I’ve witnessed this new idea spreading and growing in the past two years or so.
There are religious people who strongly believe that aliens are demons — and they are correct.
Some aliens are indeed demons, but not in the religious sense.
Allow me to explain.
Mankind’s story actually begins back when we existed in non-physical form, on a non-physical planet, but I think it’s going to be easier to understand if I begin the narration in the Sumerian times.
The Hidden History of Our Species
The following historical accounts were passed down to us in the form of clay tablets, from the Sumerian civilization, which sprouted some 6,000 years ago, in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia, in today’s Iraq.
The Sumerians describe in great detail how a species of Tall White“gods” came to Earth from another planet, in search of gold, a metal that they could spray as a fine dust (nanoparticles) into their atmosphere in order to repair it.
They called these “gods”the Anunnaki, which literally translated as,
“Those who from the heavens to Earth came”.
At first, the Anunnaki brought with them their own slaves to mine the gold, but because the work was hard and seemingly endless, the slaves took arms against their rulers.
Unfortunately for everyone, most of the slaves were killed in the revolt.
The Anunnaki rulers had to come up with a solution, and decided to genetically engineer a species of slaves, by combining their DNA with that of a native primate.
The new species had to be intelligent enough to operate the machines, but also stupid enough to accept the heavy-duty work without revolting.
What followed was a laborious process of trial and error and it lasted for a very long period of time.
During this time, numerous versions of humans have been brought into existence, and we are only the final version of those previous prototypes, the Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
It’s worth noting that we are not necessarily better than the previous versions, but we are overall better suited to serve our makers — because that is why they went through the trouble of genetically engineering us, in the first place:
For example, Homo erectus, which had more primate genes than Anunnaki genes, was better suited as a species to survive the crude conditions of our planet.
They could navigate harsh landscapes without needing to cover their soles and palms for protection, climb trees and forage for food with ease, and their fur offered them protection from both the sun and the cold.
But they were not intelligent enough to operate advanced machinery, nor where they strong enough for heavy duty labor.
Probably the best overall human slave species ever created by the Anunnaki were the Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis (the Neanderthals) and the Homo Sapiens Denisova (the Denisovans). Both species had bigger skulls and larger brains than us, which made them more intelligent.
They were basically stronger and more intelligent than Homo Sapiens.
Of course, modern science can never accept this statement as true.
According to Darwin‘s“survival of the fittest”, the fact that we are here, and the above two species are extinct can only be the result of our superiority — which was not the case.
In fact, the Neanderthals and Denisovans were most probably wiped out by their makers because they were too intelligent and too strong for their purpose as obedient slaves.
So, up until the Neanderthals and the Denisovans we can observe a continuous effort from the Anunnaki to improve their creation, and then a sudden downgrade to us, the Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
The Anunnaki Creation Story: The Biggest Secret in Human History (Documentary)
As I’ve stated in the beginning of this article, mankind’s story actually begins back when we existed in non-physical form, on a non-physical planet.
1. The first accounts on the origins of mankind come from the WingMakers, which presented themselves as a future aspect of the human species.
Basically us, from the future.
According to them, the group of aliens that was later identified as the Anunnaki had indeed come to Earth in search for gold, but they first came here much-much longer than it is stated in the Sumerian tablets.
Back then, the Earth was in the process of becoming solid and it was inhabited by us, as non-physical beings.
Those were the original Atlantean times, and first Atlanteans were non-physical beings.
The original Anunnaki were also non-physical, and they needed gold because it modulated the frequency of their body, so it was an essence to their species.
It held a property that was vital to their survival, similarly to how food is to us now.
After negotiating an agreement with the Atlanteans, they’ve started taking gold away from our planet.
In time, the Earth began to materialize more and more, basically solidifying.
And the gold with it.
The mining of the gold would soon become impossible for the Anunnaki, since their bodies, just like ours, were etheric, whilst the gold was turning into a dense, physical, state.
So that’s when the Anunnaki asked for help from the Atlanteans, as well as other alien species to create a physical vehicle that could be used to mine for gold.
The Anunnaki had some kind of a falling out with the Atlanteans, or maybe they never really cared for them in the first place and began to conspire with the other alien species against them.
The Anunnaki already had a human body and only needed to power it with a life source or a soul.
Since the Atlanteans were intimately involved in the creation of this planet from the very beginning, they were naturally interested to experience life on it as solid beings.
