The Lilith myth in its birth from the Ben Sira seems mostly derived from the legends of Istahar and 'Asterah; but was mixed in with old beliefs from Sumeria concerning the Ardat Lili [1] - a class of vampiric spirits who seduced men to bear them demonic children.
Although, the Lilith's character does point to Sumerian origins – she is more likely recreated from Sumerian beliefs and another Jewish folk legend.
Some, such as Eliezer Segal, believe that the Lilith myth was created in the Alphabet of Ben Sira, which was a book to insult the Jewish people; therefore, it's questionable that Lilith should be admired or looked up to by Feminists.
However, he makes a very important point in his essay "Looking for Lilith:
I personally would not rule out the possibility that it was actually an anti-Jewish satire--though, to be sure, it did come to be accepted by the Jewish mystics of medieval Germany; and amulets to fend off the vengeful Lilith became an essential protection for newborn infants in many Jewish communities. (Looking for Lilith)
Rabbi Lipman of the Jewish Gates makes a much differing statement regarding Lilith's origins:
Some fascinating Aramaic incantation bowls, dated to the sixth century CE, include formulae to cast Lillit out.
The existence of such early anti-Lillit materials, two hundred years older than the first texts that we have about her, suggests that there was an ongoing oral tradition about Lillit long before her story was written down. Jewish Gates
I propose that Lilith is not only a part of that oral tradition, but also created as a darker half of another Jewish folk legend, one whom also used the Ineffable name ofGod to escape sexual oppression:
"Thus, when Shamhazai noticed a certain maiden whose name was Istahar, he gazed lustfully upon her and pleaded, "Do my bidding." She replied, "I will not do your bidding until you give me your wings and teach me the Explicit Name, which you go up to heaven upon uttering."
So he gave her his wings and taught her the Name, whereupon she uttered it, went up to heaven, and was spared from corruption.
The Holy One said:
Since she shunned transgression, go and set her among the seven stars yonder.
Thus, it came about that Istahar was set in the constellation of Draco." Jewish Gates
Also, another version of the story from Legends of the Jews:
When the angels came to earth and beheld the daughters of men in all their grace and beauty, they could not restrain their passion.
Shemhazai saw a maiden named Istehar, and he lost his heart to her.
She promised to surrender herself to him, if first he taught her the Ineffable Name, by means of which he raised himself to heaven.
He assented to her condition.
But once she knew it, she pronounced the Name, and herself ascended to heaven, without fulfilling her promise to the angel.
God said, "Because she kept herself aloof from sin, we will place her among the seven stars, that men may never forget her," and she was put in the constellation of the Pleiades.
"Istahar" is of course, Ishtar - Queen of Heaven, as explained here:
"Istahar's story is borrowed partly from the Greek writer Aratus (early third century B.C.).
He tells how Justice, a daughter of Dawn, ruled mankind virtuously in the Golden Age; but when the silver and bronze ages brought greed and slaughter among them, she exclaimed: "Alas, for this evil race!" and mounted into Heaven, where she became the constellation Virgo.
The rest of this story is borrowed from Apollodorus's account of Orion's attempt on the seven virgin Pleiades, daughters of Atlas and Pleione, who escaped his embraces transformed into stars.
"Istahar," however, is the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar, sometimes identified with Virgo.
Popular Egyptian belief identified Orion, the constellation which became Shemhazai, with the soul of Osiris."
(The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men, From Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis, written by Robert Graves and Raphael Patai)
About the myth of Astraea:
"For the Semites, for example, she [Virgo] was Ishtar, Queen of the Stars, a concept that migrated through Greece to become attached to the brightest of the planets known as Aphrodite to the Greeks and Venus to the Romans.
But the Greeks knew Virgo as Astraea, daughter of Zeus and Themis.
She was Goddess of Justice, living on earth with the other Gods during the Golden Age.
