Occult Reptilian Saga

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10,500 BC - Who lived on Earth? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Abduction and The Reptilians (bibliotecapleyades.net)

A Dulce Base Security Officer Speaks Out (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Alex Collier on Reptilians - ETs and The Global Connection (bibliotecapleyades.net)

American Southwest Evidence of a Reptilian Alien Race (bibliotecapleyades.net)

America's Name Derives from the Incan AMARUCA (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Ancient "Lizard People" Underground in LA? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Anunnaki history and the role of Reptilian ETs - Part 1 (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Anus Horribilis - Terrifying Old Woman (bibliotecapleyades.net)

A Reptilian Contact Experience (bibliotecapleyades.net)

A study of Reptilians (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Brotherhood of the Serpent – Library of Rickandria

Carlos Castaneda: Don Juan’s Teachings – Library of Rickandria

Characteristics of Reptilian Hybrids (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Cosmic Explorers - Different Reptilian Factions on Earth (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Great Zulu Shaman and Elder Credo Mutwa - On Alien Abduction & Reptilians - A Rare, Astonishing Conversation (bibliotecapleyades.net)

David Icke & Consciousness – Library of Rickandria

Do Reptilian-Human Hybrids Run Our World? - The Biggest Secret (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Dragons Came Down to Earth From Sirius to Share Their Wisdom With Humans, Myths Say (bibliotecapleyades.net)

East China Sea 6.9 Quake - Undersea Reptilian Base Destroyed - Andromeda Council (bibliotecapleyades.net)

ELs, Atlantis, Scotland and Egypt - Biblical History and Prophesies of The Els (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Grays and Reptilians May be Interdimensional (bibliotecapleyades.net)

A Lost City of the Aramu Muru (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Lost Land of The Lizard People (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Manipulating Those of Us on the "Surface" (bibliotecapleyades.net)

MKULTRA (Reptoid) Mind Control Machine (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Mono-Atomic Gold -  A Secret of Shapeshifting and the Reptilian Control? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Myth, Reptilians and Underground Bases (bibliotecapleyades.net)

New (Reptilian) World Order (bibliotecapleyades.net)

On Reptilian Agendas and Masquerades (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Our Reptilian Overlords - A Day With David Icke (bibliotecapleyades.net)

PINDAR - The Lizard King (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Ports of Gaol: "Eggs Files" for Dragons Feeling for Europe's Navigators (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Prince of EArth and The Brotherhood of The Snake (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Removing Reptilian Undersea Bases from Middle East & China - Andromeda Council (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Reptiles, Aryans and Horror (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Reptilian Agenda Thwarted - Milky Way Galaxy Catastrophe, Year 2370 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Reptilian - Grey Data - Extracted from 'Matrix II'
The Greys (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Reptilian Humanoids - Case Files 1-12 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Reptilian Revelations Out of Africa (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Reptilians 101 – Library of Rickandria

Reptilians and The Council of 13 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Reptilians at Montauk (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Reptilians, Priestesses, and Strange Genes (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Reptilians, The Ancient Ones and The Anunnaki - Understanding The Difference (bibliotecapleyades.net)

RH-Negative Blood and the Reptilian Connection (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Sir Laurence Gardner, Reptilian Shape-Shifter? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Some Reptilian Traits in Human Beings (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Spirals, Symbols and Snakes (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Anunnaki – Library of Rickandria

The Biggest Secret (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Birth of a Reptilian Host (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Dark Secrets Behind the Pope's Audience Hall - It's a Giant Reptilian (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Dragon Court – Library of Rickandria

The Human-Reptilian Connection - from 'The Hollow Earth Insider Research Report' (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Lizard of Ahs - from Chapter 20 of "Trans-Formation of America"
Trans-Formation Of America - Part 2-01 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Marcabians (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Mystery of Serpent Worship (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Orion Queens - Honey of the Queens (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Reptilian Blood Legacy (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Reptilian Brain - David Icke (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Reptilian Connection (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Reptilian/Human Conflict (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race - Len Kasten (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Reptilian Roots of Pedophilia (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Reptilians - Humanity's Historical Link To The Serpent Race (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Reptilians - Why They are so Obsessed with Bloodline and Ritual (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Reptilian Watch - Who's Posing as Human? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Reptoids defined by The Cassiopaeans (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Royal Dragon Bloodline (Reptilian) and The Dragon Program (MK) (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Sons of Snakes - The Biblical Seth (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Tuatha de Danaan - The History of The Red-Haired Race (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Tunnel of Light that People see when they Die is a Trap (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Transmission About the Social Order and Lifestyle of the Greys and Reptilians
Archive TC - 13 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Uncovering the Truth through 'Remote Viewing' - Nazis and Reptilians in Antarctica (bibliotecapleyades.net)

