The Nemesis Theory

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Cosmic Terrorist - extracted from "Nemesis" - Chapter 1 - by Richard Muller
  |  -  'Dark Sun' is One of Our Nearest Neighbors

  |  -  Earth Under Attack From Death Star
  |  -  Getting WISE About Nemesis - Companion of Our Sun?

  |  -  Nemesis
  |  -  Nemesis - Does the Sun Have a 'Companion'? | 
  |  -  Nemesis - Proposed Companion Star to the Sun and Mass Extinctions on Earth
  |  -  Nemesis - The Death Star
  |  -  Origin of Theory
  |  -  Sun's Nemesis Pelted Earth With Comets - Study Suggests
  |  -  The Dark Star Theory - Main File | 
  |  -  The Nemesis Affair - A Story of the Death of Dinosaurs and the Way of Science

  | Additional Information
  |  -  Astronomers Discover that Our Sun Likely had an "Evil" Twin that Killed the Dinosaurs
  |  -  Berkeley Study Of Lunar Cratering History Finds Surprising Increase at Time of Cambrian Explosion
  |  -  Brown Dwarfs
  |  -  Does Our Sun Have a Twin Star? - Is "The Twin" the Dual Sun The November 2013 Comet? - Nibiru-Planet X
|  -  Do Mirror Planets Exist in Our Solar System? - by R. Foot and Z. K. Silagadze
|  -  Embedded Binaries and Their Dense Cores |
  |  -  Eyes Wide Shut
|  -  Have Interstellar Clouds Disrupted the Oort Comet Cloud? - by Piet Hut and Scott Tremaine
  |  -  How an Asteroid Impact Causes Extinction
|  -  Mass Limit on Nemesis
|  -  Measurement of the Lunar Impact Record for The Past 3.5 by, and Implications for The Nemesis Theory
  |  -  News Reports
  |  -  Planet Helion in the Planet X System - 20 December 2015
  |  -  Recollection of Media News
  |  -  Sun's Hidden Twin Stalks Earth
|  -  Supportive Evidence for a Brown Dwarf Solar Companion - by John J. Matese

|  -  The Passage of a "Nemesis"-like Object Through the Planetary System - by J.G. Hills

  | Books-Treaties
|  -  Nemesis - by Isaac Asimov | 

  | Related Reports
  |  -  Fuerzas del Universo - Main File | 
  |  -  Immanuel Velikovsky - Main File | 
  |   | Return to Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites
  |   | Return to Temas / Main Files
  |   | Return to Nibiru - Planeta X
  |   | Return to Brown Dwarfs
  |   | Return to Cosmos