Anatomy of the ARC Echelons

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Jam Echelon day?
All these aspects to the problem reveal themselves even more rabidly in relationship when we consider how the whole ET alliance issue HAS splintered and fractured the controlling intelligence apparatus in the world along religious and spiritual, or anti-spiritual lines.

The factional ARC enclaves are direct lineage of the factional spiritual influences and human historical conditioning.

Hence the very cultish distinctions in the world’s secret controlling multi-level Echelon (with project classification keywords thought tickler P-O-E-M, in a postulated operational multi-theos organizational echelon interest control and accommodation):


Echelon 7:


The Satanists Parading as Christian Monarch War-Supremicists (English, US, French, Human-Alien, Alien)

**Soul Control, Telepathic Control and Earth Control Group Focus (worlds of above highest intelligence, scientific, economic) Neo-NSA2/NeoGCHQ2/Neo-NRO2/Dark-Druidic Faust-Masons:

The Seditious Human Apotheosis Sacrificial intelligence sect Will sacrifice Humanity to save a few of Mankind Favors Fascism, Totalitarianism, Dictatorships (though often controlled from other systems) as the Ends, but uses Monarchy, adoration, and symbol embodiment as Means Dominance of Reptilian-Orion stellar soul resonance geno-archetype (top branch)

Echelon 6:


The Egypto-Luciferian NeoNazi Exodus Science Supremicists (US, English, Old German, French)

** Space and ET-Territory War and Parity Control Group Focus (worlds of highest intelligence, scientific, military, atheist, CRO) NeoNSA/NeoGCHQ/Neo-DIA/NeoNRO/Neo-NASA/Eugenic Neo-Masons:

The Profane Technology Apotheosis intelligence sects Will sacrifice Earth to save some of Mankind Favors Monarchy, Autocracy, optimistic Totalitarian Alliance of Dominant Reptilian-Orion + Submissive Pseudo-Feline Sirian stellar soul resonance geno-archetypes

Echelon 5:


The Christian New World Order Supremicists (worlds of intelligence, Secret Orders of Vatican and International Catholicism, economic, 1st World multinational Mafia)

** Belief, “Rapture” Control and Christian Moral Boundary Control Group Focus NeoNSA/GCHQ3/Neo-NRO/Neo-IAU/Neo-Mafia, some Dark and Free Masons intelligence sects:

The Divine ET Apotheosis intelligence sects Will sacrifice Spirituality to save Religion (Institutions) Favors Capitalism, Religious Oligarchy, Autocracy Alliance of Dominant Avian-Pleiadean-Hawk + Submissive Reptilian-Orion stellar soul resonance geno-archetypes

Echelon 4:


The Atheist Science Socialists and Capitalists (worlds of III - International Industrial Intelligence, Secret Economic Joint Ventures and Treaties, Prime Echelon System Control, 2nd world multinational Mafia, Secret One World gov.) intelligence sects:

** Science, NWO systems, Mind Controllers, ID Systems, and Economic Control Group Focus NSA3/GCHQ2/Neo-IMF/Neo-FRB/Neo-UN/Neo-TLC/Neo-TBG/Neo-KGB/Others:

The Profane ET Anti-Apotheosis intelligence sects Will sacrifice Human Rights to Save National Governments (Institutions) Favors Communism, cynical Socialism, Scientism Alliance of Dominant Reptilian-Orion + (Submissive Avian-Pleiadean stellar soul resonance geno-archetypes + Submissive Pseudo-Feline-Sirian)

Echelon 3:


Judeo-Supremicist Capitalists (worlds of intelligence, Secret Orders of Judaism, economic) intelligence sects:

** Economic Control, Science Control and Counter-Intel Targeting Group Focus NSA2/GCHQ1/Neo-Masons/Neo-Mossad/Neo-Interpol/Others:

The Divine Chosen Ones Apotheosis intelligence sects Will sacrifice Human Alliances and Assets to Save Judaism Favors Capitalism, Religious Autocracy, Parlimentarian Alliance of Dominant Avian-Pleiadean + Submissive Pseudo-Feline-Sirian stellar soul resonance geno-archetypes

Echelon 2:


Agnostic-Mainstream, Mixed Bag (worlds of baseline intelligence) intelligence sects:

** Communications Acquisition (SigInt), Interpretation, Trans-national Relay Group Focus NSA1, CIA2, M5, Mossad, Others:

Prevail in Survival and Human Affairs, surveilling human affairs Will sacrifice National Constitutions to Obtain Intelligence, Influence and Control Favors Democracy, Parlimentarian, Capitalist Dominant Avian-Pleiadean stellar soul resonance geno-archetype, Pseudo-Submissive Reptilian

Echelon 1:


Non-Denominational and Other Associates (worlds of baseline intelligence analysis, political secrecy, economic intelligence secrecy) intelligence sects:

** Cultural and Environmental SigInt Prediction and Control Group Focus CIA1, DIA1, The President, Joint Chiefs, Congress closed subcommittees, General UN, NATO, SATO, FBI, Interpol, Other known international security infrastructure worldwide:

The Human Loop Only domain, No driving spiritual fixation Will sacrifice Political and Religious Leaders to Secure Influence and Control Favors Democratic-Socialism, Community Authority Mixtures Alliance of Dominant Reptilian-Orion and Dominant Avian-Pleiadean and Submissive Genuine-Feline-Sirian soul resonance geno-archetypes