What Would a Reptilian Controlled Planet Look Like? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

White (Solar) Brotherhood – Library of Rickandria

Who Are Manipulating Us on A Higher Level and What Motivates Them? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Who Wrote the Reptilian Agenda? - The Origin of The Anunnaki Script (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Additional Information

Credo Mutwa (bibliotecapleyades.net)

A Description of Rainbow City - From The Hefferlin Manuscript (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Alien Influences on Humanity (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Andromeda Council Sonic Beam Destroys Reptilian Base - Magnitude 5.0 Gulf of Aden Quake (bibliotecapleyades.net)

An Alien Abduction Account (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Ancient Jerusalem Markings Stumps Experts (bibliotecapleyades.net)

A Summary of "Terra Papers - The Hidden History of Planet Earth" (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Ata-i-lek - The New Reptilian Pope (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Atlantis Grid, DNA, Energy, Wormwood - Dinosaurs Lived With Man (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Atu-waa - The Anunnaki Time Re-Starting Device (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict and Creation - Selected Excerpts (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Children of The Matrix - Excerpts (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Comet Elenin and Brown Dwarf Star Are Part of ET Reptilian Invasion (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Study Suggests Alien Worlds Could Be Full of Super-Intelligent Dinosaurs - Welcome to Our New Lizard...
Could "Advanced" Dinosaurs Rule Other Planets? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Crashing Finances (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Biggest Secret (bibliotecapleyades.net)

David Icke Is Right About The Reptiles - Stuart Wilde (bibliotecapleyades.net)

David Icke's Moon Matrix Theory Explained (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Dinosaurs and The Gravity Problem (bibliotecapleyades.net)

DIONYSUS (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Doing to Others... What Was Done to Us? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Experts Claim there are 'Three Hostile Alien Species visiting Earth' (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Eye of The Demon (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Fake Invasion - The Fake Rapture (The Alien Agenda: Coming Soon) (bibliotecapleyades.net)

From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Galactic History - The Old Universe/Old Empire/Mind Eaters/DNA (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Galactic History According to Alex Collier and The Andromedans (bibliotecapleyades.net)

George Hunt Williamson and the 'Brotherhood of the Seven Rays' (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Healing Reptilians and Other Dark Beings (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Hippocratic Hypocrisy: A Tale of Two Snakes - Exposing the Lie (bibliotecapleyades.net)

How to Spot the Reptilians Running the U.S. Government
In The Shadow of Lizards - The Secrets of Power - David Icke 2004 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Lilith, Inanna and Hillary – Library of Rickandria
In the Realm of the Ring Lords (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Join The Collective - Is it really such "A Privilege to be Assimilated"? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Magic Mushroom Trip Report about Saints and Reptilians
Archive TC - 11 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Massive Reptilian Undersea Base Destroyed - 5.1 USGS Quake at Southeast Bay of Bengal - Andromeda Council (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Meetings with Remarkable Aliens (bibliotecapleyades.net)

'Mythical Roman Cave' Unearthed (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Our Human/ET Origins -­ A Planetary Epic (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Pandemonium and Silence at Corinth (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Project Aquarius - Executive Correspondence/Executive Briefing (bibliotecapleyades.net)

QUETZALCOATLUS - Dragon of the Clouds (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Ready to Learn Ancient Wisdom of "the Sages"? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Reality Check (bibliotecapleyades.net)

See the movie "They Live" (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Shell Game - It is Time Someone tells it like It Really Is... (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Spiritual Reptoids Speak Out (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Steven M. Greer and Disclosure (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Terra Papers - Hidden History of Planet Earth (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Allegory of The Alien - Alien Intervention on Earth (bibliotecapleyades.net) - from "Matrix Brainwashing"

