half of All Planetary Income (

They're called the 'Good Club' - And they want to 'Save' the World... (

Today's Oligarch Curtain of Lies, Theft, Death and Destruction are Exposed as Never Before (

Transhumans - Frozen Heads, New Blood, Computer Brains (

The Trilateral Commision – Library of Rickandria

Triumph of the Beast vs. Triumph of the People - U.N. Agenda 2030 vs. The People (

Trump and Brexit are Retaliation for Neoliberalism and Corruption (

Try to Contain Your Laughter - Prince Charles and Lady de Rothschild Team Up to Talk About 'Inclusive Capitalism' (

Twelve Challenges for a Post-Covid Shattered World (

Two Years that Trampled on 'Freedoms earned over Centuries' - 'Junk Science' in the Service of Totalitarianism (

UK Team File Complaint of 'Crimes Against Humanity' with the International Criminal Court

As International Trials begin against the Globalists will a 'Return to Public Executions' be necessary? (

Understanding The Ruling Elite (

War for Total Control - Planning the Ultimate 'Big Brother' Surveillance Society (

War Profiteering - A Cancer Upon America (
Watch Putin's full Censored speech to the West warning of 'Corrupt Globalist Elites' pushing for World War (

Wealth Concentration Drives a New Global Imperialism (

Wealthy Technocrats are Subverting National Media (

We are being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset' - Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively? (

Well-Funded Climate Activists waging Psychological Warfare on the Public (

What do They Know? Why are So Many of The Super Wealthy Preparing Bug Out Locations? (

What Replacing The Government of The Planet Means (

What the Global Status Quo Optimizes - Protecting Elites and the Clerisy Class that Serves Them (

What Will Happen When the Arrests Begin? - A Futuristic Picture of Mass Arrests, Critical Mass and Journalistic Awakening (

What would it Take to Build a 'World Without Globalists'? (

When the IMF Meets - Here's What Happened at the Global Plutocracy's Pow Wow in Peru (

Who Are The Globalists and What Do They Want? (

Who is Behind the Economic Collapse? (

Who Rules the World? (

Who Runs The World? - Solid Proof That a Core Group of Wealthy Elitists is Pulling The Strings (

Who's Who of The Elite (

Why are Globalists and Governments so Desperate for 100% Vaccination Rates? (

Why are Most People Cowards? - Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism... (

Why are They Doing It? (
Why do mRNA Vaccines alter your DNA? - To make You Legal Property...! (

Why do Some People Support Tyranny while others Defy It? (

Why do We Allow Private Banks and Families to Control the World's Money? (

Why Elites Love Drones (

Why the "New World Order" is Impossible to Implement without 'Creating Mass Chaos' (

Why We Must #ExposeBillGates (

Will Gates, Rockefeller, Musk and Klaus Schwab prevail in the Class War? - Activists and Thinkers Speak Out (

Windows, Microsoft & Bill Gates – Library of Rickandria

Working for The Few - Political Capture and Economic Inequality

Additional Information

12 Million Americans Are Sociopaths (

2008 World Corruption Perceptions Index (

2016 Candidates Must Build an 'Integrated' North America - CFR (

9/11 - Who Really Benefited? - Fact and Not Fiction... (

Academic Oligarchy - Majority of Science Publishing is Controlled by Just Six Companies (

A Deeper Understanding of Technocracy (

After Losing Vote, U.S.-EU Threaten to Undermine Treaty to Prevent Human Rights Abuses by Transnational Corporations (

Agenda 21 in China and the Technocratic Vision for Global Dictatorship (

Al Gore and "An Inconvenient Truth"... - Al Gore y "Una Verdad Inconveniente"... (

Alien Origins of Sociopathy - How Bloodlines Have Been Genetically Tweaked to Produce an Abundance of Psychopaths Serving the Alien Agenda (

All I Want for Christmas Is The Truth (

Alternative 3 - The Saga Lives On (

A March 31st Deadline Has Been Delivered to The Committee of 300 by The Gnostic "Illuminati" Faction (

Amazon Sells Out of Orwell's '1984' as America Starts Paying Attention to What's Really Going On (

America - A Sunset Empire (

American Laws Most Americans Don't Know! But Should Know! (

An Open Letter to Wall Street (

A Note of Appreciation From The Rich of The Global Elite (

Anunnaki - The Elite and The Remnants (

Archons in The News (

Are these 100 People Killing the Planet? (

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will Serve Humans - But Only about 1% of Them (

