The REAL Devil

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A composite mask for what is ultimately the Great Archon.

All that twaddle about "Lucifer" is a gleefully perverse cover, occasionally a sincere delusion.

First, they take the Lucifer-Prometheus understood by the Gnostics, who read the Serpent in the Garden as a good guy for turning us from servile semi-animals, golem automatons, into true human beings, on the verge of divinity ourselves were we to cultivate KNOWLEDGE yet further and to eat of the Tree of Life.

And they garble him up.

They mutilate him.

They bind him up all at once in the Nicene view with:

  • Nimrod
  • Samael
  • Apollo

and create a message that amounts to,

"The sublimely beautiful is evil, goyim, and you should never ever EVER go against God!"

Then, after they've created this awful mutilation, they create a further inversion and mutilation of it.

They throw together a mystery cult, Masonry in this case, and also Illuminism.

And in it, somewhere way up the chain, there's a secret:

the Devil isn't bad, goyim!

He's the good guy!

But not the way the Gnostics understood it.

Not as a liberator from the world of the senses, the hedonic, the hylic.

No, goyim, he's here to teach you to DO WHAT THOU WILT.

All those rules from God are nonsense!

Fuck wantonly!

Consume to excess!

Look into the clairvoyant maw of the Mystery of Iniquity, it's all good!

They take the being that spat in the eye of YHWH-Yaldabaoth, that shat on his plans so utterly that they're still butthurt to this day as you can see when yids kvetch at me and tell me to get back on the reservation of conventional Christianity, and they stretch his corpse as a taut skin over their agent provocateur-angel.

They then proceed to take his anti-worldly, anti-sensory message, and turn it into one of "rebellious" sensory overload.

And then they laugh about it among themselves, the Jews, about how they buried the truth under so many layers of disinformation & demoralization that it becomes Herculean to figure out the original shape of things.

And to top it all off, the tip-top idol in Judeo-Masonry isn't even Lucifer!

Once you get to the 33rd+ degrees, you learn that ACTUALLY you're meant to worship Jahbulon:

Jah-Bul-On, YHWH-Baal-Osiris, everything, every bit of compromised, plagiarized, inversionized apocrypha & esoterica you went through, all the nasty irredeemable shit you did in the Masonic tabernacle, was all to please Satan-Samael-YHWH-Yaldabaoth.

The devil, the god of this world and the Old Testament, who loves sacrifices of burnt flesh and weeping blood, and demands all be butchered into submission before him.

Albert Pike, a name you may know- fat old Confederate Mason dirtbag, prophesied the World Wars- refused to accept what lay at the heart of Masonry.

Pike in Masonic regalia by Mathew Brady 1.88 MB View full-size Download

Albert Pike (December 29, 1809 – April 2, 1891) was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, jurist and Confederate States Army general who served as an associate justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court in exile from 1864 to 1865. He had previously served as a senior officer of the Confederate States Army, commanding the District of Indian Territory in the Trans-Mississippi Theater. A prominent member of the Freemasons, Pike served as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction from 1859 to 1891.

He couldn't bring himself to.

He'd spent so long beloving the falsified "Lucifer," that it crushed this miserable creature when he learned the truth.

That's the game.

That's the sick joke being played.

The same one as the Bolsheviks of yore and the Antifa of today (and yore, for that matter, started as a KPD militant wing and all that) are playing out:

false rebellion at the whims of a provocateur angel, a sock puppet for a malevolent god, playing into his hands through carrying out falsified half-cut ideals and producing what he loves, what he NEEDS.


Lots of it.

The REAL Devil (

The REAL Devil – Library of Rickandria