BOOK: EXCERPT: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) - Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d - Matthew 27

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Matthew 27, Jesus was crucified and arose once again.

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Jesus Reveals God is Actually the Devil in the BANNED Gospel of Judas

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Notice that in Matthew, there is no mention of him being speared by a soldier while on the cross.

This is an important thing to remember as is explained later.

Roman military law was very strict.

For dereliction of duty, the penalty for the Roman soldier was usually execution or, if not, a thorough scourging with iron tipped whips.

So, the story that the Jews told of bribing the guards to say that the disciples had stolen the body of Jesus out of the tomb while the Roman guards slept, was an impossible lie.

Roman soldiers had more discipline than that.

Certainly, they were always eager for bribes, but once the money was in hand, they would not claim dereliction of duty and suffer the penalty.

They would merely keep the money and tell the Jews to take a hike because no matter how big the bribe, dereliction of duty meant death for them.

That Jesus went deeply into a super-conscious, transcendental trance while on the cross only to return to the conscious state while in the tomb, is most likely.

Jesus’ REAL Purpose Revealed in BANNED Gospel

In order to have control over the prophesies, Jesus wanted to die on the cross but not have his legs broken, which was the final agony meted out to crucified victims.

Joseph of Arimathea claimed the body of Jesus and placed it in his own newly built tomb.

Joseph of Arimathaea by James Tissot, between 1886 and 1894 699 KB View full-size Download

Joseph of Arimathea (Ancient Greek: Ἰωσὴφ ὁ ἀπὸ Ἀριμαθαίας) is a Biblical figure who assumed responsibility for the burial of Jesus after his crucifixion. Three of the four canonical Gospels identify him as a member of the Sanhedrin, while the Gospel of Matthew identifies him as a rich disciple of Jesus. The historical location of Arimathea is uncertain, although it has been identified with several towns. A number of stories about him developed during the Middle Ages.

What Really Happened After Jesus Christ Died

Joseph of Arimathea was a rich merchant.

His specialty was importing tin from the British Isles.

The early Britains had a tradition that Jesus came to Britain and established the first church there.

So, it is not too much beyond belief that Jesus did, indeed, survive his crucifixion.

Having accomplished his mission in Life of bringing the darkness of Judaism to a close, he took himself away from those despicable people, the Jews.

He left them to their approaching doom while leaving behind the truth about God and the proper methods of finding Him.

Jesus had broken the power of the lying demon Jews over Mankind.

Now, it was up to the Jews to give up their delusions and to either follow Jesus or follow the Monsters of Babylon.

Some Jews became Christians and lived.

As for those who remained Jews, they are about 4,000 miles directly beneath your feet right now, too far away and covered with too much magma, to hear them screaming.