A Short History of The Round Table (

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities (

Avatar - American Terrorists Invade a New World (

Beyond The Manufactured Apocalypse (

Big Tech 'Indenture entire Populations into Servitude' to Corporations and Governments - Snowden (

Bill Clinton Was Not Even Allowed Out of The Plane When He Arrived in Japan Seeking Money Last Week (

Billionaires Dumping Stocks - Economist Knows Why (

Brain Dead Obama (

Brussels Bombing Psyop a Victory for the Ruling Elite and Global Police State (

By Refusing to Relinquish Power, The Cabal Will Face Lynch Mobs (

Cabal Resorting to Desperate Tactics As They Try to Prevent Reboot of Financial System (

Cabal Struggles Desperately to Create Fascist World Government as Multiple Criminal Investigations Zero In On Them (

Capitalism's New Era (

Catherine Austin Fitts on Wall Street's Corruption, The Austrian School and Who's 'Really' in Charge (

China Lockdowns leading to 'Total Control of Population' (

Chosen Leaders, Proven Failures and Political Debacles (

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency – Library of Rickandria

Climate Alarmist Admits the Real Motive Behind 'Warming Scare' is Redistribution of Wealth (

CNN Director admitting that his Network is "Propaganda" (

Collapse is 'A Process', Not an Event - How does one 'Get Ahead' during Hard Times? (

Contact by a Rothschild's Family Descendant? (

Corrupt Regimes Crumble When The Foot Soldiers Refuse to Carry Out The Tyrant's Draconian Orders (

Could Humans One Day Live to 500? That's what a Group of Eccentric Billionaires Believe (

COVID Consciousness - A Contagion of Awakening or a Consensus Reality? (

CPI - Corruption Perceptions Index 2009 (

CPI - Corruption Perception Index 2020 - Global Highlights (

Crashing Finances (

Dark Rulers are Trying to Suppress our Ascension (

David Icke on Terrorism, 'Totalitarian Tiptoe' and The Coming Post-Industrial Technocracy - Exclusive Interview (

Debt = Serfdom (

Demented Democracy (

Democracy's Fatal Flaw: Us... (

Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine (

Dialogue With "Hidden Hand" - Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider (

Distrust in Governments Growing - Survey Finds (

Do Reptilian-Human Hybrids Run Our World? - The Biggest Secret (

Dreams of Empire Ruined (

Echo Down and the Tunnel Men (
Elite Panicking? - Independent Media has More Power than Mainstream Media (

Elites "Going Rogue" suggests the Global Neoliberal Architecture is Collapsing (

Elite Underground (

Elon Musk just Exposed the Oil Oligarchy's Control over Mainstream Media in Epic Rant (

Empower Yourself to Fight The Power (

Endgame – Library of Rickandria

Eugenics and Population Control - How The 85 Richest see The 3.5 Billion Poorest (

Eugenics - Buttress of the Psychopathic Elite Mindset (

Eugenics, Depopulation and The Elite Mindset (

Expendable - Sacrificing Humanity for Corruption in Australia (

Facebook says its 'Rules Apply to All' - Company Documents reveal a Secret Elite that's Exempt (

Facts that Privileged Americans don't want Us to Know (

False East/West Paradigm Hides the Rise of Global Currency (

False Flag Attacks Part of Global Elite’s Plan for Tyrannical Police State (

False Flag Event in Syria - The Third Force and Exopolitics (

Federally Funded Boffins Want to Scrap the Internet (

FED Plan to Bring Private Armies Into U.S. Will Be Stopped (

Financial Warfare Against Russia, Multibillion Dollar Bonanza for Wall Street - The Malaysian Airlines MH17 Crash (

Five Reasons Obama is A Proven Stooge of The Elite (

Follow the Money - How the Monetary System is Rigged to Enslave Humanity (

Food Crisis A Conspiracy? - Silent Tsunami (

For our Rulers, Smearing a Dissident Journalist like Julian Assange is as Good as Killing Him (

Galactic Federation attacks on Corporate Satellites and Mars Exodus - Update (

"Gate Rape" of America (

Genetically Modified Politicians (

Genetic Engineering, Eugenics and The Ideology of The Rich - Social Control in The 21st Century (

