Unbeknownst to the vast majority of Gentiles, the true purpose of the so-called "Holy Bible" is for the Jews to use the numbered verses [In Hebrew] to curse Gentiles [and even other Jews] and to control world events.
Netanyahu recently is passing a law in Israel where the ultra-orthodox Jews are now required to serve in the Israeli army.
They'd rather:
"Study Torah all day."
So, just what do you think that all implies?
What do you think they do with all that time?
It's pretty obvious.
They've been cursing us Gentiles and promoting their agenda for centuries.
As for Netanyahu, the late Ben Gurion and other more secular or even atheistic Jews, they don't take the ultra-orthodox Jews very seriously.
The Hasidim are actually an embarrassment to many secular and atheistic Jews.
Well, just watch the news and Netanyahu.
The ultra-orthodox rabbis curse whoever goes against them, especially other Jews.
This is no different from communism, where again, Jews persecuting Jews.
As for skeptics, atheists and others who doubt the powers of the mind and soul, look around you.
your PC
your bed
your furniture
place of living
and so forth was once someone's idea before it manifested into physical form.
Those who know how to manipulate the creative imagination and who have trained their minds and souls can do much more, even kill with their curses and combined efforts of groups, such as Hasidim [Jewish orthodox], especially rabbis who have the knowledge and have trained using Kabalistic [the Jewish Kabbalah is comprised of stolen spiritual knowledge, written in codes and such and also orally communicated with the utmost secrecy] techniques on how to channel energy.
Some glaring examples are the Cursing of Ariel Sharon:
The following article was researched and written by Edward Tgao [Russian] and is PROOF how the Jews use the Bible [which is its true purpose] to curse Gentiles.
There are many more than the list included below.
The Jewish holiday of Purim has its origins in the biblical book of Esther.
This holiday which occurs every year is when Jews curse Hamen, held in spring (on the 14th or 15th day of Adar) to commemorate the defeat of Haman's plot to massacre the Jews as recorded in the book of Esther.
"Pesach/Pesah" is Hebrew for "Passover," another important Jewish holiday notorious for Jewish ritual murder.
Doors were proved to be closed from the outside deliberately when fire went up.
People were trapped in the flaming center with one single door open and very few windows.
Those who managed to run were mostly teens and adults, those who were trapped and burned were mostly little children. From some window, a child managed to escape.
He was one of very few who remained alive.
His mother, little sister and all his family except grandmother, died.
On 31 March [2018], at sunset, the Jewish holiday of Passover begins.
Before that, Jews need to sacrifice non-Jewish children, to channel the energies of mortal torment and the bottomless grief of parents and loved ones to their goals.
And "their goals" are:
power over Gentiles
the thriving and advancement of their programs of Christianity, Islam, Judaism itself and other forms of Abrahamism into our societies
attacking our Original Pagan Gods
separating us from them
frightening us off of them
and so on.
And first and foremost: their own impunity, forgiveness of their "sins," easy violation of any promises, quiet violation of vows, the abolition of any obligations and the removal of any responsibility from the Jews (Kol Nidrei).
All this they think is worth of the most painful of the possible deaths of innocent children, and this is nothing new with them.
--They burned thousands of innocent children in Dresden during the bombing of the "Ash Wednesday" on the Christian holiday. [Reducing Dresen to ashes with fire bombings].
--They burned thousands of innocent civilians in Hiroshima after the war had already been won
--They burned millions of innocent women and men, children and old people on bonfires, starting from two years of age "for witchcraft" and recorded a case when a pregnant woman gave birth directly into the fire at the stake of the Inquisition.
And thou shalt burn the whole ram upon the altar: it is a burnt offering unto the LORD: it is a sweet savour, an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
Word "holocaust" is a Jewish word meaning "burning" which is constantly used in bible and means sacrifice to the Jewish god.
Leviticus 1:9
But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water: and the priest shall burn all on the altar, to be a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of "a sweet savour unto the LORD".
And he shall cleave it with the wings thereof, but shall not divide it asunder: and the priest shall burn it upon the altar, upon the wood that is upon the fire: it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.
But their god requires a constant human:
"And you shall offer your burnt-offerings, flesh and blood, on the altar of the LORD your God; But the blood of your other victims must be shed at the altar of the Lord your God, and eat the meat ... " - Deuteronomy 12:27
The most infamous for his atrocities, the inquisitor, Tomás de Torquemada, was a Jew.