As time went on and men grew wicked, Astraea fled to the starry zodiac where she still resides right next to the Scales of Justice, the constellation Libra." (Astro Utah)
"Driven from the earth by the lawlessness of the Bronze Age, Zeus placed her amongst the stars as the Constellation Virgo.
She is often confused with Dike, the daughter of Zeus and Themis, who replaced her as Goddess of justice.
During the War of the Titans Astraia was an ally of Zeus.
Like Nike (Victory) she became one of his attendants – the bearer of his thunderbolts.
The reward for her loyalty may have been to retain her virginity (she is the only remaining virgin amongst the Titanides) and a place amongst the stars as the constellation Virgo (although she was born a star-Goddess she was presumably, at first, only a single star like her brothers)." (Astraia - the Starry One)
One of the interesting aspects of this folk tale's origins, is that it relates quite well with Lilith's story.
Here is a basic comparison of the legends, as demonstrated below:
Also poignant is the second name referenced in the same folk story, this time of 'Asterah - who is obviously derived from Asherah (the name of the Jewish Queen of Heaven in the Old Testament):
Immediately they descended (to earth), and the evil impulse gained control of them.
When they beheld the beauty of mortal women, they went astray after them, and were unable to suppress their lust, as Scripture attests: 'and the sons of God saw, etc.' (Gen 6:2).
Shemhazai beheld a maiden whose name was 'Asterah.
He fixed his gaze upon her (and) said to her:
'Obey me!'
She answered him:
'I will not obey you until you teach me the Inexpressible Name, the one which when you pronounce it you ascend to Heaven.'
He immediately taught her, she pronounced it, and she ascended to Heaven.
The Holy One, blessed be He, said:
'Since she has kept herself pure from sin, I will make her an example so that she might be remembered in the world.'
Immediately he fixed her (in the heavens) among the seven stars of the Pleiades.
When Shemhazai and 'Azael saw this, they arose, married women, and engendered children.
The only difference between the legends is that Lilith and Istahar/'Asterah is their different elevations into the Heavens - and their means of getting there.
Lilith, the darker aspect of the legend, uses seduction for the Ineffable name, and subsequently falls from grace for her sexual promiscuity and demonic breeding. Istahar/'Asterah, on the other hand, gets elevated for her avoidance of sin and corruption - and is subsequently rewarded by God for remaining sexually pure.
Lilith and Istahar resembles the dualism concept of Ishtar and Ereshkigal, a "Goddess of heaven" and a "Goddess of hell."
Istahar was elevated as a constellation in the heavens for her virtue, while Lilith was granted the power to drink blood, kill infants, and luring souls to Hell through sex.
Because the Lilith myth most likely derived from 'Asterah/Istahar's escape from the Nephilim, this would constitute a solid link between Lilith, Istahar, and lastly, Innana/Ishtar.
The first name - Istahar - we've already seen as linked to Ishtar. The second name - 'Asterah – obviously relates to Asherah - the Hebrew "Queen of Heaven" that was adapted by the ancient Hebrews from the Sumerian beliefs of Inanna/Ishtar.
That is evidence that old Sumerian beliefs and folk legends were eventually adapted to create Istahar/'Asterah - and subsequently, Lilith.
There are also some similarities between Lilith and the myths of Innana/Ishtar and Ereshkigal, which reinforces the current theory that Lilith was created after Inanna/Ishtar's darker side.
Compare also that Istahar is proposed to have turned into the constellation of Draco, a constellation of a dragon [20].
This coincides with Lilith's association with dragons and serpents, and Ereshkigal's association with dragons by being kidnapped by Kur. Ishtar is also said in other legends to have turned into Virgo, or the Pleiades [21] - being among the constellations the Hebrews describe the "seven stars" in various names - both Pleiades and Draco being among those names to describe the same set of stars.