Globalists Pull Plug on Kony 2012 with Spectacular Crash and Burn (

Globalists Pull Plug on Kony 2012 with Spectacular Crash and Burn (

Globalization and the Who's Who of the New Ruling Elite (

Global Justice or World Domination (

Global Population - Planet-Terrans Emerge - Predictions (

Global Population - Predictions 2 (

God's Algorithm (

Governing Elites Think We're All Morons - New Study (
Government Protects Criminals by Attacking Whistleblowers (
Hey, Hey, Hey, Ha, Ha, Ha... They Think It's All Happening by Accident... Hey, Hey, Hey, Ha, Ha, Ha... (

Hippocratic Hypocrisy - A Tale of Two Snakes (

Hitler and The Banksters - The Abolition of Interest-Servitude (

How Access to Information can Make or Break the Elite Stranglehold (

How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live? (

How Much CO² is in a Raindrop? The Ocean? The Air? (

How Pandemics 'Past and Present' fuel the Rise of Mega-Corporations (

How Real Mind Control Works (

How To Run The World - Mega-Diplomacy - The New World Order (

“Human Beings Have No Right to Water” and Other Words of Wisdom from Your 'Friendly' Neighborhood Global Oligarch (

Human Race Get Off Your Knees! (

Identity Politics = Totalitarianism (

I'm Just Sayin... (

Industry “Weapons” for Earth’s Depopulation – Library of Rickandria

In The Shadow of The Dragon (

Is India's 100 Smart Cities Project a Recipe for Social Apartheid? (

Is It Fear of Uprisings or Altruistic Punishment? (

Is Science Only for The Rich? (

Is the WHO an Undercover Terrorist Organization? (

JFK, RFK, and MLK, Were All Killed by The Same Forces (

Joint Statement on Wikileaks - UN and IACHR (

Just How Fascist is The U.S.? - Ten Indicators of Fascism (

Killing the Biosphere to Fast-track Human Extinction (

Killing the Culture of Death (

Kim Jong Il Murdered as Part of Major Asian Power Battle (

Kony 2012 Part 2 - License for Imperial Conquest (

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité - Providence, Miracle or What Really Happened (

"Lockstep" - Written 10 years ago Chronicles how to Bring the World Down with a Pandemic   (

Luxembourg Takes the Heat, but the World's Worst Tax Haven - The City of London - Remains Unscathed (

Mainstream Science: Another Religion Created by the Controllers – Library of Rickandria

Majestic Project: MJ-12 – Library of Rickandria

Major Realignment of Power Taking Place in Asia (

Mathematical Model Explains How Complex Societies Emerge, Collapse (
Meaning of Life Questions - A Speculative Look at The Big Picture of Life in The Universe (

Mind Control - It's All Around You! (

Monsanto 'Partnership' With The Actual U.S. Presidential Candidates (

Naming Names - Your Real Government (

Nation of 65 Million Gets Lesson on Globalist Agenda - Local Media Mogul Gives 2 Hour Talk Exposing CFR, NED, and Global-Corporate Meddling in Thailand (

“New Age” is a Dream Religion of the Elite – Library of Rickandria

New Freedom - Something For Everyone (

Newly Released Obama Birth Certificate Forensic Forgery - Washington Times Report (

New Studies say ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Sane - Government Dupes Crazy and Hostile (

New York Times Says "Lack of Major Wars may be Hurting Economic Growth" (

No Privacy, No Property - 'The World in 2030' according to the WEF (

"Nuremberg Trials" for The Banksters (

Obama's Birth Certificate - Not The Issue (

Official Culture in America - A Natural State of Psychopathy? (

Old Religious Hegemony, NWO - Jesus to the Palestinians: "Love One Another" / God to the Jews: "Get..."

On Modern Servitude – Library of Rickandria

Orwell's Ideas remain Relevant 75 years after 'Animal Farm' was Published (

"Our Politicians Are Money Launderers in The Trafficking of Power and Policy" - Bill Moyers (

Outer Space Cult Popular Among Tech's Biggest Billionaires (

Overwhelming The Illusion (

Paradigm Lost as The Western Oligarch's Lies Unravel (

Plan 'B' of The Powers That Were (

Plato and the Disaster of Democracy (

Played by the Ruling Elite's Control System - It's Time for a New Paradigm (

Populace of USA - Transition Into Reformation - Predictions (

'Population Control Quotes' that Show the Elites are Quite Eager to Reduce the Number of People on the Planet (

Privatization and Land Grabbing in Spain - Land For Those Who Work It! (

Projecting Evil Onto Russia (

Putin to Western Elites: Play-Time is Over (

Racism and U.S. War - Iraq Veteran (

Read Between The Lines - Hollywood Mogul Buys 2,600 Acres of Farmland - Moving to New Zealand (

