The Origin of the Word “Egypt” & “Pyramid”

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by Stephen S. Mehler, M.A. from Website

We all recognize the word "Egypt" as the name of a modern country in North Africa, not a part of the Middle East as is commonly misperceived.
Most Egyptologists and lay people know that Egypt is derived from the Greek word Aegyptos. But few have ever traced the origin of this word.

Aegyptos is a contraction of the Greek term Hi-Gi-Ptos.

Hi-Gi-Ptos was a Greek transliteration of the ancient term Het-Ka-Ptah.

Het (Hit, Hat) meant "place"

Ka is a term that has been subjected to many translations by Egyptologists.

We choose the indigenous definition, "the physical projection of the soul" - not the body, which was Khat or Khet but the personality that attaches itself to the body.

Ptah was the title of one of the so-called "Creator Gods" or Neters.

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René Adolphe Schwaller de Lubicz (born René Adolphe Schwaller December 30, 1887 – December 7, 1961), was a French Egyptologist and mystic who popularized the idea of sacred geometry in ancient Egypt during his study of the art and architecture of the Temple of Luxor in Egypt, and his subsequent book The Temple In Man. Many of de Lubiscz's claims have been rejected by mainstream Egyptologists, but embraced by promoters of "alternative Egyptology".
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz translated Neter to mean,

"Principle or an attribute of divinity, an aspect of God," not the whole concept itself.

The Greeks derived their word "nature" from Neter, therefore receiving the teaching from the ancient Egyptians of there not being a separation of nature and the divine.

So, the term Het-Ka-Ptah meant the "Place of the Projection of the Principle of Ptah" or the "Place where the Projection of Ptah Manifested."
This term is found as an inscription on a stela near the modern Egyptian village of Mit Rahaina situated near the ruins of the ancient Egyptian capital city the Greeks named Memphis, known to the ancients as Men-Nefer (The Generation of Harmony).

Therefore, the term Het-Ka-Ptah referred only to one site, one city that was the first capital of Dynastic Egypt, not the whole country or civilization.

The ancients referred to their "country" as KMT, which has been written many different ways:

  • Kemet
  • Kemit
  • Khemet
  • Khem
  • Al Khem

- and the form we prefer, Khemit.

It literally meant "the Black Land" and referred to the rich, black alluvial soil deposited by the Nile River, which allowed the agricultural basis of the civilization to flourish.
The indigenous tradition of Egypt tells us the civilization was Khemit, the people and language were called Khemitian.

Therefore, what I study and teach is Khemitology, not Egyptology.
This is a beginning paradigm for the presentation of a whole new discipline, based on the teachings of indigenous wisdom keepers, not Greco-Roman historians as espoused by academic Egyptology.

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by Stephen S. Mehler, M.A. from Website

In a recent PAX Cable Television Network Special that featured Christopher Dunn, the narrator stated that the origin of the word "pyramid" was unknown.
Both academic Egyptologists and I would agree this statement is incorrect, but I would strongly disagree with most Egyptologists on the true origin of the word.

The word pyramid is derived from the Greek words PYRAMIS and PYRAMIDOS.

The meaning of the word Pyramis is obscure and may relate to the shape of a pyramid.
The word Pyramidos has been translated as "Fire in the Middle".

This meaning is very interesting, and I will return to it later.

Well known American Egyptologist Mark Lehner has stated that the ancient Khemitian term for pyramid was something he calls MR Pyramid.

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Mark Lehner (born 1950 in Dakota is an American archaeologist with more than 30 years of experience excavating in Egypt. He is the director of Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA) and has appeared in numerous television documentaries.  His approach is to conduct interdisciplinary archaeological investigation. Every excavated object is examined by specialists to create an overall picture of an archaeological site—from the buildings down to the pollen spores.  His international team currently runs the Giza Plateau Mapping Project, excavating and mapping the ancient city of the builders of the Giza pyramid complex, which dates to the fourth dynasty of Egypt. He discovered that Pyramid G1-a, one of the subsidiary pyramids of the Great Pyramid, belonged to Hetepheres I; it was originally thought to belong to Queen Meritites I.

