First published September 14, 2024, by Miles Mathis
The big fake-news Men-are-Pigs story this week is the guy in Lincoln Nebraska who allegedly re enrolled in his old high school at age 26 to meet girls.
Mental Health & the Men are Pigs Project – Library of Rickandria
Isn't that from an old Hollywood movie?
How did I know it was fake on a first reading?
Zach Scheich - Search (
Well, his sentence is ridiculously long.
They sentenced him to 85-120 years for,
“Requesting nude photos and sex”
That's a life sentence, so he might as well have:
- raped
- killed
- eaten
the entire high school, including all the teacher's male and female and the team mascot:
the sentence would have been the same.
Plus, in most of these reports they lie and say he “requested porn” from one of these girls.
Why would you request porn from a girl of any age?
The internet is already full of free porn.
But in other places they admit he just asked for nude photos.
Nude photos are not porn.
The girl would have to be in some sort of sexual act for them to be categorized as porn.
Otherwise, a mother snapping a pic of her baby in the bath could be accused of making porn.
A nude photo, even of a teen, is not cause for a life sentence.
He wasn't even charged with statutory rape, so there is no indication from the reports that he actually had sex with anyone, with or without consent.
But even if he had fooled one of these girls into having sex, the sentence is way, way, way too harsh.
In most of Europe that isn't even against the law as long as she consented and was past puberty, so he would have been in more trouble for the false enrollment than for the sex.
But even here, statutory rape has never been seen on a par with:
- murder
- violent rape
- treason
A few decades ago, this guy would have gotten a slap on the wrist or a couple of years in jail.
In the 1950s, when the US was allegedly at maximum sexual repression, they would never have sentenced a guy in his 20s to life for statutory rape.
A few years, tops.
It is obviously cruel and unusual punishment.
cruel and unusual punishment | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (
So, what is going on here?
Well, we can tell from the form of the story.
This is the judge speaking to him during sentencing:
"They knew not to speak with an adult male on social media.
They knew not to meet an adult male by themselves, they knew how to defend themselves against that kind of danger,"
Judge Darla Ideus told Scheich during his sentencing Wednesday.
"They did not know how to protect themselves against you.
Because again, they thought you were their peer.
Their friend.
And because you gained their trust."
You see what they are up to?
They want girls to be afraid of everyone, not just guys that are obviously adults.
They need these high school girls to be afraid of their classmates as well, so they have planted this story to make the girls think that the boy sitting next to them in class may actually be in his 20s, there to prey on them sexually.
You can't trust anyone, you know.
Your boyfriend may have:
- a fake ID
- a fake last name
- a fake identity
His mother that you met may be some lady he hired from the yellow pages.
You never know.
Fear, fear, fear everyone!
FEAR: Face Everything & Rise – Library of Rickandria
In the reports, they are calling this guy “a predator of the worst kind”.
But words still have meanings in 2024, so that isn't even close to being true.
Even if the story we are told was real, it wouldn't be true.
I can think of a lot of predators that are worse than some 20-something guy trying to fool teen girls.
I admit that is pretty slimy, but it isn't quite the same as a Satanic mass murderer, is it?
It reminds us of the claim that January 6 is worse than 9/11.
The January 6th “Attack on the Capitol” WAS STAGED – Library of Rickandria
Even if they weren't both staged, January 6 wouldn't even be in the same class of events as 9/11.
What Really Happened? 9/11 – Library of Rickandria
Everybody with two brain cells knows that, so I don't know why they say these things.
Or I do know:
they are trying to completely destroy your ability to reason, by overloading you with inanities and absurdities.
But let's dig a little deeper here, since we are already here with a shovel.
This guy's name is Zach Scheich, and he is also an Albers.
I looked him up.
Scheich means “Sheik” in German.
He pretended to be Zak Hess.
As in Rudolph Hess, you know.
Hitler’s Genealogy – Library of Rickandria
Very amusing, right?
Not really, because all those names are Jewish, as usual.
Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria
This is another Jewish con job, from actor's equity and the CIA.
Hess is probably a family name as well, since the Albers and Hesses are related.
The Albers in the peerage in the 20th century are related to the Foxes and von Thiels.
Does this link us to Peter Thiel of PayPal and Palantir?
Probably, since he was born in Germany and is from this family.
Then there's this to think about:
Scheich must be a rich kid, otherwise how was he able to spend most of the day in high school, pretending to be a student?
Most people in their late 20s have a job.
Or at worst are still in college, maybe in some sort of graduate program.
They don't give parents yet for Zach, but I found his father anyway.
He is Jeff Scheich, 64, formerly of St. Louis and Fishkill, NY, now a pastor at Christ Lincoln Lutheran Church.
He leads something called a “Room 211 multisensory worship”.
Zach's mother is Melinda, who is a pediatric behavior nurse specialist.
She founded the Autism Family Network of Lincoln.
So, not really what we were expecting.
You wouldn't think these people would have a son just sentenced to life in prison.
Here is another problem:
Scheich was absent 54 days in less than one school year but was never reported by school officials for truancy.
Letters were allegedly sent to his address, but no one ever visited the place.
Doesn't sound very likely, does it?
School officials are now saying they are tightening their protocol to address this, but school officials will say anything the CIA tells them.
Or the CIA will just publish it for them.
But here's the clincher, buried in the text of these stories. I was looking for evidence this was a bench trial, which would be the perfect proof it was faked.
We have seen that many times.
A bench trial means there was no jury, and they are usually decided very quickly by a judge.
A prisoner must explicitly wave his rights to a jury trial.
Here we find the next best thing:
Scheich pled no contest.
This is ridiculous because no one would plead no contest to charges that carried a possible life sentence.
You can't legally plead no contest to a charge that carries a possible death sentence, and you shouldn't be able to do it with a life sentence, either.
I have never heard of it.
We aren't told in these press releases if there was a jury, but they never mention a jury.
We are told the judge decided the sentence, not the jury, which is suspicious.
The jury should decide the sentence in a case like this.
What we do know is that with a plea of no contest, Scheich had no defense.
No contest means literally that:
you will not contest it, which means there is only a prosecution.
The prosecutors tell their story to the judge or jury, and it is decided from that if the evidence is enough for conviction.
This would never happen in a million years, especially with a young man from a good family with money.
They would hire an attorney, and the attorney would never allow a no contest plea.
We are told someone plea bargained for Scheich or he did it himself, reducing the number of charges, but you don't plea bargain down to a life sentence for a non-capital crime, do you?
Not much of a bargain, is it?
This story is for the legally illiterate.
Best guess is Scheich was in Special Forces at Offutt Air Force Base north of Lincoln and that the project was run out of there.
The fake trial was run out of some dummy court, which they now have in all the big cities.
So, Scheich is actually a much more dangerous predator than we thought.
If I had a 20-something son I would much rather discover he was chasing high school girls than discover he was in the military working one of these Men-are-Pigs projects—the second being far eviler than the first.
Laci Peterson: Another Men are Pigs Project – Library of Rickandria
Chasing high school girls is a small-time con, one that would affect only one or two girls.
But as you have seen, this project is being reported nationwide, so it will continue to screw up an entire new generation of girls, stealing their innocence and natural sexuality from them in a way no real boy could —since no real boy could be as psychologically devious and destructive as these military ghouls.
As I have shown you in many previous papers, they have been at it for centuries and have been wildly successful in splitting the sexes, especially in the past 50 years.