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Table of Contents:

Is Transhumanism the New One-World Religion?
Dismantling the Transhumanist Agenda
David Icke & the Road to Transhumanism

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Transhumanism, also rebranded by the military as 'human augmentation' or 'human enhancement.'
Transhumanism is a class of philosophies that seek to guide us towards a posthuman condition.

Transhumanism shares many elements of humanism, including a respect for reason and science, a commitment to progress, and a valuing of human (or transhuman) existence in this life.

Transhumanism differs from humanism in recognizing and anticipating the radical alterations in the nature and possibilities of our lives resulting from various sciences and technologies.

Is Transhumanism the New One-World Religion?

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by Leo Hohmann September 20, 2022 from LeoHohmann Website

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Transhumanism, like Technocracy, sits on top of Scientism, or the worship of science.
In parallel manner, both Catholicism and Protestantism are based on Christianity.
There are significant differences, but the common root is easily recognized.
Biden has now institutionalized Transhumanism in America, creating a state religion to whom all others will now answer.

As we reported last week, Joe Biden's September 12 executive order forming a National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative pivots the entire federal government to support, fund, advance, and embed transhumanism into the fabric of American culture, economy and overall ethos.

"Transhumanism has evolved from an idea in sci-fi novels into a secular religion for many," reports Wesley Smith in his new 2018 article, 'Transhumanism - A Religion for Post-Modern Times'.

Transhumanism: A Religion for Postmodern Times | Acton Institute

Patrick Wood, editor-in-chief of, makes a point in his summation of Smith's article that seems obvious, but few people will make the connection and you won't hear anything about this in the corporate media.

Technocracy News & Trends
Wood states:

"If transhumanism is a religion, then Biden has just instituted a state religion, which is in direct violation of the First Amendment.
Read this article below, Transhumanism - A Religion for Post-Modern Times) word for word"...

Transhumanism: A Religion for Postmodern Times | Acton Institute

We are witnessing the birth of a new faith.
It is not a theistic religion. Indeed, unlike Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, it replaces a personal relationship with a transcendent God in the context of a body of believers with a fervent and radically individualistic embrace of naked materialistic personal recreation.

Moreover, in contrast to the orthodox Christian, Judaic, and Islamic certainty that human beings are made up of both material body and immaterial soul - and that both matter - adherents of the new faith understand that we have a body, but what really counts is mind, which is ultimately reducible to mere chemical and electrical exchanges.

Indeed, contrary to Christianity's view of an existing heaven or, say, Buddhism's conception of the world as illusion, the new faith insists that the physical is all that has been, is, or ever will be.

Such thinking leads to nihilism. 

That's where the new religion leaves past materialistic philosophies behind, by offering adherents hope.
Where traditional theism promises personal salvation, the new faith offers the prospect of rescue via radical life-extension attained by technological applications - a postmodern twist, if you will, on faith's promise of eternal life.

This new religion is known as "transhumanism," and it is all the rage among the Silicon Valley nouveau riche, university philosophers, and among bioethicists and futurists seeking the comforts and benefits of faith without the concomitant responsibilities of following dogma, asking for forgiveness, or atoning for sin - a foreign concept to transhumanists.
Truly, transhumanism is a religion for our postmodern times.

Transhumanist prophets anticipate a coming neo-salvific event known as the "Singularity."

Transhumanism makes two core promises.

First, humans will soon acquire heightened capacities, not through deep prayer, meditation, or personal discipline, but merely by taking a pill, engineering our DNA, or otherwise harnessing medical science and technology to transcend normal physical limitations.
More compellingly, transhumanism promises that adherents will soon experience, if not eternal life, then at least indefinite existence - in this world, not the next - through the wonders of applied science.

This is where transhumanism becomes truly eschatological.
Transhumanist prophets anticipate a coming neo-salvific event known as the "Singularity" - a point in human history when the crescendo of scientific advances become unstoppable, enabling transhumanists to recreate themselves in their own image.

The Singularity (

Want to have the eyesight of a hawk? 

Edit in a few genes.
Want to raise your IQ? 

