How to apostrophize Mr. President. - How Not to Let Yourself Be Imprisoned by the ice. - How to walk through the Andes. - The question of Marcahuasi plateau. - How to doubt chronologies. -The tablets by Mohenjo Daro. - How to conjugate the previous future of the verb "to invent". - The Baghdad Stack. - The Anti-Kythera mechanism. - A little bit of metallurgy. - The incredible geode. - How to poke around with the Badila del Sueño.
"Sir, you believe in deep mysteries, for you are a amateur. For a serious archaeologist, enigmas don't exist."
This is how the president of the United States of America said on television one night in 1969. the Association of French Science Writers. He's not archaeologist. He's a mathematician. But he defended a certain concept of the science that has been traditional in our country since "the century of the lights." Man, who is descended from the ape, was only a true animal after the death of Louis XVI. Currently, you can explain everything, or almost everything. The serious person is thrifty.
The The best hypothesis is the one that uses the least amount of imagination and it does not destroy the admitted conception of the mechanics of things. Yes Norway's rats flock to drown in the waters of the It is because they are short-sighted and take for a river the sea in which they will have to succumb. Ah! This is scientific, because it frees us from a mystery. The fact that we get excited about the idea that there are so many Hidden things to be discovered is tantamount to becoming an accomplice of the obscurantism. This paradox is the foundation of a certain "rationalism."
In him, there is more anti-religious fanaticism than reason. In truth, this rationalism is a foolish prosaism. Seriousness He makes a career out of this folly. Intelligence ventures. The A serious man professes an idea of science which, in rejecting the unknown, discourages research. Intelligence considers that you can't have an idea of science and settle for it without immediately impeding its operation.
Yes for a Serious archaeologist Enigmas don't exist, why do you dedicate yourself to the Archaeology? Sad office of his! What folly to have done it chosen and stay in it! Boucher de Perthes was an amateur. And discovered prehistory. Schlieman was an amateur. And he discovered Troy. Hapgood was an amateur. And he formulated the theory of displacement of the continents. Hawkins was an amateur. And he penetrated the secret of Stonehenge.
Nature, which seems to lack ideology, He disdained to join the Rationalist League. Everything leads us to believe that He writes a very complicated and rather fantastic story, for the use of people who are more intelligent than serious.
So, Mr President, do you think we know all the human past? Is Archaeology, after a few years of excavations, a complete and closed science, as was physics in the nineteenth century? Isn't there the slightest chance of a revolution in This field, comparable to that produced in physics by the radioactivity, relativity and wave mechanics? Let A few questions. Who formulates them? Bah! A despicable one Amateurs! Specialists in nothing? Well, yes! Specialists in general ideas.
This is a specialty that is much discredited today in the United States. day. So discredited, that we would hardly dare to formulate questions if we did not take this truth into account: the man who Sometimes he asks a lot of questions may seem like an imbecile, but the one who doesn't It will remain so for the rest of its life.
First question:
First question:
No one currently knows the cause of the glaciations, nor how Men were able to survive them. We are told, a priori, that There could have been no civilization before the ice ages, especially the dates of which, moreover, the discussion continues. How it is It is impossible to make excavations in the regions of the globe covered currently due to the ice - Antarctica and Greenland - the The question remains, at least, open.
We are introduced to the men of fifteen or sixteen thousand years ago as only capable of carving stone and keeping fire. They were ignorant of the cultivation of the fields and livestock; They didn't have any more means of subsistence than the gathering of wild fruits and hunting. The successive glaciations of the Würm III period lasted, Probably, several millennia: from 13000 to 8000, approximately. Where, then, did the pieces of game and wild berries?
Undoubtedly, some peoples were able to move to more distant lands. warm, and others were already dwelling in them, perhaps. But, at the point at the height of the ice age, when the cold invaded Wisconsin, England, France, and Italy, and the ice buried all the regions of the globe inhabited by the various races of the Palaeolithic (in fact, the only regions where we find their traces), How were these peoples able to survive?
