3rd March at Long Can Hall
Committee Attendees: Martin Dower (MD), Scott Robert (SR), Jennie Rolls (JR), Becky Lloyd (BL), Sean Kelly (SK), Vicky Lowcock (VL)
Apologies: Jacqui George (JG), Cllr James Baker (JB)
Guest Residents: Jan Da Luzviara
Guests: Cllr Amanda Parsons-Hulse (APH), Cllr Ashley Evans (AH)
- Minutes for February approved and published at https://public.3.basecamp.com/p/W8cmRHoQfqdt4rNmpnFMuRtd
- The committee meeting was started with sufficient members to pass motions
- Warley Ward Forum was on Saturday 7th Mar so the notes from that meeting are also incorporated in this document. MD attended on behalf of the FHVRA.
- The Bake-Off Event was reviewed. Over £200 was raised for The Australian Wildfire Fund. The village raised over £100 and it is being match funded. The event was seen as a success and the plan is to hold the event next year. Huge thanks to JG, it was her first event and went off without a hitch. Thanks to Long Can Hall for hosting it and providing the prizes. Winners were announced on Facebook. Next year we plan to have more categories and open to suggestions from the village.
- Wild Animal Sign for the village (ongoing). We have had issues with deer and badger on the road into the village. A previous request had been declined but the feeling was that the lack of existing poles made them cost-prohibitive. We now have poles (the 20mph repeaters) so a request has been made to the council highways department via AE.
- Wonky fences on the cut-through behind Cask Court (ongoing). Some of the fence panels have been replaced - we think by a householder - but at least 3 of the other panel are very loose and need attention as there is a 15ft drop behind them. This will be looked during the next village walk round (due May)
- Provision of a shelter for the horses in the field opposite Long Can Hall (closed). It was felt as the horses are owned and cared for (albeit not brilliantly) and the land is also owned by a third party that this is NOT something that FHVRA should get involved in
- Update on the handover of the roads and paths to the council (ongoing). This is due at some time in the next X number of months but we don't know when, or what the timeline is. As this indirectly affects quite a few of the issues it was raised with APH/AE who took ownership and will get back to us shortly with an estimated timeline, steps etc
- Ward grants and funding (ongoing). We have won an award (see below) yet we failed on our second bid so it became clear we need a proper "bid pack" that we can use for all future funding requests. MD to meet with APH in March to discuss options and ideas. MD/VL to create a bid pack and make the necessary committee changes to give us a better chance of winning awards. We will open out the "potential ideas" list to the village via FB and email once we have more information and a plan.
- Kiddies Xmas Party (ongoing). We discussed holding one to coincide with Xmas activities. Long Can Hall volunteered to provide a room, some nibbles and squash for a nominal charge to cover costs. We will also look to provide entertainment and discussion of a Santa, clown, kiddie disco got talked about. Tasked to discuss further and establish costs and budgets.
- Gritting the bus route (ongoing). With the revised and now official new bus route agreed by Holly Lynch (our MP) we will raise the issue of how best to keep the road open at the next Ward Forum.
- Lighting in the park (ongoing). Although the nights are getting lighter it is still an issue to try and make more use of the park and reduce anti-social behaviour. VL is going to look into what's required but it is thought the costs may be prohibitive due to lack of power and lighting mounting (i.e. poles)
- Flooding outside Yew Tree Farm (closed). With the problems we saw in February, we'd like to get the issue fixed. This is for the council highways folks as it appears the issue is related to a drain becoming blocked and back-flowing onto the road. Passed over to APH who advised to take a photo and send via council website under gulleys and drains. To report a flooding use https://www.calderdale.gov.uk/siteinfo/online-services/forms/index.jsp?formid=32 and to report a blocked drain go to https://www.calderdale.gov.uk/transport/roads/request-report/report-pot-hole.html - Important note: this ONLY applies to Ovenden Wood Road, the other roads are still private and need reporting to BDWH.
- Wall collapse on Cask Court (ongoing). This fell down all by itself. Meadfleet have been informed and they are taking it up with BDWH as there may be a question of how properly the wall was built first time around. If that discussion fails, then the households will be charged an equal proportion of the reinstatement cost.
- Village Noticeboard (ongoing): Council funding has been approved and the village will have a say in where it is located.
- Pig Farm on Buckley Lane (closed): According to AE there is no specific record of an application. But if it is an existing agricultural space then no planning required.
- Crime Update: This is from our local police rep and covers the whole of the Warley Ward. For the year Mar 2019 to Feb 2020 overall crime is down 5.4%, burglary down 25%, motor vehicles up 100% (mostly are chancers trying for insecure cars, total is 14), theft from vehicles up 7% (mostly from insecure cars), assault down 20% (mostly domestic). FHV is a low-crime area, even compared to the rest of the Warley Ward. You can see all the crimes mapped at https://www.police.uk/west-yorkshire/CDT_HX/
- Police Operation Hawmill (ongoing): As part of an ongoing push against phones, speed, drugs and red-light running - unmarked car targeting. Executes in the evenings & night. Road Speed Checks are also available, do we want to request one?
- Dangerous and/or obstructive parking - including pavements (ongoing): This had been reported to both the Police and the council. A PC has checked the village and was a-ok but continued checks will be made. Nothing untoward has been noted and no drivers have been reported. They will keep an eye out. If specific instances are seen they can be reported directly by dialling 101.
- Coronavirus planning: The council will shortly be releasing a neighbour plan to help us all deal with what may become commonplace in our area. We will adapt that plan and try to provide local help and guidance if/when we start to see infections in the village. We'd also like to hear from any medical type folks who might be able to assist.
- Litter Pick on 29th of March: As part of the Great British Clean Up (https://www.keepbritaintidy.org/get-involved/support-our-campaigns/great-british-spring-clean) there is a litter pick organised for the 29th, meeting up at 10:30am in the upper park car park. APH has driven this and will be there with council-supplied tools. The waste is due to be picked up on the following Monday. The event is publicised on the FB group.
- Play Inspection Reports (Closed): We requested copies of both the monthly and bi-annual inspections that are carried out in the park. We progressed this right up the chain at MF after they initially refused to supply them. The full text of the response is below
I have taken your request to our board of directors / shareholders and it has been agreed that we do not send out H&S reports. Apologies, I understand this is not what you wish to hear.
Meadfleet take Health and Safety extremely seriously. We have an independent specialist company that completes three high level operational inspections and one annual more detailed inspection each year. Necessary remedial works are actioned accordingly. I can also assure you our Regional Manager inspects the play area once a month and the report produced is in line with that produced by the independent organisation.
If the residents have a specific reason for concern regarding the condition of any aspect of the play area in our management then please report this and we will of course look in to the matter.
Emlyn would also be more than happy to arrange to meet at a suitable time to discuss the play area on site if this is preferable."
The meeting started at 7:30pm and closed at 9:30pm. The Warley Ward meeting attended by MD was held on Saturday 7th of March, from 9:30am to 11:30am.