Try a brain implant.
Want to look like a walrus?

Well, why not? Different strokes for different folks, don't you know?

Most importantly, in the post-Singularity world, death itself will be defeated. 

Perhaps, we will repeatedly renew our bodies through cloned organ replacements or have our heads cryogenically frozen to allow eventual surgical attachment to a different body.
However, transhumanists' greatest hope is to eternally save their minds (again, as opposed to souls) via personal uploading into computer programs.
Yes, transhumanists expect to ultimately live without end in cyberspace, crafting their own virtual realities, or perhaps, merging their consciousnesses with others' to experience multi-beinghood.

Transhumanists used to repudiate any suggestion that their movement is a form of, or substitute for, religion.
But in recent years, that denial has worn increasingly thin.
For example, Yuval Harari, a historian and transhumanist from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, told The Telegraph,

"I think it is likely in the next 200 years or so Homo sapiens will upgrade themselves into some idea of a divine being, either through biological manipulation or genetic engineering by the creation of cyborgs, part organic, part non-organic."

According to Harari, the human inventions of religion and money enabled us to subdue the earth.
But with traditional religion waning in the West - and who can deny it? - he believes we need new "fictions" to bind us together.

Humans 'will become God-like cyborgs within 200 years' (
That's where transhumanism comes in:

Religion is the most important invention of humans.
As long as humans believed they relied more and more on these gods, they were controllable. 

With religion, it's easy to understand.
You can't convince a chimpanzee to give you a banana with the promise it will get 20 more bananas in chimpanzee Heaven. 

It won't do it. 

But humans will.

But what we see in the last few centuries is humans becoming more powerful, and they no longer need the crutches of the gods.
Now we are saying, "We do not need God, just technology."

The old stereotype of the bearded Christian fanatic in robe and sandals carrying a sign stating, "The end is nigh!" has been replaced by transhumanism proselytizers like author Ray Kurzweil (of Google fame) whose bestselling transhumanist manifesto is titled, The Singularity is Near.

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I can't end this essay without highlighting an absolutely crucial distinction that must be drawn between transhumanism and orthodox faiths, particularly Christianity.

Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria
Christianity's highest ideal is love.
St. John the Evangelist wrote,

"God is love."

Christ commanded Christians to,

"love one another as I have loved you."

Hence, believers understand that Christian living requires clothing the poor, visiting the sick and imprisoned, etc.
Because, as Jesus taught in the Parable of the Sheep and Goats, when we do these things to,

"The least of these, you have done it unto Me."

In contrast, transhumanism's highest virtue is intelligence

In contrast, transhumanism's highest virtue is intelligence, which is why increasing human brain capacity is the movement's second-most desired enhancement after defeating death.
Thus, transhumanist entrepreneur Bryan Johnson was reported by the New Scientist as investing $100 million to develop an implant to increase intelligence.

$100 million project to make intelligence-boosting brain implant | New Scientist

"I arrived at intelligence," the story quoted Johnson as saying, because "I think it's the most precious and powerful resource in existence."

In all the transhumanist literature I have read, I have seen little interest in increasing the human capacity to love, beyond the most carnal understanding of that term.
Perhaps that is because even crass materialists understand that love transcends firing neurons, bringing us as close as we are capable to expressing the divine.
Indeed, it is no coincidence that an ancient theist gave us our most profound description of love:

If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal.
And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge.
If I have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing.
If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, it is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 

Love never fails.

You won't find anything as deep, meaningful, and yes, intelligent as St. Paul's love discourse in any transhumanist manifesto.

Indeed, even if we ultimately reengineer ourselves into post-humanity, until and unless we exponentially expand our capacity to love - which is a spiritual discipline, not a mechanistic endeavor - we will never become the creatures we long to be (or were created to be).