And the Inquisition itself, in addition to the racial and genetic genocide of mainly European White Gentiles, had a goal of mass human sacrifices to feed and increase the power of Christianity.
The Jewish god literally fed off of burning human flesh.
When they implanted Christianity in Russia (implanted like a chip), they burned "prophetic wives,""wise men," and any Gentiles they even suspected of having any spiritual abilities and/or knowledge.
Entire villages, whose energy they needed to give to the new religion, the power was used to influence the minds of people so that they easier accepted slavery under the Jewish god.
Just think... for that now we Russians so easily tolerate and even profess the religion of slaves, millions of our ancestors across Europe and Russia perished in flames.
As well as our children now perished in flames of Kemerovo.
They became the free "food" for the Jewish god.
Their suffering, like the suffering of children around the world, was "not in vain."
They benefited Jewish society.
After such "holidays" people with a greater desire go to church, mosque, etc., and bring their money into such institutions.
Jews are INTERESTED in such incidents as Kemerovo.
And here is the proof:
--The plane crash in Sochi, Russia, was on the Jewish "holiday of light" of Hanukkah.
Jewish singer Joseph Kobzon refused to fly this flight.
He was warned.
--The crash of the Polish plane near Smolensk, Russia, was on the Jewish holiday of Yom HaShoa, a "holiday of catastrophe," or the celebration of a Jewish holyhoax.
For proof the holocaust is another lie [who controls Hollywood and is expert with making fantasy appear to be real]
Ancient sacrifices:
--Gaius Julius Caesar was killed on March 15, 44 BCE (exactly on the day of PURIM)
--The murder of Emperor Paul I March 24, 1801 (2 days before PESAH).
The day after the death of Paul I, the founder of the Hasidic movement Chabad-Rabi Shneur-Zalman Bar-Baruch (Alter Rebbe) was released from prison in St. Petersburg
--Murder of Harrison William Henry President of the USA April 4, 1841 (one day before PESAH)
--The revolution in Hungary on March 15, 1848 (3 days before Purim)
--Death from the "flu" of the Emperor Nicholas I March 2, 1855 (2 days before Purim)
--The assassination of Abraham Lincoln the US President April 14, 1865 (on the day of PESAH)
--The first attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II on April 4, 1866 (on the day of PESAH)
--Revolution in France March 18, 1871. (5 days before Purim).
--The second attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II on April 2, 1879 (a week before PESAH)
--The murder of Emperor Alexander II on March 14, 1881 (one day before the PURIM)
--Attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander III on March 1, 1887 (A week before the Purim) In the attempt, A. Ulyanov was involved, the brother of V. Ulyanov (Lenin, Blank was a surname of his Jewish mother)
--In 1894, Alexander III was poisoned by doctors: Zakharin (Jew), Leiden (Jew), Hirsch (Jew).
--The first congress of the RSDLP on March 1, 1898 (PURIM in 1898 was March 8 (new), ie February 23, according to the old style) The preparation of the Revolution in Russia began.
--Murder of the family of Emperor Romanov in Yekaterinburg July 18, 1918 (bloody victim exactly on the day of "Ninth ABA" - the national day of mourning for Jews - the day when the First and Second Jerusalem temples were destroyed).
--The murder of Henry Ford is an American industrialist, millionaire, author of the exposure book "International Jewry" on April 7, 1947 (exactly on the day of PESAH)
--Accident at Chernobyl NPP on April 26, 1986, (exactly on the day of PESAH).
--Accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, Japan March 11, 2011 (one week before the PURIM)
--Operation Desert Storm. The defeat of Iraq on February 28, 1991 (exactly on the day of PURIM)
--The ultimatum and the beginning of the war against Iraq on March 18, 2003 (exactly on the day of PURIM)
--Killed S. Milosevic, President of Yugoslavia 11 March 2006, The Hague (3 days before the PURIM)
--Two explosions in the Moscow subway on March 30, 2010. (The day before PESAH).
--The war against Libya on March 19, 2011 (exactly on the day of PURIM)
--2011, 07.23. Shooting in Oslo, Breivik, 77 people. more than 100 were wounded. Feast of Matot
-- 04.11.2011 explosion in the Minsk subway, up to 4 days before Pesach: 15.04.2011.
