The Octopus of Global Control

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September 11, 1990: President Bush reveals a plan to destroy America and establish a one-world government.

He calls it "a big idea, a New World Order":

The Octopus is too weak to carry out his vision in 1990 because the news media are not under total control.

Global Media Control (

The Octopus spend the next ten years planning a "New Pearl Harbor" event that will terrorize the American Public into abandoning their Bill of Rights & join a Global Fascist Police State where cruel & unusual torture is common, & resistance is met with secret detention, mind-altering drugs, & execution.

Big Brother Loves You (

The Octopus plans to enforce their scheme through the use of little-understood high-tech weaponry and intensive propaganda spread through the news media.
With their tentacles carefully placed in strategic positions within the FBI, the Justice Department, and the Military, the Octopus decides to attack at the Dawn of a New Millennium, exactly 11 years after their plan was announced by the elder President Bush.
Using an imaginary threat of global "Islamic Terrorism" the Octopus enlists the:

  • Neo-cons
  • Zionists
  • Right-Wing Christians

to spread their propaganda, making empty promises to each group.

Real History of Christianity (

Little do they realize that as soon as the Octopus takes total control, Israel and the Religious will be betrayed, and all of mankind will serve only one master: The Octopus

Gods & Religions on Planet Earth (

Library of Rickandria – Mankind's greatest fears manifest due to their lack of knowledge…