The Sauce:

Dismantling the Transhumanist Agenda

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by Dr. Joseph Mercola April 15, 2022, from Mercola Website

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In episode 26 of Children's Health Defense (CHD) Teatime, I discuss the transhumanist agenda and how its ultimate goal is to control the human population.
You're being surveilled 24/7, and most of the surveillance you are allowing into your life, as you give up your privacy and consent to surveillance in exchange for convenience.
Google is a primary culprit and the most egregious offender; they have major control and influence since, worldwide, 93% of the searches done online use Google.
Transhumanists don't have to put a microchip into your arm to gain immeasurable control; they can already alter reality and brainwash the population via data collection and the manipulation of information.
You can help protect your privacy and fight back against the transhumanism movement by avoiding any and all Google products.

The notion of transhumanism is being actively researched and explored, while on some level it's already here.
Many people regard transhumanism as turning human beings into robots, but it actually describes a social and philosophical movement that involves the development of human-enhancement technologies. 1

In episode 26 of Children's Health Defense (CHD) Tea Time, I spoke with Polly Tommey, director of programming for CHD-TV, and colleagues about the transhumanist agenda and how its ultimate goal is to control the human population.
The process has been accelerated by the COVID-19 'pandemic', and over the last two years, the global cabal has succeeded in influencing behavior, primarily through fear and the creation of narratives.

The Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...(

Most people don't appreciate that they're being surveilled 24/7, and most of the surveillance you are allowing into your life, as you give up your privacy and consent to surveillance in exchange for convenience.
Google is a primary culprit and the most egregious offender, and they have major control and influence since, worldwide, 93% of the searches done online use Google. 2

Google and The Internet (
It's the biggest monopoly in the history of the world.

They're Capturing Your Data and Influencing Your Mind

In the future, it's possible that transhumanism will use technologies that are physically embedded in the human body or brain to offer superhuman cognition or forms of mind control.
However, at this time transhumanism is already occurring, not from an implantable device but through mass formation psychosis and the manipulation of information.

A key example is the term "mass formation psychosis," which Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the DNA and mRNA vaccine core platform technology, 3 mentioned on an episode of "The Joe Rogan Experience" December 31, 2021:
Dr Robert Malone on The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast (JRE #1757 Dec 31 2021 / 1 Jan 2022) ( (JRE #1757 Dec 31, 2021 / 1 Jan 2022)

The episode was viewed by more than 50 million people. 4

January 2, 2022, mass formation psychosis reached a value of 100 on Google Trends, 5 which means it had reached peak popularity, after previously being practically unheard of.

The technocrats quickly took action, manipulating search results and populating Google with propaganda to discredit Malone and the mass formation psychosis theory - even though Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at the University of Ghent in Belgium, who has 126 publications to his name, 6 has been studying it for many years, and the phenomenon actually dates back over 100 years.

Those under the spell of mass formation psychosis obsessively focus on a failure of the normal world or a particular event or person - in this case COVID-19 - which becomes the focus of the attention and can effectively control the masses.
The phenomenon leads to totalitarian thinking and, eventually, to totalitarian states - and it's clear that Google didn't want you to know about it.

Google Infiltrates Your Home

Because of their monopoly, Google controls what you see by manipulating search results and censoring websites or labeling them "misinformation."
If you want to find out how to truly get healthy, for instance, the information exists on the internet - it's there - but you won't be able to find it easily if you don't know where to look because of the way Google controls information.

By manipulating information, they can shape and alter reality about any topic - from COVID-19 to Ukraine - in order to fit their agenda. 

It's not only Google's search engine that's tracking what you do but also your browser.
Google Chrome browser tracks everything you do online, while Gmail captures every character you type - and saves it on its servers indefinitely.

If you use smart speakers in your home, like Alexa and Google Home smart speakers or the Google Assistant smartphone app, there's a chance people are listening to your requests, and even may be listening when you wouldn't expect.
Even smart thermostats can have microphones in them.

Have you ever had a phone conversation with someone and then in the next hour or day started getting ads related to something you spoke about?

This is a powerful example of the amount of data they're collecting about you and how they're using it to control and manipulate your behavior.
They don't need a futuristic transhumanist device to go in and manipulate your brain:

they're already doing it without it...

