Blackjack: 21 Near Future Predictions

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How is your life going to be under the New World Order of Billy <3 and Jews if they aren't defeated?

Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria

(About the sources: Only indicative. Sources have to be understood in conjunction)

1. You will never eat meat again.

Only synthetic meat [if deemed worthy] and bugs with grass.


2. You will never own anything again.

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You'll rent things and not work anymore to have the right of any ownership.


3. Since you'll not work anymore, you'll only be thrown a few coins from "The Overlords", as a form of mercy for your sorry ass.

Call it UBI. *

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Universal Basic Income – Library of Rickandria

* Conditions apply.

You will have to be a perfect slave for it, otherwise, nothing for you.

Where and how it's spent will be under full control and surveillance.

You'll only buy bugs and grass to eat with it.


"United States: Green New Deal – the environmental and social revolutions are linked"

4. How many children you will have will be prohibited.

Any children against the "Racial Unified Prototype" I.e., non UniRace or what race is decided by Jews, are to be exterminated.

Probably we are going for the "Goyim UniRace", which where all people will be the same.

There will be only "One Humanity".

Humanity’s History & Ancient Civilizations – Library of Rickandria


5. You'll be forced to copulate with any race those in power want, until a singular race is created. 

Castration may also happen at birth, because you may copulate by accident, and further problems like Global Warming if you do that (related to the above), by creating one more idle eater.

USELESS EATERS – Library of Rickandria


6. You'll be injected with anything they want or deem considerate.

It could be anything.

You won't be asked because you're stupid and you read Fake News.

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Those who do not take drugs that turn them friendly or pacifistic, will have to be disposed. 


7. You will be spied upon 24/7 for any naughty or inconsistent thoughts, digitally from every corner of your existence.


8. You will no longer study or filter information.


9. You'll have a brain chip, potentially reading your thoughts etc.

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Or turn you into a drone.

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Or kill you.

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It all depends on if you were a good boy or girl.

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Or whatever, genders won't exist at all.

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We're all one.

New Jerusalem: Jesus of Borg – Library of Rickandria


Elon Musk: Neuralink could start implanting brain chips 'later this year' (

Elon Musk's Neuralink has put in its first human brain implant : NPR

Neuralink, Elon Musk’s brain implant startup, set to begin human trials | CNN Business

Elon Musk expects Neuralink to do its first implantation in humans later this year | Reuters

Musk expects brain chip start-up Neuralink to implant 'first case' this year | Reuters

Neuralink rival sets brain-chip record with 4,096 electrodes on human brain | Ars Technica

Elon Musk's Neuralink wins FDA approval for human study of brain implants | Reuters

Elon Musk says the first human patient has received a brain implant from Neuralink | CNN Business

Neuralink: Elon Musk's brain chip firm wins US approval for human study (

Elon Musk’s Neuralink is seeking a second person to test its brain chip | CNN Business

 10. You'll be forced into specific sexual norms which are deemed "appropriate".


11. Since you'll own nothing, you'll also not have a house, you'll have a communal one.

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The Global State will move you as they please.

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A Digital Nomad, but on steroids in a global state:

Billionaires See VR as a Way to Avoid Radical Social Change: 

Tech oligarchs are encouraging the creation of virtual worlds as a cheap way to avoid problems in the real one.

Billionaires See VR as a Way to Avoid Radical Social Change | WIRED

12. Old schizophrenics like Billy <3 will do to you as they see fit.

They are good people after all, and harmless.

Look at him he is only a good person in a sweater that speaks sweetly to you.

Old "Alpha Male" leadership will begone from the Earth.

With Epstein:

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 13. Nobody will own any land or have any independence anymore.


Or any property of course in general:

14. You'll be at the complete mercy of those in power, for your own "Safety".

  • Constitutions?
  • Laws?
  • Countries?

No, nothing.


Orwell's 1984.

Have you read that one?

15. If you upset the peace of this perfected Jewish farm, sorry I meant world, you will be "removed".

Maybe you'll go out as a "CoVid" patient, or whatever other pandemic will come up.


16. There will be lots of pandemics, constantly.

You'll live in an eternal lockdown.

So, adjust to this now.