--2013 year 04.24. Explosions at the Boston Marathon. Pesach, 15.04.
Presidents who fought against the creation of the Federal Reserve:
--Millard Fillmore. President of the U.S.A. March 8, 1874 died of a stroke 3 days after the PURIM
--Arthur Chester Alan. President of the U.S.A. March 4, 1885, died of a stroke 2 days after PURIM.
--Benjamin Harrison. President of the U..S.A. March 13, 1901, died of influenza 7 days after PURIM.
--William Howard Taft. President of the U.S.A. March 8, 1930, died of a sore throat 6 days before the PURIM.
--Franklin Delano Roosevelt. President of the U.S.A. April 12, 1945, died of a stroke 6 days after PESAH.
The bible is in nearly every home around the world, and in non-Christian countries, its twin, the Koran is the same.
This is no different from the $20.00 bill and the 911 incident, as the $20.00 bill is the most common currency handled in the USA.
The bible is pushed, it is in:
nursing homes
and is nearly found everywhere.
It creates a powerful subliminal tie into the workings of Jewish witchcraft.
Many believers have never read the bible but rely on the interpretations of their corrupted preachers and the ramblings of double-digit IQ idiots, who claim this is the "good book" and believe Christianity to be a help to the poor and the needy and nothing more than a charitable, peace and love promoting movement.
As with Jewish communism, intelligence and independent thinking is highly discouraged.
The mentally retarded are sacred and revered in Christianity, and with communism, the Christianity program [Jewish communism is the higher level of Christianity] goes a step further and mass-murders intellectuals, in what are known as "purges."
The "intelligentsia" are one of the first groups of people to be destroyed whenever Jewish communism forcibly takes over a country or area.
The success of these Jewish programs has been dependent upon the destruction and removal of spiritual knowledge from the Gentile populace.
Jewish communism of course takes everything a step further, as most knowledge is systematically removed, not just any spiritual knowledge, but knowledge in general, and is replaced with Jewish communist propaganda.
Where Christianity left off, communism take up.
Like the Christian mass/service, where the congregation is forcibly brainwashed [people are bored, and their minds are open to suggestion or are nodding off and very receptive to suggestion and indoctrination].
The tactics are the same with Jewish communism and any fool who believes communism to be liberal needs a serious reality check.
Jewish communism is in reality, living according to Old Testament laws and so-called "morals" in the strictest sense.
Christianity like its Jewish root creates the problem and then has its own solution.
People are indoctrinated that poverty is a virtue, and the ownership of material things is discouraged.
This in turn creates poverty on a subconscious level that manifests in reality.
The mind and soul are programmed into poverty.
Then...here comes Christianity to the rescue, appearing to those with lesser intelligence to be a hero and savior of humanity.
In addition, the bible is chock full of destructive suicidal teachings and advice for living.
Christianity creates the problem and then brings the solution that damns us all in the end.
They work this from every angle and those who are strong believers, tie into this energy and perpetuate this nefarious program in numerous ways.
Birth control and related, especially where they are needed, such as in Third World countries, are highly discouraged.
This keeps the poverty running rampant, with Christian missionaries and related spiritual criminals to the rescue.
This sort of thing fools the populace every time.
Most, being too lazy to read the bible, or do any necessary research believe what they are told, that the bible is the "book of God" and that Christianity is a peace promoting, charitable, institution.
Few are also aware of the fact that nearly every war was either directly or indirectly instigated by Christianity, nor are they aware of the fact that Christianity, with its twin of Islam has a foundation of the most heinous mass-murder and torture ever known to humanity.
The inquisition finds itself in full power with the stepping off point of Jewish communism.
Getting back to the witchcraft aspect.
In order to expose the bible for what it is, one must venture ahead into the unknown regarding the "occult," of which there are numerous threats and warnings against in the bible.
There are also curses in place regarding this.
Going in, those with lesser courage frighten easily and back out.
Those of us who have gone in very deep regarding the occult, spirituality and the powers of the mind and soul...the numbers, the planets and such, have enough knowledge to see the bible for what it really is.
You have to have the experience and the knowledge.
All of those bible "prophesies" are also man-made.
Yes, this is true.
Again, those with lesser intelligence, such as Christian believers and their preachers are deceived into believing these are acts of "God."
Well, truth be known, these sorts of things can be accomplished by knowledgeable human beings as well; people who are well versed in knowing how to use occult power.