The Biological Basis of Elitism and "The Divine Right" Rule (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Chronicles of The Gírkù - Quoted Materials from Books, Interviews and Communications by Anton Parks (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Great Reset Snakes are Slithering together in Davos (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction - Book Review (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Illuminati Hierarchy (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Lacerta Files - Reptoids of the Inner Earth
The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Late Karla Turner Speaks of Reptilian Atrocities (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Legends of the Garden of Eden and The Angels (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Lost Tribe of Dan: The Early Jewish & Christian View of the Identity of the Antichrist – Library of Rickandria

The Jarmo "Connection" (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Master File - Cosmic Awareness (bibliotecapleyades.net) - From the "Rebellion in Heaven" unto Present and Future Times - Main File

The Origin of The Dragon Lords of the Rings (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Promised Land (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Real Secret Word of The Freemasons (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Reptilian Appearance of The Ancients Ones (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Reptilian Kyoto Protocols and the Emerging New World Order (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Secret Covenant - A Member of the Illuminati Tells All? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Slithering Stealth of the Serpentine Invaders (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Solar Brotherhood of the Seven Rays (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Timeless Kabiri (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Unbelievable Connection Between the Pentagon, Aliens and The United Nations (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Way - DOMA Daughters Of Ma (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The Windsor-Bush Bloodline (bibliotecapleyades.net)

The World Divided (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Thoth-Hermes / Ningishzidda-Ishkur / Quetzalcoatl-Viracocha (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Three Essays on the Dinosaurs (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Transmissions Containing Many Details About the Situation Earth Is In
Archive TC - 12 (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Typology of Extraterrestrial Races according to Alex Collier and the Andromedans (bibliotecapleyades.net)

UFO War Expands - Heavy Action In Antarctic Ocean (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Universal Races (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Why is a Snake Symbol of Medicine and Pharmacies? (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Your "3-Brains-in-One" Brain (bibliotecapleyades.net)


Books & Treatises

A Likely Origin of Homochirality in Amino Acids, Sugars, and Nucleosides on Prebiotic Earth

likely-origin-homochirality.pdf 170 KB View full-size Download

Evidence for the Likely Origin of Homochirality in Amino Acids, Sugars, and Nucleosides on Prebiotic Earth

breslow-dinosaurs.pdf 227 KB View full-size Download

Inanna Returns - by V.S. Ferguson

inanna-returs.pdf 803 KB View full-size Download

KEBRA NAGAST - Index (bibliotecapleyades.net) - the Book of the Glory of the Kings of Ethiopia

Mythos and Cosmogony - Origins of the Solar System - by Tess Clark

mythos-and-cosmogony.pdf 617 KB View full-size Download

Reptilian Agenda - Milky Way Galaxy Catastrophe Year 2370

12.17.11__list-of-moon-bases-results-of-space-war.pdf 36.8 KB View full-size Download

Secret of the Andes - by George Hunt Williamson (Brother Philip)

David Icke: The Truth About Free Speech, Who Controls the World & Money

The Body Snatchers - by Susan Reed

body-snatchers.pdf 436 KB View full-size Download

The Transcript of Dr Malanga’s Lecture - Updates on Alien Interferences

malanga_updates.pdf 388 KB View full-size Download



Alien Abduction - Corrado Malanga

April 17, 2013

Dr. Corrado Malanga is a researcher professor and teacher in Organic Chemistry in the University of Pisa.
He's been studying UFO and aliens for the last 40 years.

He is currently interested in the matters concerning the Alien Abductions, which he studies through the use of Regressive Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques.

Academic Career

Corrado Malanga received the diploma of surveyor in 1969 and graduated in chemistry in 1977 at the University of Pisa with an experimental thesis on the Chemistry of indol core.
He worked for the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry for one year after finishing his mandatory military service.

In 1981 he moved to Paris at the University P. and M. Couriè, devoting himself to the synthesis of polymers on use of optically active propylene for about two years.

In 1983 he won a competition as researcher at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the University of Pisa.