The idea of "reserves" immediately comes to mind, and special for wild wheat reserves; for, on the one hand, such species of wheat existed long before agriculture, and, in fact, On the other hand, wheat retains its virtues (nutritious, among others) For several thousand years: the stocks of Egyptian tombs have been They give proof of this.
But even this idea is not simple: it presupposes notions of foresight, anticipation. If reserves have been accumulated, this The operation had to begin centuries before the invasion of the United States. Ice; that is, the plague had to be prophesied.
This reasoning was singularly confirmed by an article published in No. 6 (1965) of the Russian journal Technique and Youth. Let's look at the facts: in November 1957, during some work on excavation for the reconstruction of Hamburg, led by the engineer Hans Elieschlager, some gigantic stones appeared like human heads. Professor Mattes, a German archaeologist, proceeded to study it and came to the conclusion that it was a question of objects sculpted by the hand of man at a date before the Ice Age. Under the direction of Professor Mattes, they met others in layers of clay that were at least this old. According to the professor, it cannot be a game of chance. Mattes even found double-faced figures: if you ask them Rotate one hundred and twenty-five degrees, the man's face transforms into Woman's face.
Russian archaeologist Z. A. Abramov also discovered stones Similar. The author of the Russian article, V. Kristly, adds:'The A classic image that reproduced hirsute figures, wrapped in furs of animals, with ape-like faces, and stupidly rubbing two pieces of flint, it's a classic archaeologist's nightmare, who swims it has to do with reality."Archaeologists will not be able to fail to recognize, one day, that, in the They know nothing about what happened before the ice age.
And this brings us to the second question:
The question of the Marcahuasi Plateau Since the first investigations in 1952, on the Peruvian plateau of Marcahuasi, at an altitude of 3,600 m, in the heart of the massif of the Andes, Daniel Ruzo has not failed to get confirmations from the On that plateau, there was a group of sculptures and sculptures. monuments that could well be the first and most important of the world.
This discovery was not due to chance. As early as 1925, Daniel Ruzo had come to the conclusion that they must exist vestiges of an ancient culture that spread throughout the Americas Central and South America, mainly between the two tropics. The study of the Bible and of the traditions and legends of the Humanity, and the analysis of the stories of the Spanish chroniclers of the Conquest, had led him to this conviction. In 1952, at the end of the year, When he learned of the existence of an exceptional rock on the plateau of Marcahuasi, he organized an expedition and was able to see that it was, not a Not an isolated stone, but a collection of monuments and sculptures distributed over an area of three square kilometers. After would give the name of "Masma" to the supposed village of sculptors, In fact, since time immemorial a valley has been known by this name and a population in the central region of Peru, where the Huancas lived until the arrival of the Spaniards.
The first thing that struck Ruzo was the existence of a system Artificial hydrographic system, intended to collect rainwater and distribute it throughout the surrounding region during the six months drought. Out of twelve ancient artificial lakes, only two remain in a state of service, as the dikes of the others were destroyed by the action of time. Canals were used to conduct the water up to 1,500 meters below, irrigating it from this the vast agricultural fields staggered between the plateau and the valley. Today we can still see an underground canal that ends in a opening, halfway up the plateau. These vestiges testify to the prosperity of an isolated region that was supposed to feed a very large population.
For the defense of this vital hydrographic center and this rich The whole plateau had been turned into a fortress. In a At this point, two huge rocks were deeply hollowed out at their base, in order to make direct escalation impossible, and, in turn, At the back, they were linked with a wall of large stones. Us We find ourselves in front of an immense fortification, the technique of which reveals the military experience of its builders. We found remains of covered and well-protected roads, and even, in certain places, forts whose roofs have disappeared. We can also see the large stones that formed the wall, and the central column that It supported the roof. At all points overlooking the three valleys, We can still see the observation posts for the sentries. In Some of them protrude from the ground a kind of large teeth made of stone, which make us think of ancient war machines designed to hurl blocks of stone at assailants.
