Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict & Creation: Preface

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As far as the history of this planet is concerned, you can consider that everything you ever learned is a complete lie.

All history and science books are rewritten to accommodate the agenda of the controllers of this planet.

These books are just as false as the New Age material spewing forth from such places as Sedona and Santa Fe, to name a couple of Illuminati meccas.
Disinformation is rampant everywhere.

My information comes from my Montauk Project indoctrinations, experiences, conversations with scientists involved in Illuminati programs, communications with alien and interdimensional beings whom I met at various government projects, and through the probing of my own Oversoul.

I cannot offer you physical proof at this time.

I can only tell you that it is available in certain places.

Although all existence is simultaneous, and time and space are merely illusions of physical reality, for the purpose of this book I will present the majority of history from a linear perspective.

There are also infinite universes, both physical and non-physical, but for now, I will only tell you about this one.

To understand how the Illuminati came to power, or even to comprehend what they are, it is important to understand the beginning of life on this world and its progression.

I do not believe in any religion, organized or otherwise.

All religions, no matter what they are, are forms of group mind control designed to manipulate large masses of people to stop thinking for themselves.

I do believe in God.

It has no religion.

In the subsequent years following the publication of my last book, much has been written about by other researchers concerning Reptilians and their rituals.

This theme has found its way into the psyche of the public.

Most people are still not willing to accept or even entertain the idea that hybrid Reptilians are in control of this planet and perform blood rituals and ceremonies using humans as the source of food and hormones.

I wish it were not true.

But I cannot change history, current events, or what I know to be true.

The controllers plan the pattern of coming events in such a way to purposefully disorient the masses while they alone see the destination and the order of life.

The masses are led to believe that haphazard events amidst chaos shape their existence.

In true reality, there is no such thing as chaos.

Chaos is simply a pattern not yet understood or perceived.
Think about an ant crawling over a designed, tiled floor.

The ant may seem confused or disoriented; not knowing which way to go.

But a human being watching the ant from a higher perspective clearly sees the floor pattern and knows which way the ant can get to its destination.

To the ant, there is only perceived chaos.

To the human, there is a prescribed pattern.
To the controllers, the humans are the ants.

The controllers are interested in directing the people in such a way that they do not know that they are being directed.

The controllers work slowly and methodically from a global perspective to accomplish their goals.
With awareness, you too, can perceive order from the chaos, make some conscious decisions, and gain control of your own life and destiny.