Appendix B: A Symbol for the Spiritual Revolution

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The symbol that the Invisible College has chosen to represent the Spiritual Revolutionary movement is simply a five-pointed star with the symbol "<" inside it. (This is how the ancient Romans wrote the letter that appears as "C" in English).
The IC's symbol for the Spiritual Revolutionary movement combines the Masonic "Great Star" and the "G" that appears so frequently inside various other Masonic symbols.

Various occult traditions assign a number of different meanings to the "<," which can be interpreted as the Roman "C" or "G," or the Greek "Kappa" or "Gamma." (The two letters have a common origin and several intermediate forms.)

The "<" can stand for the Masonic "G for God." I've discussed how Masons in the lower Degrees have traditionally accepted a rather orthodox Judeo-Christian definition of "God," whereas those in the highest degrees have a conception of deity that approaches the breakthrough.

By putting the letter that symbolizes the Invisible College inside the star, the extraterrestrials that gave the symbol to earthly occultists are affirming that they are just as human as Earth people are.
Notice that a five-pointed star drawn with two of the points at the bottom suggests the general shape of the human body.

Other occult groups interpret the "<" as a "Gamma," standing for the "Gnosis," or "Great Secret." Another interpretation is as a "Kappa" to begin the Greek adjective "kryptos," meaning "secret."
The "<" can also be interpreted as a Roman C standing for Custodes, meaning Guardians, as in "Guardians of the Great Secret" or "Guardians of the Human Race," depending on whether it refers to people who have made the breakthrough or to the Invisible College.

The five-pointed star has been used in the West throughout the Christian era to symbolize many different forms of organized opposition to Theocratic religion. It is still in use today by Witches and Pagan groups as well by many different occult groups.

The Invisible College has subconsciously manipulated all these diverse groups into using the same symbol to make it easier for people to discover that a single "unseen spiritual conspiracy" is behind all of them.
Each group has a different surface interpretation of its meaning, but practically every group that uses the symbol opposes Theocratic religion in one way or another.

If you feel that the Spiritual Revolutionary Movement needs a symbol, the Invisible College suggests this is a good one to use. However, if you want tousle something of your own creation, or nothing at all, that's fine too. It's not crucial.
The Spiritual Revolution is not a name, a symbol, a theory, a body of information, or a group of people.
It is a state of mind: the breakthrough.

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