Reality Check (

Regime Change at The IMF - The Frame-Up of Dominique Strauss-Kahn? (

Rhetoric of Change - Among Politicians, Actors, and Preachers (

Rich Americans Are Fleeing the Country (

Sarkozy and Soros Send Negotiator to Visit White Dragon Society But Talks Inconclusive (

Satanic Cabal Threatens to Make San Francisco and Damascus "Uninhabitable" (

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (

Secret Meeting of 57 Finance Ministers on Ship Charts New Financial System (

Seven Stumbling Blocks on the Road to Higher Consciousness (

Simultaneous Military, G7 and BIS Summits Point to Something Big (

Social Transformation - The Truth Behind Capitalism Decoded (
Some Grand Illusions that Keep us Enslaved to The Matrix (
Some Reasons why Belief in Authority is the 'Most Dangerous Superstition' (

Space-Based Technocracy - Asgardia Exceeds 1,000,000 Citizens (

States Seek to Depose Fauci - Other Top Officials in Big Tech-Government Censorship Case (

Tactics Used by the Mainstream Media to Manufacture Consent for the Oligarchy (

Ten Reasons America Will Be Judged as The Most Brutal Empire in History (

Terrified of Freedom - Why most Human Beings are Embracing the Global Elite's Technotyranny (

The Algo-Matrix and the ETs - Earth as an Alien Enterprise (

The Apocalyptic Phase of Technocracy and Transhumanism - Coming Soon (

The Ascendancy of The Scientific Dictatorship (

The Assets of The World (
The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to 2012 (

The Biggest World Change Secret - Jake Simpson (

The Bilderbergers and The New World Disorder - Lawmakers Finally Get Earful About Global Government (

The Bush Impeachment Movement (

The Class Caste (

The Class War Has Begun (

The Collapse of Astral and Physical Systems (

The COVID Cult and the 10 Stages of Genocide (

The Dark Side of Disruption - 'The Gig Economy' is the New Term for Serfdom (

The Demon-cratic Cryptocracy "Puppet Show" Book - How the New World Order Cult Communicates & Operates (

The Elite chose 'Alternative 3' (

The Elites Had to Have The Branch Davidian Village Eliminated Because... (

The Elkhorn Manifesto - Shadow of The Swastika - The Real Reason the Government Won't Debate Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-Legalization (

The End of The New World Order (

The Eve of Destruction (

The 'Fake News' and 'Russian Propaganda' Psyops - Censorship and Information Control in the NWO (

The Four Business Gangs That Run The U.S. (

The Fragility of Democracy - Athens and the 'Thirty Tyrants' (

The Game That Goes On and On - A Swiss Bank, A President and The Permanent Government (

The Gemstone Papers - A Skeleton Key (

The Global Protests - A Riddle Wrapped in A Mystery Inside An Enigma (

The Global War on Children (

The Gullible Mind Explained (

The Hidden Tyranny - The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976 (

The History of Using Children to Push for Agendas (

The Lesson Offered by the Dark Ones (

The New World Order and The Rise of The East (

The Next Presidential 2016 Election Will Move the World Closer to War (

The Perfect No-Prosecution Crime (

The Phoenix Will Arise From The Ashes of The Old World Order (

The Piece of The Puzzle 'They' Always Leave Out - Post 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Remains Disconnected From Mainstream Media (

The Plan to Divide and Conquer America at The New Madrid Fault - And How We Can Remain Free of Crisis Engineers (

The Power Elite's Use of Wars And Crises (

The Powerful Use Esoteric Knowledge while Keeping It from Humanity - Empower Yourself by Awakening Consciousness (

The Project for The New American Century (

The Real Agenda of The Gates Foundation (

The Really Creepy People Behind the Libertarian-Inspired Billionaire Sea Castles (

The Real Reason Behind The 9-11 Terror Was a Battle for Control of The Global Collateral Accounts (

The Reengineering of Life and How to Prevent It (

The Rise Of Global Governance (

The Road from Rome - The Fall of the Roman Empire wasn't a Tragedy for Civilization (

The Rockefeller Plan (

The Serpentine Stealth of The Long Range Planners (

The Slow Fuse Will Keep Burning Through July (

The Stone is Lifting... On "The Group" (

The Story Behind “Changing Images of Man” - Scientists On Acid (

The Strategic Battle for Lithium - Huge Reserves in Bolivia, Argentina, Chile (

The Takedown of The Satanic Cabal Is Proceeding Smoothly (

The Telltale Signs of Imperial Decline (

The Third Force (

The Third Force Begins its Take-Down of Mystery Babylon - Secret Space War X (

The Truth Behind FED’s Alarming Wealth Distribution Report (

The U.S. Dictatorship and Its White House Servant 'President' (

The U.S. versus the World - A Majority of One, a Minority of 192 in UN General Assembly Resolutions (