Little by little, Daniel Ruzo discovered, in the fortified enclosure, a A large number of sculptures, monuments and tombs. The four more interesting centres, each of which is dominated by a monumental altar, they are located in the four cardinal points.
The altars, raised to the east, are oriented towards the east. In front of them, there is a field vast enough to contain a army or the entire population of the county; Nearby, a The small hill was modified to look like it if you look at it From a certain angle, a king or a priest, seated on a throne, with folded hands and praying.
To the south, at a height of about 50 or 60 meters, they rise, by everywhere, sculpted figures. An altar, facing east, It protrudes 15 meters from the level of the surrounding plain. Starting from his base, and descending to the plain, there is a surface slope smooth, which seems to have been made with some kind of cement.
This slope, similar to that of the other altars, is crossed by Scratches that allow us to conjecture that the coating was carried out in parts, to prevent the effects of dilation. Cement, that mimics the texture of natural rock exposed to the elements, It also seems to have certain figures. When you raise a first layer of this material, the researchers found that, Immediately below it, there were round buttons and protrusions, which appear to have been placed in order to prevent the sliding of that layer for the time necessary for its hardening.
Two sculptures, at some distance from each other, depict the Goddess Thueris, protector of women in labor in Egypt. She was the Goddess of fruitfulness and the perpetuation of life. Its appearance is very Original: A female hippopotamus, standing on her hind legs and with a kind of round helmet on his head. With his nose prominent, her huge belly and the sign of life in her hand On the right, it is impossible for this conventional figure to be reproduced by chance in Marcahuasi. After the discovery of several figures resembling Egyptian sculptures, one of them half-way Daniel Ruzo believes that the possibility of of ancient contacts between the two cultures.
On the western edge of the plateau, about a hundred yards from the abyss, a A set of huge rocks forms an altar facing west. This place is called "las mayoralas", a modern name that is applied to the to the young women who sing and dance, following the tradition, in the ritual feasts held during the first week of October. The old name of this group of singers was "Taquet", and It also applies to rock mass. Without a doubt, it is a altar built overlooking religious chants and arranged in Acoustic shell shape in order to amplify sound.
The festival begins near San Pedro de Casta, on the road that leads to climbs to the plateau, and at a place called Chushua, at the foot of a large stone animal, similar to the fabulous animals created by the imagination of Asian artists: the Huanca Malco. Following Tradition, the lonely men, one night in early October, Before the rainy season begins, they celebrate the first ceremony around the sculpture, inaugurating the week of festivities in honour of Huarí. The other feasts are celebrated, with the women's and singers' contest, in the surroundings and in the the precinct of the city. These festivities are a testimony, even Today, from the astonishing vitality of religious sentiments of the ancient race, preserved through the centuries, in spite of the fierce persecutions and the oblivion of the religious source original.
At the northern end of the plateau, two huge toads appear seated on a semicircular altar facing west. One Once a year, on the June solstice, the priests saw the the Sun exactly above the central figure.
This altar belongs to an almost circular set of monuments that They have in their center a mausoleum, in very bad condition, but in which a hundred photographs, taken at different times of the year, They revealed the statue of a recumbent man, old, veiled by two women, and some animal figures, which may represent the four elements of Nature.
The direct projection, on the screen, of the negative of one of these photographs, he made a second figure appear. We see, on the site where the head of the first character is located, the face sculpted of a young man, with his hair falling over the forehead, which looks at us with a noble and proud expression. ¿How To explain this sculptural mystery, which only uncovers the photography?