The bible is no "book of God."
The fact that is full of numbers should sound an alarm for many, but the sad truth is most are oblivious to this.
Witchcraft uses numbers.
I found a book in a second-hand store:
Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel by William R. Koenig.
The idiot author who is a US senator lacks the intelligence to see through his own writings in the book.
Phrases like "because the bible says so" and such reveal the gross stupidity of this deceived believer.
It is obvious he cannot think for himself, BUT his research is excellent in providing a summary of events that correlate with the verses in the bible.
Now, every time there are issues involving Israel and before the manifestation of the bandit criminal state; any issues involving the Jews, disasters would soon follow.
This is no "act of God."
These are curses that were established over the centuries by the Jews, through Jewish ritual murder and related.
The energies of believers and the fact that the bible is as ubiquitous as currency bolster these curses and provide a powerful energy host.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the King Tutankhamen excavation, please take some time and learn about this.
The opening of the tomb in Egypt in 1922 unleashed some powerful curses.
These curses were also man-made.
Ancient Egypt was highly spiritual.
These curses were set into motion by gentiles, but the same principles apply...the use of witchcraft.
If spiritual knowledge is removed from the populace and in return the populace is force-fed with lies, those who HAVE this knowledge and power become Gods.
Every time there are issues with Israel, the USA or any other country involved pays the price with natural and other disasters, loss of life and destruction, totaling losses in the billions.
This is no "act of God" it is the result of centuries old man-made curses put into action by top Jews via Jewish ritual murder and its subliminal support of the Christian mass which focuses on the Jews with the theme of the sacrificed Nazarene, which is a child sacrifice, being this is the assumed "Son of God."
As with any curse, all of these can be turned right back onto the senders.
In the hands of powerful Satanic mages under the direction of Satan, we can defeat all of this.
If this is not done, the future is doomed.
Knowledge is also a very important key, as the more people who wake up to the truth of the Christian and Muslim programs; this will act in breaking the spell.
These programs are nothing more than powerful spells that masquerade as being the "word of God" and keep humanity in chains.
The slavish worship lavished upon Jehovah and that Nazarene are then transferred to the absolute worst of criminals, such as:
Josef Stalin
Kim Il Sung
Mao Tse-Tunga
and other related communist filth that have mass-murdered and tortured innocents by the tens of millions.
This is why Satan warns us in the Al-Jilwah against worshipping:
"No god has a right to interfere in my affairs, and I have made it an imperative rule that everyone shall refrain from worshipping all gods."
Satan does not demand slavish worship and warns against this sort of thing as this sets up the populace to be enslaved and destroyed.
Satan stands for rebellion, individuality, and freedom and above all, for the advancement of humanity.
The USA has been targeted for communism.
Deluded Christians and Muslims blame everything on Satan.
They do not have enough intelligence or knowledge to see everything is of their own so-called "God," who was a murderer and a liar from the beginning, and who depends upon human sacrifices.
Again, as I have stated many times before, there is nothing spiritual about the bible, nor is there anything therein to advance humanity in any way; only to keep everyone enslaved and damned.
This is used by Jew communism whenever it takes hold of a nation or area.
Before actual communism, the Catholic Church and its inquisition acted by the exact same methods.
Under this murderous institution, same as with Jew communism, all knowledge was removed from the populace, hence the tern the "Dark Ages" and replaced with compulsory church propaganda, same as with communism brainwashing.
The New Testament with the communist teachings of the Nazarene is chock full of suicidal advice such as cut off thine hand, pluck out thine eye, turn the other cheek, walk the extra mile, bless those who curse you, having blind faith, and other nefarious teachings to destroy humanity; preparing the unknowing populace to readily accept communism.
And, as for "blessing those who curse you" the bible is very direct regarding blessing the Jews and Israel.
Some idiot preacher made a YouTube video regarding the new $100.00 bill and how this time it is much worse than the $20.00 bill in the way of enacting disaster.
Of course, the buzzard brained idiot blames this on Satan out of extreme stupidity.
The level of stupidity and idiocy within Christianity is staggering to say the least.
Satan has been trying to get through to those with enough sense to see through all of this.
Satan is the liberator of humanity.
Satan stands for rebellion.
Unless Christianity and its twins of communism and Islam are completely destroyed, there will be no future for any of us.