Since 1983 he has focused his attention on heterocyclic of chemistry, new organic complexes of nickel in organic synthesis and new synthetic pathways to prepare natural compounds.

He has published about fifty papers on international scientific journals. In these years he held several positions teaching courses of organic chemistry I and II for the degree course in 

  • chemistry
  • organic chemistry
  • degree course in biological sciences
  • organometallic chemistry and organic chemistry lab II
  • degree courses in chemistry and industrial chemistry

He has held lectures in the Organic chemistry International School A.

Corbella organized by the Universities of Milan and Bologna.

He was a speaker and co-speaker of countless thesis in chemistry and industrial chemistry.

Press CC for subtitle in English

Additional information:

Genetic Manipulation - ETs and Atlantis

Genetic Manipulation - ETs and Atlantis

 George Bush Senior - Confirmed Reptilian Humanoid

George Bush Senior: Confirmed Reptilian humanoid

Global Reset and Reptilian Overlords - Rise of the Resistance and Full Disclosure

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by Dr. Michael Salla on March 20, 2021, from Exopolitics Website

This is an historical overview of how the Earth has been run as 'a prison planet' through secret agreements between the Cabal/Deep State and their Reptilian extraterrestrial overlords.

The film introduces modern day plans to engineer:

  • wars
  • poverty
  • disease

and genetic modifications that all contribute to covertly fulfilling these agreements.
The recent proposal to create techno-governments in the US State of Nevada is shown to be yet another means by which the Deep State minions of these alien visitors can hide their operations and fulfillment of these agreements.

As more individuals awaken to the contrived nature of:

  • modern wars
  • health crises
  • economic collapse

the masses are rising up in open resistance to the Deep State.

What will accelerate this Great Awakening is full disclosure of:

I wish to thank my incredibly talented and inspired wife, Angelika Whitecliff, for the many hours she devoted to creating this short film and raising public awareness of these critical issues.

Global Reset and Reptilian Overlords - Rise of the Resistance and Full Disclosure

In the Shadow of Lizards - The Secrets of Power - David Icke 2004

David Icke In the Shadow of Lizards the Secrets of Power 2004

Laugh All You Like - Possession and Reptilians are REAL

David icke laugh all you like possession and reptilians are real

Quest for The Lost Civilization - Graham Hancock

This documentary is a breathtaking odyssey, stretching from the pyramids of ancient Egypt to South American ruins.
From Easter Island to Angkor Wat, Graham Hancock puts forward compelling evidence to suggest that cultures we term ancient were in fact the heirs to an older lost civilization...

Quest for the Lost civilization - Graham Hancock (FULL MOVIE)

Revelations of A Mother Goddess - David Icke 2006

by Richard Bruce on January 05, 2014, from YouTube Website

David Icke talks to former mind-control slave Arizona Wilder about her experiences within the Illuminati.
This program presents the staggering story of human sacrifice and satanic rituals involving the most famous people in the world.
World famous conspiracy researcher, lecturer and author David Icke hosts an interview with Arizona Wilder, formerly Jenifer Greene, who was programmed and trained to conduct satanic rituals by Joseph Mengele AKA "The Angel of Death" from the Nazi death camps of World War II.

Arizona Wilder describes how she conducted rituals in which the Queen, the Queen Mother and other members of the British Royal Family sacrificed children in satanic ceremonies.

She talks of the same experiences with:

members of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and a host of the most famous names in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Your view of the world will never be the same when you hear the revelations of Arizona Wilder and their shocking relevance in our lives today.


Ruled by the Gods

David Icke - Ruled by the Gods. 2000

The Lizards and The Jews - David Icke

Broadcaster and journalist Jon Ronson encounters one of Britain's most infamous media figures
as he continues his search to uncover the truth behind who or what is really controlling the world.
Tonight Ronson joins David Icke on a lecture tour that takes the ex-sports broadcaster headlong
into controversy as his extraordinary views dismay his detractors and inspire his audiences, providing a fascinating insight into extremists and how the public responds to them.

David Icke, "The Lizards and The Jews"

The Reptilian Agenda - David Icke and Credo Mutwa

Amazing confirmation that a reptilian extraterrestrial race has controlled the world for thousands of years. David Icke talks with the Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa.