The most important monument, for the perfection of the work, is a double rock with a height of more than 25 meters. Each of its parts It seems to represent a human head. Actually, there are at least 14 sculpted men's heads, representing four races Different. Its oldest name is "Peca Gasha" (the head of the strainer). Today it is called, in the region, "The head of the Inca". How It looks nothing like the head of an Inca, it is likely that it will They gave this name to place it in the "ancientest" times. Considering the accounts of the Spanish chroniclers of the Conquest, And according to his personal observations, we can state:There are also "petrographies" different from those already known: Thanks to a skilful combination of incisions and reliefs, the The sculptor executed images that must be contemplated from a certain point of view. angle; Sometimes, the effect is achieved when sunlight hits at a certain angle; On the other hand, the figures only manifest themselves when they midday. The study of these images is very difficult. For Capture them well, it is advisable to photograph them at different times of the year. Then we perceive spoiled reproductions of five stars and six points, circles, triangles, and rectangles.
- That anthropomorphic and zoomorphic stone sculptures existed in different regions of Peru, and that the Inca Yupanqui He was aware of these sculptures.
- That these sculptures were attributed to white men and bearded, belonging to a legendary race.
- That the Huancas, who when the Spaniards arrived inhabited the whole the central region of Peru, where Marcahuasi and Masma are located, they were always regarded as the most skilful workers in the Empire Inca for the stone works.
- That this ancient race of sculptors had left inscriptions. In Marcahuasi, two rocks, unfortunately damaged by the years, They seem to fit been covered with inscriptions.
The most notable inscription is located on the neck and base of the chin of the main figure of the "Head of the Inca". Imagine Double lines made with black dots, engraved in the rock indelibly. It seems almost unbelievable that these points have been able to defy time; perhaps they were recorded in depth. The The inscription reproduces the central part of a chessboard. One grid analogous to the one the Egyptians engraved on the head of their Gods.
Like the inscriptions, the memories of the past are gone erasing little by little. The current idea in the region is that the Plateau is a haunted place. It is said that there was a time when the sorcerers and healers met there, and that each of the The rocks represent one of them. If some figures can be reproduced photographically, most have to be observed in the field, in certain light conditions and by sculptors or people familiar with this work. Sculptures only They look perfect when viewed from a given angle, starting from a well-defined points; outside of these, they change, disappear or become into other figures, which also have their angles of observation. These "points of view" almost always appear indicated by a stone or a relatively important.
In order to carry out this work, it was necessary to appeal to all the resources of sculpture, bas-relief, engraving and Use of light and shadow. Some are visible only during certain hours of the day, or on any day of the day. year, only on one of the solstices, if they require an angle Extreme of the sun. Others, on the other hand, can only be appreciated during twilight, when no ray of sunlight falls on them.
Many are related to each other and to "points of view" allowing you to draw straight lines that bring together three important points, or more. If we were to extend some of these lines, would indicate, approximately, the extreme positions of decline of the sun.
The figures are anthropomorphic or zoomorphic. The former represent, at least four human races, including the black race. The Most of the heads are uncovered, but some of them They are depicted wearing a warrior's helmet or a hat.
The zoomorphic figures offer an extraordinary variety. There's animals native to the region, such as the condor and the toad; American animals, turtles and monkeys, which could not live so long. height; species – cows and horses – brought by the Spaniards; animals that didn't exist on the continent – and not even in the old days prehistoric, such as the elephant, the lion of Africa, and the camel; and A large number of figures or heads of dogs, totems of the huancas, even at the time of the Conquest.
The sculptors also made their figures using sets of shadows, which can be seen especially during the months of June and December, when the sun sends its rays from extreme points of its decline. They also took advantage of the shadows by chiseling cavities in the rock, so that the edges of the cavities would project exact silhouettes at a certain time of the year, to form or complete a figure.
All this leads us to believe in the existence of a race of sculptors in Peru, which made Marcahuasi its most important center and that, for this reason, he decorated it profusely. Could compare this breed of sculptors with the prehistoric artists who they decorated the caves of Europe with mural paintings. We also find "petrographs" obtained with the use of Indelible varnishes: red, black, yellow and brown, similar others that were discovered in the department of Lima, but less older than the great sculptures.
There is a very close kinship between the sculptures of Marcahuasi and those which serve as decoration, in very great numbers, to the small Easter Island: the sculptural technique is the same; The Sculptors depict heads without eyes, carving the eyebrows in such a way that produce a shadow that, at a given time of the year, draws the eye in the cavity.