If Ishtar is turned into the Pleiades or Draco, she will then be connected to Lilith and Ereshkigal's draconic paradigm [22]. However, because other resources point towards Istahar being turned into Virgo, I consider her legend to be dual in nature - both Queen of Heaven and in connection to serpentine energies.
When it comes to Lilith herself, she undoubtedly resembles Innana/Ishtar in her darker moments (demonic clinging in ascent from Underworld, blood drinking after a rape), reinforcing the theory that Lilith may have been patterned after Innana/Ishtar's dark side.
This also reinforces Lilith's role as "Queen of Hell," and Lilith does share some similarities to Ereshkigal, although, they are mostly symbolic.
Ishtar/'Asterah shares with Inanna/Ishtar the concept of a "Queen of Heaven," and admiration.
[1] Thus with R. Campbell Thompson, who in this lil-la sees Sumerian lil-la, Akkadian lilu, 'the demon equivalent to a male vampire. There are four demons of this class - the idlu lili, the ardat lili, the lilu, and the lilitu. The ardat lili is well known as the female vampire or succubae who visits men by night and bears [them] ghostly children: the idlu lili must be her male counterpart who can visit women and beget offspring by them, just as demiGods are created' (The Epic of Gilgamesh p. 9) -- Thorkild Jacobsen, "The Sumerian Kinglist
[2] Lilith, however, was far more than Adam had imagined. She went straight away to Yahweh and used her prowess of seduction upon Him. Yahweh, known for his soft heart toward women, was finally lulled into revealing His sacred Name unto her. Thereupon Lilith pronounced the Divine Name and flew away from the Garden and Adam forever. (Lilith, by Khephera )
[3] They assented and she, flying up to Heaven, took sanctuary at the Throne of God, who transformed her into the constellation Virgo - or, some say, the Pleiades. (The Sons of God )
[4] Lilith as God's Consort
[5] "Thus, when Shamhazai noticed a certain maiden, whose name was Ishtar, he gazed lustfully upon her and pleaded,
"Do my bidding."
She replied,
"I will not do your bidding until you give me your wings and teach me the Explicit Name, which you go up to heaven upon uttering."
So, he gave her his wings and taught her the Name, whereupon she uttered it, went up to heaven, and was spared from corruption.
The Holy One said:
Since she shunned transgression, go and set her among the seven stars yonder. Thus, it came about that Ishtar was set in the constellation of Draco." – from Jewish Gates
[6] Now in the depth of the great abyss there is a certain hot fiery female spirit named Lilith, who at first cohabited with man. For when man was created and his body completed, a thousand spirits from the left side assembled round that body […] (Zohar, Section 3, Page 19a)
[and also:]
"Lilith's soul was originally lodged in the depth of the Great Abyss, whence she was called forth by God and joined to Adam. When Adam was created and his body completed, a thousand souls from the Left (i.e. Evil) side tried to attach themselves to him. But God let out a shout and thus drove them off. All this while Adam lay there, a body without a soul, greenish in color. Then a cloud descended, and God commanded the earth to produce a living soul. This God breathed into Adam, who now was able to stand up, and, behold, his female was attached to his side. But God sawed his creature in two, whereupon Lilith flew off to the Cities of the Sea, where she still lurks ready to harm mankind." - The HebrewGoddess, written by Robert Graves and Raphael Patai
[7] Innana's Epic Descent into the Underworld as Inanna ascended from the underworld, The galla, the demons of the underworld, clung to her side.