So, they agreed to try on the human vehicles/ suits/ bodies.
The bodies were outstanding and performed really well, so, at first, they really enjoyed the experiment of living on Earth as physical beings, but with each new incarnation, the Anunnaki were secretly downgrading the human bodies.
At the same time, with the help of the other alien species, they’ve started designing a prison for the non-physical Atlanteans.
By the time that the final version of the prison was completed, the human vehicles provided to them were only a fraction of what they’ve used to be.
These bodies were smaller, weaker, and almost entirely disconnected from the Source, which meant that they were now depended on physical food for survival.
And with no knowledge of who they once were, the Atlanteans became hopelessly enslaved, both in physical and non-physical forms.
It was then decided that some of the Anunnaki should also incarnate on Earth, in order to rule over the Atlanteans, but they would use the original human bodies.
These Anunnaki presented themselves as mankind’s creators, using a made-up story — the one that I have presented in the previous chapter — and started using us for slave labor, whilst continuously adjusting our bodies in accordance with their needs.
Exposing the Alien Enslavers
The most visible aliens involved in our enslavement are the Anunnaki but, as I’ve already mentioned, there were other alien species that worked in close collaboration with the Anunnaki, such as the Short Greys, the Reptilians and a non-physical species that our ancestors called the Archons.
The Reptilians have originated in another universe that has achieved completion.
Which means that an entire Universe has mastered all lessons and challenges, and evolved beyond:
and many other concepts that we cannot even imagine, let alone understand.
The Reptilians had evolved into the ultimate warrior species.
Standing at 11-13 feet tall and having a natural armor of scales, as well as strong muscles, strong jaws with sharp teeth, and claws on their feet and hands, these predator carnivores are the ultimate killing machines.
Couple their physical strength with a large brain, as well as opposing thumbs, and you will understand why they became virtually unstoppable.
But because of the path of extreme violence that they chose to follow, a decision was made that they would never become hosts for souls.
There were simply no lessons to be learned by a consciousness accommodating their bodies, and no prospect whatsoever of spiritual evolution.
Entire planets and their native species have been completely wiped out by the Reptilians, until — and I don’t have detailed information on this chapter — they’ve somehow made a pact with the aforementioned Archons.
The Archons are non-physical beings believed to reside in the lower fourth dimension.
They are parasitical in nature and feed off of negative energy generated by their hosts.
Reptilians could never be hosts for souls, but they could be hosts, in a sense, for something much darker:
Because the Reptilians don’t have souls, they are basically disconnected from the Source energy, so the Archons could not feed off of them directly, but they could feed off the negative energy generated by the species’ tormented by the Reptilians.
For this to make sense, you have to understand that all beings that have souls attached to their bodies (including human beings) are connected to the Source, from where they get un-polarized energy.
It is up to the beings to polarize the energy and use it to their needs.
The Archons not only use this negatively polarized energy as fuel, but they also get high on it.
And, in return for the services provided by the Reptilians, the Archons share some of the thrill with them.
Their strategy was to basically hook the Reptilians on the “drug”, and the two species became inseparable allies.
That’s when the Reptilians’ way of conduction war shifted from total annihilation to enslavement and brutal torturing of prisoners.
(When beings with souls are tortured, they involuntarily give a negative polarity to the energy that they receive from the Source.
That’s why, for example, serial killers receive so much pleasure from abusing and torturing their victims.
Their non-physical, parasitical, attachments feed off of that energy and share a portion of the thrill with them.)
When their universe achieved completion, this cold blooded — both literally and metaphorically — species of ultimate warriors has been sent to our newly-birthed universe.
Immediately, they’ve crowned themselves as supreme rulers of this universe — owners, if you will.
Ever since, many species in our universe have been enslaved by the Reptilian/Archonic alliance, including our species.
In time, some of the species have decided to fight back, and that is most probably how the Galactic Federation came to be.
Reptilian aliens onboard space craft, waging war in space — art by Deimos-Remus
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The negative energy that we generate daily as a result of:
death from conflicts
etc., is being used to both power the Matrix prison, as well as to feed our prison guards.
You should also know — and I wasn’t sure if I should mention this at all, — that there are endless human farms (very similar to our animal farms) in the underground bases where these Reptilians live.