These works, of an extraordinarily archaic type, seem to have been conceived by a human mentality intermediate between that of the Palaeolithic or Mesolithic Ancient Periods, the last vestige of which is made up of the Australians – and the well-known one of the greats empires, whose most essential features are the carving of stones, geometry, arithmetic of position, including zero, and the construction of the Pyramids.
Apparently, Marcahuasi, more than a center of inhabited places, was meeting place of the sons of the same clan. The set of monuments and sculptures, in the three square kilometers of the plateau, constitutes a sacred work, like the alignments of Carnac or the caves of the Eysies.
Four thousand black and color photos, chemical studies on the stone, comparisons with bas-reliefs discovered in Egypt and in Brazil, show that the sculpture of the Marcahuasi plateau it is, perhaps, the oldest in the world, older than that of Egypt. older than that of Sumer. What happened in South America, between this period and the arrival of the Spaniards?
The third question, then, concerns the methods of Establishment of chronologies.
Archaeologists, when you talk to them about South America, they become and cut off the dialogue, after some expletives against the "superstition," the "prelogical mentality," and so on.
Ethnologists, on the other hand, tend to be more polite. For example Danish Professor Kaj Birket-Smith, PhD in Computer Science universities in Pennsylvania, Oslo and Basel. His book The Path of Culture, translated from Danish by Karin Fennow, was published by the University of Wisconsin in 1965. In it we find, with reference to to South American civilizations, the following sentence:"Apparently, We are faced with an unsolvable riddle, and it must be confessed that The definitive answer has not yet been found."Whether we assume that South America was colonized by men from Polynesia, from a mysterious Atlantis or even from Crete (this last thesis is defended in Honoré Champion's work, The Pre-Columbian White God), as if we were starting, on the contrary, from the hypothesis of an indigenous culture, the enigmas and Contradictions are piling up. Consider the city of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia. Let's compare two chronologies relating to this City: that of the classical archaeologists and that of the archaeologists Romantic.
Classic chronology:Now let's look at the romantic chronology:
- 9,000 B.C.: Men Quite Similar to the Indians of our days hunt animals that are now extinct in America southern.
- 3,000 B.C.: These same men discover the agriculture.
- 1,200 B.C.: Technique is born, particularly with the Invention of ceramics.
- 800 B.C.: Appearance of maize as the basis of the feeding.
- Between 700 B.C. and 100 A.D.: Three Civilizations appear and collapse.
- 100 to 1,000 years after B.C.: Appearance of important civilizations and construction of the cyclopean city of Tiahuanaco.
- 1,000 to 1,200 years after B.C.: A lacuna, in which, Suddenly, no object is found, without any tradition can enlighten us about what happened. The most during this period, and the date of which cannot be ascertained, is that of Chanapata.
- Alfred Métraux, an archaeologist whose seriousness he does not offer doubts, he will write about them:
- "One thing remains certain: between this archaic civilization and that of the Incas, whose initiation was around the year 1,200 A.D., there is a solution to the continuity. Nothing yet allows us to fill this void."
- 1,200 to 1,400 A.D.: A series of emperors Incas, we don't know if they really existed! Prudently, Serious archaeologists call them semi-legendary.
- 1492 A.D.: Discovery of America.
- 1532: Destruction of the Inca Empire by Spanish invasion.
- 1583: By decision of the Council of Lima, most of the the knotted ropes, or quipus, in which the Incas had recorded its history and that of previous civilizations. The The pretext for the burning was that they were diabolical instruments. Thus disappears the last chance to know the truth about the Peru's past. At present, all they can do, both The classics as well as the romantics, is to formulate hypotheses.
For the layman, the arguments on which both are based Chronologies seem equally good. Can the debate be resolved? using one of the physical methods of fixing seniority: radiocarbon, thermoluminescence, argon-potassium ratio, etc.? Alas! All these methods are questionable in principle and delicate in your application. In particular, radiocarbon.