In this fantastic interview, Credo Mutwa reveals the story of the reptilian takeover of Planet Earth and how a shape-shifting Reptilian race (the "Chitauri" to Africans) has controlled humanity for thousands of years and how their bloodlines are in the positions of royal, political and economic power today.

This program will re-write the UFO/ET story in a way that will blow your mind.

Credo Mutwa has endured endless threats and attempts on his life, in an effort to silence him, right up to the recording of this interview.

However, as Credo says, the world must know this and know it now.

David Icke writes:

"This is the most amazing man it has ever been my honor to meet, a genius, and the importance of these videos is simply beyond words."

David Icke & Credo Mutwa -- The Reptilian Agenda (Part One)

David Icke & Credo Mutwa -- The Reptilian Agenda (Part Two)

Transcending The Dualistic Mind - Transpersonal Psychology - John E. Mack

Dr. John Mack, M.D., was a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and professor of psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School who had spent 40 years exploring the question of how our perception of ourselves shapes our perception of the world around us.
NOTE: John Mack's landmark book 'Passport to the Cosmos' will be back in print as a special Commemorative Edition in the Fall of 2008!

Passport to the Cosmos: An Interview with John Mack, M.D. - John E. Mack Institute (johnemackinstitute.org) 

(this video is from the International UFO Congress, 2002)

The Current Crisis - Transcending the Dualistic Mind

The events of September 11 reflect a growing planetary crisis that is deeper than the attack itself or its social, political and economic causes:

We in the West are trapped in a dualistic worldview that reduces reality to simple divisions of good and evil.

In his talk, Dr. Mack will discuss explorations of the Center for Psychology and Social Change (now the John E. Mack Institute), especially the study of the UFO encounter phenomenon and other anomalous experiences, that are revealing the possibility of a unifying cosmology that transcends this dualism.

Dr John E Mack, M D - Transcending the Dualistic Mind

United Nations makes commercial with a Reptilian Dinosaur Warning us of a 'Climate Crisis

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Sorry globalists but people who use their heads know all about your propaganda.
The 'United Nations Development Program' YouTube's channel (UNDP) recently publicly released a television commercial video that stars a dinosaur warning representatives at a United Nations meeting about the need to spend money for preparation of a climate crisis.
Coincidence that they used a reptilian in the video...?
However, we have learned in the past five years about how we have been lied to on a daily basis by our world leaders, mainstream media and corporations.
Propaganda has been used to brainwash the citizens around the globe.
But these globalists overly exposed themselves.
We have learned how they have stolen taxpayers' money, used people for experimental reasons and even murdered people if it furthered their agenda.
Furthermore, now they will be pushing as hard for this made-up climate crisis lie (aka 'Global Warming') as they did with the Covid-19 weapon that was used on the human population.
Not even a 'dinosaur' can help promote yet another lie by a group of people who have a selfish, reckless and evil agenda.

Don't Choose Extinction - UNDP | United Nations | Jack Black | Climate Action

Who is this for?

Are eleven year olds the UN's key demographic?
When the ruling class brings out the quirky ads you know they're just mocking us.
The most unrealistic thing about this was the standing ovation at the end.

They say that, but we all know the 'dinosaurs' have been planning their revenge against mammals for a long long time.

According to the 'conspiracy theory' I'm trying to start, at least half of all oil and gas company CEOs are actually just pterodactyls wearing business suits...
Did the UN forget to turn on their non-reptilian filter?

Now everyone knows the UN is run by lizard people.
The problem is that the general population is so dumb that garbage like this has a chance of actually getting to them.

Full-on, no nuance, in-your-face visual metaphor plus semi-coherent message is just about the only thing people understand these days...


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Flying Serpents & Dragons: The Story of Mankind’s Reptilian Past – Library of Rickandria

Galactic Federations & Councils – Library of Rickandria

Galactic History – Library of Rickandria

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The Watchers – Library of Rickandria

The Greys: Zeta Reticuli Interaction with Earth – Library of Rickandria

The Anunnaki – Library of Rickandria

Life in the Universe – Library of Rickandria

Divine & Manipulative Extraterrestrials: Effects on Humanity’s Religions, Beliefs & Others – Library of Rickandria