And since you’ve come this far, I encourage you to press play and listen to what these whistleblowers have to say about how we are being used as food for these aliens, and how they use the secretion of our adrenal glands to basically get high.
And since some of our world leaders are intimately involved with the alien agenda, they are also hooked on this traceless drug, called adrenochrome.
Maybe worse than all, this drug is harvested from children that are being systematically tortured:
According to sources in the enlightened community, the only way to escape from the grip of the Archons, is collective spiritual evolution.
If we evolve spiritually and raise our vibration beyond their frequency of control, then we will stop generating negative energy and the Archons will be depraved of their food source.
But we should be aware that this also means that we will deprave the Reptilians of their powerful drug, which means that both species will fight with everything that they’ve got to prevent this from happening.
Earth is one of the last planets in our universe that they still control, since most others have already evolved beyond their frequency of control, and this is where they’ll make their last stand.
According to Alex Collier, they are aware of this and have prepared accordingly.
Luckily, the Galactic Federation is here, and it’s ready to step and help us when the time comes.
They are already heavily involved in our awakening, and they are focused on helping us to achieve enlightenment.
It’s also important to know that only about half of the humans alive today have souls attached to their bodies.
Since the Anunnaki decided to retreat into the shadows and let their minions rule over us (a.k.a. the “royals”), it has always been like that.
The other half are human bodies, not human beings, and their purpose is to maintain the status quo — keep things as their masters want.
So, even though they look just like us on the outside, they are nothing like us on the inside.
They have no consciousness and no prospect of spiritual evolution.
They are empty vessels, remotely controlled by the Anunnaki in accordance with their needs.
The Short Greys are some of the most underestimated aliens by the awakened community. Because they don’t have an imposing stature or a fierce appearance, we are very dismissive of them, which is a grave mistake, since they are just as dangerous as any of the above species.
Its body is covered in an antiseptic solution and the eyes are covered by thin black lenses.
You can watch this video for the full story behind this picture.
The Short Greys are master geneticists and master mind controllers.
They are extremely intelligent (beyond anything we can imagine), telepathic, they can manipulate matter, the space-time fabric, and they can even access multiple dimensions.
In fact, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that they are the masterminds behind the Matrix prison dimension and the whole reincarnation trap.
Are Aliens Demons?
Mankind’s first religions have started as dark cults of worship and ritual sacrifice, dedicated to our enslavers, who were worshiped as “gods”.
Some of them, such as the physical Anunnaki, where worshiped as living gods, and all had temples dedicated to them.
Others, such as the Reptilians and the Greys, were worshiped as “gods of the underworld”.
They were the ones who demanded the constant human sacrifices (especially children).
The main role of the first priests, which was to conduct these human sacrifice ceremonies and bring the fresh blood (filled with the secretion of the adrenal glands) and the still beating hearts of the victims, to their Reptilian “gods”, which would pick up these offerings from specially designed chambers that connected their world to the outside world.
Often, the Reptilians would require live babies to be brought to them as well.
You have to understand that Reptilians and humans are not compatible at all, since we cannot stand the way, they look or smell, and because they are cold blooded creatures, they require large amounts of external heat, which we would not be able to tolerate either.
According to alien contactees, such as Alex Collier, as well as numerous people that had Close Encounters of the Third and Fourth Kinds, the Reptilians give off a really bad body odor, which can be compared to rotten eggs or sulfur.
While delivering the live babies or the blood and organs of the victims, many of the priests caught glimpses of these “gods of the underworld”.
Just imagine yourself being in a dark room with these massive predators, which smelled of rotten eggs.
Imagine catching a glimpse of them devouring a human baby, or listening to their screams as they fought over the fresh blood and the organs of the victims.
That’s precisely how the darkest stories of the underworld started, and why priests were the ones propagating them.
legends of reptilian demons (including the legend of Saint George and the Dragon), as well as paintings of devils/demons that are depicted as reptilian in appearance.
It’s also important to know that, at least in some languages, devil and dragon were synonymous.
So, yes, the Reptilian aliens are the ancient “demons”, “devils” and the “gods of the underground”.
Also, referring to other malevolent aliens as “demons” can be accepted, since they are also intimately involved in the enslavement of our species from the very beginning.
There are multiple benevolent species of extraterrestrials who suffered a similar fate as ours at the hands of the Reptilians and their allies, and they can truly be regarded as our Universal Family.