- 50,000 B.C.: On the Marcahuasi plateau, the Masma civilization, the oldest on Earth.
- 30,000 B.C.: Founding of the Megalithic Empire of Tiahuanaco.
- 10,000 B.C. to 1,000 A.D.: Five great empires, separated by successive catastrophes.
- 1,200 years after B.C.: Manco-Capac founds the Inca Empire. To From this point on, the romantic chronology coincides with the classical one.
The theory of the determination of the antiquity of objects by the Radiocarbon is very simple. The Earth's atmosphere is constantly bombarded by cosmic rays coming from the space. As a result of these bombardments, a part of the atmosphere is transformed into carbon. But this carbon is heavy, with an atomic weight of 14, and radioactive. This radioactive carbon forms, with oxygen, a radioactive carbon dioxide gas that is absorbed by the plants. Plants, in turn, are eaten by animals, and in In short, every living organism contains a certain proportion of carbon 14. When the organism dies, exchanges with the organism cease. outside. Carbon-14, present at the time of death, is disintegrates with a periodicity of 5,600 years, i.e., in During this time, the object loses half of its carbon-14 atoms that I had. After another 5,600 years, only half of the this half, that is, the fourth part of the atoms of origin. And so on successively... With precision instruments, you can count the atoms that remain and thus determine the date when an animal was dead, or where a tree was cut down to make charcoal, or in which a mummy was placed in his coffin.
Such is the theory. It presupposes that cosmic radiation is equal to the same at all times and in all countries, that the sample used has not been contaminated by recent microbes or fungi, which were not There is really no exchange with the outside environment. In practice, Not all of these conditions are ever met. Particularly in Peru, certain phenomena that are still poorly understood and that are perhaps due to the altitude or local radioactivity, alter the data obtained by radiocarbon, to the point that the classical archaeologist J. Alden Mason, in his book on the ancient civilizations of Peru, Wrote:'Generally speaking, if the date obtained by means of the radiocarbon seems completely illogical to the expert archaeologist, and If it doesn't match the adjacent data, it has perfect the right not to accept it and to insist that it be carried out Checks by other methods:'This means that you can't count on radiocarbon to to definitively solve the Peruvian mystery, and that it is It is justified to accept the romantic chronology, when it is based on in the experience. As far as the Marcahuasi plateau is concerned, Daniel Ruzo did some aging tests with pieces of granite exposed to the climate of the plateau. In this way he obtained a date of the order of 50,000 years. But it would also be useful to note the discoloration of granite, and not with the naked eye, but with the help of photoelectric cells.
Generally speaking, the current trend is to accept carbon-14 as a means of verifying an already established date, but not relying excessively on it when there is no other recourse. The same This can be said, for the time being, of the other physical methods.
Finally, the fourth question will, of course, concern the Presence of enigmatic memories and vestiges of technology outpost.
H. P. Lovecraft wrote:"The Theosophists and, in a general way, People who are grounded in the Indian tradition, speak of long periods of past times, in terms that would freeze Blood if everything were not announced with a sweetened optimism. But What do we really know?"One of the most recent and serious works in this field is due to a man of universal mentality, mathematician, geneticist, Numismatist and Archaeologist: The Culture and Civilisation of Ancient India in Historical Outline, by D. D. Kosambi ("Routledge and Kegan Paul", London).
Is India a land outside of history?
There are few traces of early Indian history, no landmarks in a a past that stretches back tens of millennia.
No one has yet been able to decipher a mysterious script that emerged five thousand years, in the Indus Valley, around Mohenjo Daro. The The only thing we know for sure is that there are no common traits between this language of the Indus and the Indo-European languages that were to be Happen. Several years ago, two Finnish students, one from philology and the other of Assyriology, the Parpola brothers, in In collaboration with a young statistician, Seppo Koskenniemi, They tried to decipher this language, which seems to be intermediate between the the Chinese system of ideograms and the syllabic system of our languages. The decipherment, which is based on the hypothesis of a possible relationship with Dravidian roots, has not yet yielded results satisfactory, and the tablets still don't "speak."