17. You don't need any friends at all.

You'll watch only state allowed:

  • films
  • pornography
  • education material


Google Sued Over Purged Conservative YouTube Channels (

I won't link Pornhub here, but if you go, you'll definitely find a lot of race mixing content in the first page.

It's part of the agenda of course to program you in that.

18. Having negative thoughts about Billy <3 will be punishable by what will be called "A pleasant walk", labelling as "conspiracy theorist", or Facebook will report you instantly to the Moral Police of Good People, which will then arrest you, only to do you very, very good.


This site explains in depth how "Spy systems" are being used in full force to supposedly track "Coronavirus", gathering infinite data on citizens and their moves, behavior etc.

It also has information on Vaccination Passports and other bright ideas of Billy <3.

Tracking the Global Response to COVID-19 | Privacy International

19. There will be no prisons anymore, as people will already be living in prison.


20. Any inner force of reaction or disagreement will be quelled instantly, because there will be no men anymore or any argumentative women around.

There will be perfect peace among the...New species of humans.


21. You'll be peaceful whether you like it or not.

Sissification will be imposed upon you whether you understand this or not.


They will manipulate your children either to make them trannies, or to reverse that.

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Either way, in the West it will be enforced as a "Cure", same as it is being done in Iran.

Iran Tries to 'Cure' Gay Children With Electric Shock and Hormone Therapy - Report (

British children in limbo over gender therapy after court ruling | Reuters

But at least we defeated the Evil Hitler who wanted to take over the earth and liberate us from this.

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Hitler’s Genealogy – Library of Rickandria

He did also another very evil thing, he was a "man".

At least we have no men anymore!

Everyone is a great now!

The world is so safe.

Muslims and such are going to be forcibly sissified to follow with our paradigm.

The Real Truth: Jews Promote Christianity & Islam – Library of Rickandria

If in the process they kill half of Europe, it's ok.

It was our duty to make them into sissies like the NWO and Billy <3 said.

Welcome them all in.

If they:

  • rape
  • kill
  • loot

anyone, this is only a transient stage into world love <3.

They'll be sterilized also with a lot of love in the end.

Rainbow airplanes will fly above us, spraying us with happy drugs, sissifying hormones, and writing in big letters in a banner,

"You love Billy <3"

This is the way to freedom.

We will not have any wars or any disputes like before!

We peacefully are going to the slaughter, sorry, I meant New World, without any protesting.

The Truth About the “New World Order” – Library of Rickandria

We'll finally have attained peace.

Billy's Plan <3.

Billy <3, your new sissified reptilian grey hybrid Akhenaten will be your one God and King.

The Reptilian Origins of the Jews – Library of Rickandria

This planet will be his little Aquarium, and everyone beneath him will be a goldfish without consciousness at all.

Consciousness & its Expressions – Library of Rickandria

You'll all be the same goldfish also, so that you don't feel inferior feelings from strong or powerful people.

Your new leaders will be very, very kind to you.

Not the evil shouters and men who told you to wake up.

Definitely not Hitler or anything threatening!

The BEER HALL PUTSCH was Faked! – Library of Rickandria

They will be Mr. Friendly Sweater Billy <3, and all he does, will be to do the good thing.

He'll never harm your feelings, except violate all your existence and make you cattle while killing a few hundreds of millions.

One Big Setup to be Chipped like Cattle – Library of Rickandria

But he'll do it INDIRECTLY.

For example, he'll be a proponent to the Great Reset, but NOT kill you of course with a war or an invasion like Evil Hitler did.

Global Reset – Great Reset – Library of Rickandria

But he'll do it in all in a friendly manner.

If you disobey, he'll throw CoVid 2023, and kill a few hundred million, but by accident.

A perfect dream, materialized.

Now, any final reactions you have to this, remember, do not think negative of Billy <3.

Billy <3 is our friend.

He's so kind just look at him in the camera, with his little smile and how weak he appears to be.

He just happens to control the whole planet almost but it's ok, he's our Billy <3.

He's our little cuddly bear and nothing harmful.

No matter what he does he's always the cutest <3.

He's not evil and dominant like Hitler.

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Adolf Hitler: Outsider & Occultist – Library of Rickandria

Blackjack: 21 Near Future Predictions (

Blackjack: 21 Near Future Predictions – Library of Rickandria