‘Hacking Organisms' to Reengineer Life Itself

The beginning of CHD's video features transhumanist Yuval Noah Harari, professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a top adviser to Klaus Schwab, owner and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
It's important to be aware that Schwab, WEF and Harari speak openly about transhumanism as part of The Great Reset, and Harari admits data might enable human elites to do more than,
"just build digital dictatorships."

"By hacking organisms," Harari said, "elites may gain the power to reengineer the future of life itself because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it." 7

Soon, he says, some corporations and governments will be able to,

"systematically hack all the people."

And, if they succeed in hacking life, he describes it as the,

"greatest revolution in biology since the beginning of life 4 billion years ago."

According to Harari: 8

"For 4 billion years, nothing fundamental changed. Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design.

Not the intelligent design of some god above the clouds, but our intelligent design, and the intelligent design of our clouds - the IBM cloud, the Microsoft cloud - these are the new driving forces of evolution."

Once human life is hacked, the hackers will maintain control over life itself - a process that has been accelerated by the 'pandemic'.
After all, Harari said,

"It's often said that you should never let a good crisis go to waste." 9

Surveillance is a key part of the plan for global totalitarian control, and Harari says that in 100 years, people will be able to look back and identify the COVID-19 'pandemic' as the moment when a new regime in surveillance took over,

"especially surveillance under the skin." 10

Even though a brain-computer implant recently enabled a fully paralyzed man to communicate with family and doctors with his thoughts, 11 I don't believe the technology has advanced to the point that implantable microchips are being used as brain-machine interfaces to control your thoughts.
But what does exist today are vaccine passports, which can progress to digital IDs, which then lead to central bank digital currencies (CBDC) - the endgame.

CBDCs appear to be inevitable:

it's not a question of if they're going to have them, but when...

Once CBDCs become widespread, they'll be able to control everything, as it will be difficult to survive without them.
They don't have to put a microchip in your arm to gain this immeasurable control - they'll be able to track and control your every move via CBDCs.

Develop Your Personal Resilience

Optimizing your health is one of the best measures you have to develop your personal resilience against whatever new threat may come your way.
I outlined three top priorities in the below video, which include:

Avoid seed oils in your diet

Seed oils, which are often referred to as vegetable oils, are hidden in virtually every processed food, including restaurant foods, unless you can confirm the chef is cooking only with butter.
There's virtually nothing more destructive to your body in producing:

  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • age-related macular degeneration
  • diabetes
  • obesity

and dementia. 12

The Unhealthy-Deadly Foods' Industry (

Even if you cut out processed foods and other major seed-oil offenders like sauces and salad dressings at restaurants, you can still be hit by these pernicious toxins because they're hidden in ostensibly "healthy" foods like chicken and pork.
These animals are fed grains loaded with the omega-6 fat linoleic acid, which is found in most seed oils and causes health damage when consumed at the excessive levels that are common today.

Many people eat loads of chicken because it's perceived as a health food and it's inexpensive, but it's a major source of linoleic acid.
In your own cooking, examples of healthy fats to use instead of seed oils are beef tallow, butter or coconut oil.

Avoid iron overload

If you're male or a postmenopausal woman, iron overload can put your health at risk.
As a potent oxidizer, iron can damage your tissues and impair mitochondrial function. 

Your body has limited capacity to excrete iron, which allows it to build up in your organs, including your heart, liver and pancreas.

Men and postmenopausal women can reduce their risk of iron overload by donating blood two or three times a year.
It's an effective and inexpensive remedy that will also help others.

Get regular sun exposure

Getting outdoors in the sun, exposing as much of your bare skin as possible, is the best way to ensure your vitamin D levels are optimized.
When you get sun exposure, it also increases the active form of vitamin A along with mitochondrial melatonin, a profoundly important antioxidant inside your mitochondria that reduces oxidative stress.

De-Google Yourself

You don't have to be on to risk your privacy and be surveilled.
It's much more pernicious than this, as your data can be captured while you're, for instance, talking on your phone.

Apps can track and collect your data, which is then used to essentially brainwash you.