On these tablets, an unknown people, gathered around Mohenjo Daro, in the third millennium B.C., fixed their enigmatic memories. For a few centuries, or more, it shone there is a civilization that cannot be compared with that of Sumer and the of Egypt. Then came ruin. A society, without a doubt fossilized, it collapses, it suddenly becomes extinct. Floods? Invasions? We don't know. And the hieroglyphic tablets are found in the ruins of every house.
How long did it take for this civilization of Mohenjo Daro to flourish? to exhaust itself afterwards, without offering the slightest resistance to what the destroyed at once?
Possibly, during the period of decline of Mohenjo Daro Invaders arrived, set fire to the city and killed its inhabitants. These invaders did not leave the slightest trace in the History. It has been thought that some legends of the Vedas may to refer to them, but it cannot be known for sure. Professor Kosambi defined these invaders as the first Aryans, but he He himself acknowledges that his point of view is debatable. Try identify Mohenjo Daro with the city of Narmini, described in the Rig Veda, but confesses that this is nothing more than a hypothesis. In In general terms, he admits of the Vedas what he thinks technically feasible at the time and rejects everything else, despite the texts that accurately describe some devices Flying. It remains to be seen whether, with this method, he does not leave out a certain number of fantastic and judicious questions. The author considers simply to the Aryans as nomads who murder all they see and see. They destroy every culture they come across. In wars described in the Vedas, considers mythological all those in which There is talk of superior weapons. It is, of course, a point of view "serious." However, it also seems very simplistic. If we deny priori, as legendary, everything that refers to a technology higher than the average of the time, we are undoubtedly faced with a beautiful folklore, on the one hand, and with a clear and vulgar history, on the other.
The abundant – and partly delirious – literature that emerged from The Return of the sorcerers acquainted the reader with the echoes of visits extraterrestrials in ancient sacred texts, including they find precisely the Vedas. But a systematic analysis of all oral traditions and related to this topic. But this is not the The only riddle that needs to be solved. If man is older than he is, that was believed twenty years ago; if the the idea of a slow and progressive evolution; If the image of the Monkey-faced, rubbing his flint stones, it's a "nightmare of a classical archaeologist", the cliché of a technology that babbles for twenty-five thousand years to rise abruptly two years ago. centuries and breaking all speed records, it must be a delirium of pride of the archaeologist himself, decidedly neurotic. The Economy of the hypotheses should involve the hypothesis of technologies in civilizations prior to history. This hypothesis may be more worthy of experimental study than that of "magic." primitive", the result of a subjective and literary interpretation. Without However, says the classical archaeologist, there were techniques advanced in the past, why didn't they leave traces? Well, yes that left traces. And maybe we'd find more, yes minds would be willing to look for them.
In 1930, a German engineer, who had come to repair the Baghdad's sewer system, found in the basement of the Baghdad Museum. A box containing "various objects of worship" did not Classified. This is how Wilhelm Kóning discovered a battery two thousand years old. John Campbell, in 1938, gave some publicity to this subject in its Analog magazine, and then the The University of Pennsylvania acquired the strange, little object (its height is fifteen centimeters) and then confirmed that It was, in fact, a battery made of iron, copper, a electrolyte and asphalt as insulation. A forgotten technique, or discarded immediately after its discovery? ¿One gilding process used in temples and disdained after? An instrument of the priests to "work miracles"? ¿Or a vestige of knowledge and practices prior to the men of two thousand years ago, and which they threw away, out of ignorance and ignorance. inability? It seems that, in 1967, other discoveries were made in the same museum in Baghdad. We are waiting for information.