The War Is Over... And We Won (

The Way to Overcome the Conspiracy (

This Time We're Taking The Whole Planet With Us (

Top Secret America - A Hidden World Growing Beyond Control (

Total Health Tyranny - The Year’s Biggest Story No One is Talking About (

Toward a North American Union (

Truth, Propaganda and Media Manipulation (

Tunnels to At Least 13 Underground Bases Being Sealed Off (

Two Faces of The Same Coin - Obama-McCain Presidential Candidates of The Global Elite (

Tyrants Beware - 2012 Could Be The Year of Unintended Consequences (

"Unavoidable" Dystopian Future for World's Biggest Cities - Pentagon Video Warns (

Understanding and Dismantling The Global Control System (

United Nations "Education for All" - The Elite Mono-Minding Global Plans for All Children (

United Nations Tackles Mental Disorders - Supervise World Sanity Via 'People's Charter for Mental Health?' (

U.S. Addicted to Oil - An Ominous Drilling Sign for The Truth (

U.S. Presidents Charged With Crimes Against Humanity as Universal Jurisdiction Dies in Spain (

U.S. to Start ‘Trade Wars’ With Nations Opposed to Monsanto, GMO Crops - Leaked Information (

Visualizing The World’s Rich (

Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Fed’s Secret Loans (

Wall Street Bankster Soros to Open "Official Presence" in Myanmar (

The Secret History of America's Capital - Washington D.C. (

Ways the Global Elite Manipulate our Perception of Reality (

We are The "Delta" Types of Huxley's 'Brave New World' (

Welcome to 2030: You will own NOTHING & be Happy! – Library of Rickandria

Western Bankers Threatened Japan With HAARP Eco-Destruction a Year Before China Quakes (

Western Elites and The Threat of Mass Starvation (

What on Earth is Happening to Our Planet? (

What You Think is Controlled by What You Watch - And What You Watch is Controlled by The Elite... (

When Empire Hits Home (

Why Are Globalist Think-Tank Documents Public? (

Why Does The World Shadow Government Destroy Its Own Home-Planet? (
Why Ex-Federal Government and Wall Street Executives are Going Into Hiding (

Why The Revolution Must Start in America - Chris Hedges's Endgame Strategy (

Why the World Feels Like It's Going Crazy - The Dominos and the Fall (

Why WikiLeaks Is Good for Democracy (

World Changes - Project Camelot Interviews (
World Government Chart (

World of Resistance (WOR) Report (

Year in Review - Our Top Ten Conspiracies of 2014 (

Zeitgeist (




…And The Truth Shall Set You Free – Library of Rickandria

Biden: A 2021 U.S. President – Library of Rickandria

Brotherhoods & Secret Societies – Library of Rickandria

Conspiracy Theories – Library of Rickandria

MIND CONTROL – Library of Rickandria

Covid-19 and Anthony Fauci (

Operation Gladio - NATO's Secret Wars (

Technocracy (

The Global 2008 Big Crash - The Collapse of World's Financial System (

The BIS-IMF-World Bank - World "Smart" Governance / El BIS-FMI-Banco Mundial - "Astuta" Gobernabilidad Global (

The Coronavirus & the “Fear Factor” – Library of Rickandria

NSA: The Super-Secret National Security Agency – Library of Rickandria

Protocols of Zion: Truth or Fiction? – Library of Rickandria

The Sociopolical 'Discoveries' of Benjamin Fulford (

TRUMP – Library of Rickandria

Vaccines & Covid-19: Gene Therapy – Library of Rickandria

Vatican-Pope and The New World Order (

The Family – Library of Rickandria

Big Brother Loves You – Library of Rickandria

Germany’s ET Contacts: Its Legacy in the Twentieth Century & After – Library of Rickandria

The Watchers – Library of Rickandria

Ponerology: The Science of Evil – Library of Rickandria

Capitalism is a Collapsing System – What’s Next? – Library of Rickandria

Secret Shadow Government: Deep State – Library of Rickandria

Divine & Manipulative Extraterrestrials: Effects on Humanity’s Religions, Beliefs & Others – Library of Rickandria