Lehner bases this on his translation of MR as "Place of Ascension" following his belief that pyramids were tombs for kings and where the dead king’s souls "ascended".
But MR, usually written as Mer, is commonly translated as beloved, as in Meriamen (Beloved of Amen, The Hidden) or Meritaten (Beloved of Aten, The Wiser).

Our indigenous sources tell us Mer meant "beloved" and had nothing to do with pyramid.
Glyph of Per-Neter, House of Nature, Energy. Taken by author at Abusir,1997. 291 KB View full-size Download

My Indigenous Wisdom Keeper teacher, Abd’El Hakim Awyan, states unequivocally that the ancient Khemitians used the term PR.NTR, Per-Neter, for pyramid.

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Per means "house" and Neter we have discussed in the previous article.
Neter has been translated by Egyptologists as "God" or "Goddess" but we reject this mistranslation.

In alignment with the indigenous tradition, we use the interpretation "House of Nature, House of Energy" for Per-Neter.

The temple was Per-Ba (House of the Soul) and the tomb was Per-Ka (House of the Physical Projection) according to the indigenous tradition.
With this understanding of Per-Neter as House of Nature, I state categorically that no one was ever intended to be buried in a pyramid in its original intent!
Even Mark Lehner has admitted that no evidence of an original burial in any of the major Khemitian pyramids has ever been found.

Also, no inscriptions or reliefs either depicting or stating that any king was ever buried in a pyramid have ever been found.

One of the main purposes of the Great Per-Neter was to generate, transform, and transmit energy.

The Indigenous Wisdom Keepers of Egypt have provided us a concrete paradigm to support the power plant theory of Christopher Dunn.
Although Egyptologists base their pyramid-as-tomb theories on the writings of Greek historians such as Herodotus, the Greek word Pyramidos is closer to the true meaning.
Indeed, if we support Dunn’s ideas that the energy reactions in the Great Pyramid took place in the so-called Queen’s and King’s Chambers, then certainly it was Fire in the Middle.

Giza Power – The Official Christopher Dunn Website


I myself am quite privy to Farrells weapons hypothesis. But he also stated in his new updated version of giza death star it could also have functioned as an power plant or communication device also. He drew parallells to some devices Tesla constructed and showed how they were comparable to the pyramids structure and alleged uses by him and other avantgarde researchers.
YES! Hence the "Fire in the Middle"... translation. Pyramids were very versatile - weapons, power, interstellar communication. I also read that at one point in time the pyramids themselves were spaceships... and think about this, there are thousands across the world, some buried under dirt and grass, made to look like a mountain. Think Bosnia - which is right around the same area that Tesla came from. Esoterically, a triangle pointing up - Masculine Divine. Even the Viminas of Hindu lore are related. If they were or are indeed spaceships, one has to wonder what kind of Exodus is coming where those are needed again? This reality goes so deep, so many layers like a gigantic onion....

Kristina, M M believes space is fake and of course he has his own beliefs with his science site. This clued me in that he may be just one of them with more truth than anyone has EVER brought to the table - hence AI --- I'd say QAnon updated.
Maybe Stargate series showed us more than we think? I remember Stargate command logo had a very masonic and hence also egyptian air around it. The baddies flew around in pyramids.
YES! The minds of Hollywood are going to try to put in truth that seems like it's just science fiction, but these tales don't just come from talented &imaginative minds... the Masonic type of logo clues us into that it's their thing.... organized Right, showing us that there is possible truth to the pyramids being spaceships. It's funny with this synchronicity, I'm watching a series called The Edge of Sleep (interesting so far) & right when I read "flew around in pyramids" there was a scene where a pyramid (or triangle) was being carved into a chest... crazy.

Pyramidal Constructions in the World – Library of Rickandria
Another synchronicity... while watching the new movie, Deadpool & Wolverine, there is a scene where they are in a realm with multiple pyramids across the lands... Haha. Funny movie, worth watching if a comic book or even Ryan Renyolds & Hugh Jackman fan - along with all the other usual suspects from the franchise. The soundtrack was perfect for the scenes from beginning to end - had me laughing along to violence - which is in the Reptilian design. A lot of occult communication of course within the movie as well - like all of Hollywood movies. I'll have to watch it again & pinpoint it all & maybe write a little esoteric review.