In 1901, off the coast of the island of Anti-Kythera, in the archipelago An amphora from the second century B.C. is pulled out of the sea. The amphora is sealed. It is noted that it contains a metal object quite large and completely rusted. In 1946, and in order to materials abandoned on battlefields, Refine a new object recovery procedure Rusty. In 1960, an Oxford professor, Dereck de Solla Price, conceives the idea of using this procedure to discover the nature of the rusty object contained in the amphora of Anti-Kythera. When it is deoxidized and reconstituted, it is observed that It is a special bronze apparatus, intended to calculate the Position of the planets in the solar system. Unable to set the date of this bronze. The Greek Ship That Sank Two Thousand Years Ago years ago, was he carrying in this amphora a very old machine, whose usefulness they didn't know? In his work Science After Babylon, Dereck of Solía Price considers that there is "something frightening" about this discovery, and calls for a review of archaeology.
Dr. Berasoe (works cited by Prof. Kaj Birket-Smith) discovered, in 1965, a gilding technique, unknown at present and used in Ecuador around the year 1000 and until the arrival of the Spaniards. Herself It covered the object that had to be gilded with an alloy easily copper and gold meltable. It was then hammered and heated. The copper was transformed into an oxide that dissolved into an acid vegetable, the sap of the Oxalis pubescens tree. And there was the layer of gold. This technique, which could have been patented in 1965, is more than the amalgam or electrolysis method. ¿Why not to think that certain realizations that a priori we consider impossible in the past, they could be accomplished on the basis of procedures that we ignore? Is our technology the only way to effective? Nature, which, without taking sides, gives away its secrets both the Marxist and the capitalist, could very well have favoured the "prelogical" past, as well as our progressive present. Are we to say, in order to reject this disturbing hypothesis, that such Were technological discoveries the product of chance? In the In the case of gilding, it is a complex procedure, with four successive phases of operation. So, to reject it from Otherwise, shall we have to appeal to sudden inspirations, which have been obtained? in a state of ecstasy? Another example: Robert von Heine-Geldern found that the bronze casting techniques used in the Peru and Tonquin 2,000 B.C., resemble each other to such an extent This cannot be a mere coincidence. He brags that these techniques may have been taken by certain travelers from Tonquin to the Peru. But we'd like to know how these travellers got around, and why they carried a metallurgy manual with them. The economy of Such a hypothesis would incline us to imagine a common source. Questions Questions... But there are even more disturbing or bizarre ones.
On February 13, 1961, in California, about ten miles to the North of Olancha, Mike Mikesell, Wallace and Virginia Maxey They were dedicated to collecting geodes. Geodes are spherical stones or ovoid, hollow and with the interior covered with glass. The They collected rare stones and gifts for their shop. Sometimes, Geodes contained fine stones, which they also sold. They picked up a stone that they took for a geode, even though it had vestiges of fossil shells. The next day, they cut the fake geode in two, by means of its diamond mountain range. The stone wasn't Hollow. What they got was a section of a porcelain material or ceramic, extraordinarily hard, with a shiny tang two-millimeter metal in the center.
Several members of the Charles Fort Society, researchers at strange facts and lovers of the unusual, examined with rays Y that set (ceramic, copper, metal tenon) that makes us think of a vestige of electrical equipment. The owners of the "geode" Mysterious has just been put up for sale for a price of 25,000 Dollars. If this object is not, it seems, wrapped in a muddy concretion, but in a sedimentary layer, we are in presence of a formidable enigma.
Obviously, we do not tell this story with the intention of unleash a revolution in archaeology. We would like to indicate, Quite simply, there are innumerable questions of this nature to which no definitively satisfactory answer has been given. But, on the day least expected, any "evil deed can come to fruition." forever discredit a delicious generalization," according to Huxley wrote, and the history of men will appear to us under A new light.
We poor and curious know very well amateurs, that it is convenient to dream without letting dreams take over of the controller. But dreams are allowed. And it might even be that were highly recommended for rummaging into the past. It's him Primary combat weapon against the deep darkness of the submerged times.
And the fight against time is the only way An activity worthy of the man who feels, who knows that there is something eternal inside of it.