Now, the world at large tends to tell one another, but I don't think individually any of them believe it, but they tell one another that man is an animal and that man is only an animal.
Dianetics of Modern Science and Mental Health was published in May of 1950, and just before the first issue of Dianetics of Modern Science and Mental Health came off the publisher's assembly line, the last psychology textbook dropped off the assembly line in the same book company.
The American book company was also publishing for the University of Chicago psychology text department.
So, there was a psychology textbook which was written and printed before Dianetics of Modern Science and Mental Health was published, but there they were end to end, and as that last book dropped off the line I caught it, and I turned around to the very nice, young vice president of the publishing company and so forth, and I said do you mind if I keep this?
She said well, it isn't really properly bound, and its cover will probably bend, but you may keep it.
So, I did, and I put it in my library, and I still have it to this day.
It's odd that it no longer, it no longer is representative of what they call psychology.
So, you can say something worse than to somebody that you're totally mortal.
You can say you're in a mess huh?
Well, you're all gonna be there.
I hope I cheered you up.
So, the world having been taught this type of thing for quite a while now then finds it rather hard to grasp the older and truer statement which that man an individual man has been going for a very long time and when he dies, he goes somewhere else.
Well, he isn't aware of the fact he's got any place to go don't you see.
He doesn't think he can get any better.
He doesn't think anything's going to change and so forth.
Well, you have to show him.
Well because it is hard to demonstrate it to him or teach him intellectually you can however do it with a synthetic graph.
You can show that there are these various states.
Now by visualizing this graph, by visualizing on the graph and letting him see that there is this and that and the next thing why then he is shown that there is some place for him to go and that is the reason for this.
Now oddly enough it is very doubtful if he will have any great reality higher than the next level up.
He has a good reality on this one jump.
He can visualize that, he can imagine that.
When he gets to that he can have another realization of the next one.
It's very funny to see somebody who has just been, oh man he's just been tearing up the ground to become first stage release and he's gotten to be a first stage release.
So, he says all right I'm first stage release.
Now second stage, see how do I get there?
If you told him that he had to make this tremendous jump in 24 hours from where he stood to OT, you would get him a terrible lose and very often somebody tries to tell people this.
All in a second why then you've also bought the idea that you don't have anything to do with life because it is you and your awareness which is improving.
Now in Scientology we're in the business of handling life and we are just about the first ones that have attempted this for a very long time and we're very good at it.
You take some Scientologists and major him up to an existing situation why he may not make the most roaring success out of the situation in the first three minutes, but he will certainly do a better job of it than anybody else.
Now if you had a very serious illness, one's mind would be so thoroughly occupied with being sick that one could only envision being well.
So, if you were talking to a very sick man, you might talk to him and say there's a state of OT whereby you get 100 miles tall and that's it.
I don't think he'd give you much tension, he'd be talking to those pains in his stomach.
So, to a very sick man, about all it could be envisioned by him would be not getting well, that'd be too big a jump, but not hurting.
You get the gradient.
If you could just fix him up, you could tell him you could tell him we'll fix you up so you don't hurt.
Well, when you had him so he didn't hurt, why he'd be saying, well I wonder if I could sit up.
Next game, you see, next day.
Then if he's sitting up why he says, you know maybe I'll get downstairs tomorrow.
If at any one of those, if you told him at that stage of the game, well Joe we're gonna have you, we're gonna have you back on the job in your old state you know and playing on the local company football team by next week he'd go.
And the whole message here is when you tell a person about too big a jump that you expect him to make too big an advance in too little time you will give him a lose.
In other words, he doesn't then gain he loses.
And the gradation chart which we have is a prevention against this.
It not only tells a person where he can go but it tells him also in such a way and shows him the right stages to prevent his having a tremendous loss.
Otherwise, he gets a lose.
Oh, Scientology you can imagine some state of mind like this.
Well, they'll make you an operating Satan there and you'll be nine feet tall, and you'll be able to beat up on the local government and you'll be able to throw your wife in the Pacific Ocean.
You won't have to bother with her anymore and you'll just be all powerful and so forth.
Well, it probably wouldn't be very real to the individual, but even if he believed that I can assure you it's going to take him several years to make it.
Now the individuals who are on this planet were not issued an instruction book about themselves.
I wish to register a protest about this.
They've got all sorts of technical writers, so it was no dirt with technical writers.
And we have had to do it all from scratch, but this is an instruction book on self, not a construction book on the body or how you should be a good boy or a good girl in the society.
What you're going to do, where you can go, what your capabilities are.
Well, you'd learn that by studying one lesson at a time and by achieving one improvement at a time.
And if you did that in an orderly fashion, you not only would get very few loses, but you would be able to advance up to a very high state.
Also, there's another point which is interesting, and that is if you can in actual fact advance a person by processing more rapidly than he can tolerate.
There's this other side of it.
I, well, I can do that.
But in every case, the individual has just gone... it's practically collapsed.
Too much game, see?
Oh, he walks out of the place.
He's nine feet tall.
He's going to take on the world, you know.
He's all set.
Then he runs into a grasshopper, and the grasshopper kicks him in the teeth, and he falls flat on his back.
He gets home.
Imagine a guy being in such a state that he gets home, and he said,
"Boy, I feel wonderful."
And all it takes is one little remark from his wife,
"Well, you don't look wonderful, dear,"
to put him in bed.