Decode this symbol-cipher key and super secrets are available to you, if you know how to slither:

111 120 102 374 015 814 014 325
019 749 016 119 001 697 117 954
100 261 101 040 101 182 001 172
112 331 015 736 002 488 008 179
014 315 105 177 104 191 015 317
005 174 115 632 001 629 115 110
114 320 013 514 103 271 103 490


TROVE -35 (hints)

Round the hand we count of
Essence of sisters and another on a level
Jupiter’s moon last in each world’s hand

Ritual sacrifice of the sisters by pentagram
Pleiades sunrise or sunset winds of Zephyrs
Turned by Orion’s noon sun winds and
Sirian midnight moon winds
Sunflowers ready for plucking from
Pole to pole in Tetra globe with
Royalty’s three eyes of
Dark life prime and vital in
Druidic breaths round year we do count
Full circle in all thy faces of
Sun sign marks cross the year do honor

Anyway, notice the order in the hierarchy as it reveals the dynamics of true power and influence brokering across the rarified essence players.

Also notice that nobody is going to be happy with the idea that ET matters are most controlled by Echelon 7.

Echelon 2 is knowingly beholden to Echelon 1.

Echelon 3 and up are outside and beyond any review or knowledge, not limited to the domain of normal human affairs, as they are all effectively obsessed with the alien problem.

Echelon 3 controls compartmentalization of Echelon 2.

Echelons 4, 5 and 6 are isolated from each other, but still in the hierarchy.

Echelon 7 controls compartmentalization of Echelons 3 through 6.

Echelon 7 guides Echelon 6 closely without knowing

Echelon 7 and Echelon 5 have some key double players.

These are all intelligence clans, cabals, and crony systems.
These are all derived, in historical terms, from the Catholic Church and its secret Orders up until the post A-bomb period, when independence developed between the key players into factions. 

Note these factions all splice from the deepest human belief orientations, often in their more extreme form.

Now if you think about history and how it is influenced by these key power factions, you think about how history has touched each of these parties relative to the alien presence issue.

The crucible yields an amalgam of reluctantly allied forces, and extremist allied forces, and an entirely secret new world order that falls out of the hands of those who benefited first and most from captured alien technology transfer - and that so happens to be Echelon 7.

The alien problem has fractionated world powers and above TS intelligence into religious and anti-religious factions.

And at the same time, it has unified them into one planetary security network.

The Echelons defined themselves out of the extremities of institutional human response, and together are the ARC of how all the high-strangeness, non-fractal, abnormal, conflicting behaviors of secret government parties are created.

They are all operating with impunity under the top secret ‘state-of-war’ condition we have been in for about 50 years since Fat Boy, the real deep-freeze war underneath the good cover of the cold war.

However, back to the damned or divine alien conundrum, yes, in a very practiced covert manner for the most part, these aliens act to aid and raid, assess and test, sample and breed, visit and learn, prepare and influence, outpost and relay, mentor and guide, or manipulate and deceive. The agendas are many-fold as discussed.

It is the agenda or veracity of the ET’s that claim involvement in human religions that is the Number One Priority Issue, and debate, despite the advancement of all our science as our new form of worship.

The fact these divine beings beat science to hell with their own million-year-old science and technology and telepathic connected group-mind trumps the new form of techno-worship of rational mind we humans have developed.

Here is the gum in the works:

supposedly, divine beings, in religious terms, were always considered above the flesh, above the worldliness of physical impediment, above the limitations of a physical cosmos.

And now they are not?

They are slimy bugs, lizards and other Dr. Moreau morphs out of our animal kingdom, and they are the heavenly hosts, angels and Olympian man-gods of history and myth.

Hide this fact and throw away the key!
This has driven many mad.

If some intelligent and powerful men (in the realm of the power centers of the dollar, the soul and the sword), have been driven to drink and eventual psychosis over this, one can understand the fear of War of the Worlds mass hysteria that would make the LA Rodney King verdict riots, or the Watts riots of the 60’s, look like drops in the bucket compared to the whole world rioting at once.

This is why the Y2K problematic event is considered an interesting measure of our propensity for mass hysteria by those aware of the much bigger alien presence problem.

Physical ET stakeholders being part of ‘divine’ history is a difficult assimilation and will our institutions survive the full disclosure day?

Things are increasingly in flux in all the metrics of physical and metaphysical reality in these millennial days to 2012.

And surely Ed Dames may I.D. RV radar rings as something else than artifacts of heavenly scale war - scalar warfare blast effects leaking into our ‘weather’, as some suspect.

A few parties in the power elite are effectively Satanists, in that they harvest souls through torture and sacrifice of children, (sorry to have to say that) and use technology and unwitting people to cause Chaos.

Some aliens feed on fear, some aliens rejoice in love, some feed on love.

Chaos is a Keep-em-Busy doctrine for maintaining control of the faithful by preventing their creative ascent in spiritual terms.

Inflicting chaos of social and human pain is a means to their ends of power and the pursuit of truth no matter how profane the truth or the methods of obtaining it.

The lesson of the fallen angel is not lost on such folks, and from their point of view, it is well arrived at.

Some people should be horrified by this, or they are far too asleep.