It's possible to de-Google your cellphone by getting an Android phone that doesn't have a Google operating system, but you'll need to find a skilled IT person who can reformat your cellphone's hard drive.
You can further help protect your privacy and fight back against the transhumanism movement by avoiding any and all Google products.
This includes:

Stop using Google search engines.

Try Brave search engine instead.

Private Search Engine - Brave Search
Uninstall Google Chrome and use Brave browser instead, available for all computers and mobile devices. 

It blocks ads and protects your privacy.
If you have a Gmail account, try a non-Google email service instead such as ProtonMail, 13 an encrypted email service based in Switzerland.

Proton Mail: Get a private, secure, and encrypted email account | Proton
Stop using Google docs.
If you're a high school student, do not convert the Google accounts you created as a student into personal accounts.

Sources and References

  1. Transhumanism | Definition, History, Ethics, Philosophy, & Facts | Britannica
  2. CHD.TV, Tea Time Episode 26, 5:20
  3. Bioethics of Experimental COVID Vaccine Deployment under EUA: It’s time we stop and look at what’s going down. (
  4. Big Media Mad at ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ (
  5. "mass formation psychosis" - Explore - Google Trends
  6. prof. dr. Mattias Desmet (
  7. YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 3:35
  8. YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 4:30
  9. YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 6:01
  10. YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 6:27
  11. Brain Implant Allows Fully Paralyzed Patient to Communicate - The New York Times (
  12. YouTube, Omega-6 Apocalypse 2, Chris Knobbe August 25, 2021

The Sauce:

David Icke & the Road to Transhumanism

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Government-mandated human genetic modification in a Transhumanist Age.

Genome (

For the first time ever, human genetic modification will be carried out in Europe using the recently approved gene editing technology.
It will be used to try and treat a debilitating blood disorder that lowers the body's hemoglobin production. 

This red hemoglobin protein carries and delivers oxygen to the body's tissues.

This means mainstream medicine is now venturing into uncharted territory, with human genetic modification. 

And there'll be more and more excuses to do it because, as I've been pointing out on this UK speaking tour, the plan is to, and I go into in detail in the new book, the plan is to completely transform the human body until it is a synthetic, rather than biological, entity.

And, knowing that it is the means to understand why so many things are happening in the world, that appears to be very, very, very strange, and why is it happening.
All can be explained once you realize they want to transform the human body into a synthetic form.

Synthetic Life - Robotoids, Parasites & Artificial Humans (

Talking of which, and this is one of the things explained by them:

"Parents are told to "stand down" as vulgar sexual acts (are) taught in the classroom.
Leftist teachers (who are leftist, in other words progressive teachers, but again they're just puppets of that which tells them what to do) have continued to push their pro-LGBT agenda onto students, and it's worse than ever before.
Angry parents have often chosen to opt their children out of the "sex ed" classes, which regularly teach vulgarity and promiscuity to students.
But one school took extreme measures to overrule parents, and you won't believe what they did", this article says.

"Mommy Underground" has continued to report on the gross abuse of teachers forcing their pro-LGBT lessons onto students. Kindergartners were forced to sit through a "transition" ceremony. 

Other teachers were chastised for using gender pronouns when referring to their students.

And as Mommy Underground previously reported, one mom had enough and even organized a "Sex Ed Sit Out".
But one school has pushed the envelope and is teaching students everything from abortion and how to be sexually active and still keep one's (quotes) "virginity".

LifeSite News reported:

"California enacted the California Healthy Youth Act in 2015, but only now are its controversial provisions starting to take effect in classrooms.

Under the auspices of
health, the law says it will equip students to develop "healthy attitudes" on "gender [and] sexual orientation," among other things.

It also says it will inform students about the 'effectiveness and safety of all FDA-approved contraceptive methods,' and facilitate 'objective discussion' about 'parenting, adoption, and abortion.'

RedState contributor Kira Davis, a resident of Orange County, California, warns that among the teaching materials approved for use under this law are a study guide for the transgender children's book 'I Am Jazz', as well as a 'sexual health toolkit'."
And what some..., what this whole explosion of gender confusion, because that's what it is...
It's not about protecting transgender people, who are a very, very, very, very small minority, but growing because of what I'm about to say. 

