Managing Everything in Basecamp

Thomas Mak
Thomas Mak
Last updated 
version 1.0.0-alpha-1 👈🏻 I’ll update this book often until release candidate status.

Hi there, I am Thomas Mak 👨🏻‍💻. This is brief book documenting how I manage almost everything in my life in Basecamp. The web edition is free for preview until I finish it and sell it on Gumroad and Leanpub.

Table of Content

  1. What is this book for?
  2. Who am I?
  3. What is special about Basecamp? Why not other project management tool?
  4. Basecamp and Notes app (Inbox)
  5. How I manage...
    1. My own life in Basecamp
    2. My family in Basecamp
    3. My book writing in Basecamp
    4. My client project in Basecamp
  6. How I store...
    1. My diary in Basecamp
    2. My ideas in Basecamp
    3. My videos in Basecamp

Creating your Basecamp account

If you want to support me without buying my ebook, you may consider using the following referrel link. (By using the link, you’ll get $50 off on the first month, and I’ll get $50 after you’ve been using Basecamp for months)

Of course, I don’t like hidden artifical links. So you’re absolute fine to skip my referrel link and sign-up Basecamp here:


I don’t have any business relationship with the Basecamp company. I am simply using this tool and recommend it because I think they are good. The tools fit my needs, and may be they fit yours too.