Symbols and ritual that codify the elements and forces of nature, codify the life processes of nature, from the little insects all the way up to the supposedly angelic and demonic ETs.
Without this language there is no means for intelligent contact to have a basis for occurring.
And it could be that some symbols from history have their basis in being received alien communications.
If we cannot make genuine contact with our own Earthly Gaia-sphere, make real interspecies communication contact with our own intelligent animals living on the Earth, if we can’t even manage to get connected to the pulse of the living planet, then why would any self-respecting ET alien want to make overt contact with us?
Until we’ve proven we can participate in the creative living natural Holos of our own world, i.e. (“conditioned to be telepathic transceivers”) why would we be candidates to get above-board contact from advanced ETs?
Any aliens would want to get in, do their stuff, and get the hell out and go home as quickly as possible since we might be dangerous, with our wildly uncontrolled and negative energy conditioned bodies.
The only visiting ETs are either immune to emotions (bred out), or use protection devices, since our energy can stink to high heaven.
As for aliens who really like the human auric vibes, watch out!
Check if ET is wearing an auric protection device around their belt, otherwise they are clones or androids or maybe bad ET’s who feed on negative emotion like slurpies.
The auric protection devices dampens the volatile emissions from humans reaching ET, thereby protecting ET from getting shocked by unruly human emotional energies.
This also hints we have means to fight them.
Okay, before we foam at the mouth too much, lets itemize the varieties of invasion scenarios that may be operative or become operative, depending on certain factors:
Covert Invasion (Invasive) Scenarios
Covert Invasion (Invasive) Scenarios include:
Soul incarnation line infiltration as ‘natural’ human person genetic pool (the soul immigration game)
Precipitated, assumed natural, cosmic offensive event, weather control, sun CME, comets, asteroids, earthquakes, blackouts, etc. (the big hit - game over games)
Biological entity that appears normal (the fakeout games)
Biological agent exposure, assumed naturally emergent event (the bug games)
Genetic ET/human mixing for emigration into Earth, abductions (the gene games)
Subconscious present and mythic influence over ages (the big history game)
Brainwave ELF influence systems on selected populace (the long wave games)
Psychotronic systems using electro-radionics and bio-tagging systems (the beastly big bro game)
Technology breakthroughs that slowly influence direction of world (the tech uplift game)
Neighbors trying to stay out of our way, underground, next plane (the bumpin burbs game)
Alien-human telepathic pairing via telepathy or soul possession (the noodle fishing game)
Trans-Dimensional migration of humans to more difficult Earth-phase dimensionality, assuming a limited multiplicity of futures (the soul herder game)
Semi-Overt to Fully Overt Invasion (Invasive) Scenarios
Semi-Overt to Fully Overt Invasion (Invasive) Scenarios include:
Public mass contact as ‘rapture’ harvest’ or ‘rescue’ of soul groups
Public mass contact as wrathful control of the elements of nature
Public mass contact as divine religious agency presentation gambit
Public mass contact as military confrontation, but accommodation
Public mass contact as outwardly friendly really but not
Public mass contact as military-political global takeover
Public mass contact as alien emigration adjustment
Public mass contact as alien all out eradication of most if not all of humankind
Unfortunately for all the ‘looking for love in all the wrong places’ folks, NONE of these above Covert or Overt Human Invasion or Invasive scenarios is actually likely to occur.
Oh shucks.
Why not?
According to hate-crime David Icke, that agenda has already been fulfilled from within.
Are there conditions that obviate the ARC worst case assumption position, and therefore vote for eventual societal assimilation or indefinite postponement of mass contact?