It's not about protecting them from discrimination.

This web can't give a damn about discrimination. 

Once it gives it an excuse to Problem-Reaction-Solution, (it) makes changes in the world as a result of it.

It's about confusing young people about their gender, and children about their gender, from the earliest age, as part of this whole process towards the trans…, I was to say transgender, towards the No-Gender synthetic human.

It's all part of the process of them psychologically preparing people for that.
And again, you know, once you know what the outcome is designed to be, seeing the steps towards it is so easy...

The Sauce:


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Additional Information

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Era of Smart Oceans With Autonomous Robots (

Exposing Sentient, Off-planet Predatory, Pathogenic AI Artificial Intelligence (

Fluoride and The Future - Population Level Cognitive Enhancement
Oxford Professor Calls for Drugging Water Supply (

Genetically Engineering Humans (

Genetic Engineering - 'Spider Goats' Create One of the Strongest Known Substances
Scientists to Add Spider Genes to Human Genome to Create 'Bulletproof Skin' (

Governance by Artificial Intelligence - The Ultimate Unaccountable Tyranny (

Hand-Made Humans May Hold The Key to 'Saving The World' (

Hardware and Software Combining to Replicate the Human Brain (

Hear, hear!... Scientists Create Human-Like Ears with 3D Printing
3D Printer Produces Synthetic 'Tissue' (

Human Engineering and Climate Change (

Humanity at Crossroads - Technology Explosion or A Return to The Middle Ages (

Scientists to Add Spider Genes to Human Genome to Create 'Bulletproof Skin' (

Hydrogel Biosensor - Implantable Nanotech to be used in 'COVID Vaccines'? (

"I Am Legend" and The Depopulation Agenda (

Intelligent Robots Will Overtake Humans by 2100 - Experts Say (

More Evidence the COVID Fake-Vaccine is 'Embedding MAC Addresses' (

Nanotechnology, Terraforming, Transhumanism, and You... (

'Neural Dust' will Connect Humans and Machines (

Neuromorphic Chips Could Help Reverse-Engineer The Human Brain (

New HAL Exoskeleton - Brain-Controlled Full Body Suit to Be Used in Fukushima Cleanup (

One Million Robots - Our Replacements Have Arrived (

'Operation Coronavirus' is working Hand-in-Hand with the 'Nanotech Agenda' (

Oxford Professor Calls for Drugging Water Supply (

Oxford Professor says Genetically Altering Unborn Babies Personalities a Moral Obligation (

Researcher Links AI, Geoengineering, Smart Dust and Morgellons to ET’s (

Scientists Are Convinced Mind Transfer Is the Key to Immortality (

Self-Taught 'AI' shows Similarities to how the Human Brain works (

Silicon Valley Fascinated with Overcoming Death (

Some Examples of Brain Controlled Technology in Action (

Some Reasons Why Google Wants to Build the Perfect Human (

Spider Silk - Air Force Radar Chaff Farmed from The Milk of Transgenic Goats - Infrared Sensors/Infrared Filters? (

Stanford Creates Biological Transistors, The Final Step Towards Computers Inside Living Cells (

Synthetic Police Are Coming - DARPA Engineering Autonomous Robots (

Team of Experts Say Humanity Faces Extinction (

The Artificial Habitat for Mankind - This Isn't the End of the Road

The Coming Techno Apocalypse (

The Georgia Guidestones ( - Main File

The Great "Global Crisis of Maturity" and The New World Order (

The Hidden National Institutes of Health (NIH) Webpage - Duplication/Trisomy of Q42 11 Q42 12 (

The Internet of Everything - Annihilating Time and Space (

The Man Who's Building a Computer Made of Brains (

The Many Goals of Mind Control - Interim Report (

The New Conquistadores - A Technological Divide Threatens Our Survival (

The US Government is Bankrolling The 'Engineering' of Humans (

The War on Human DNA (

Transhumanist Bankers Plan Robotic Future (

United Nations Envisions Transhumanist Future Where Man is Obsolete (

Vaccination Agenda - An Implicit Transhumanism/Dehumanism (

Welcome to The Programmable World (

When Capitalism Meets Civic Tech (

Your Body is The Next Frontier in Cybercrime (


A CRISPR/Cas9-​based Central Processing Unit to Program complex logic Computations in Human Cells