[8] 7. The Lamiae, who seduced sleeping men, sucked their blood and ate their flesh, as Lilith and her fellow-demonesses did, were also known as Empusae, 'forcers-in'; or Mormolyceia, 'frightening wolves'; and described as 'Children of Hecate'. (The Lilith Myth)
[9] "Then the woman was considering what should be destroyed because of her genitals; Inana was considering what should be done because of her genitals. She filled the wells of the Land with blood, so it was blood that the irrigated orchards of the Land yielded, it was blood that the slave who went to collect firewood drank, it was blood that the slavegirl who went out to draw water drew, and it was blood that the black-headed people drank. No one knew when this would end. She said: "I will search everywhere for the man who had intercourse with me". But nowhere in all the lands could she find the man who had had intercourse with her." (Inana and Shu-Kale-Tuda: Translation)
[10] Lilith is a demoness with a human appearance except that she has wings. -- b. Nidda 24b (Direct Talmudic References of Lilith)
[11] Where they are clothed like birds, with wings for garments (The Descent of Ishtar)
[12] "In that day the Lord will punish with His great, cruel, mighty sword Leviathan the twisted serpent and Leviathan the tortuous serpent"--this is Lilith--"and He will slay the dragon of the sea" (Isaiah 27:1). (Treatise on the Left Emanation)
[13] Ereshkigal was originally a sky Goddess who was kidnapped by the dragon, Kur, and taken to the underworld, where she was enthroned as Queen. (A Gallery of Demons)
[14] Therefore it is doubled: the Slant Serpent corresponding to Samael, and the Tortuous Serpent corresponding to Lilith.... (Pardes Rimmonim)
[15] Innana's Epic Descent into the Underworld
They entered the throne room of the Queen of the Underworld. No linen was spread over her body. Her breasts were uncovered. Her hair swirled around her head like leeks.
Ereshkigal was moaning: "Oh! Oh! My inside!" and they moaned: "Oh! Oh! Your inside!" She groaned: "Ohhhh! Oh! my Outside!" and they groaned: "Ohhhh! Oh! your Outside!" She groaned: "Oh! Oh! My belly!" and they groaned: "Oh! Oh! Your belly!" She groaned: "Oh! Ohhhh! My back!" and they groaned: "Oh! Ohhhh! Your back!" She sighed: "Ah! Ah! My heart!" and they sighed: "Ah! Ah! Your heart!" She sighed: "Ah! Ahhhh! My liver!" and they sighed: "Ah! Ahhhh! Your liver!"
[16] Know that there are seventy heavenly patrons, one appointed over each nation, and they all are under the rule of Samael and Rahab. (Tuv hAretz)
[17] Throne-bearers of Ereshkigal. (The Seven Evil Spirits)
[18] 3.3 Ereshkigal's Response
[19] They found her beside the Red Sea, a region abounding in lascivious demons, to whom she bore lilim at the rate of more than one hundred a day. (Hebrew Myths)
[20] THE constellation Draco, the Great Serpent, was at one time ruler of the night, being formerly at the very center of the heavens and so large that it was called the Great Dragon. Its body spread over seven signs of the Zodiac, which were called its seven heads. So great a space did it occupy, that, in mystic language, it "drew a third part of the stars from heaven and cast them to the earth." Thuban, in its tail, was formerly the pole-star, or "judge of the earth!' It approached much nearer the true pole than Cynosura, the present polestar, which is one and a half degrees distant and will never approach nearer than twelve minutes, while Thuban was only ten minutes distant. (The Woman's Bible)
[21] (k) In those days only one virgin, Ishtar by name, remained chaste. When the sons of God made lecherous demands upon her, she cried:
"First lend me your wings!"
They assented and she, flying up to Heaven, took sanctuary at the Throne of God, who transformed her into the constellation Virgo - or, some say, the Pleiades. The fallen angels having lost their wings, were stranded on earth until, many generations later, they mounted Jacob's ladder and thus went home again. (The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men)
[22] Mention is made of the "morning star" (Rev. 2:28; comp. Isa. 14:12), the "seven stars" and "Pleiades," "Orion," "Arcturus," the "Great Bear" (Amos 5:8; Job 9:9; 38:31), "the crooked serpent," Draco (Job 26:13), the Dioscuri, or Gemini, "Castor and Pollux" (Acts 28:11). The stars were called "the host of heaven" (Isa. 40:26; Jer. 33:22). (The Illustrated Bible Dictionary)