I wouldn't say he was in very good shape to you.
But you can advance an individual well up above his ability to tolerate.
So that is another reason why it is done by gradation.
Now what does gradation mean?
Well, there are grades to a road, and there are grades to steps.
There are steep steps and shallow steps and so forth.
That's what gradation means in our particular sense.
And classification means that we require certain actions to have been done or conditions to have been attained before we say that individual is classified in that grade and let him go on up.
We're not trying to keep anybody back.
We're just trying to keep somebody from breaking his neck.
Now that is an old mystic idea that there was a chasm.
There was a chasm between this existence where we are now and a higher plateau of existence and that many people trying to make it fell into the abyss.
Well, we've built a bridge, and we have this, similarly a bridge, and the bridge goes from this state of existence to that state of existence and the bridge is all complete now and it can be walked.
But there's one point, you have to walk on the bridge.
You know, you wouldn't think you'd have to tell people if you'd say to somebody, you can cross the Grand Canyon as long as you walk across the bridge.
Now, we see along the bottom here, the first negative 34 states.
And the first of those states that is listed here is unexistence.
But there are states way below unexistence.
It's just that people in those states aren't likely to ever be able to read this chart, so we never bothered to put them on.
Now, you find that as an individual goes up here, a very funny thing about this chart, a person, for instance, a person, for instance, at one of these lines, let us say, unexistence.
When he improves, becomes aware of disconnection.
Now, disconnection would be an improvement over no existence at all.
He gets the idea that he's disconnected from things.
He becomes alert to the fact; he becomes aware of the fact that in life he's actually disconnected.
You see, from not existing at all, he becomes aware of the fact that he is at least disconnected from things.
You get the idea.
So, as we go up, a person at any one of these levels, no matter where they are on the chart, is most likely to become aware of the next exact level up.
And this is levels and a map of what the individual can become aware of.
So, if you ask somebody who is down here in a state of fixidity, fixed, there he is, stuck, he knows that.
If we ask this individual to suddenly envision the idea of power, what?
Oh no, somebody's wrong, see?
But you can tell this individual that oddly enough it may not sound right in this particular, but when a person is in total fixidity the first thing he's aware of is glee.
On a harmonic on that he is most aware of ridicule.
Well, you can get the individual, he's stuck in the mud, totally stuck in the mud, somebody comes along and laughs at him.
Well, he hasn't paid any attention to anybody so far until somebody laughed at him.
Now he's aware of it.
This is a little guide here that's quite interesting if you used it in life, if you located what the individual is aware of.
But don't make this mistake, it's not, this isn't what the individual is dramatizing, this isn't the individual's behavior, this is what he himself as a being is aware of.
That's what he's aware of.
So, he's aware of the fact he's introverted.
Now you can be aware of the fact he's introverted, but that doesn't make him aware of it, even when you tell him out of the best of intentions.
You see, you can be aware of the fact he's introverted, well that doesn't put him at introversion.
Is he aware of it?
That's what puts him at introversion.
You'll find a lot of human beings have to come up a long way to become aware of the fact they're introverted.
He becomes aware of the fact of a body and that he is not a body.
He gets into a point where he can predict.
He goes into action.
He himself is capable of production.
He knows a result when he sees one.
He can review the things of his life and take care of it.
He regains his ability.
His purposes, his own purposes, start coming out straight.
For the first time, he didn't ever realize he was really running on other people's purposes.
And he gets a clearing of his entire past and other purposes and a realization of himself.
And then he goes into a state where he is capable of power.
But by the time he gets into that state, he is, of course, totally responsible and could be trusted with.
Otherwise, he won't make it.
Now, when we look all this over, we find ourselves one column on this chart.
We have paralleled it by various techniques and activities which approximate these and bring about these conditions as they go up.
And an individual moving up this chart, one after the other, does make these various steps and arrives finally at the top.
There are various states called the state of release.
There are four stages of release up to here.
Four stages of release up to level five.
Different states of condition and then there is a state of another state of release is actually in this point, which is achieved, but that state we call clear.
Now clear is followed by the state of operating state.
In other words, an individual could operate totally independently of his body, whether he had one or didn't have one.
He's not himself, he's not dependent on the universe around him.
Now that is what that chart describes, and that is a guide from the individual, for the individual from the point where he first becomes dimly aware of a Scientologist or Scientology, and how he can move shows him how he can move and through what he should move on up through in order to make it.
A lot of people are making it now that this chart has come into existence and we have, we're having no real difficulty getting people to attain these various conditions.
You could probably audit somebody exclusively or practice on them exclusively on the basis of just the little changes I've just described to you in detail.
You know, you could find that he was in this state and then coax him to become aware of the very next state mentioned, as I have just described to you, and an individual would come on up the line.
It would be a full route in itself.
The only thing wrong with that is he himself is rather bogged down with all kinds of machinery and odds and ends and this makes it very, very hard for him to get close to himself.
You have to know the secrets to what these things consist of before you can get him all the way out.
Scientology does contain the entire map of getting the individual through all the various points on this gradation scale, getting him across the bridge and to a higher state of existence.
It would be nice to tell you that it was only 30 years long.
It isn't.
It would be nice to tell you exactly how long it was, but you probably wouldn't believe me, so I won't bother to tell you how long I have been searching for the root, but having searched for it, there it is.
I hope you have a very happy passage across the bridge.