CRISPRcas9-based.pdf 713 KB View full-size Download

A Tissue-Like Printed Material

tissue-like-printed-material.pdf 544 KB View full-size Download

Connectome - How the Brain's Wiring Makes Us Who We Are - by Sebastian Seung

connectome.pdf 3.73 MB View full-size Download

Ethical Issues in Human Enhancement

human-enhancement.pdf 250 KB View full-size Download

Existential Risk Prevention as The Most Important Task for Humanity

existential-risk-prevention-humanity.pdf 954 KB View full-size Download

Exploring Biodigital Convergence - What happens when Biology and Digital technology Merge?- by P.H.C.

biodigital-convergence.pdf 4.17 MB View full-size Download

God and Golem Inc. - by Norbert Wiener

god-golem-inc.pdf 1.44 MB View full-size Download

Human Augmentation - The Dawn of a New Paradigm, a Strategic Implications Project

human-augmentation.pdf 4.29 MB View full-size Download

Neural Dust - An Ultrasonic, Low Power Solution for Chronic BrainMachine Interfaces

neural-dust-ultrasonic-lowpowersolution.pdf 589 KB View full-size Download

New Bottles for New Wine - by Julian Huxley

new-bottles-new-wine.pdf 3.89 MB View full-size Download

Reversing the Life Cycle - Medusae Transforming into Polyps and Cell Transdifferentiation in Turritopsis...

reversing-life-cycle.pdf 1.71 MB View full-size Download

The Age of Spiritual Machines - by Ray Kurzweil

age-spiritual-machines.pdf 3.33 MB View full-size Download

The Many Evil Faces of Morgellons

evilfaces_morgellons.pdf 8.86 MB View full-size Download

The Singularity is Near - When Humans Transcend Biology

singularity-near.pdf 7.07 MB View full-size Download

The Skingularity is Near - The Next Human, the Perfect Rainbow Light Body and the... - by William Henry

skingularity-is-near.pdf 10.8 MB View full-size Download

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Modulates Neuronal Activity and Learning in Pilot Training

transcranial-direct-current-stimulation-fly-plane (1).pdf 599 KB View full-size Download

(Trans)humanism and Biopolitics

transhumanism-biopolitics.pdf 1.97 MB View full-size Download

World Brain - by H.G. Wells

world-brain.pdf 509 KB View full-size Download


As Technological Change Accelerates, Can Policy Keep Up?

CFR Discusses a Future with "Humans 2.0" and "Autonomous Robots" (

Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails - Climate Researcher Dane Wigington on GeoEngineering (

Creating Life - The Ultimate Engineering Challenge

Defeating 5G as a Mass 'DEW' - A Directed Energy Weapon (

Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID-19 Vaccine, Transhumanism and Human Ver. 2.0 (

Elite Undeniably Engaged in Poisoning The Masses - Slow Kill Holocaust (

Elite Undeniably Engaged in Poisoning The Masses - Slow Kill Holocaust (

Great Awakening vs. Global Reset - How Full Disclosure trumps Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence (

Human Body Version 2.0 (

Hybrid World - The Plan to Modify and Control the Human Race (
Life After People - History Channel

Obsolete - Mini Documentary (2016) (

Redesigning Life - Playing God
The Age of Transitions - Transhumanism (
The Merging of Humanity and Machines - Transcendent Man

 The Pineal Gland and the Battle for our Souls - Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

The Transhumanist Agenda - Human Robotization and Nano Implant Technologies

Trance-Formation - Transhumanism, Genetic Modification of all Life, Nanotechnology, HAARP...

Is The Transhumanist Movement a Threat to Our Survival? (
The Age of Transitions - video Dailymotion

Transhumanism - The War on Human Nature (

WARNING ALERT - New NWO Mass Depopulation Agenda (


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